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This tool wouldn’t have come about if it wasn’t for the great people, companies or institutions in my area that have directly or indirectly influenced me. I would like to thank them all…

  • To my son Adam for the fact that he was born (even though extremely premature) and even though those were and are very challenging times for us, he brought me to different thoughts and gave me the energy I needed. It was very painful, but also motivating to see how very brave and determined to live a person can be. It helped me throw away my prejudices and do something useful for my craft. Thanks son and stay strong as ever!
  • To my wife Solomiya for our wonderful son, love, her every day and every night patience, support and all her willingness and kindness.
  • To my brother Jozef for their support and help with converting some of my ideas into HTML and CSS.
  • To my whole family and friends for their love, long-term support, understanding and patience.
  • To my great colleague and friend Jan Bezděk for 19 years of building SiteOne together, for his great ideas and his support in the last challenging months.
  • To SiteOne and, in particular, my great colleagues - Eva S., Zuzka H., Zdeněk R. (for Crawler logo), Honza V., Martin S., Jakub C., and Josef H., who lead our teams brilliantly, even if they cannot have full support from me in the last months. I also thank my tech-leaders Filip M., Jiří C., Miroslav H. and also Petr K. for being my right hand in the field of infrastructure. Also thanks to my ex-colleagues Viktor B. and Peter H. THANK YOU, you are my second family for many years!
  • To SPŠE Prešov for the great education I received there and for the whole-life friendships that have been created there.
  • To Tilman Hausherr for great tool Xenu’s Link Sleuth, which I have enjoyed using for a long time and was one of the main inspirations for creating this tool.
  • To Tianfeng Han, main author of Swoole for great PHP extension for asynchronous and high-performance possibilities with PHP which I used for this tool.
  • To Pouya Saadeghi, author of daisyUI for great CSS framework, which I used for GUI app.
  • To Adam Wathan, author of Tailwind CSS for great CSS framework, which I used for this website.
  • To Rich Harris, author of Svelte for great JS framework, which I used for GUI app. His view and Ryan Carniato’s (author of SolidJS) view of the frontend are closest to me in recent years.
  • To Chris Swithinbank, author of Starlight for a great tool for creating documentation like this.
  • To authors of Electron for a great tool through which it is possible to create a multi-platform apps using web technologies.
  • To other programmers from the Czech Republic who started open-source development and whose work I was in daily contact with - David Grudl for great Nette Framework, Ondřej Mirtes for PHPStan, Martin Michálek for VzhůruDolů or Michal Špaček for his activities in the area of web application security.
  • To Zdeněk Cendra for great CDN77 and also for his courage in server housing business. Great IT craftsmen work in his companies - server administrators, programmers and unrivaled L1 support staff.
  • To Sam Altman for ChatGPT - the most revolutionary tool of recent years, which helps me in efficiency every day.
  • To Larry Page and Sergey Brin for creating the best search engine in the world.
  • To Jetbrains for great tools for developers, which I use every day in the field of web development or infrastructure management.
  • To Linus Torvalds for creating the Linux kernel and thus the basis for greatest operating system for servers, Bill Gates for best desktop operating system, and Steve Jobs for great desktop and best mobile operating systems.
  • To Elon Musk for his inspiring diligence, crazy visions and for the fact that he is not afraid to realize them.
  • To Lenovo for trying to keep the high quality taken over from IBM in the ThinkPad series notebooks.
  • To AMD for their excellent efficient desktop and server processors in recent years.
  • To all people, quality craftsmen in all areas, who strive for the development of technology, science, education, healthcare, sport, construction, etc. and thus make our lives better. I believe in the power of these people with strong self-realization - they help create a world where people create values and do not direct humanity to wars and hatred. Peace! :-)