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Audit Report

One of the main functionalities of the SiteOne crawler as a web page analyzer is its audit report.

The report is saved to tmp/report.%domain%.%datetime%.html in the default and you can change it using --output-html-report. The path to the resulting reports/exports is always given at the end of the console output. In the case of a desktop application, you can open the report with the button.

You can see what this report looks like and what it contains in the video below.

Video about the audit report

Upload feature to easy report sharing

To greatly simplify the sharing of reports among colleagues, we have created the possibility to save your audit report on our servers.

This includes the possibility of setting the --upload-retention (the length of the reportโ€™s lifetime) from 1h to forever and the possibility of setting a --upload-password that will be required to view the report.

Using --upload-to you can also set your own endpoint/service that saves your report on your servers. Just follow the simple interface for receiving the report and the JSON return value.

See Upload options for all options.

Real examples of the audit report

For a quick idea of what an audit report really looks like, here you have reports with the analysis of several well-known websites:

High-quality continuous display of the result

After starting the analysis/crawling process (in both desktop and CLI versions), a clear console output is immediately displayed.

The content is well-structured, formatted with screen width detection, and findings are color-highlighted according to severity.

Website analysis from command-line

๐Ÿ’กWhat would you improve?

If you have ideas how to improve audit report or continuous display of the result, donโ€™t be afraid to send a feature request (to desktop application, or to command-line interface) with a suggestion for improvement. We are happy to consider and implement it if it will benefit more users.