Crawler Report for


  • ⛔ Redirects - 22 redirects found.
  • ⛔ 404 CRITICAL - 8 non-existent pages found.
  • ⛔ 3 page(s) with multiple <h1> headings.
  • ⛔ 2 page(s) without <h1> heading.
  • ⛔ Security - 848 pages(s) with critical finding(s).
  • ⚠️ No WebP image found on the website.
  • ⚠️ 33 page(s) with large inline SVGs (> 5120 bytes).
  • ⚠️ 69 page(s) with duplicated inline SVGs (> 5 duplicates).
  • ⚠️ 306 page(s) with skipped heading levels.
  • ⚠️ 9 page(s) without image alt attributes.
  • ⚠️ 415 page(s) without form labels.
  • ⚠️ 417 page(s) without aria labels.
  • ⚠️ 417 page(s) without role attributes.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 404, size 6 kB and took 89 ms.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 308, size 123 B and took 46 ms.
  • ⏩ HTTP headers - found 31 unique headers.
  • ⏩ DNS IPv6: domain does not support IPv6 (DNS server:
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate is valid until Sep 27 12:40:34 2024 GMT. Issued by C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11. Subject is CN = *
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate issued by 'C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11'.
  • ✅ Performance OK - all non-media URLs are faster than 3 seconds.
  • ✅ All 316 unique title(s) are within the allowed 10% duplicity. Highest duplicity title has 1%.
  • ✅ All 303 description(s) are within the allowed 10% duplicity. Highest duplicity description has 6%.
  • ✅ All pages support Brotli compression.
  • ✅ 446 AVIF image(s) found on the website.
  • ✅ All pages have quoted attributes.
  • ✅ All pages have valid or none inline SVGs.
  • ✅ All pages have DOM depth less than 30.
  • ✅ All pages have clickable (interactive) phone numbers.
  • ✅ All pages have valid HTML.
  • ✅ All pages have lang attribute.
  • ✅ DNS IPv4 OK: domain resolved to, (DNS server:
  • 📌 Text report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 1 ms.
  • 📌 JSON report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 16 ms.
  • 📌 HTML report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 547 ms.

Visited URLs

Found 1000 row(s).
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/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/version-14200 HTML91 ms 311 kB
/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Fpreview-ph.c43e26c6.png&w=640&q=75200 Image62 ms 12 kB
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/distDir200 HTML74 ms 293 kB
/learn/dashboard-app/next-steps200 HTML92 ms 119 kB
/docs/messages/"file.png404 HTML206 ms110 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Flearn%2Flight%2Fshared-layout.png&w=3840&q=75200 Image216 ms11 kB JS62 ms 3 kB
/docs/app/api-reference/cli/next-telemetry-options404 HTML232 ms109 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2Flight%2Fproject-organization-project-root.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image70 ms 6 kB
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/exportPathMap200 HTML92 ms 334 kB
/_next/static/chunks/6310-6494ab4ed37be0e7.js200 JS65 ms 86 kB
/_next/static/chunks/2776-1d69af0686cb9e1f.js200 JS68 ms 15 kB
/_next/static/css/ec5e6b4b80eb2ba0.css200 CSS75 ms 41 B
/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2Flight%2Ffile-conventions-component-hierarchy.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image75 ms 20 kB
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/static-exports200 HTML95 ms 384 kB
/_next/image?…%2Fwindows-light.png&w=640&q=100200 Image64 ms 14 kB
/learn200 HTML137 ms213 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Flearn%2Flight%2Fcreate-invoice-page.png&w=1080&q=75200 Image80 ms 21 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Flearn%2Fdark%2Flearn-ecosystem.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image81 ms 17 kB
/_next/static/css/bf6cab85bdef6424.css200 CSS67 ms 861 B
/_next/static/chunks/5535-ea96034fbfa3f3f4.js200 JS69 ms 16 kB
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactMaxHeadersLength200 HTML132 ms294 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2Fdark%2Fproject-organization-private-folders.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image69 ms 11 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Flearn%2Fdark%2Fconfigure-project.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image211 ms59 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Fstatic%2Fteam%2Fstyfle.png&w=48&q=75200 Image82 ms 1 kB
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/css-in-js200 HTML77 ms 327 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2Fdark%2Fintercepting-routes-hard-navigate.png&w=3840&q=75200 Image71 ms 6 kB
/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2Flight%2Fproject-organization-private-folders.png&w=1920&q=75200 Image73 ms 9 kB
/blog/next-11-1200 HTML707 ms193 kB
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Best practices

Found 11 row(s).
Analysis nameOKNoticeWarningCritical
Large inline SVGs (> 5120 B)28909 0
Invalid inline SVGs298000
Duplicate inline SVGs (> 5 and > 1024 B)29703 0
DOM depth (> 30)425000
Heading structure52111 316 3
Non-clickable phone numbers1000
Title uniqueness (> 10%)316000
Description uniqueness (> 10%)303000
Brotli support417000
WebP support001 0
AVIF support446000
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Large inline SVGs

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning185 kB Icon set:
URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning715 kB Icon set:
URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning67 kB Next.js Conf logo using a newly designed Next.js logo.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning36 kB URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning219 kB URL 1, URL 2
warning27 kB URL 1, URL 2
warning19 kB /learn/dashboard-app/setting-up-your-database
warning115 kB Icon set:
warning15 kB Icon set:

Duplicate inline SVGs

Found 23 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning88x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning86x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning77x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning68x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning59x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning56x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning325x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning310x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning37x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning312x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning223x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning213x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning218x SVG (2 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning29x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning29x SVG (3 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning215x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning216x SVG (1 kB): URL 1, URL 2
warning113x SVG (2 kB): /docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/fetching
warning122x SVG (2 kB): /docs/app/building-your-application/datations-and-mutations
warning116x SVG (2 kB): /learn/dashboard-app/adding-search-and-pagination
warning117x SVG (1 kB): /blog/layouts-rfc
warning110x SVG (1 kB): /blog/next-9-3
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Invalid inline SVGs

No problems found.

Missing quotes on attributes

No problems found.

DOM depth

No problems found.

Heading structure

Found 11 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical6Multiple <h1> headings found.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
critical2No <h1> tag found in the HTML content.URL 1, URL 2
warning223Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h4> after an <h2>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning51Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h4> after an <h1>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning43Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h3> after an <h1>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning2Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h3> without a previous higher heading.URL 1, URL 2
warning2Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> after an <h2>./blog/next-9
warning1Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> after an <h3>./docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-metadata
warning1Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h2> without a previous higher heading.
warning1Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> without a previous higher heading.
notice11No headings found in the HTML content.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Non-clickable phone numbers

No problems found.

Title uniqueness

No problems found.

Description uniqueness

No problems found.


Analysis nameOKNoticeWarningCritical
Missing image alt attributes3840148 0
Missing form labels0011 0
Missing aria labels119309193 17
Missing roles0018 0
Missing html lang attribute1000

Valid HTML

No problems found.

Missing image alt attributes

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning149<img ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning38<img class="block rounded-md border border-gray-200 bg-gray-100 dark:hidden" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning38<img class="hidden rounded-md border border-gray-200 bg-gray-100 dark:block" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning6<img class="showcase-sites_siteImage__s7ySt" ***>/showcase
warning2<img class="foundation_mobileLines__3hBQx" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<img class="illustration_grid__hM3Pn" ***>/showcase
warning1<img class="image-figure_img__XSNEk " ***>/learn-pages-router/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlers

Missing form labels

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning411<input name="email" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning8<input name="sidebar-tab" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning7<input class="jsx-***" name="answer" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning3<input id="email-:R2mjtttr7qkkvb:" class="input_input__qqGLC input_input__PkZ2D" name="email" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3

Missing aria labels

Found 75 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical818<input name="$ACTION_1:***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical524<select class="switcher_select__EKOIH">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical409<input name="$ACTION_REF_***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical409<input name="$ACTION_KEY" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical385<textarea class="feedback_textarea__iiRZ***" id="feedback-textarea" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical360<select ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical8<input name="sidebar-tab" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
critical7<input class="jsx-***" name="answer" ***>URL 1, URL 2
critical2<input id="footer-feedback-form-email" class="jsx-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning115957<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 relative flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-between rounded-md py-1 pl-2 text-left text-sm text-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning16397<a ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning2514<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 relative flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-between rounded-md py-1 pl-2 text-left text-sm text-gray-1000 font-medium" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1644<button class="navbar_search__dZT2b" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1266<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 block leading-[1.6] text-gray-900 pl-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1022<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 block leading-[1.6] text-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning981<a class="text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning855<a class="" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning666<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 mb-3 flex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-sm text-gray-900 transition-opacity" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<a class="skip-nav-link_skipLink__M2lut" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<a class="navbar_uwuMobileLogo__zHGR_" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<a class="navbar_mobileLogo__Q5KxZ" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc geist-new-themed geist-new-default geist-new-default-fill button_small__iQMBm button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<button id="fides-modal-link" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<button ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning392<a class="bg-gray-0 shadow-border group block space-y-2 rounded-md p-6 pt-5 transition-shadow duration-300 hover:shadow-lg" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning385<button class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_small__iQMBm button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning378<a class="navbar_selected__XbA4W" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning360<button class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc hover:!text-gray-1000 !font-normal !text-gray-900 button_secondary__kMMNc button_small__iQMBm button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning360<button class="flex items-center gap-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning333<button class="hover:text-gray-1000 flex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-sm text-gray-900 transition-opacity opacity-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning329<a class="hover:text-gray-1000 relative flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-between rounded-md py-1 pl-2 text-left text-sm font-medium text-blue-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning89<a class="detail_author__AvoLc" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning60<a class="f***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning51<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc navbar_deploy__IKZN3 button_secondary__kMMNc button_small__iQMBm button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning43<a class="text_wrapper__i87JK blog_title__eH3aB" ***>/blog
warning43<a class="blog_readMore__TCXUv" ***>/blog
warning36<a class="flex flex-col p-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning32<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning28<a class="showcase-preview_preview__HcSHu" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning24<a class="link_link__hbWKh header_link__ak0Wd" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning18<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc geist-new-themed geist-new-tertiary geist-new-tertiary-fill button_tertiary__rIu0q button_small__iQMBm button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning16<a class="detail_back__6w4Dy" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning13<a class="jsx-3da361ed9bbc2b***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning12<a class="link_link__hbWKh header_link__ak0Wd header_with-icon__AiOB***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning10<a class="guides_bookPerspective__1DMxp" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning10<button class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc geist-new-themed geist-new-button geist-new-button-fill button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning8<a class="f5 fw7 navigation_selected__0pUYf" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning8<button class="jsx-30dec14f463f5da7 option" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning6<a class="stack_stack__iZkUS stack foundation_card__v7VKB" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning6<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_secondary__kMMNc button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning6<a class="link_link__hbWKh link_blend__JjXMT email-form_link__RYvgH" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning6<a class="jsx-84991748 step-btn fw4 no-drag disabled" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning6<a class="showcase-sites_siteCard__Sba_V" ***>/showcase
warning5<a class="hero-card_cardDesktopLink__7LjgH" ***>/showcase
warning5<a class="hero-card_readCustomerStory__5TARH" ***>/showcase
warning5<button class="showcase-sites_tab__SEcBg" ***>/showcase
warning3<button class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__PBaS_ undefined geist-new-themed geist-new-default geist-new-default-fill button_rounded__5toZs button_shadow__fnbqq button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning3<a class="link_link__URfhR link_hoverUnderline__BVku***" ***>/learn-pages-router/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlers
warning3<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc cta-button_button__vyRgP geist-new-themed geist-new-default geist-new-default-fill button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>/showcase
warning2<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_secondary__kMMNc button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc vercel_button__bGNk4 button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="link_link__hbWKh link_blend__JjXMT hero_link__xce5w" ***>/conf/registration
warning2<a class="jsx-84991748 step-btn fw4 no-drag" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="jsx-84991748 step-btn step-selected fw4 no-drag invert disabled" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="jsx-2537681847 fw4 no-drag invert" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="jsx-3054892693 fw4 no-drag" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="jsx-3054892693 fw4 no-drag invert" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="jsx-174b3b640ee53ea***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="jsx-e58c87a4c0244013 no-tap-highlight current f5 fw6 expand-button" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="jsx-d95279d9860436d8 f***" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="button_btn__Sm88w no-drag button_invert__2y2iy button_small__RXWio" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc cta-button_button__vyRgP button_secondary__kMMNc button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>/showcase
warning1<a class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__PBaS_ button_rounded__5toZs button_shadow__fnbqq button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>/conf/registration
warning1<button class="showcase-sites_tab__SEcBg showcase-sites_activeTab__bf1ja" ***>/showcase
warning1<button class="button_base__BjwbK reset_reset__KRyvc button_button__81573 reset_reset__KRyvc cta-button_button__vyRgP button_secondary__kMMNc button_large__fuY6E button_invert__YNhnn" ***>/showcase
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Missing roles

Found 18 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning411<nav class="navbar_nav__dCdXi">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411<footer class="footer_footer__mqdak">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning409<main>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning386<header class="header_header__zJOD0 header_sticky__2ak2z">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning360<nav class="styled-scrollbar flex h-[calc(100vh-200px)] flex-col overflow-y-scroll pb-4 pr-2 dark:text-white">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning333<nav class="order-last hidden w-56 shrink-0 lg:block">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning333<nav class="pagination_pagination__aeiwF my-12 border-t border-gray-200 pt-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<nav ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<aside class="bg-vercel-200 z-10 flex h-[52px] max-w-[1072px] items-center rounded-full px-3 py-3 lg:h-[auto] lg:w-full w-full style_nonSticky__jA3GX" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<header class="header_header__zJOD***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning6<nav>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning6<header class="header_header__aP***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning6<footer class="footer_footer__TRQX***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning5<main class="container_main__SGGBd">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning4<aside class="sidebar_sidebar__ivVKf" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning2<main class="stack_stack__iZkUS stack intro_root__wSBQl" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning1<main class="stack_stack__iZkUS stack registration-container_main__yHwrj __variable_cd6509 __variable_deb***" ***>/conf/registration
warning1<aside class="game_aside__ObyiY" ***>/conf/registration
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Missing html lang attribute

No problems found.


Found 11 row(s).
X-XSS-Protection000424X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.
Content-Security-Policy000424Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin004110Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.
X-Frame-Options004240X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.
X-Content-Type-Options004240X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.
Referrer-Policy004240Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.
Feature-Policy004240Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.
Permissions-Policy004240Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.
X-Powered-By00130X-Powered-By header is set to 'Next.js'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.
Server042400Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Security headers

Found 10 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical424X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical424Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning424X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning424X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning424Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning424Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning424Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning411Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning13X-Powered-By header is set to 'Next.js'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
notice424Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
No rows found, please edit your search term.

TOP non-unique titles

Found 10 row(s).
Count 🔽Title
5Next.js Conf
2Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
2Routing: Middleware | Next.js
2Learn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
2Configuring: Draft Mode | Next.js
2Components: Font | Next.js
2next.config.js Options: onDemandEntries | Next.js
2Optimizing: Instrumentation | Next.js
2next.config.js Options: poweredByHeader | Next.js
2Configuring: src Directory | Next.js
No rows found, please edit your search term.

TOP non-unique descriptions

Found 10 row(s).
Count 🔽Description
7Next.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
5Oct 26, 10am PT.
3Next.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
2Learn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed.
2Configure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development.
2Learn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
2Next.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here.
2Save pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory.
2Use `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain.
No rows found, please edit your search term.

SEO metadata

Found 417 row(s).
URL 🔼IndexingTitleH1DescriptionKeywords
/AllowedNext.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkThe React Framework for the WebNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/?uwu=trueAllowedNext.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkThe React Framework for the WebNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/blogAllowedNext.js by Vercel - The React Framework | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkThe latest Next.js newsNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/blog/layouts-rfcAllowedLayouts RFC | Next.jsLayouts RFCNested routes and layouts, client and server routing, React 18 features, and designed for Server Components.
/blog/next-10-1AllowedNext.js 10.1 | Next.jsNext.js 10.1Next.js 10.1 introduces 3x faster refresh, 58% smaller install size, 56% less dependencies, WebAssembly Image Optimization, improved next/image support, and more!
/blog/next-10-2AllowedNext.js 10.2 | Next.jsNext.js 10.2Next.js 10.2 introduces performance improvements (faster builds, refresh, and startup), improved accessibility, Automatic Webfont Optimization, and more!
/blog/next-11AllowedNext.js 11 | Next.jsNext.js 11Next.js 11 continues our mission to create the best developer experience with a new conformance system and performance improvements.
/blog/next-11-1AllowedNext.js 11.1 | Next.jsNext.js 11.1Next.js 11.1 introduces an important security patch, ES Modules support, performance improvements, Rust-based tooling, 2x faster data fetching when pre-rendering, and more!
/blog/next-12AllowedNext.js 12 | Next.jsNext.js 12Next.js 12 introduces a brand-new Rust compiler, Middleware (beta), React 18 Support, Native ESM Support, URL Imports, React Server Components (alpha), and more!
/blog/next-12-2AllowedNext.js 12.2 | Next.jsNext.js 12.2Next.js 12.2 introduces stable Middleware and On-Demand ISR, experimental Edge SSR and API Routes, and more!
/blog/next-12-3AllowedNext.js 12.3 | Next.jsNext.js 12.3Next.js 12.3 introduces TypeScript Auto-Install, improved Fast Refresh, stable new Image Component, and more!
/blog/next-13-1AllowedNext.js 13.1 | Next.jsNext.js 13.1Next.js 13.1 introduces improvements to the app directory, built-in module transpilation, stable edge runtime for API Routes, and many improvements to Turbopack support.
/blog/next-14AllowedNext.js 14 | Next.jsNext.js 14Next.js 14 includes included performance, stability for Server Actions, a new course teaching the App Router, and more.
/blog/next-9AllowedNext.js 9 | Next.jsNext.js 9Next.js 9 includes TypeScript support, Dynamic Routing, API Routes, Automatic Static Optimization, and more!
/blog/next-9-1AllowedNext.js 9.1 | Next.jsNext.js 9.1Next.js 9.1 leverages convention to support more project structures by default. Additionally, we're previewing new feature support such as CSS imports, advanced bundling, and static error pages.
/blog/next-9-1-7AllowedNext.js 9.1.7 | Next.jsNext.js 9.1.7Next.js 9.1.7 improves upon a solid foundation, improving the enterprise-ready 9.1 release-channel. Upgrade for smaller client-side JavaScript bundles, redesigned CLI output, faster FCP/TTI, and more!
/blog/next-9-3AllowedNext.js 9.3 | Next.jsNext.js 9.3Next.js 9.3 introduces new static-site generation improvements, native support for SCSS, reduced bundle sizes, static 404 pages, and more!
/blog/next-9-4AllowedNext.js 9.4 | Next.jsNext.js 9.4Next.js 9.4 introduces React Fast Refresh, Incremental Static Regeneration, New Environment Support, Built-in Fetch, and more!
/blog/security-nextjs-server-components-actionsAllowedHow to Think About Security in Next.js | Next.jsHow to Think About Security in Next.jsLearn about what security protections are built-in Next.js and view a guide for auditing applications.
/confAllowedNext.js ConfMissing H1Oct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/registrationAllowedNext.js ConfNext.js Conf 2023.Oct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/speakersAllowedSpeakers — Next.js ConfSpeakersJoin this dynamic group of speakers online at Next.js Conf 2023.
/conf/sponsorsAllowedNext.js ConfPartners 2023Oct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/stage/jAllowedNext.js ConfMissing H1Oct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/stage/sAllowedNext.js ConfMissing H1Oct 26, 10am PT.
/docsAllowedDocs | Next.jsIntroductionWelcome to the Next.js Documentation.
/docs/appAllowedApp Router | Next.jsApp RouterUse the new App Router with Next.js' and React's latest features, including Layouts, Server Components, Suspense, and more.
/docs/app/api-referenceAllowedApp Router: API Reference | Next.jsAPI ReferenceNext.js API Reference for the App Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/cliAllowedAPI Reference: CLI | Next.jsCLIAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.
/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-appAllowedCLI: create-next-app | Next.jscreate-next-appCreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI.
/docs/app/api-reference/cli/nextAllowedCLI: next CLI | Next.jsnext CLILearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI.
/docs/app/api-reference/componentsAllowedAPI Reference: Components | Next.jsComponentsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/fontAllowedComponents: Font | Next.jsFont ModuleOptimizing loading web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/formAllowedComponents: <Form> | Next.js&lt;Form&gt;Learn how to use the `<Form>` component to handle form submissions and search params updates with client-side navigation.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/imageAllowedComponents: <Image> | Next.js&lt;Image&gt;Optimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/linkAllowedComponents: <Link> | Next.js&lt;Link&gt;Enable fast client-side navigation with the built-in `next/link` component.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/scriptAllowedComponents: <Script> | Next.js&lt;Script&gt;Optimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component.
/docs/app/api-reference/edgeAllowedAPI Reference: Edge Runtime | Next.jsEdge RuntimeAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventionsAllowedAPI Reference: File Conventions | Next.jsFile ConventionsAPI Reference for Next.js Special Files.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/defaultAllowedFile Conventions: default.js | Next.jsdefault.jsAPI Reference for the default.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/errorAllowedFile Conventions: error.js | Next.jserror.jsAPI reference for the error.js special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/instrumentationAllowedFile Conventions: instrumentation.js | Next.jsinstrumentation.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/layoutAllowedFile Conventions: layout.js | Next.jslayout.jsAPI reference for the layout.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/loadingAllowedFile Conventions: loading.js | Next.jsloading.jsAPI reference for the loading.js file.
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/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadataAllowedFile Conventions: Metadata Files | Next.jsMetadata Files API ReferenceAPI documentation for the metadata file conventions.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/app-iconsAllowedMetadata Files: favicon, icon, and apple-icon | Next.jsfavicon, icon, and apple-iconAPI Reference for the Favicon, Icon and Apple Icon file conventions.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/manifestAllowedMetadata Files: manifest.json | Next.jsmanifest.jsonAPI Reference for manifest.json file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/opengraph-imageAllowedMetadata Files: opengraph-image and twitter-image | Next.jsopengraph-image and twitter-imageAPI Reference for the Open Graph Image and Twitter Image file conventions.
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/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/sitemapAllowedMetadata Files: sitemap.xml | Next.jssitemap.xmlAPI Reference for the sitemap.xml file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/middlewareAllowedFile Conventions: middleware.js | Next.jsmiddleware.jsAPI reference for the middleware.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/not-foundAllowedFile Conventions: not-found.js | Next.jsnot-found.jsAPI reference for the not-found.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/pageAllowedFile Conventions: page.js | Next.jspage.jsAPI reference for the page.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/routeAllowedFile Conventions: route.js | Next.jsroute.jsAPI reference for the route.js special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/route-segment-configAllowedFile Conventions: Route Segment Config | Next.jsRoute Segment ConfigLearn about how to configure options for Next.js route segments.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/templateAllowedFile Conventions: template.js | Next.jstemplate.jsAPI Reference for the template.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/functionsAllowedAPI Reference: Functions | Next.jsFunctionsAPI Reference for Next.js Functions and Hooks.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/cookiesAllowedFunctions: cookies | Next.jscookiesAPI Reference for the cookies function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/draft-modeAllowedFunctions: draftMode | Next.jsdraftModeAPI Reference for the draftMode function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/fetchAllowedFunctions: fetch | Next.jsfetchAPI reference for the extended fetch function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-image-metadataAllowedFunctions: generateImageMetadata | Next.jsgenerateImageMetadataLearn how to generate multiple images in a single Metadata API special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-metadataAllowedFunctions: generateMetadata | Next.jsgenerateMetadataLearn how to add Metadata to your Next.js application for improved search engine optimization (SEO) and web shareability.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-sitemapsAllowedFunctions: generateSitemaps | Next.jsgenerateSitemapsLearn how to use the generateSiteMaps function to create multiple sitemaps for your application.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-static-paramsAllowedFunctions: generateStaticParams | Next.jsgenerateStaticParamsAPI reference for the generateStaticParams function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-viewportAllowedFunctions: generateViewport | Next.jsgenerateViewportAPI Reference for the generateViewport function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/headersAllowedFunctions: headers | Next.jsheadersAPI reference for the headers function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/image-responseAllowedFunctions: ImageResponse | Next.jsImageResponseAPI Reference for the ImageResponse constructor.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/next-requestAllowedFunctions: NextRequest | Next.jsNextRequestAPI Reference for NextRequest.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/next-responseAllowedFunctions: NextResponse | Next.jsNextResponseAPI Reference for NextResponse.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/not-foundAllowedFunctions: notFound | Next.jsnotFoundAPI Reference for the notFound function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/permanentRedirectAllowedFunctions: permanentRedirect | Next.jspermanentRedirectAPI Reference for the permanentRedirect function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/redirectAllowedFunctions: redirect | Next.jsredirectAPI Reference for the redirect function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/revalidatePathAllowedFunctions: revalidatePath | Next.jsrevalidatePathAPI Reference for the revalidatePath function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/revalidateTagAllowedFunctions: revalidateTag | Next.jsrevalidateTagAPI Reference for the revalidateTag function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_afterAllowedFunctions: unstable_after | Next.jsunstable_afterAPI Reference for the unstable_after function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_cacheAllowedFunctions: unstable_cache | Next.jsunstable_cacheAPI Reference for the unstable_cache function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_noStoreAllowedFunctions: unstable_noStore | Next.jsunstable_noStoreAPI Reference for the unstable_noStore function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_rethrowAllowedFunctions: unstable_rethrow | Next.jsunstable_rethrowAPI Reference for the unstable_rethrow function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-paramsAllowedFunctions: useParams | Next.jsuseParamsAPI Reference for the useParams hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-pathnameAllowedFunctions: usePathname | Next.jsusePathnameAPI Reference for the usePathname hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-report-web-vitalsAllowedFunctions: useReportWebVitals | Next.jsuseReportWebVitalsAPI Reference for the useReportWebVitals function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-routerAllowedFunctions: useRouter | Next.jsuseRouterAPI reference for the useRouter hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-search-paramsAllowedFunctions: useSearchParams | Next.jsuseSearchParamsAPI Reference for the useSearchParams hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-selected-layout-segmentAllowedFunctions: useSelectedLayoutSegment | Next.jsuseSelectedLayoutSegmentAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegment hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-selected-layout-segmentsAllowedFunctions: useSelectedLayoutSegments | Next.jsuseSelectedLayoutSegmentsAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegments hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/userAgentAllowedFunctions: userAgent | Next.jsuserAgentThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-jsAllowedAPI Reference: next.config.js Options | Next.jsnext.config.js OptionsLearn how to configure your application with next.config.js.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/appDirAllowednext.config.js Options: appDir | Next.jsappDirEnable the App Router to use layouts, streaming, and more.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/assetPrefixAllowednext.config.js Options: assetPrefix | Next.jsassetPrefixLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/basePathAllowednext.config.js Options: basePath | Next.jsbasePathUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/compressAllowednext.config.js Options: compress | Next.jscompressNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/crossOriginAllowednext.config.js Options: crossOrigin | Next.jscrossOriginUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/cssChunkingAllowednext.config.js Options: cssChunking | Next.jscssChunkingUse the `cssChunking` option to control how CSS files are chunked in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/devIndicatorsAllowednext.config.js Options: devIndicators | Next.jsdevIndicatorsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/distDirAllowednext.config.js Options: distDir | Next.jsdistDirSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/envAllowednext.config.js Options: env | Next.jsenvLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/eslintAllowednext.config.js Options: eslint | Next.jseslintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/exportPathMapAllowednext.config.js Options: exportPathMap | Next.jsexportPathMap (Deprecated)Customize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/generateBuildIdAllowednext.config.js Options: generateBuildId | Next.jsgenerateBuildIdConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/generateEtagsAllowednext.config.js Options: generateEtags | Next.jsgenerateEtagsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/headersAllowednext.config.js Options: headers | Next.jsheadersAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/httpAgentOptionsAllowednext.config.js Options: httpAgentOptions | Next.jshttpAgentOptionsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/imagesAllowednext.config.js Options: images | Next.jsimagesCustom configuration for the next/image loader
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/incrementalCacheHandlerPathAllowednext.config.js Options: cacheHandler | Next.jsCustom Next.js Cache HandlerConfigure the Next.js cache used for storing and revalidating data to use any external service like Redis, Memcached, or others.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/instrumentationHookAllowednext.config.js Options: instrumentationHook | Next.jsinstrumentationHookUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/loggingAllowednext.config.js Options: logging | Next.jsloggingConfigure how data fetches are logged to the console when running Next.js in development mode.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/mdxRsAllowednext.config.js Options: mdxRs | Next.jsmdxRsUse the new Rust compiler to compile MDX files in the App Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/onDemandEntriesAllowednext.config.js Options: onDemandEntries | Next.jsonDemandEntriesConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/optimizePackageImportsAllowednext.config.js Options: optimizePackageImports | Next.jsoptimizePackageImportsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/outputAllowednext.config.js Options: output | Next.jsoutputNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/pageExtensionsAllowednext.config.js Options: pageExtensions | Next.jspageExtensionsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/poweredByHeaderAllowednext.config.js Options: poweredByHeader | Next.jspoweredByHeaderNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/pprAllowednext.config.js Options: ppr | Next.jspprLearn how to enable Partial Prerendering in Next.js.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/productionBrowserSourceMapsAllowednext.config.js Options: productionBrowserSourceMaps | Next.jsproductionBrowserSourceMapsEnables browser source map generation during the production build.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactCompilerAllowednext.config.js Options: reactCompiler | Next.jsreactCompilerEnable the React Compiler to automatically optimize component rendering.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactMaxHeadersLengthAllowednext.config.js Options: reactMaxHeadersLength | Next.jsreactMaxHeadersLengthThe maximum length of the headers that are emitted by React and added to the response.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactStrictModeAllowednext.config.js Options: reactStrictMode | Next.jsreactStrictModeThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/redirectsAllowednext.config.js Options: redirects | Next.jsredirectsAdd redirects to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/rewritesAllowednext.config.js Options: rewrites | Next.jsrewritesAdd rewrites to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverActionsAllowednext.config.js Options: serverActions | Next.jsserverActionsConfigure Server Actions behavior in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverComponentsHmrCacheAllowednext.config.js Options: serverComponentsHmrCache | Next.jsserverComponentsHmrCacheConfigure whether fetch responses in Server Components are cached across HMR refresh requests.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverExternalPackagesAllowednext.config.js Options: serverExternalPackages | Next.jsserverExternalPackagesOpt-out specific dependencies from the Server Components bundling and use native Node.js `require`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/staleTimesAllowednext.config.js Options: staleTimes | Next.jsstaleTimesLearn how to override the invalidation time of the Client Router Cache.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/swrDeltaAllowednext.config.js Options: swrDelta | Next.jsswrDeltaSet a custom stale-while-revalidate period for ISR enabled pages.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/trailingSlashAllowednext.config.js Options: trailingSlash | Next.jstrailingSlashConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/transpilePackagesAllowednext.config.js Options: transpilePackages | Next.jstranspilePackagesAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`).
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/turboAllowednext.config.js Options: turbo | Next.jsturboConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/typedRoutesAllowednext.config.js Options: typedRoutes | Next.jstypedRoutesEnable experimental support for statically typed links.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/typescriptAllowednext.config.js Options: typescript | Next.jstypescriptNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/urlImportsAllowednext.config.js Options: urlImports | Next.jsurlImportsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/useLightningcssAllowednext.config.js Options: useLightningcss | Next.jsuseLightningcssEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/webVitalsAttributionAllowednext.config.js Options: webVitalsAttribution | Next.jswebVitalsAttributionLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/webpackAllowednext.config.js Options: webpack | Next.jsCustom Webpack ConfigLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-applicationAllowedApp Router: Building Your Application | Next.jsBuilding Your ApplicationLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/authenticationAllowedBuilding Your Application: Authentication | Next.jsAuthenticationLearn how to implement authentication in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/cachingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Caching | Next.jsCaching in Next.jsAn overview of caching mechanisms in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuringAllowedBuilding Your Application: Configuring | Next.jsConfiguringLearn how to configure your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/absolute-imports-and-module-aliasesAllowedConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases | Next.jsAbsolute Imports and Module Path AliasesConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/content-security-policyAllowedConfiguring: Content Security Policy | Next.jsContent Security PolicyLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/custom-serverAllowedConfiguring: Custom Server | Next.jsCustom ServerStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/draft-modeAllowedConfiguring: Draft Mode | Next.jsDraft ModeNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with App Router here.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variablesAllowedConfiguring: Environment Variables | Next.jsEnvironment VariablesLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/eslintAllowedConfiguring: ESLint | Next.jsESLintNext.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in an optimal way.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/mdxAllowedConfiguring: MDX | Next.jsMarkdown and MDXLearn how to configure MDX and use it in your Next.js apps.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/src-directoryAllowedConfiguring: src Directory | Next.jssrc DirectorySave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/typescriptAllowedConfiguring: TypeScript | Next.jsTypeScriptNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetchingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Data Fetching | Next.jsData FetchingLearn how to fetch, cache, revalidate, and mutate data with Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/caching-and-revalidatingAllowedData Fetching: Caching and Revalidating | Next.jsCaching and RevalidatingLearn how to cache and revalidate data in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/fetchingAllowedData Fetching: Fetching | Next.jsData FetchingLearn best practices for fetching data on the server or client in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/server-actions-and-mutationsAllowedData Fetching: Server Actions and Mutations | Next.jsServer Actions and MutationsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deployingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Deploying | Next.jsDeployingLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/multi-zonesAllowedDeploying: Multi-Zones | Next.jsMulti-ZonesLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/production-checklistAllowedDeploying: Production Checklist | Next.jsProduction ChecklistRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/static-exportsAllowedDeploying: Static Exports | Next.jsStatic ExportsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Optimizing | Next.jsOptimizationsOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/analyticsAllowedOptimizing: Analytics | Next.jsAnalyticsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/fontsAllowedOptimizing: Fonts | Next.jsFont OptimizationOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/imagesAllowedOptimizing: Images | Next.jsImage OptimizationOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/instrumentationAllowedOptimizing: Instrumentation | Next.jsInstrumentationLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loadingAllowedOptimizing: Lazy Loading | Next.jsLazy LoadingLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's loading performance.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/memory-usageAllowedOptimizing: Memory Usage | Next.jsMemory UsageOptimize memory used by your application in development and production.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/metadataAllowedOptimizing: Metadata | Next.jsMetadataUse the Metadata API to define metadata in any layout or page.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/open-telemetryAllowedOptimizing: OpenTelemetry | Next.jsOpenTelemetryLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/package-bundlingAllowedOptimizing: Package Bundling | Next.jsOptimizing Package BundlingLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/scriptsAllowedOptimizing: Scripts | Next.jsScript OptimizationOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/static-assetsAllowedOptimizing: Static Assets | Next.jsStatic Assets in `public`Next.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/third-party-librariesAllowedOptimizing: Third Party Libraries | Next.jsThird Party LibrariesOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/videosAllowedOptimizing: Videos | Next.jsVideo OptimizationRecommendations and best practices for optimizing videos in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/renderingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Rendering | Next.jsRenderingLearn the differences between Next.js rendering environments, strategies, and runtimes.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/client-componentsAllowedRendering: Client Components | Next.jsClient ComponentsLearn how to use Client Components to render parts of your application on the client.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/composition-patternsAllowedRendering: Composition Patterns | Next.jsServer and Client Composition PatternsRecommended patterns for using Server and Client Components.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/edge-and-nodejs-runtimesAllowedRendering: Runtimes | Next.jsRuntimesLearn about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/partial-prerenderingAllowedRendering: Partial Prerendering | Next.jsPartial PrerenderingLearn how to combine the benefits of static and dynamic rendering with Partial Prerendering.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/server-componentsAllowedRendering: Server Components | Next.jsServer ComponentsLearn how you can use React Server Components to render parts of your application on the server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Routing | Next.jsRouting FundamentalsLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/colocationAllowedRouting: Project Organization | Next.jsProject Organization and File ColocationLearn how to organize your Next.js project and colocate files.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/defining-routesAllowedRouting: Defining Routes | Next.jsDefining RoutesLearn how to create your first route in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routesAllowedRouting: Dynamic Routes | Next.jsDynamic RoutesDynamic Routes can be used to programmatically generate route segments from dynamic data.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/error-handlingAllowedRouting: Error Handling | Next.jsError HandlingLearn how to display expected errors and handle uncaught exceptions.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/intercepting-routesAllowedRouting: Intercepting Routes | Next.jsIntercepting RoutesUse intercepting routes to load a new route within the current layout while masking the browser URL, useful for advanced routing patterns such as modals.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/internationalizationAllowedRouting: Internationalization | Next.jsInternationalizationAdd support for multiple languages with internationalized routing and localized content.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/layouts-and-templatesAllowedRouting: Layouts and Templates | Next.jsLayouts and TemplatesCreate your first shared layout in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/linking-and-navigatingAllowedRouting: Linking and Navigating | Next.jsLinking and NavigatingLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/loading-ui-and-streamingAllowedRouting: Loading UI and Streaming | Next.jsLoading UI and StreamingBuilt on top of Suspense, Loading UI allows you to create a fallback for specific route segments, and automatically stream content as it becomes ready.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/middlewareAllowedRouting: Middleware | Next.jsMiddlewareLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/pagesAllowedRouting: Pages | Next.jsPagesCreate your first page in Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/parallel-routesAllowedRouting: Parallel Routes | Next.jsParallel RoutesSimultaneously render one or more pages in the same view that can be navigated independently. A pattern for highly dynamic applications.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/redirectingAllowedRouting: Redirecting | Next.jsRedirectingLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-groupsAllowedRouting: Route Groups | Next.jsRoute GroupsRoute Groups can be used to partition your Next.js application into different sections.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-handlersAllowedRouting: Route Handlers | Next.jsRoute HandlersCreate custom request handlers for a given route using the Web's Request and Response APIs.
/docs/app/building-your-application/stylingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Styling | Next.jsStylingLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/cssAllowedStyling: CSS | Next.jsCSSStyle your Next.js Application with CSS Modules, Global Styles, and external stylesheets.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/css-in-jsAllowedStyling: CSS-in-JS | Next.jsCSS-in-JSUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/sassAllowedStyling: Sass | Next.jsSassStyle your Next.js application using Sass.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/tailwind-cssAllowedStyling: Tailwind CSS | Next.jsTailwind CSSStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Testing | Next.jsTestingLearn how to set up Next.js with four commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/cypressAllowedTesting: Cypress | Next.jsSetting up Cypress with Next.jsLearn how to set up Cypress with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/jestAllowedTesting: Jest | Next.jsSetting up Jest with Next.jsLearn how to set up Jest with Next.js for Unit Testing and Snapshot Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/playwrightAllowedTesting: Playwright | Next.jsSetting up Playwright with Next.jsLearn how to set up Playwright with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/vitestAllowedTesting: Vitest | Next.jsSetting up Vitest with Next.jsLearn how to set up Vitest with Next.js for Unit Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgradingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Upgrading | Next.jsUpgrade GuideLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/app-router-migrationAllowedUpgrading: App Router Migration | Next.jsApp Router Incremental Adoption GuideLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/codemodsAllowedUpgrading: Codemods | Next.jsCodemodsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/from-create-react-appAllowedUpgrading: Migrating from Create React App | Next.jsMigrating from Create React AppLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/from-viteAllowedUpgrading: Migrating from Vite | Next.jsMigrating from ViteLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/version-14AllowedUpgrading: Version 14 | Next.jsVersion 14Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/version-15AllowedUpgrading: Version 15 | Next.jsVersion 15Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 14 to 15.
/docs/architectureAllowedArchitecture | Next.jsArchitectureHow Next.js Works
/docs/architecture/accessibilityAllowedArchitecture: Accessibility | Next.jsAccessibilityThe built-in accessibility features of Next.js.
/docs/architecture/fast-refreshAllowedArchitecture: Fast Refresh | Next.jsFast RefreshFast Refresh is a hot module reloading experience that gives you instantaneous feedback on edits made to your React components.
/docs/architecture/nextjs-compilerAllowedArchitecture: Next.js Compiler | Next.jsNext.js CompilerNext.js Compiler, written in Rust, which transforms and minifies your Next.js application.
/docs/architecture/supported-browsersAllowedArchitecture: Supported Browsers | Next.jsSupported BrowsersBrowser support and which JavaScript features are supported by Next.js.
/docs/architecture/turbopackAllowedArchitecture: Turbopack | Next.jsTurbopackTurbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, and built into Next.js.
/docs/communityAllowedCommunity | Next.jsNext.js CommunityGet involved in the Next.js community.
/docs/community/contribution-guideAllowedCommunity: Contribution Guide | Next.jsDocs Contribution GuideLearn how to contribute to Next.js Documentation
/docs/getting-started/installationAllowedGetting Started: Installation | Next.jsInstallationCreate a new Next.js application with `create-next-app`. Set up TypeScript, styles, and configure your `next.config.js` file.
/docs/getting-started/project-structureAllowedGetting Started: Project Structure | Next.jsNext.js Project StructureA list of folders and files conventions in a Next.js project
/docs/messages/app-container-deprecatedAllowedAddressing "App Container Deprecated" Error in Next.js | Next.jsAddressing "App Container Deprecated" Error in Next.jsThis document guides developers on how to resolve the "App Container Deprecated" error in Next.js by updating their custom App component.
/docs/messages/conflicting-public-file-pageAllowedConflicting Public File and Page File | Next.jsConflicting Public File and Page File
/docs/messages/google-font-displayAllowedGoogle Font Display | Next.jsGoogle Font Display
/docs/messages/google-font-preconnectAllowedGoogle Font Preconnect | Next.jsGoogle Font Preconnect
/docs/messages/inline-script-idAllowedInline script id | Next.jsInline script id
/docs/messages/middleware-upgrade-guideAllowedMiddleware Upgrade Guide | Next.jsMiddleware Upgrade Guide
/docs/messages/next-dynamic-modulesAllowed`next/dynamic` has deprecated loading multiple modules at once | Next.js`next/dynamic` has deprecated loading multiple modules at once
/docs/messages/next-script-for-gaAllowedUsing Google Analytics with Next.js (through `next/script`) | Next.jsUsing Google Analytics with Next.js (through `next/script`)
/docs/messages/no-assign-module-variableAllowedNo assign module variable | Next.jsNo assign module variable
/docs/messages/no-async-client-componentAllowedNo async client component | Next.jsNo async client component
/docs/messages/no-before-interactive-script-outside-documentAllowedNo Before Interactive Script Outside Document | Next.jsNo Before Interactive Script Outside Document
/docs/messages/no-cacheAllowedNo Cache Detected | Next.jsNo Cache Detected
/docs/messages/no-css-tagsAllowedNo CSS Tags | Next.jsNo CSS Tags
/docs/messages/no-document-import-in-pageAllowedNo Document Import in Page | Next.jsNo Document Import in Page
/docs/messages/no-duplicate-headAllowedNo Duplicate Head | Next.jsNo Duplicate Head
/docs/messages/no-head-elementAllowedNo Head Element | Next.jsNo Head Element
/docs/messages/no-head-import-in-documentAllowedNo Head Import in Document | Next.jsNo Head Import in Document
/docs/messages/no-html-link-for-pagesAllowedNo HTML link for pages | Next.jsNo HTML link for pages
/docs/messages/no-img-elementAllowedNo img element | Next.jsNo img element
/docs/messages/no-page-custom-fontAllowedNo Page Custom Font | Next.jsNo Page Custom Font
/docs/messages/no-script-component-in-headAllowedNo Script Component in Head | Next.jsNo Script Component in Head
/docs/messages/no-styled-jsx-in-documentAllowedNo `styled-jsx` in `_document` | Next.jsNo `styled-jsx` in `_document`
/docs/messages/no-sync-scriptsAllowedNo Sync Scripts | Next.jsNo Sync Scripts
/docs/messages/no-title-in-document-headAllowedNo Title in Document Head | Next.jsNo Title in Document Head
/docs/messages/no-unwanted-polyfillioAllowedNo Unwanted | Next.jsNo Unwanted
/docs/messages/url-deprecatedAllowed`url` is deprecated | Next.js`url` is deprecated
/docs/messages/webpack5AllowedWebpack 5 Adoption | Next.jsWebpack 5 Adoption
/docs/pagesAllowedPages Router | Next.jsPages RouterBefore Next.js 13, the Pages Router was the main way to create routes in Next.js with an intuitive file-system router.
/docs/pages/api-referenceAllowedPages Router: API Reference | Next.jsAPI ReferenceNext.js API Reference for the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cliAllowedAPI Reference: CLI | Next.jsCLIAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cli/create-next-appAllowedCLI: CLI | Next.jsCLICreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cli/nextAllowedCLI: next CLI | Next.jsnext CLILearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI.
/docs/pages/api-reference/componentsAllowedAPI Reference: Components | Next.jsComponentsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/fontAllowedComponents: Font | Next.jsFont ModuleAPI Reference for the Font Module
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/headAllowedComponents: <Head> | Next.js&lt;Head&gt;Add custom elements to the `head` of your page with the built-in Head component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/imageAllowedComponents: <Image> | Next.js&lt;Image&gt;Optimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/image-legacyAllowedComponents: <Image> (Legacy) | Next.js&lt;Image&gt; (Legacy)Backwards compatible Image Optimization with the Legacy Image component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/linkAllowedComponents: <Link> | Next.js&lt;Link&gt;API reference for the <Link> component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/scriptAllowedComponents: <Script> | Next.js&lt;Script&gt;Optimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/edgeAllowedAPI Reference: Edge Runtime | Next.jsEdge RuntimeAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime.
/docs/pages/api-reference/file-conventions/instrumentationAllowedAPI Reference: instrumentation.js | Next.jsinstrumentation.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functionsAllowedAPI Reference: Functions | Next.jsFunctionsAPI Reference for Functions and Hooks in Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-initial-propsAllowedFunctions: getInitialProps | Next.jsgetInitialPropsFetch dynamic data on the server for your React component with getInitialProps.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-server-side-propsAllowedFunctions: getServerSideProps | Next.jsgetServerSidePropsAPI reference for `getServerSideProps`. Learn how to fetch data on each request with Next.js.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-static-pathsAllowedFunctions: getStaticPaths | Next.jsgetStaticPathsAPI reference for `getStaticPaths`. Learn how to fetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-static-propsAllowedFunctions: getStaticProps | Next.jsgetStaticPropsAPI reference for `getStaticProps`. Learn how to use `getStaticProps` to generate static pages with Next.js.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/next-requestAllowedFunctions: NextRequest | Next.jsNextRequestAPI Reference for NextRequest.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/next-responseAllowedFunctions: NextResponse | Next.jsNextResponseAPI Reference for NextResponse.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-ampAllowedFunctions: useAmp | Next.jsuseAmpEnable AMP in a page, and control the way Next.js adds AMP to the page with the AMP config.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-report-web-vitalsAllowedFunctions: useReportWebVitals | Next.jsuseReportWebVitalsuseReportWebVitals
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-routerAllowedFunctions: useRouter | Next.jsuseRouterLearn more about the API of the Next.js Router, and access the router instance in your page with the useRouter hook.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/userAgentAllowedFunctions: userAgent | Next.jsuserAgentThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-jsAllowedAPI Reference: next.config.js Options | Next.jsnext.config.js OptionsLearn about the options available in next.config.js for the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/assetPrefixAllowednext.config.js Options: assetPrefix | Next.jsassetPrefixLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/basePathAllowednext.config.js Options: basePath | Next.jsbasePathUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/bundlePagesRouterDependenciesAllowednext.config.js Options: bundlePagesRouterDependencies | Next.jsbundlePagesRouterDependenciesEnable automatic dependency bundling for Pages Router
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/compressAllowednext.config.js Options: compress | Next.jscompressNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/crossOriginAllowednext.config.js Options: crossOrigin | Next.jscrossOriginUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script` and `next/head`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/devIndicatorsAllowednext.config.js Options: devIndicators | Next.jsdevIndicatorsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/distDirAllowednext.config.js Options: distDir | Next.jsdistDirSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/envAllowednext.config.js Options: env | Next.jsenvLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/eslintAllowednext.config.js Options: eslint | Next.jseslintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/exportPathMapAllowednext.config.js Options: exportPathMap | Next.jsexportPathMapCustomize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/generateBuildIdAllowednext.config.js Options: generateBuildId | Next.jsgenerateBuildIdConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/generateEtagsAllowednext.config.js Options: generateEtags | Next.jsgenerateEtagsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/headersAllowednext.config.js Options: headers | Next.jsheadersAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/httpAgentOptionsAllowednext.config.js Options: httpAgentOptions | Next.jshttpAgentOptionsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/imagesAllowednext.config.js Options: images | Next.jsimagesCustom configuration for the next/image loader
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/instrumentationHookAllowednext.config.js Options: instrumentationHook | Next.jsinstrumentationHookUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/onDemandEntriesAllowednext.config.js Options: onDemandEntries | Next.jsonDemandEntriesConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/optimizePackageImportsAllowednext.config.js Options: optimizePackageImports | Next.jsoptimizePackageImportsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/outputAllowednext.config.js Options: output | Next.jsoutputNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/pageExtensionsAllowednext.config.js Options: pageExtensions | Next.jspageExtensionsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/poweredByHeaderAllowednext.config.js Options: poweredByHeader | Next.jspoweredByHeaderNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/productionBrowserSourceMapsAllowednext.config.js Options: productionBrowserSourceMaps | Next.jsproductionBrowserSourceMapsEnables browser source map generation during the production build.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/reactStrictModeAllowednext.config.js Options: reactStrictMode | Next.jsreactStrictModeThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/redirectsAllowednext.config.js Options: redirects | Next.jsredirectsAdd redirects to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/rewritesAllowednext.config.js Options: rewrites | Next.jsrewritesAdd rewrites to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/runtime-configurationAllowednext.config.js Options: Runtime Config | Next.jsRuntime ConfigAdd client and server runtime configuration to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/serverExternalPackagesAllowednext.config.js Options: serverExternalPackages | Next.jsserverExternalPackagesOpt-out specific dependencies from the dependency bundling enabled by `bundlePagesRouterDependencies`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/trailingSlashAllowednext.config.js Options: trailingSlash | Next.jstrailingSlashConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/transpilePackagesAllowednext.config.js Options: transpilePackages | Next.jstranspilePackagesAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`).
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/turboAllowednext.config.js Options: turbo | Next.jsturboConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/typescriptAllowednext.config.js Options: typescript | Next.jstypescriptNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/urlImportsAllowednext.config.js Options: urlImports | Next.jsurlImportsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/useLightningcssAllowednext.config.js Options: useLightningcss | Next.jsuseLightningcssEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/webVitalsAttributionAllowednext.config.js Options: webVitalsAttribution | Next.jswebVitalsAttributionLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/webpackAllowednext.config.js Options: webpack | Next.jsCustom Webpack ConfigLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js
/docs/pages/building-your-applicationAllowedPages Router: Building Your Application | Next.jsBuilding Your ApplicationLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/authenticationAllowedBuilding Your Application: Authentication | Next.jsAuthenticationLearn how to implement authentication in Next.js, covering best practices, securing routes, authorization techniques, and session management.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuringAllowedBuilding Your Application: Configuring | Next.jsConfiguringLearn how to configure your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/absolute-imports-and-module-aliasesAllowedConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases | Next.jsAbsolute Imports and Module Path AliasesConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/ampAllowedConfiguring: AMP | Next.jsAMPWith minimal config, and without leaving React, you can start adding AMP and improve the performance and speed of your pages.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/babelAllowedConfiguring: Babel | Next.jsBabelExtend the babel preset added by Next.js with your own configs.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/content-security-policyAllowedConfiguring: Content Security Policy | Next.jsContent Security PolicyLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/custom-serverAllowedConfiguring: Custom Server | Next.jsCustom ServerStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/debuggingAllowedConfiguring: Debugging | Next.jsDebuggingLearn how to debug your Next.js application with VS Code or Chrome DevTools.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/draft-modeAllowedConfiguring: Draft Mode | Next.jsDraft ModeNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variablesAllowedConfiguring: Environment Variables | Next.jsEnvironment VariablesLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/error-handlingAllowedConfiguring: Error Handling | Next.jsError HandlingHandle errors in your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/eslintAllowedConfiguring: ESLint | Next.jsESLintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/mdxAllowedConfiguring: MDX | Next.jsMarkdown and MDXLearn how to configure MDX to write JSX in your markdown files.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/post-cssAllowedConfiguring: PostCSS | Next.jsPostCSSExtend the PostCSS config and plugins added by Next.js with your own.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/preview-modeAllowedConfiguring: Preview Mode | Next.jsPreview ModeNext.js has the preview mode for statically generated pages. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/src-directoryAllowedConfiguring: src Directory | Next.jssrc DirectorySave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/typescriptAllowedConfiguring: TypeScript | Next.jsTypeScriptNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetchingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Data Fetching | Next.jsData FetchingNext.js allows you to fetch data in multiple ways, with pre-rendering, server-side rendering or static-site generation, and incremental static regeneration. Learn how to manage your application data in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/client-sideAllowedData Fetching: Client-side Fetching | Next.jsClient-side FetchingLearn about client-side data fetching, and how to use SWR, a data fetching React hook library that handles caching, revalidation, focus tracking, refetching on interval and more.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/forms-and-mutationsAllowedData Fetching: Forms and Mutations | Next.jsForms and MutationsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-server-side-propsAllowedData Fetching: getServerSideProps | Next.jsgetServerSidePropsFetch data on each request with `getServerSideProps`.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-static-pathsAllowedData Fetching: getStaticPaths | Next.jsgetStaticPathsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-static-propsAllowedData Fetching: getStaticProps | Next.jsgetStaticPropsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticProps`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/incremental-static-regenerationAllowedData Fetching: Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) | Next.jsIncremental Static Regeneration (ISR)Learn how to create or update static pages at runtime with Incremental Static Regeneration.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deployingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Deploying | Next.jsDeployingLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/ci-build-cachingAllowedDeploying: Continuous Integration (CI) Build Caching | Next.jsContinuous Integration (CI) Build CachingLearn how to configure CI to cache Next.js builds
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/multi-zonesAllowedDeploying: Multi-Zones | Next.jsMulti-ZonesLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/production-checklistAllowedDeploying: Production Checklist | Next.jsProduction ChecklistRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/static-exportsAllowedDeploying: Static Exports | Next.jsStatic ExportsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Optimizing | Next.jsOptimizationsOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/analyticsAllowedOptimizing: Analytics | Next.jsAnalyticsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/fontsAllowedOptimizing: Fonts | Next.jsFont OptimizationOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/imagesAllowedOptimizing: Images | Next.jsImage OptimizationOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/instrumentationAllowedOptimizing: Instrumentation | Next.jsInstrumentationLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loadingAllowedOptimizing: Lazy Loading | Next.jsLazy LoadingLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's overall loading performance.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/open-telemetryAllowedOptimizing: OpenTelemetry | Next.jsOpenTelemetryLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/package-bundlingAllowedOptimizing: Bundling | Next.jsOptimizing BundlingLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/scriptsAllowedOptimizing: Scripts | Next.jsScript OptimizationOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/static-assetsAllowedOptimizing: Static Assets | Next.jsStatic AssetsNext.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/third-party-librariesAllowedOptimizing: Third Party Libraries | Next.jsThird Party LibrariesOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/renderingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Rendering | Next.jsRenderingLearn the fundamentals of rendering in React and Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/automatic-static-optimizationAllowedRendering: Automatic Static Optimization | Next.jsAutomatic Static OptimizationNext.js automatically optimizes your app to be static HTML whenever possible. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/client-side-renderingAllowedRendering: Client-side Rendering (CSR) | Next.jsClient-side Rendering (CSR)Learn how to implement client-side rendering in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/edge-and-nodejs-runtimesAllowedRendering: Edge and Node.js Runtimes | Next.jsEdge and Node.js RuntimesLearn more about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/server-side-renderingAllowedRendering: Server-side Rendering (SSR) | Next.jsServer-side Rendering (SSR)Use Server-side Rendering to render pages on each request.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/static-site-generationAllowedRendering: Static Site Generation (SSG) | Next.jsStatic Site Generation (SSG)Use Static Site Generation (SSG) to pre-render pages at build time.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Routing | Next.jsRoutingLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications with the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/api-routesAllowedRouting: API Routes | Next.jsAPI RoutesNext.js supports API Routes, which allow you to build your API without leaving your Next.js app. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-appAllowedRouting: Custom App | Next.jsCustom AppControl page initialization and add a layout that persists for all pages by overriding the default App component used by Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-documentAllowedRouting: Custom Document | Next.jsCustom DocumentExtend the default document markup added by Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-errorAllowedRouting: Custom Errors | Next.jsCustom ErrorsOverride and extend the built-in Error page to handle custom errors.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routesAllowedRouting: Dynamic Routes | Next.jsDynamic RoutesDynamic Routes are pages that allow you to add custom params to your URLs. Start creating Dynamic Routes and learn more here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/internationalizationAllowedRouting: Internationalization | Next.jsInternationalization (i18n) RoutingNext.js has built-in support for internationalized routing and language detection. Learn more here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/linking-and-navigatingAllowedRouting: Linking and Navigating | Next.jsLinking and NavigatingLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/middlewareAllowedRouting: Middleware | Next.jsMiddlewareLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/pages-and-layoutsAllowedRouting: Pages and Layouts | Next.jsPages and LayoutsCreate your first page and shared layout with the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/redirectingAllowedRouting: Redirecting | Next.jsRedirectingLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/stylingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Styling | Next.jsStylingLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/css-in-jsAllowedStyling: CSS-in-JS | Next.jsCSS-in-JSUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/css-modulesAllowedStyling: CSS Modules | Next.jsCSS ModulesStyle your Next.js Application using CSS Modules.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/sassAllowedStyling: Sass | Next.jsSassLearn how to use Sass in your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/tailwind-cssAllowedStyling: Tailwind CSS | Next.jsTailwind CSSStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Testing | Next.jsTestingLearn how to set up Next.js with three commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/cypressAllowedTesting: Cypress | Next.jsSetting up Cypress with Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Cypress for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/jestAllowedTesting: Jest | Next.jsSetting up Jest with Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Jest for Unit Testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/playwrightAllowedTesting: Playwright | Next.jsSetting up Playwright with Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Playwright for End-to-End (E2E) and Integration testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/vitestAllowedTesting: Vitest | Next.jsSetting up Vitest with Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Vitest and React Testing Library - two popular unit testing libraries.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgradingAllowedBuilding Your Application: Upgrading | Next.jsUpgradingLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/app-router-migrationAllowedUpgrading: From Pages to App | Next.jsFrom Pages to AppLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/codemodsAllowedUpgrading: Codemods | Next.jsCodemodsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/from-create-react-appAllowedUpgrading: Migrating from Create React App | Next.jsMigrating from Create React AppLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/from-viteAllowedUpgrading: Migrating from Vite | Next.jsMigrating from ViteLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-10AllowedUpgrading: Version 10 | Next.jsVersion 10Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 9 to Version 10.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-11AllowedUpgrading: Version 11 | Next.jsVersion 11Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 10 to Version 11.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-12AllowedUpgrading: Version 12 | Next.jsVersion 12Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 11 to Version 12.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-13AllowedUpgrading: Version 13 | Next.jsVersion 13Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 12 to 13.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-14AllowedUpgrading: Version 14 | Next.jsVersion 14Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-9AllowedUpgrading: Version 9 | Next.jsUpgrading to Version 9Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 8 to Version 9.
/governanceAllowedGovernance | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkGovernanceNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/learnAllowedLearn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkStart building with Next.jsNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/learn-pages-router/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlersAllowedWhat are Web Crawlers? - Introduction to SEO | Learn Next.jsMissing H1Production grade React applications that scale. The world’s leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build pre-rendered applications, static websites, and more.
/learn-pages-router/seo/web-performance/clsAllowedCumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - Core Web Vitals | Learn Next.jsMissing H1Production grade React applications that scale. The world’s leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build pre-rendered applications, static websites, and more.
/learn/dashboard-appAllowedLearn Next.js | Next.jsLearn Next.jsLearn how to build a full-stack web application with the free, Next.js App Router Course.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-authenticationAllowedLearn Next.js: Adding Authentication | Next.jsAdding AuthenticationAdd authentication to protect your dashboard routes using NextAuth.js, Server Actions, and Middleware.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-metadataAllowedLearn Next.js: Adding Metadata | Next.jsAdding MetadataLearn how to add metadata to your Next.js application.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-search-and-paginationAllowedLearn Next.js: Adding Search and Pagination | Next.jsAdding Search and PaginationAdd search and pagination to your dashboard application using Next.js APIs.
/learn/dashboard-app/creating-layouts-and-pagesAllowedLearn Next.js: Creating Layouts and Pages | Next.jsCreating Layouts and PagesCreate the dashboard routes and a shared layout that can be shared between multiple pages.
/learn/dashboard-app/css-stylingAllowedLearn Next.js: CSS Styling | Next.jsCSS StylingStyle your Next.js application with Tailwind and CSS modules.
/learn/dashboard-app/error-handlingAllowedLearn Next.js: Handling Errors | Next.jsHandling ErrorsHandle errors gracefully with error.tsx and notFound.
/learn/dashboard-app/fetching-dataAllowedLearn Next.js: Fetching Data | Next.jsFetching DataLearn about the different ways to fetch data in Next.js, and fetch data for your dashboard page using Server Components.
/learn/dashboard-app/getting-startedAllowedLearn Next.js: Getting Started | Next.jsGetting StartedCreate a new Next.js application using the dashboard starter example and explore the project.
/learn/dashboard-app/improving-accessibilityAllowedLearn Next.js: Improving Accessibility | Next.jsImproving AccessibilityImplement server-side form validation and improve accessibility in your forms.
/learn/dashboard-app/mutating-dataAllowedLearn Next.js: Mutating Data | Next.jsMutating DataMutate data using React Server Actions, and revalidate the Next.js cache.
/learn/dashboard-app/navigating-between-pagesAllowedLearn Next.js: Navigating Between Pages | Next.jsNavigating Between PagesLearn how to use the <Link> component to navigate between pages.
/learn/dashboard-app/next-stepsAllowedLearn Next.js: Next Steps | Next.jsNext StepsNext.js Dashboard Course Conclusion
/learn/dashboard-app/optimizing-fonts-imagesAllowedLearn Next.js: Optimizing Fonts and Images | Next.jsOptimizing Fonts and ImagesOptimize fonts and images with the Next.js built-in components.
/learn/dashboard-app/partial-prerenderingAllowedLearn Next.js: Partial Prerendering | Next.jsPartial PrerenderingAn early look into Partial Prerendering and how it works.
/learn/dashboard-app/setting-up-your-databaseAllowedLearn Next.js: Setting Up Your Database | Next.jsSetting Up Your DatabaseSetup a database for your application and seed it with initial data.
/learn/dashboard-app/static-and-dynamic-renderingAllowedLearn Next.js: Static and Dynamic Rendering | Next.jsStatic and Dynamic RenderingUnderstand how rendering works in Next.js, and make your dashboard app dynamic.
/learn/dashboard-app/streamingAllowedLearn Next.js: Streaming | Next.jsStreamingImprove your application's loading experience with streaming and loading skeletons.
/learn/react-foundationsAllowedReact Foundations | Next.jsReact FoundationsLearn the fundamental JavaScript and React concepts that'll help you get started with Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/from-react-to-nextjsAllowedReact Foundations: From React to Next.js | Next.jsFrom React to Next.jsHow to continue learning React, and get ready to learn Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/installationAllowedReact Foundations: Installing Next.js | Next.jsInstalling Next.jsLearn how to install Next.js and refactor your code.
/learn/react-foundations/next-stepsAllowedReact Foundations: Next Steps | Next.jsNext StepsResources to help you continue learning React and Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/rendering-uiAllowedReact Foundations: Rendering User Interfaces (UI) | Next.jsRendering User Interfaces (UI)Learn what the DOM is and how user interfaces are rendered.
/learn/react-foundations/server-and-client-componentsAllowedReact Foundations: Server and Client Components | Next.jsServer and Client ComponentsLearn about the server and client environments and when to use each.
/learn/react-foundations/what-is-react-and-nextjsAllowedReact Foundations: About React and Next.js | Next.jsAbout React and Next.jsUnderstand the differences between React and Next.js, and how you can use them together to build modern web applications.
/learn?utm_source=next-site&utm_medium=homepage-cta&utm_campaign=homeAllowedLearn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkStart building with Next.jsNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
/showcaseAllowedShowcase | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkThe web framework for when it mattersMeet hundreds of beautiful websites powered by Next.js by Vercel
/telemetryAllowedTelemetry | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkTelemetryNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web.
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URL 🔼OG TitleOG DescriptionOG ImageTwitter TitleTwitter DescriptionTwitter Image
/Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/?uwu=trueNext.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/blogNext.js by Vercel - The React Framework | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/blog/layouts-rfcLayouts RFCNested routes and layouts, client and server routing, React 18 features, and designed for Server Components. RFCNested routes and layouts, client and server routing, React 18 features, and designed for Server Components.
/blog/next-10-1Next.js 10.1Next.js 10.1 introduces 3x faster refresh, 58% smaller install size, 56% less dependencies, WebAssembly Image Optimization, improved next/image support, and more! 10.1Next.js 10.1 introduces 3x faster refresh, 58% smaller install size, 56% less dependencies, WebAssembly Image Optimization, improved next/image support, and more!
/blog/next-10-2Next.js 10.2Next.js 10.2 introduces performance improvements (faster builds, refresh, and startup), improved accessibility, Automatic Webfont Optimization, and more! 10.2Next.js 10.2 introduces performance improvements (faster builds, refresh, and startup), improved accessibility, Automatic Webfont Optimization, and more!
/blog/next-11Next.js 11Next.js 11 continues our mission to create the best developer experience with a new conformance system and performance improvements. 11Next.js 11 continues our mission to create the best developer experience with a new conformance system and performance improvements.
/blog/next-11-1Next.js 11.1Next.js 11.1 introduces an important security patch, ES Modules support, performance improvements, Rust-based tooling, 2x faster data fetching when pre-rendering, and more! 11.1Next.js 11.1 introduces an important security patch, ES Modules support, performance improvements, Rust-based tooling, 2x faster data fetching when pre-rendering, and more!
/blog/next-12Next.js 12Next.js 12 introduces a brand-new Rust compiler, Middleware (beta), React 18 Support, Native ESM Support, URL Imports, React Server Components (alpha), and more! 12Next.js 12 introduces a brand-new Rust compiler, Middleware (beta), React 18 Support, Native ESM Support, URL Imports, React Server Components (alpha), and more!
/blog/next-12-2Next.js 12.2Next.js 12.2 introduces stable Middleware and On-Demand ISR, experimental Edge SSR and API Routes, and more! 12.2Next.js 12.2 introduces stable Middleware and On-Demand ISR, experimental Edge SSR and API Routes, and more!
/blog/next-12-3Next.js 12.3Next.js 12.3 introduces TypeScript Auto-Install, improved Fast Refresh, stable new Image Component, and more! 12.3Next.js 12.3 introduces TypeScript Auto-Install, improved Fast Refresh, stable new Image Component, and more!
/blog/next-13-1Next.js 13.1Next.js 13.1 introduces improvements to the app directory, built-in module transpilation, stable edge runtime for API Routes, and many improvements to Turbopack support. 13.1Next.js 13.1 introduces improvements to the app directory, built-in module transpilation, stable edge runtime for API Routes, and many improvements to Turbopack support.
/blog/next-14Next.js 14Next.js 14 includes included performance, stability for Server Actions, a new course teaching the App Router, and more. 14Next.js 14 includes included performance, stability for Server Actions, a new course teaching the App Router, and more.
/blog/next-9Next.js 9Next.js 9 includes TypeScript support, Dynamic Routing, API Routes, Automatic Static Optimization, and more! 9Next.js 9 includes TypeScript support, Dynamic Routing, API Routes, Automatic Static Optimization, and more!
/blog/next-9-1Next.js 9.1Next.js 9.1 leverages convention to support more project structures by default. Additionally, we're previewing new feature support such as CSS imports, advanced bundling, and static error pages. 9.1Next.js 9.1 leverages convention to support more project structures by default. Additionally, we're previewing new feature support such as CSS imports, advanced bundling, and static error pages.
/blog/next-9-1-7Next.js 9.1.7Next.js 9.1.7 improves upon a solid foundation, improving the enterprise-ready 9.1 release-channel. Upgrade for smaller client-side JavaScript bundles, redesigned CLI output, faster FCP/TTI, and more! 9.1.7Next.js 9.1.7 improves upon a solid foundation, improving the enterprise-ready 9.1 release-channel. Upgrade for smaller client-side JavaScript bundles, redesigned CLI output, faster FCP/TTI, and more!
/blog/next-9-3Next.js 9.3Next.js 9.3 introduces new static-site generation improvements, native support for SCSS, reduced bundle sizes, static 404 pages, and more! 9.3Next.js 9.3 introduces new static-site generation improvements, native support for SCSS, reduced bundle sizes, static 404 pages, and more!
/blog/next-9-4Next.js 9.4Next.js 9.4 introduces React Fast Refresh, Incremental Static Regeneration, New Environment Support, Built-in Fetch, and more! 9.4Next.js 9.4 introduces React Fast Refresh, Incremental Static Regeneration, New Environment Support, Built-in Fetch, and more!
/blog/security-nextjs-server-components-actionsHow to Think About Security in Next.jsLearn about what security protections are built-in Next.js and view a guide for auditing applications. to Think About Security in Next.jsLearn about what security protections are built-in Next.js and view a guide for auditing applications.
/confNext.js ConfOct 26, 10am PT. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/registrationNext.js ConfOct 26, 10am PT. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/speakersSpeakers — Next.js ConfJoin this dynamic group of speakers online at Next.js Conf 2023. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/sponsorsNext.js ConfOct 26, 10am PT. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/stage/jNext.js ConfOct 26, 10am PT. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/conf/stage/sNext.js ConfOct 26, 10am PT. ConfOct 26, 10am PT.
/docsDocs | Next.jsWelcome to the Next.js Documentation. to the Next.js Documentation.
/docs/appApp Router | Next.jsUse the new App Router with Next.js' and React's latest features, including Layouts, Server Components, Suspense, and more. RouterUse the new App Router with Next.js' and React's latest features, including Layouts, Server Components, Suspense, and more.
/docs/app/api-referenceApp Router: API Reference | Next.jsNext.js API Reference for the App Router. Router: API ReferenceNext.js API Reference for the App Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/cliAPI Reference: CLI | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools. Reference: CLIAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.
/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-appCLI: create-next-app | Next.jsCreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI. create-next-appCreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI.
/docs/app/api-reference/cli/nextCLI: next CLI | Next.jsLearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI. next CLILearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI.
/docs/app/api-reference/componentsAPI Reference: Components | Next.jsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components. Reference: ComponentsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/fontComponents: Font | Next.jsOptimizing loading web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders. FontOptimizing loading web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/formComponents: <Form> | Next.jsLearn how to use the `<Form>` component to handle form submissions and search params updates with client-side navigation. <Form>Learn how to use the `<Form>` component to handle form submissions and search params updates with client-side navigation.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/imageComponents: <Image> | Next.jsOptimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component. <Image>Optimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/linkComponents: <Link> | Next.jsEnable fast client-side navigation with the built-in `next/link` component. <Link>Enable fast client-side navigation with the built-in `next/link` component.
/docs/app/api-reference/components/scriptComponents: <Script> | Next.jsOptimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component. <Script>Optimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component.
/docs/app/api-reference/edgeAPI Reference: Edge Runtime | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime. Reference: Edge RuntimeAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventionsAPI Reference: File Conventions | Next.jsAPI Reference for Next.js Special Files. Reference: File ConventionsAPI Reference for Next.js Special Files.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/defaultFile Conventions: default.js | Next.jsAPI Reference for the default.js file. Conventions: default.jsAPI Reference for the default.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/errorFile Conventions: error.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the error.js special file. Conventions: error.jsAPI reference for the error.js special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/instrumentationFile Conventions: instrumentation.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file. Conventions: instrumentation.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/layoutFile Conventions: layout.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the layout.js file. Conventions: layout.jsAPI reference for the layout.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/loadingFile Conventions: loading.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the loading.js file. Conventions: loading.jsAPI reference for the loading.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/mdx-componentsFile Conventions: mdx-components.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the mdx-components.js file. Conventions: mdx-components.jsAPI reference for the mdx-components.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadataFile Conventions: Metadata Files | Next.jsAPI documentation for the metadata file conventions. Conventions: Metadata FilesAPI documentation for the metadata file conventions.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/app-iconsMetadata Files: favicon, icon, and apple-icon | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Favicon, Icon and Apple Icon file conventions.,%20icon,%20and%20apple-iconMetadata Files: favicon, icon, and apple-iconAPI Reference for the Favicon, Icon and Apple Icon file conventions.,%20icon,%20and%20apple-icon
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/manifestMetadata Files: manifest.json | Next.jsAPI Reference for manifest.json file. Files: manifest.jsonAPI Reference for manifest.json file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/opengraph-imageMetadata Files: opengraph-image and twitter-image | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Open Graph Image and Twitter Image file conventions. Files: opengraph-image and twitter-imageAPI Reference for the Open Graph Image and Twitter Image file conventions.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/robotsMetadata Files: robots.txt | Next.jsAPI Reference for robots.txt file. Files: robots.txtAPI Reference for robots.txt file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/sitemapMetadata Files: sitemap.xml | Next.jsAPI Reference for the sitemap.xml file. Files: sitemap.xmlAPI Reference for the sitemap.xml file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/middlewareFile Conventions: middleware.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the middleware.js file. Conventions: middleware.jsAPI reference for the middleware.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/not-foundFile Conventions: not-found.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the not-found.js file. Conventions: not-found.jsAPI reference for the not-found.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/pageFile Conventions: page.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the page.js file. Conventions: page.jsAPI reference for the page.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/routeFile Conventions: route.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the route.js special file. Conventions: route.jsAPI reference for the route.js special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/route-segment-configFile Conventions: Route Segment Config | Next.jsLearn about how to configure options for Next.js route segments. Conventions: Route Segment ConfigLearn about how to configure options for Next.js route segments.
/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/templateFile Conventions: template.js | Next.jsAPI Reference for the template.js file. Conventions: template.jsAPI Reference for the template.js file.
/docs/app/api-reference/functionsAPI Reference: Functions | Next.jsAPI Reference for Next.js Functions and Hooks. Reference: FunctionsAPI Reference for Next.js Functions and Hooks.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/cookiesFunctions: cookies | Next.jsAPI Reference for the cookies function. cookiesAPI Reference for the cookies function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/draft-modeFunctions: draftMode | Next.jsAPI Reference for the draftMode function. draftModeAPI Reference for the draftMode function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/fetchFunctions: fetch | Next.jsAPI reference for the extended fetch function. fetchAPI reference for the extended fetch function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-image-metadataFunctions: generateImageMetadata | Next.jsLearn how to generate multiple images in a single Metadata API special file. generateImageMetadataLearn how to generate multiple images in a single Metadata API special file.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-metadataFunctions: generateMetadata | Next.jsLearn how to add Metadata to your Next.js application for improved search engine optimization (SEO) and web shareability. generateMetadataLearn how to add Metadata to your Next.js application for improved search engine optimization (SEO) and web shareability.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-sitemapsFunctions: generateSitemaps | Next.jsLearn how to use the generateSiteMaps function to create multiple sitemaps for your application. generateSitemapsLearn how to use the generateSiteMaps function to create multiple sitemaps for your application.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-static-paramsFunctions: generateStaticParams | Next.jsAPI reference for the generateStaticParams function. generateStaticParamsAPI reference for the generateStaticParams function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/generate-viewportFunctions: generateViewport | Next.jsAPI Reference for the generateViewport function. generateViewportAPI Reference for the generateViewport function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/headersFunctions: headers | Next.jsAPI reference for the headers function. headersAPI reference for the headers function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/image-responseFunctions: ImageResponse | Next.jsAPI Reference for the ImageResponse constructor. ImageResponseAPI Reference for the ImageResponse constructor.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/next-requestFunctions: NextRequest | Next.jsAPI Reference for NextRequest. NextRequestAPI Reference for NextRequest.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/next-responseFunctions: NextResponse | Next.jsAPI Reference for NextResponse. NextResponseAPI Reference for NextResponse.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/not-foundFunctions: notFound | Next.jsAPI Reference for the notFound function. notFoundAPI Reference for the notFound function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/permanentRedirectFunctions: permanentRedirect | Next.jsAPI Reference for the permanentRedirect function. permanentRedirectAPI Reference for the permanentRedirect function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/redirectFunctions: redirect | Next.jsAPI Reference for the redirect function. redirectAPI Reference for the redirect function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/revalidatePathFunctions: revalidatePath | Next.jsAPI Reference for the revalidatePath function. revalidatePathAPI Reference for the revalidatePath function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/revalidateTagFunctions: revalidateTag | Next.jsAPI Reference for the revalidateTag function. revalidateTagAPI Reference for the revalidateTag function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_afterFunctions: unstable_after | Next.jsAPI Reference for the unstable_after function. unstable_afterAPI Reference for the unstable_after function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_cacheFunctions: unstable_cache | Next.jsAPI Reference for the unstable_cache function. unstable_cacheAPI Reference for the unstable_cache function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_noStoreFunctions: unstable_noStore | Next.jsAPI Reference for the unstable_noStore function. unstable_noStoreAPI Reference for the unstable_noStore function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/unstable_rethrowFunctions: unstable_rethrow | Next.jsAPI Reference for the unstable_rethrow function. unstable_rethrowAPI Reference for the unstable_rethrow function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-paramsFunctions: useParams | Next.jsAPI Reference for the useParams hook. useParamsAPI Reference for the useParams hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-pathnameFunctions: usePathname | Next.jsAPI Reference for the usePathname hook. usePathnameAPI Reference for the usePathname hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-report-web-vitalsFunctions: useReportWebVitals | Next.jsAPI Reference for the useReportWebVitals function. useReportWebVitalsAPI Reference for the useReportWebVitals function.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-routerFunctions: useRouter | Next.jsAPI reference for the useRouter hook. useRouterAPI reference for the useRouter hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-search-paramsFunctions: useSearchParams | Next.jsAPI Reference for the useSearchParams hook. useSearchParamsAPI Reference for the useSearchParams hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-selected-layout-segmentFunctions: useSelectedLayoutSegment | Next.jsAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegment hook. useSelectedLayoutSegmentAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegment hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-selected-layout-segmentsFunctions: useSelectedLayoutSegments | Next.jsAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegments hook. useSelectedLayoutSegmentsAPI Reference for the useSelectedLayoutSegments hook.
/docs/app/api-reference/functions/userAgentFunctions: userAgent | Next.jsThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request. userAgentThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-jsAPI Reference: next.config.js Options | Next.jsLearn how to configure your application with next.config.js. Reference: next.config.js OptionsLearn how to configure your application with next.config.js.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/appDirnext.config.js Options: appDir | Next.jsEnable the App Router to use layouts, streaming, and more. Options: appDirEnable the App Router to use layouts, streaming, and more.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/assetPrefixnext.config.js Options: assetPrefix | Next.jsLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN. Options: assetPrefixLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/basePathnext.config.js Options: basePath | Next.jsUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain. Options: basePathUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/compressnext.config.js Options: compress | Next.jsNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here. Options: compressNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/crossOriginnext.config.js Options: crossOrigin | Next.jsUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script`. Options: crossOriginUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/cssChunkingnext.config.js Options: cssChunking | Next.jsUse the `cssChunking` option to control how CSS files are chunked in your Next.js application. Options: cssChunkingUse the `cssChunking` option to control how CSS files are chunked in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/devIndicatorsnext.config.js Options: devIndicators | Next.jsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here. Options: devIndicatorsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/distDirnext.config.js Options: distDir | Next.jsSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory. Options: distDirSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/envnext.config.js Options: env | Next.jsLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time. Options: envLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/eslintnext.config.js Options: eslint | Next.jsNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here. Options: eslintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/exportPathMapnext.config.js Options: exportPathMap | Next.jsCustomize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`. Options: exportPathMapCustomize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/generateBuildIdnext.config.js Options: generateBuildId | Next.jsConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served. Options: generateBuildIdConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/generateEtagsnext.config.js Options: generateEtags | Next.jsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here. Options: generateEtagsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/headersnext.config.js Options: headers | Next.jsAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app. Options: headersAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/httpAgentOptionsnext.config.js Options: httpAgentOptions | Next.jsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here. Options: httpAgentOptionsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/imagesnext.config.js Options: images | Next.jsCustom configuration for the next/image loader Options: imagesCustom configuration for the next/image loader
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/incrementalCacheHandlerPathnext.config.js Options: cacheHandler | Next.jsConfigure the Next.js cache used for storing and revalidating data to use any external service like Redis, Memcached, or others. Options: cacheHandlerConfigure the Next.js cache used for storing and revalidating data to use any external service like Redis, Memcached, or others.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/instrumentationHooknext.config.js Options: instrumentationHook | Next.jsUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App. Options: instrumentationHookUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/loggingnext.config.js Options: logging | Next.jsConfigure how data fetches are logged to the console when running Next.js in development mode. Options: loggingConfigure how data fetches are logged to the console when running Next.js in development mode.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/mdxRsnext.config.js Options: mdxRs | Next.jsUse the new Rust compiler to compile MDX files in the App Router. Options: mdxRsUse the new Rust compiler to compile MDX files in the App Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/onDemandEntriesnext.config.js Options: onDemandEntries | Next.jsConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development. Options: onDemandEntriesConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/optimizePackageImportsnext.config.js Options: optimizePackageImports | Next.jsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option Options: optimizePackageImportsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/outputnext.config.js Options: output | Next.jsNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here. Options: outputNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/pageExtensionsnext.config.js Options: pageExtensions | Next.jsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router. Options: pageExtensionsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/poweredByHeadernext.config.js Options: poweredByHeader | Next.jsNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here. Options: poweredByHeaderNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/pprnext.config.js Options: ppr | Next.jsLearn how to enable Partial Prerendering in Next.js. Options: pprLearn how to enable Partial Prerendering in Next.js.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/productionBrowserSourceMapsnext.config.js Options: productionBrowserSourceMaps | Next.jsEnables browser source map generation during the production build. Options: productionBrowserSourceMapsEnables browser source map generation during the production build.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactCompilernext.config.js Options: reactCompiler | Next.jsEnable the React Compiler to automatically optimize component rendering. Options: reactCompilerEnable the React Compiler to automatically optimize component rendering.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactMaxHeadersLengthnext.config.js Options: reactMaxHeadersLength | Next.jsThe maximum length of the headers that are emitted by React and added to the response. Options: reactMaxHeadersLengthThe maximum length of the headers that are emitted by React and added to the response.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/reactStrictModenext.config.js Options: reactStrictMode | Next.jsThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in Options: reactStrictModeThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/redirectsnext.config.js Options: redirects | Next.jsAdd redirects to your Next.js app. Options: redirectsAdd redirects to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/rewritesnext.config.js Options: rewrites | Next.jsAdd rewrites to your Next.js app. Options: rewritesAdd rewrites to your Next.js app.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverActionsnext.config.js Options: serverActions | Next.jsConfigure Server Actions behavior in your Next.js application. Options: serverActionsConfigure Server Actions behavior in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverComponentsHmrCachenext.config.js Options: serverComponentsHmrCache | Next.jsConfigure whether fetch responses in Server Components are cached across HMR refresh requests. Options: serverComponentsHmrCacheConfigure whether fetch responses in Server Components are cached across HMR refresh requests.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/serverExternalPackagesnext.config.js Options: serverExternalPackages | Next.jsOpt-out specific dependencies from the Server Components bundling and use native Node.js `require`. Options: serverExternalPackagesOpt-out specific dependencies from the Server Components bundling and use native Node.js `require`.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/staleTimesnext.config.js Options: staleTimes | Next.jsLearn how to override the invalidation time of the Client Router Cache. Options: staleTimesLearn how to override the invalidation time of the Client Router Cache.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/swrDeltanext.config.js Options: swrDelta | Next.jsSet a custom stale-while-revalidate period for ISR enabled pages. Options: swrDeltaSet a custom stale-while-revalidate period for ISR enabled pages.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/trailingSlashnext.config.js Options: trailingSlash | Next.jsConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash. Options: trailingSlashConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/transpilePackagesnext.config.js Options: transpilePackages | Next.jsAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`). Options: transpilePackagesAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`).
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/turbonext.config.js Options: turbo | Next.jsConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options Options: turboConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/typedRoutesnext.config.js Options: typedRoutes | Next.jsEnable experimental support for statically typed links. Options: typedRoutesEnable experimental support for statically typed links.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/typescriptnext.config.js Options: typescript | Next.jsNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here. Options: typescriptNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/urlImportsnext.config.js Options: urlImports | Next.jsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs. Options: urlImportsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/useLightningcssnext.config.js Options: useLightningcss | Next.jsEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS. Options: useLightningcssEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/webVitalsAttributionnext.config.js Options: webVitalsAttribution | Next.jsLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues. Options: webVitalsAttributionLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues.
/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/webpacknext.config.js Options: webpack | Next.jsLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js Options: webpackLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-applicationApp Router: Building Your Application | Next.jsLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application. Router: Building Your ApplicationLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/authenticationBuilding Your Application: Authentication | Next.jsLearn how to implement authentication in your Next.js application. Your Application: AuthenticationLearn how to implement authentication in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/cachingBuilding Your Application: Caching | Next.jsAn overview of caching mechanisms in Next.js. Your Application: CachingAn overview of caching mechanisms in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuringBuilding Your Application: Configuring | Next.jsLearn how to configure your Next.js application. Your Application: ConfiguringLearn how to configure your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/absolute-imports-and-module-aliasesConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases | Next.jsConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.…%20and%20Module%20Path%20AliasesConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path AliasesConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.…%20and%20Module%20Path%20Aliases
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/content-security-policyConfiguring: Content Security Policy | Next.jsLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application. Content Security PolicyLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/custom-serverConfiguring: Custom Server | Next.jsStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server. Custom ServerStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/draft-modeConfiguring: Draft Mode | Next.jsNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with App Router here. Draft ModeNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with App Router here.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variablesConfiguring: Environment Variables | Next.jsLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application. Environment VariablesLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/eslintConfiguring: ESLint | Next.jsNext.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in an optimal way. ESLintNext.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in an optimal way.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/mdxConfiguring: MDX | Next.jsLearn how to configure MDX and use it in your Next.js apps. MDXLearn how to configure MDX and use it in your Next.js apps.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/src-directoryConfiguring: src Directory | Next.jsSave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory. src DirectorySave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory.
/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/typescriptConfiguring: TypeScript | Next.jsNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application. TypeScriptNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetchingBuilding Your Application: Data Fetching | Next.jsLearn how to fetch, cache, revalidate, and mutate data with Next.js. Your Application: Data FetchingLearn how to fetch, cache, revalidate, and mutate data with Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/caching-and-revalidatingData Fetching: Caching and Revalidating | Next.jsLearn how to cache and revalidate data in your Next.js application. Fetching: Caching and RevalidatingLearn how to cache and revalidate data in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/fetchingData Fetching: Fetching | Next.jsLearn best practices for fetching data on the server or client in Next.js. Fetching: FetchingLearn best practices for fetching data on the server or client in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/server-actions-and-mutationsData Fetching: Server Actions and Mutations | Next.jsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js. Fetching: Server Actions and MutationsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deployingBuilding Your Application: Deploying | Next.jsLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted. Your Application: DeployingLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/multi-zonesDeploying: Multi-Zones | Next.jsLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain. Multi-ZonesLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/production-checklistDeploying: Production Checklist | Next.jsRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production. Production ChecklistRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production.
/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/static-exportsDeploying: Static Exports | Next.jsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server. Static ExportsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizingBuilding Your Application: Optimizing | Next.jsOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience. Your Application: OptimizingOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/analyticsOptimizing: Analytics | Next.jsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights AnalyticsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/fontsOptimizing: Fonts | Next.jsOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders. FontsOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/imagesOptimizing: Images | Next.jsOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component. ImagesOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/instrumentationOptimizing: Instrumentation | Next.jsLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app InstrumentationLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loadingOptimizing: Lazy Loading | Next.jsLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's loading performance. Lazy LoadingLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's loading performance.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/memory-usageOptimizing: Memory Usage | Next.jsOptimize memory used by your application in development and production. Memory UsageOptimize memory used by your application in development and production.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/metadataOptimizing: Metadata | Next.jsUse the Metadata API to define metadata in any layout or page. MetadataUse the Metadata API to define metadata in any layout or page.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/open-telemetryOptimizing: OpenTelemetry | Next.jsLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetryLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/package-bundlingOptimizing: Package Bundling | Next.jsLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles. Package BundlingLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/scriptsOptimizing: Scripts | Next.jsOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component. ScriptsOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/static-assetsOptimizing: Static Assets | Next.jsNext.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here. Static AssetsNext.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/third-party-librariesOptimizing: Third Party Libraries | Next.jsOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package. Third Party LibrariesOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package.
/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/videosOptimizing: Videos | Next.jsRecommendations and best practices for optimizing videos in your Next.js application. VideosRecommendations and best practices for optimizing videos in your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/renderingBuilding Your Application: Rendering | Next.jsLearn the differences between Next.js rendering environments, strategies, and runtimes. Your Application: RenderingLearn the differences between Next.js rendering environments, strategies, and runtimes.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/client-componentsRendering: Client Components | Next.jsLearn how to use Client Components to render parts of your application on the client. Client ComponentsLearn how to use Client Components to render parts of your application on the client.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/composition-patternsRendering: Composition Patterns | Next.jsRecommended patterns for using Server and Client Components. Composition PatternsRecommended patterns for using Server and Client Components.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/edge-and-nodejs-runtimesRendering: Runtimes | Next.jsLearn about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js. RuntimesLearn about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/partial-prerenderingRendering: Partial Prerendering | Next.jsLearn how to combine the benefits of static and dynamic rendering with Partial Prerendering. Partial PrerenderingLearn how to combine the benefits of static and dynamic rendering with Partial Prerendering.
/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/server-componentsRendering: Server Components | Next.jsLearn how you can use React Server Components to render parts of your application on the server. Server ComponentsLearn how you can use React Server Components to render parts of your application on the server.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routingBuilding Your Application: Routing | Next.jsLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications. Your Application: RoutingLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/colocationRouting: Project Organization | Next.jsLearn how to organize your Next.js project and colocate files. Project OrganizationLearn how to organize your Next.js project and colocate files.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/defining-routesRouting: Defining Routes | Next.jsLearn how to create your first route in Next.js. Defining RoutesLearn how to create your first route in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routesRouting: Dynamic Routes | Next.jsDynamic Routes can be used to programmatically generate route segments from dynamic data. Dynamic RoutesDynamic Routes can be used to programmatically generate route segments from dynamic data.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/error-handlingRouting: Error Handling | Next.jsLearn how to display expected errors and handle uncaught exceptions. Error HandlingLearn how to display expected errors and handle uncaught exceptions.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/intercepting-routesRouting: Intercepting Routes | Next.jsUse intercepting routes to load a new route within the current layout while masking the browser URL, useful for advanced routing patterns such as modals. Intercepting RoutesUse intercepting routes to load a new route within the current layout while masking the browser URL, useful for advanced routing patterns such as modals.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/internationalizationRouting: Internationalization | Next.jsAdd support for multiple languages with internationalized routing and localized content. InternationalizationAdd support for multiple languages with internationalized routing and localized content.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/layouts-and-templatesRouting: Layouts and Templates | Next.jsCreate your first shared layout in Next.js. Layouts and TemplatesCreate your first shared layout in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/linking-and-navigatingRouting: Linking and Navigating | Next.jsLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook. Linking and NavigatingLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/loading-ui-and-streamingRouting: Loading UI and Streaming | Next.jsBuilt on top of Suspense, Loading UI allows you to create a fallback for specific route segments, and automatically stream content as it becomes ready. Loading UI and StreamingBuilt on top of Suspense, Loading UI allows you to create a fallback for specific route segments, and automatically stream content as it becomes ready.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/middlewareRouting: Middleware | Next.jsLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed. MiddlewareLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/pagesRouting: Pages | Next.jsCreate your first page in Next.js PagesCreate your first page in Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/parallel-routesRouting: Parallel Routes | Next.jsSimultaneously render one or more pages in the same view that can be navigated independently. A pattern for highly dynamic applications. Parallel RoutesSimultaneously render one or more pages in the same view that can be navigated independently. A pattern for highly dynamic applications.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/redirectingRouting: Redirecting | Next.jsLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js. RedirectingLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-groupsRouting: Route Groups | Next.jsRoute Groups can be used to partition your Next.js application into different sections. Route GroupsRoute Groups can be used to partition your Next.js application into different sections.
/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-handlersRouting: Route Handlers | Next.jsCreate custom request handlers for a given route using the Web's Request and Response APIs. Route HandlersCreate custom request handlers for a given route using the Web's Request and Response APIs.
/docs/app/building-your-application/stylingBuilding Your Application: Styling | Next.jsLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application. Your Application: StylingLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/cssStyling: CSS | Next.jsStyle your Next.js Application with CSS Modules, Global Styles, and external stylesheets. CSSStyle your Next.js Application with CSS Modules, Global Styles, and external stylesheets.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/css-in-jsStyling: CSS-in-JS | Next.jsUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js CSS-in-JSUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/sassStyling: Sass | Next.jsStyle your Next.js application using Sass. SassStyle your Next.js application using Sass.
/docs/app/building-your-application/styling/tailwind-cssStyling: Tailwind CSS | Next.jsStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSSStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testingBuilding Your Application: Testing | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with four commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest. Your Application: TestingLearn how to set up Next.js with four commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/cypressTesting: Cypress | Next.jsLearn how to set up Cypress with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing. CypressLearn how to set up Cypress with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/jestTesting: Jest | Next.jsLearn how to set up Jest with Next.js for Unit Testing and Snapshot Testing. JestLearn how to set up Jest with Next.js for Unit Testing and Snapshot Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/playwrightTesting: Playwright | Next.jsLearn how to set up Playwright with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) testing. PlaywrightLearn how to set up Playwright with Next.js for End-to-End (E2E) testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/testing/vitestTesting: Vitest | Next.jsLearn how to set up Vitest with Next.js for Unit Testing. VitestLearn how to set up Vitest with Next.js for Unit Testing.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgradingBuilding Your Application: Upgrading | Next.jsLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js. Your Application: UpgradingLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/app-router-migrationUpgrading: App Router Migration | Next.jsLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router. App Router MigrationLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/codemodsUpgrading: Codemods | Next.jsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released. CodemodsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/from-create-react-appUpgrading: Migrating from Create React App | Next.jsLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js. Migrating from Create React AppLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/from-viteUpgrading: Migrating from Vite | Next.jsLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js. Migrating from ViteLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/version-14Upgrading: Version 14 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14. Version 14Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14.
/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/version-15Upgrading: Version 15 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 14 to 15. Version 15Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 14 to 15.
/docs/architectureArchitecture | Next.jsHow Next.js Works Next.js Works
/docs/architecture/accessibilityArchitecture: Accessibility | Next.jsThe built-in accessibility features of Next.js. AccessibilityThe built-in accessibility features of Next.js.
/docs/architecture/fast-refreshArchitecture: Fast Refresh | Next.jsFast Refresh is a hot module reloading experience that gives you instantaneous feedback on edits made to your React components. Fast RefreshFast Refresh is a hot module reloading experience that gives you instantaneous feedback on edits made to your React components.
/docs/architecture/nextjs-compilerArchitecture: Next.js Compiler | Next.jsNext.js Compiler, written in Rust, which transforms and minifies your Next.js application. Next.js CompilerNext.js Compiler, written in Rust, which transforms and minifies your Next.js application.
/docs/architecture/supported-browsersArchitecture: Supported Browsers | Next.jsBrowser support and which JavaScript features are supported by Next.js. Supported BrowsersBrowser support and which JavaScript features are supported by Next.js.
/docs/architecture/turbopackArchitecture: Turbopack | Next.jsTurbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, and built into Next.js. TurbopackTurbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, and built into Next.js.
/docs/communityCommunity | Next.jsGet involved in the Next.js community. involved in the Next.js community.
/docs/community/contribution-guideCommunity: Contribution Guide | Next.jsLearn how to contribute to Next.js Documentation Contribution GuideLearn how to contribute to Next.js Documentation
/docs/getting-started/installationGetting Started: Installation | Next.jsCreate a new Next.js application with `create-next-app`. Set up TypeScript, styles, and configure your `next.config.js` file. Started: InstallationCreate a new Next.js application with `create-next-app`. Set up TypeScript, styles, and configure your `next.config.js` file.
/docs/getting-started/project-structureGetting Started: Project Structure | Next.jsA list of folders and files conventions in a Next.js project Started: Project StructureA list of folders and files conventions in a Next.js project
/docs/messages/app-container-deprecatedAddressing "App Container Deprecated" Error in Next.jsThis document guides developers on how to resolve the "App Container Deprecated" error in Next.js by updating their custom App component.…ecated%22%20Error%20in%20Next.jsAddressing "App Container Deprecated" Error in Next.jsThis document guides developers on how to resolve the "App Container Deprecated" error in Next.js by updating their custom App component.…ecated%22%20Error%20in%20Next.js
/docs/messages/conflicting-public-file-pageConflicting Public File and Page File Public File and Page File
/docs/messages/google-font-displayGoogle Font Display Font Display
/docs/messages/google-font-preconnectGoogle Font Preconnect Font Preconnect
/docs/messages/inline-script-idInline script id script id
/docs/messages/middleware-upgrade-guideMiddleware Upgrade Guide Upgrade Guide
/docs/messages/next-dynamic-modules`next/dynamic` has deprecated loading multiple modules at once`next/dynamic`%20has%20deprecated%2…20multiple%20modules%20at%20once`next/dynamic` has deprecated loading multiple modules at once`next/dynamic`%20has%20deprecated%2…20multiple%20modules%20at%20once
/docs/messages/next-script-for-gaUsing Google Analytics with Next.js (through `next/script`)…t.js%20(through%20`next/script`)Using Google Analytics with Next.js (through `next/script`)…t.js%20(through%20`next/script`)
/docs/messages/no-assign-module-variableNo assign module variable assign module variable
/docs/messages/no-async-client-componentNo async client component async client component
/docs/messages/no-before-interactive-script-outside-documentNo Before Interactive Script Outside Document Before Interactive Script Outside Document
/docs/messages/no-cacheNo Cache Detected Cache Detected
/docs/messages/no-css-tagsNo CSS Tags CSS Tags
/docs/messages/no-document-import-in-pageNo Document Import in Page Document Import in Page
/docs/messages/no-duplicate-headNo Duplicate Head Duplicate Head
/docs/messages/no-head-elementNo Head Element Head Element
/docs/messages/no-head-import-in-documentNo Head Import in Document Head Import in Document
/docs/messages/no-html-link-for-pagesNo HTML link for pages HTML link for pages
/docs/messages/no-img-elementNo img element img element
/docs/messages/no-page-custom-fontNo Page Custom Font Page Custom Font
/docs/messages/no-script-component-in-headNo Script Component in Head Script Component in Head
/docs/messages/no-styled-jsx-in-documentNo `styled-jsx` in `_document``styled-jsx`%20in%20`_document`No `styled-jsx` in `_document``styled-jsx`%20in%20`_document`
/docs/messages/no-sync-scriptsNo Sync Scripts Sync Scripts
/docs/messages/no-title-in-document-headNo Title in Document Head Title in Document Head
/docs/messages/no-unwanted-polyfillioNo Unwanted Polyfill.io Unwanted Polyfill.io
/docs/messages/url-deprecated`url` is deprecated`url`%20is%20deprecated`url` is deprecated`url`%20is%20deprecated
/docs/messages/webpack5Webpack 5 Adoption 5 Adoption
/docs/pagesPages Router | Next.jsBefore Next.js 13, the Pages Router was the main way to create routes in Next.js with an intuitive file-system router. RouterBefore Next.js 13, the Pages Router was the main way to create routes in Next.js with an intuitive file-system router.
/docs/pages/api-referencePages Router: API Reference | Next.jsNext.js API Reference for the Pages Router. Router: API ReferenceNext.js API Reference for the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cliAPI Reference: CLI | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools. Reference: CLIAPI Reference for the Next.js Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cli/create-next-appCLI: CLI | Next.jsCreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI. CLICreate Next.js apps using one command with the create-next-app CLI.
/docs/pages/api-reference/cli/nextCLI: next CLI | Next.jsLearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI. next CLILearn how to run and build your application with the Next.js CLI.
/docs/pages/api-reference/componentsAPI Reference: Components | Next.jsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components in the Pages Router. Reference: ComponentsAPI Reference for Next.js built-in components in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/fontComponents: Font | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Font Module FontAPI Reference for the Font Module
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/headComponents: <Head> | Next.jsAdd custom elements to the `head` of your page with the built-in Head component. <Head>Add custom elements to the `head` of your page with the built-in Head component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/imageComponents: <Image> | Next.jsOptimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component. <Image>Optimize Images in your Next.js Application using the built-in `next/image` Component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/image-legacyComponents: <Image> (Legacy) | Next.jsBackwards compatible Image Optimization with the Legacy Image component. <Image> (Legacy)Backwards compatible Image Optimization with the Legacy Image component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/linkComponents: <Link> | Next.jsAPI reference for the <Link> component. <Link>API reference for the <Link> component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/components/scriptComponents: <Script> | Next.jsOptimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component. <Script>Optimize third-party scripts in your Next.js application using the built-in `next/script` Component.
/docs/pages/api-reference/edgeAPI Reference: Edge Runtime | Next.jsAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime. Reference: Edge RuntimeAPI Reference for the Edge Runtime.
/docs/pages/api-reference/file-conventions/instrumentationAPI Reference: instrumentation.js | Next.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file. Reference: instrumentation.jsAPI reference for the instrumentation.js file.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functionsAPI Reference: Functions | Next.jsAPI Reference for Functions and Hooks in Pages Router. Reference: FunctionsAPI Reference for Functions and Hooks in Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-initial-propsFunctions: getInitialProps | Next.jsFetch dynamic data on the server for your React component with getInitialProps. getInitialPropsFetch dynamic data on the server for your React component with getInitialProps.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-server-side-propsFunctions: getServerSideProps | Next.jsAPI reference for `getServerSideProps`. Learn how to fetch data on each request with Next.js. getServerSidePropsAPI reference for `getServerSideProps`. Learn how to fetch data on each request with Next.js.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-static-pathsFunctions: getStaticPaths | Next.jsAPI reference for `getStaticPaths`. Learn how to fetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`. getStaticPathsAPI reference for `getStaticPaths`. Learn how to fetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/get-static-propsFunctions: getStaticProps | Next.jsAPI reference for `getStaticProps`. Learn how to use `getStaticProps` to generate static pages with Next.js. getStaticPropsAPI reference for `getStaticProps`. Learn how to use `getStaticProps` to generate static pages with Next.js.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/next-requestFunctions: NextRequest | Next.jsAPI Reference for NextRequest. NextRequestAPI Reference for NextRequest.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/next-responseFunctions: NextResponse | Next.jsAPI Reference for NextResponse. NextResponseAPI Reference for NextResponse.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-ampFunctions: useAmp | Next.jsEnable AMP in a page, and control the way Next.js adds AMP to the page with the AMP config. useAmpEnable AMP in a page, and control the way Next.js adds AMP to the page with the AMP config.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-report-web-vitalsFunctions: useReportWebVitals | Next.jsuseReportWebVitals useReportWebVitalsuseReportWebVitals
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-routerFunctions: useRouter | Next.jsLearn more about the API of the Next.js Router, and access the router instance in your page with the useRouter hook. useRouterLearn more about the API of the Next.js Router, and access the router instance in your page with the useRouter hook.
/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/userAgentFunctions: userAgent | Next.jsThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request. userAgentThe userAgent helper extends the Web Request API with additional properties and methods to interact with the user agent object from the request.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-jsAPI Reference: next.config.js Options | Next.jsLearn about the options available in next.config.js for the Pages Router. Reference: next.config.js OptionsLearn about the options available in next.config.js for the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/assetPrefixnext.config.js Options: assetPrefix | Next.jsLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN. Options: assetPrefixLearn how to use the assetPrefix config option to configure your CDN.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/basePathnext.config.js Options: basePath | Next.jsUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain. Options: basePathUse `basePath` to deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/bundlePagesRouterDependenciesnext.config.js Options: bundlePagesRouterDependencies | Next.jsEnable automatic dependency bundling for Pages Router Options: bundlePagesRouterDependenciesEnable automatic dependency bundling for Pages Router
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/compressnext.config.js Options: compress | Next.jsNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here. Options: compressNext.js provides gzip compression to compress rendered content and static files, it only works with the server target. Learn more about it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/crossOriginnext.config.js Options: crossOrigin | Next.jsUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script` and `next/head`. Options: crossOriginUse the `crossOrigin` option to add a crossOrigin tag on the `script` tags generated by `next/script` and `next/head`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/devIndicatorsnext.config.js Options: devIndicators | Next.jsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here. Options: devIndicatorsOptimized pages include an indicator to let you know if it's being statically optimized. You can opt-out of it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/distDirnext.config.js Options: distDir | Next.jsSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory. Options: distDirSet a custom build directory to use instead of the default .next directory.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/envnext.config.js Options: env | Next.jsLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time. Options: envLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application at build time.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/eslintnext.config.js Options: eslint | Next.jsNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here. Options: eslintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/exportPathMapnext.config.js Options: exportPathMap | Next.jsCustomize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`. Options: exportPathMapCustomize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/generateBuildIdnext.config.js Options: generateBuildId | Next.jsConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served. Options: generateBuildIdConfigure the build id, which is used to identify the current build in which your application is being served.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/generateEtagsnext.config.js Options: generateEtags | Next.jsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here. Options: generateEtagsNext.js will generate etags for every page by default. Learn more about how to disable etag generation here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/headersnext.config.js Options: headers | Next.jsAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app. Options: headersAdd custom HTTP headers to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/httpAgentOptionsnext.config.js Options: httpAgentOptions | Next.jsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here. Options: httpAgentOptionsNext.js will automatically use HTTP Keep-Alive by default. Learn more about how to disable HTTP Keep-Alive here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/imagesnext.config.js Options: images | Next.jsCustom configuration for the next/image loader Options: imagesCustom configuration for the next/image loader
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/instrumentationHooknext.config.js Options: instrumentationHook | Next.jsUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App. Options: instrumentationHookUse the instrumentationHook option to set up instrumentation in your Next.js App.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/onDemandEntriesnext.config.js Options: onDemandEntries | Next.jsConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development. Options: onDemandEntriesConfigure how Next.js will dispose and keep in memory pages created in development.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/optimizePackageImportsnext.config.js Options: optimizePackageImports | Next.jsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option Options: optimizePackageImportsAPI Reference for optimizePackageImports Next.js Config Option
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/outputnext.config.js Options: output | Next.jsNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here. Options: outputNext.js automatically traces which files are needed by each page to allow for easy deployment of your application. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/pageExtensionsnext.config.js Options: pageExtensions | Next.jsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router. Options: pageExtensionsExtend the default page extensions used by Next.js when resolving pages in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/poweredByHeadernext.config.js Options: poweredByHeader | Next.jsNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here. Options: poweredByHeaderNext.js will add the `x-powered-by` header by default. Learn to opt-out of it here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/productionBrowserSourceMapsnext.config.js Options: productionBrowserSourceMaps | Next.jsEnables browser source map generation during the production build. Options: productionBrowserSourceMapsEnables browser source map generation during the production build.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/reactStrictModenext.config.js Options: reactStrictMode | Next.jsThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in Options: reactStrictModeThe complete Next.js runtime is now Strict Mode-compliant, learn how to opt-in
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/redirectsnext.config.js Options: redirects | Next.jsAdd redirects to your Next.js app. Options: redirectsAdd redirects to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/rewritesnext.config.js Options: rewrites | Next.jsAdd rewrites to your Next.js app. Options: rewritesAdd rewrites to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/runtime-configurationnext.config.js Options: Runtime Config | Next.jsAdd client and server runtime configuration to your Next.js app. Options: Runtime ConfigAdd client and server runtime configuration to your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/serverExternalPackagesnext.config.js Options: serverExternalPackages | Next.jsOpt-out specific dependencies from the dependency bundling enabled by `bundlePagesRouterDependencies`. Options: serverExternalPackagesOpt-out specific dependencies from the dependency bundling enabled by `bundlePagesRouterDependencies`.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/trailingSlashnext.config.js Options: trailingSlash | Next.jsConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash. Options: trailingSlashConfigure Next.js pages to resolve with or without a trailing slash.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/transpilePackagesnext.config.js Options: transpilePackages | Next.jsAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`). Options: transpilePackagesAutomatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (`node_modules`).
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/turbonext.config.js Options: turbo | Next.jsConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options Options: turboConfigure Next.js with Turbopack-specific options
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/typescriptnext.config.js Options: typescript | Next.jsNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here. Options: typescriptNext.js reports TypeScript errors by default. Learn to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/urlImportsnext.config.js Options: urlImports | Next.jsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs. Options: urlImportsConfigure Next.js to allow importing modules from external URLs.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/useLightningcssnext.config.js Options: useLightningcss | Next.jsEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS. Options: useLightningcssEnable experimental support for Lightning CSS.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/webVitalsAttributionnext.config.js Options: webVitalsAttribution | Next.jsLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues. Options: webVitalsAttributionLearn how to use the webVitalsAttribution option to pinpoint the source of Web Vitals issues.
/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/webpacknext.config.js Options: webpack | Next.jsLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js Options: webpackLearn how to customize the webpack config used by Next.js
/docs/pages/building-your-applicationPages Router: Building Your Application | Next.jsLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application. Router: Building Your ApplicationLearn how to use Next.js features to build your application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/authenticationBuilding Your Application: Authentication | Next.jsLearn how to implement authentication in Next.js, covering best practices, securing routes, authorization techniques, and session management. Your Application: AuthenticationLearn how to implement authentication in Next.js, covering best practices, securing routes, authorization techniques, and session management.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuringBuilding Your Application: Configuring | Next.jsLearn how to configure your Next.js application. Your Application: ConfiguringLearn how to configure your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/absolute-imports-and-module-aliasesConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases | Next.jsConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.…%20and%20Module%20Path%20AliasesConfiguring: Absolute Imports and Module Path AliasesConfigure module path aliases that allow you to remap certain import paths.…%20and%20Module%20Path%20Aliases
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/ampConfiguring: AMP | Next.jsWith minimal config, and without leaving React, you can start adding AMP and improve the performance and speed of your pages. AMPWith minimal config, and without leaving React, you can start adding AMP and improve the performance and speed of your pages.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/babelConfiguring: Babel | Next.jsExtend the babel preset added by Next.js with your own configs. BabelExtend the babel preset added by Next.js with your own configs.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/content-security-policyConfiguring: Content Security Policy | Next.jsLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application. Content Security PolicyLearn how to set a Content Security Policy (CSP) for your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/custom-serverConfiguring: Custom Server | Next.jsStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server. Custom ServerStart a Next.js app programmatically using a custom server.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/debuggingConfiguring: Debugging | Next.jsLearn how to debug your Next.js application with VS Code or Chrome DevTools. DebuggingLearn how to debug your Next.js application with VS Code or Chrome DevTools.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/draft-modeConfiguring: Draft Mode | Next.jsNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with Pages Router. Draft ModeNext.js has draft mode to toggle between static and dynamic pages. You can learn how it works with Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variablesConfiguring: Environment Variables | Next.jsLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application. Environment VariablesLearn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/error-handlingConfiguring: Error Handling | Next.jsHandle errors in your Next.js app. Error HandlingHandle errors in your Next.js app.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/eslintConfiguring: ESLint | Next.jsNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here. ESLintNext.js reports ESLint errors and warnings during builds by default. Learn how to opt-out of this behavior here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/mdxConfiguring: MDX | Next.jsLearn how to configure MDX to write JSX in your markdown files. MDXLearn how to configure MDX to write JSX in your markdown files.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/post-cssConfiguring: PostCSS | Next.jsExtend the PostCSS config and plugins added by Next.js with your own. PostCSSExtend the PostCSS config and plugins added by Next.js with your own.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/preview-modeConfiguring: Preview Mode | Next.jsNext.js has the preview mode for statically generated pages. You can learn how it works here. Preview ModeNext.js has the preview mode for statically generated pages. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/src-directoryConfiguring: src Directory | Next.jsSave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory. src DirectorySave pages under the `src` directory as an alternative to the root `pages` directory.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/typescriptConfiguring: TypeScript | Next.jsNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application. TypeScriptNext.js provides a TypeScript-first development experience for building your React application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetchingBuilding Your Application: Data Fetching | Next.jsNext.js allows you to fetch data in multiple ways, with pre-rendering, server-side rendering or static-site generation, and incremental static regeneration. Learn how to manage your application data in Next.js. Your Application: Data FetchingNext.js allows you to fetch data in multiple ways, with pre-rendering, server-side rendering or static-site generation, and incremental static regeneration. Learn how to manage your application data in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/client-sideData Fetching: Client-side Fetching | Next.jsLearn about client-side data fetching, and how to use SWR, a data fetching React hook library that handles caching, revalidation, focus tracking, refetching on interval and more. Fetching: Client-side FetchingLearn about client-side data fetching, and how to use SWR, a data fetching React hook library that handles caching, revalidation, focus tracking, refetching on interval and more.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/forms-and-mutationsData Fetching: Forms and Mutations | Next.jsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js. Fetching: Forms and MutationsLearn how to handle form submissions and data mutations with Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-server-side-propsData Fetching: getServerSideProps | Next.jsFetch data on each request with `getServerSideProps`. Fetching: getServerSidePropsFetch data on each request with `getServerSideProps`.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-static-pathsData Fetching: getStaticPaths | Next.jsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js. Fetching: getStaticPathsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticPaths`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/get-static-propsData Fetching: getStaticProps | Next.jsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticProps`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js. Fetching: getStaticPropsFetch data and generate static pages with `getStaticProps`. Learn more about this API for data fetching in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/data-fetching/incremental-static-regenerationData Fetching: Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) | Next.jsLearn how to create or update static pages at runtime with Incremental Static Regeneration. Fetching: Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)Learn how to create or update static pages at runtime with Incremental Static Regeneration.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deployingBuilding Your Application: Deploying | Next.jsLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted. Your Application: DeployingLearn how to deploy your Next.js app to production, either managed or self-hosted.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/ci-build-cachingDeploying: Continuous Integration (CI) Build Caching | Next.jsLearn how to configure CI to cache Next.js builds Continuous Integration (CI) Build CachingLearn how to configure CI to cache Next.js builds
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/multi-zonesDeploying: Multi-Zones | Next.jsLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain. Multi-ZonesLearn how to build micro-frontends using Next.js Multi-Zones to deploy multiple Next.js apps under a single domain.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/production-checklistDeploying: Production Checklist | Next.jsRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production. Production ChecklistRecommendations to ensure the best performance and user experience before taking your Next.js application to production.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/static-exportsDeploying: Static Exports | Next.jsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server. Static ExportsNext.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizingBuilding Your Application: Optimizing | Next.jsOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience. Your Application: OptimizingOptimize your Next.js application for best performance and user experience.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/analyticsOptimizing: Analytics | Next.jsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights AnalyticsMeasure and track page performance using Next.js Speed Insights
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/fontsOptimizing: Fonts | Next.jsOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders. FontsOptimize your application's web fonts with the built-in `next/font` loaders.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/imagesOptimizing: Images | Next.jsOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component. ImagesOptimize your images with the built-in `next/image` component.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/instrumentationOptimizing: Instrumentation | Next.jsLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app InstrumentationLearn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loadingOptimizing: Lazy Loading | Next.jsLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's overall loading performance. Lazy LoadingLazy load imported libraries and React Components to improve your application's overall loading performance.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/open-telemetryOptimizing: OpenTelemetry | Next.jsLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetryLearn how to instrument your Next.js app with OpenTelemetry.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/package-bundlingOptimizing: Bundling | Next.jsLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles. BundlingLearn how to optimize your application's server and client bundles.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/scriptsOptimizing: Scripts | Next.jsOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component. ScriptsOptimize 3rd party scripts with the built-in Script component.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/static-assetsOptimizing: Static Assets | Next.jsNext.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here. Static AssetsNext.js allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/third-party-librariesOptimizing: Third Party Libraries | Next.jsOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package. Third Party LibrariesOptimize the performance of third-party libraries in your application with the `@next/third-parties` package.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/renderingBuilding Your Application: Rendering | Next.jsLearn the fundamentals of rendering in React and Next.js. Your Application: RenderingLearn the fundamentals of rendering in React and Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/automatic-static-optimizationRendering: Automatic Static Optimization | Next.jsNext.js automatically optimizes your app to be static HTML whenever possible. Learn how it works here. Automatic Static OptimizationNext.js automatically optimizes your app to be static HTML whenever possible. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/client-side-renderingRendering: Client-side Rendering (CSR) | Next.jsLearn how to implement client-side rendering in the Pages Router. Client-side Rendering (CSR)Learn how to implement client-side rendering in the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/edge-and-nodejs-runtimesRendering: Edge and Node.js Runtimes | Next.jsLearn more about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js. Edge and Node.js RuntimesLearn more about the switchable runtimes (Edge and Node.js) in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/server-side-renderingRendering: Server-side Rendering (SSR) | Next.jsUse Server-side Rendering to render pages on each request. Server-side Rendering (SSR)Use Server-side Rendering to render pages on each request.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/static-site-generationRendering: Static Site Generation (SSG) | Next.jsUse Static Site Generation (SSG) to pre-render pages at build time. Static Site Generation (SSG)Use Static Site Generation (SSG) to pre-render pages at build time.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routingBuilding Your Application: Routing | Next.jsLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications with the Pages Router. Your Application: RoutingLearn the fundamentals of routing for front-end applications with the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/api-routesRouting: API Routes | Next.jsNext.js supports API Routes, which allow you to build your API without leaving your Next.js app. Learn how it works here. API RoutesNext.js supports API Routes, which allow you to build your API without leaving your Next.js app. Learn how it works here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-appRouting: Custom App | Next.jsControl page initialization and add a layout that persists for all pages by overriding the default App component used by Next.js. Custom AppControl page initialization and add a layout that persists for all pages by overriding the default App component used by Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-documentRouting: Custom Document | Next.jsExtend the default document markup added by Next.js. Custom DocumentExtend the default document markup added by Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-errorRouting: Custom Errors | Next.jsOverride and extend the built-in Error page to handle custom errors. Custom ErrorsOverride and extend the built-in Error page to handle custom errors.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routesRouting: Dynamic Routes | Next.jsDynamic Routes are pages that allow you to add custom params to your URLs. Start creating Dynamic Routes and learn more here. Dynamic RoutesDynamic Routes are pages that allow you to add custom params to your URLs. Start creating Dynamic Routes and learn more here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/internationalizationRouting: Internationalization | Next.jsNext.js has built-in support for internationalized routing and language detection. Learn more here. InternationalizationNext.js has built-in support for internationalized routing and language detection. Learn more here.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/linking-and-navigatingRouting: Linking and Navigating | Next.jsLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook. Linking and NavigatingLearn how navigation works in Next.js, and how to use the Link Component and `useRouter` hook.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/middlewareRouting: Middleware | Next.jsLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed. MiddlewareLearn how to use Middleware to run code before a request is completed.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/pages-and-layoutsRouting: Pages and Layouts | Next.jsCreate your first page and shared layout with the Pages Router. Pages and LayoutsCreate your first page and shared layout with the Pages Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/redirectingRouting: Redirecting | Next.jsLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js. RedirectingLearn the different ways to handle redirects in Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/stylingBuilding Your Application: Styling | Next.jsLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application. Your Application: StylingLearn the different ways you can style your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/css-in-jsStyling: CSS-in-JS | Next.jsUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js CSS-in-JSUse CSS-in-JS libraries with Next.js
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/css-modulesStyling: CSS Modules | Next.jsStyle your Next.js Application using CSS Modules. CSS ModulesStyle your Next.js Application using CSS Modules.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/sassStyling: Sass | Next.jsLearn how to use Sass in your Next.js application. SassLearn how to use Sass in your Next.js application.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/tailwind-cssStyling: Tailwind CSS | Next.jsStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSSStyle your Next.js Application using Tailwind CSS.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testingBuilding Your Application: Testing | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with three commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest. Your Application: TestingLearn how to set up Next.js with three commonly used testing tools — Cypress, Playwright, Vitest, and Jest.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/cypressTesting: Cypress | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Cypress for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing. CypressLearn how to set up Next.js with Cypress for End-to-End (E2E) and Component Testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/jestTesting: Jest | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Jest for Unit Testing. JestLearn how to set up Next.js with Jest for Unit Testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/playwrightTesting: Playwright | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Playwright for End-to-End (E2E) and Integration testing. PlaywrightLearn how to set up Next.js with Playwright for End-to-End (E2E) and Integration testing.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/testing/vitestTesting: Vitest | Next.jsLearn how to set up Next.js with Vitest and React Testing Library - two popular unit testing libraries. VitestLearn how to set up Next.js with Vitest and React Testing Library - two popular unit testing libraries.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgradingBuilding Your Application: Upgrading | Next.jsLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js. Your Application: UpgradingLearn how to upgrade to the latest versions of Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/app-router-migrationUpgrading: From Pages to App | Next.jsLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router. From Pages to AppLearn how to upgrade your existing Next.js application from the Pages Router to the App Router.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/codemodsUpgrading: Codemods | Next.jsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released. CodemodsUse codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/from-create-react-appUpgrading: Migrating from Create React App | Next.jsLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js. Migrating from Create React AppLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Create React App to Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/from-viteUpgrading: Migrating from Vite | Next.jsLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js. Migrating from ViteLearn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to Next.js.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-10Upgrading: Version 10 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 9 to Version 10. Version 10Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 9 to Version 10.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-11Upgrading: Version 11 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 10 to Version 11. Version 11Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 10 to Version 11.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-12Upgrading: Version 12 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 11 to Version 12. Version 12Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 11 to Version 12.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-13Upgrading: Version 13 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 12 to 13. Version 13Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 12 to 13.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-14Upgrading: Version 14 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14. Version 14Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 13 to 14.
/docs/pages/building-your-application/upgrading/version-9Upgrading: Version 9 | Next.jsUpgrade your Next.js Application from Version 8 to Version 9. Version 9Upgrade your Next.js Application from Version 8 to Version 9.
/governanceGovernance | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/learnLearn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/learn-pages-router/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlersLearn | Next.jsProduction grade React applications that scale. The world’s leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build pre-rendered applications, static websites, and more.
/learn-pages-router/seo/web-performance/clsLearn | Next.jsProduction grade React applications that scale. The world’s leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build pre-rendered applications, static websites, and more.
/learn/dashboard-appLearn Next.js | Next.jsLearn how to build a full-stack web application with the free, Next.js App Router Course. Next.jsLearn how to build a full-stack web application with the free, Next.js App Router Course.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-authenticationLearn Next.js: Adding Authentication | Next.jsAdd authentication to protect your dashboard routes using NextAuth.js, Server Actions, and Middleware. Next.js: Adding AuthenticationAdd authentication to protect your dashboard routes using NextAuth.js, Server Actions, and Middleware.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-metadataLearn Next.js: Adding Metadata | Next.jsLearn how to add metadata to your Next.js application. Next.js: Adding MetadataLearn how to add metadata to your Next.js application.
/learn/dashboard-app/adding-search-and-paginationLearn Next.js: Adding Search and Pagination | Next.jsAdd search and pagination to your dashboard application using Next.js APIs. Next.js: Adding Search and PaginationAdd search and pagination to your dashboard application using Next.js APIs.
/learn/dashboard-app/creating-layouts-and-pagesLearn Next.js: Creating Layouts and Pages | Next.jsCreate the dashboard routes and a shared layout that can be shared between multiple pages. Next.js: Creating Layouts and PagesCreate the dashboard routes and a shared layout that can be shared between multiple pages.
/learn/dashboard-app/css-stylingLearn Next.js: CSS Styling | Next.jsStyle your Next.js application with Tailwind and CSS modules. Next.js: CSS StylingStyle your Next.js application with Tailwind and CSS modules.
/learn/dashboard-app/error-handlingLearn Next.js: Handling Errors | Next.jsHandle errors gracefully with error.tsx and notFound. Next.js: Handling ErrorsHandle errors gracefully with error.tsx and notFound.
/learn/dashboard-app/fetching-dataLearn Next.js: Fetching Data | Next.jsLearn about the different ways to fetch data in Next.js, and fetch data for your dashboard page using Server Components. Next.js: Fetching DataLearn about the different ways to fetch data in Next.js, and fetch data for your dashboard page using Server Components.
/learn/dashboard-app/getting-startedLearn Next.js: Getting Started | Next.jsCreate a new Next.js application using the dashboard starter example and explore the project. Next.js: Getting StartedCreate a new Next.js application using the dashboard starter example and explore the project.
/learn/dashboard-app/improving-accessibilityLearn Next.js: Improving Accessibility | Next.jsImplement server-side form validation and improve accessibility in your forms. Next.js: Improving AccessibilityImplement server-side form validation and improve accessibility in your forms.
/learn/dashboard-app/mutating-dataLearn Next.js: Mutating Data | Next.jsMutate data using React Server Actions, and revalidate the Next.js cache. Next.js: Mutating DataMutate data using React Server Actions, and revalidate the Next.js cache.
/learn/dashboard-app/navigating-between-pagesLearn Next.js: Navigating Between Pages | Next.jsLearn how to use the <Link> component to navigate between pages. Next.js: Navigating Between PagesLearn how to use the <Link> component to navigate between pages.
/learn/dashboard-app/next-stepsLearn Next.js: Next Steps | Next.jsNext.js Dashboard Course Conclusion Next.js: Next StepsNext.js Dashboard Course Conclusion
/learn/dashboard-app/optimizing-fonts-imagesLearn Next.js: Optimizing Fonts and Images | Next.jsOptimize fonts and images with the Next.js built-in components. Next.js: Optimizing Fonts and ImagesOptimize fonts and images with the Next.js built-in components.
/learn/dashboard-app/partial-prerenderingLearn Next.js: Partial Prerendering | Next.jsAn early look into Partial Prerendering and how it works. Next.js: Partial PrerenderingAn early look into Partial Prerendering and how it works.
/learn/dashboard-app/setting-up-your-databaseLearn Next.js: Setting Up Your Database | Next.jsSetup a database for your application and seed it with initial data. Next.js: Setting Up Your DatabaseSetup a database for your application and seed it with initial data.
/learn/dashboard-app/static-and-dynamic-renderingLearn Next.js: Static and Dynamic Rendering | Next.jsUnderstand how rendering works in Next.js, and make your dashboard app dynamic. Next.js: Static and Dynamic RenderingUnderstand how rendering works in Next.js, and make your dashboard app dynamic.
/learn/dashboard-app/streamingLearn Next.js: Streaming | Next.jsImprove your application's loading experience with streaming and loading skeletons. Next.js: StreamingImprove your application's loading experience with streaming and loading skeletons.
/learn/react-foundationsReact Foundations | Next.jsLearn the fundamental JavaScript and React concepts that'll help you get started with Next.js. FoundationsLearn the fundamental JavaScript and React concepts that'll help you get started with Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/from-react-to-nextjsReact Foundations: From React to Next.js | Next.jsHow to continue learning React, and get ready to learn Next.js. Foundations: From React to Next.jsHow to continue learning React, and get ready to learn Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/installationReact Foundations: Installing Next.js | Next.jsLearn how to install Next.js and refactor your code. Foundations: Installing Next.jsLearn how to install Next.js and refactor your code.
/learn/react-foundations/next-stepsReact Foundations: Next Steps | Next.jsResources to help you continue learning React and Next.js. Foundations: Next StepsResources to help you continue learning React and Next.js.
/learn/react-foundations/rendering-uiReact Foundations: Rendering User Interfaces (UI) | Next.jsLearn what the DOM is and how user interfaces are rendered. Foundations: Rendering User Interfaces (UI)Learn what the DOM is and how user interfaces are rendered.
/learn/react-foundations/server-and-client-componentsReact Foundations: Server and Client Components | Next.jsLearn about the server and client environments and when to use each. Foundations: Server and Client ComponentsLearn about the server and client environments and when to use each.
/learn/react-foundations/what-is-react-and-nextjsReact Foundations: About React and Next.js | Next.jsUnderstand the differences between React and Next.js, and how you can use them together to build modern web applications. Foundations: About React and Next.jsUnderstand the differences between React and Next.js, and how you can use them together to build modern web applications.
/learn?utm_source=next-site&utm_medium=homepage-cta&utm_campaign=homeLearn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
/showcaseShowcase | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkMeet hundreds of beautiful websites powered by Next.js by Vercel | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkMeet hundreds of beautiful websites powered by Next.js by Vercelhttps://https//
/telemetryTelemetry | Next.js by Vercel - The React FrameworkNext.js by Vercel is the full-stack React framework for the web. by Vercel - The React FrameworkProduction grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.
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  • <h1> Functions
    • <h3> cookies
    • <h3> draftMode
    • <h3> fetch
    • <h3> generateImageMetadata
    • <h3> generateMetadata
    • <h3> generateSitemaps
    • <h3> generateStaticParams
    • <h3> generateViewport
    • <h3> headers
    • <h3> ImageResponse
    • <h3> NextRequest
    • <h3> NextResponse
    • <h3> notFound
    • <h3> permanentRedirect
    • <h3> redirect
    • <h3> revalidatePath
    • <h3> revalidateTag
    • <h3> unstable_after
    • <h3> unstable_cache
    • <h3> unstable_noStore
    • <h3> unstable_rethrow
    • <h3> useParams
    • <h3> usePathname
    • <h3> useReportWebVitals
    • <h3> useRouter
    • <h3> useSearchParams
    • <h3> useSelectedLayoutSegment
    • <h3> useSelectedLayoutSegments
    • <h3> userAgent
  • <h1> Configuring
    • <h3> TypeScript
    • <h3> ESLint
    • <h3> Environment Variables
    • <h3> Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases
    • <h3> src Directory
    • <h3> MDX
    • <h3> AMP
    • <h3> Babel
    • <h3> PostCSS
    • <h3> Custom Server
    • <h3> Draft Mode
    • <h3> Error Handling
    • <h3> Debugging
    • <h3> Preview Mode
    • <h3> Content Security Policy
  • <h1> File Conventions
    • <h3> default.js
    • <h3> error.js
    • <h3> instrumentation.js
    • <h3> layout.js
    • <h3> loading.js
    • <h3> mdx-components.js
    • <h3> middleware.js
    • <h3> not-found.js
    • <h3> page.js
    • <h3> route.js
    • <h3> Route Segment Config
    • <h3> template.js
    • <h3> Metadata Files
  • <h1> Font Module
    • <h3> Font Function Arguments [#font-function-arguments]
    • <h3> src [#src]
    • <h3> weight [#weight]
    • <h3> style [#style]
    • <h3> subsets [#subsets]
    • <h3> axes [#axes]
    • <h3> display [#display]
    • <h3> preload [#preload]
    • <h3> fallback [#fallback]
    • <h3> adjustFontFallback [#adjustfontfallback]
    • <h3> variable [#variable]
    • <h3> declarations [#declarations]
    • <h2> Applying Styles [#applying-styles]
      • <h3> className [#classname]
      • <h3> style [#style-1]
      • <h3> CSS Variables [#css-variables]
    • <h2> Using a font definitions file [#using-a-font-definitions-file]
    • <h2> Version Changes [#version-changes]
  • <h1> Font Module
    • <h3> Font Function Arguments [#font-function-arguments]
    • <h3> src [#src]
    • <h3> weight [#weight]
    • <h3> style [#style]
    • <h3> subsets [#subsets]
    • <h3> axes [#axes]
    • <h3> display [#display]
    • <h3> preload [#preload]
    • <h3> fallback [#fallback]
    • <h3> adjustFontFallback [#adjustfontfallback]
    • <h3> variable [#variable]
    • <h3> declarations [#declarations]
    • <h2> Applying Styles [#applying-styles]
      • <h3> className [#classname]
      • <h3> style [#style-1]
      • <h3> CSS Variables [#css-variables]
    • <h2> Using a font definitions file [#using-a-font-definitions-file]
    • <h2> Version Changes [#version-changes]
  • <h1> Version 11
    • <h3> Webpack 5 [#webpack-5]
    • <h3> Cleaning the distDir is now a default [#cleaning-the-distdir-is-now-a-default]
    • <h3> PORT is now supported for next dev and next start [#port-is-now-supported-for-next-dev-and-next-start]
    • <h3> next.config.js customization to import images [#nextconfigjs-customization-to-import-images]
    • <h3> Remove super.componentDidCatch() from pages/_app.js [#remove-supercomponentdidcatch-from-pages_appjs]
    • <h3> Remove Container from pages/_app.js [#remove-container-from-pages_appjs]
    • <h3> Remove props.url usage from page components [#remove-propsurl-usage-from-page-components]
    • <h3> Remove unsized property on next/image [#remove-unsized-property-on-nextimage]
    • <h3> Remove modules property on next/dynamic [#remove-modules-property-on-nextdynamic]
    • <h3> Remove Head.rewind [#remove-headrewind]
    • <h3> Moment.js locales excluded by default [#momentjs-locales-excluded-by-default]
    • <h3> Update usage of [#update-usage-of-routerevents]
    • <h2> React 16 to 17 [#react-16-to-17]
  • <h1> Building Your Application
    • <h3> Routing
    • <h3> Data Fetching
    • <h3> Rendering
    • <h3> Caching
    • <h3> Styling
    • <h3> Optimizing
    • <h3> Configuring
    • <h3> Testing
    • <h3> Authentication
    • <h3> Deploying
    • <h3> Upgrading
  • <h1> Upgrading
    • <h3> Codemods
    • <h3> From Pages to App
    • <h3> Migrating from Vite
    • <h3> Migrating from Create React App
    • <h3> Version 14
    • <h3> Version 13
    • <h3> Version 12
    • <h3> Version 11
    • <h3> Version 10
    • <h3> Version 9
  • <h1> Routing
    • <h3> Pages and Layouts
    • <h3> Dynamic Routes
    • <h3> Linking and Navigating
    • <h3> Redirecting
    • <h3> Custom App
    • <h3> Custom Document
    • <h3> API Routes
    • <h3> Custom Errors
    • <h3> Internationalization
    • <h3> Middleware
  • <h1> Functions
    • <h3> getInitialProps
    • <h3> getServerSideProps
    • <h3> getStaticPaths
    • <h3> getStaticProps
    • <h3> NextRequest
    • <h3> NextResponse
    • <h3> useAmp
    • <h3> useReportWebVitals
    • <h3> useRouter
    • <h3> userAgent
  • <h1> Building Your Application
    • <h3> Routing
    • <h3> Rendering
    • <h3> Data Fetching
    • <h3> Styling
    • <h3> Optimizing
    • <h3> Configuring
    • <h3> Testing
    • <h3> Authentication
    • <h3> Deploying
    • <h3> Upgrading
  • <h1> Configuring
    • <h3> TypeScript
    • <h3> ESLint
    • <h3> Environment Variables
    • <h3> Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases
    • <h3> MDX
    • <h3> src Directory
    • <h3> Custom Server
    • <h3> Draft Mode
    • <h3> Content Security Policy
  • <h3> Create your first app
  • <h3> Search Engine Optimization
  • <h3> Create your first app
  • <h3> Search Engine Optimization
  • <h2> Introduction to SEO
  • <h2> What are Web Crawlers?
    • <h3> How Does Googlebot Work?
    • <h3> Quick Review
    • <h3> Further Reading
  • <h1> Next.js 9.1.7
    • <h3> 3% - 8%+ Smaller Client-Side JavaScript Size [#3---8-smaller-client-side-javascript-size]
    • <h3> Redesigned Production Build CLI Output [#redesigned-production-build-cli-output]
    • <h3> New Built-In Polyfills: fetch(), URL, and Object.assign [#new-built-in-polyfills-fetch-url-and-objectassign]
    • <h3> Optimized Page Loading: Better FCP and TTI [#optimized-page-loading-better-fcp-and-tti]
    • <h3> Support for the Latest JavaScript Features [#support-for-the-latest-javascript-features]
    • <h3> Zero-Config Deployment Support for next export Applications [#zero-config-deployment-support-for-next-export-applications]
    • <h3> React Strict Mode Compliance and Opt-In [#react-strict-mode-compliance-and-opt-in]
    • <h3> Automated Testing against Nightly React Builds [#automated-testing-against-nightly-react-builds]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h3> Create your first app
  • <h3> Search Engine Optimization
  • <h3> Create your first app
  • <h3> Search Engine Optimization
  • <h2> Core Web Vitals
  • <h2> Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
    • <h3> Quick Review
    • <h3> Further Reading
  • <h1> Script Optimization
    • <h3> Layout Scripts [#layout-scripts]
    • <h3> Application Scripts [#application-scripts]
    • <h3> Strategy [#strategy]
    • <h3> Offloading Scripts To A Web Worker (experimental) [#offloading-scripts-to-a-web-worker-experimental]
    • <h3> Inline Scripts [#inline-scripts]
    • <h3> Executing Additional Code [#executing-additional-code]
    • <h3> Additional Attributes [#additional-attributes]
    • <h2> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> &lt;Script&gt;
  • <h1> Components
    • <h3> Font
    • <h3> &lt;Head&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Image&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Image&gt; (Legacy)
    • <h3> &lt;Link&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Script&gt;
  • <h1> Script Optimization
    • <h3> Application Scripts [#application-scripts]
    • <h3> Strategy [#strategy]
    • <h3> Offloading Scripts To A Web Worker (experimental) [#offloading-scripts-to-a-web-worker-experimental]
    • <h3> Inline Scripts [#inline-scripts]
    • <h3> Executing Additional Code [#executing-additional-code]
    • <h3> Additional Attributes [#additional-attributes]
  • <h1> Rendering
    • <h3> Pre-rendering [#pre-rendering]
    • <h3> Server-side Rendering (SSR)
    • <h3> Static Site Generation (SSG)
    • <h3> Automatic Static Optimization
    • <h3> Client-side Rendering (CSR)
    • <h3> Edge and Node.js Runtimes
  • <h1> Upgrade Guide
    • <h3> Codemods
    • <h3> Version 15
    • <h3> Version 14
    • <h3> App Router Migration
    • <h3> Migrating from Create React App
    • <h3> Migrating from Vite
  • <h1> API Reference
    • <h3> Components
    • <h3> File Conventions
    • <h3> Functions
    • <h3> next.config.js Options
    • <h3> CLI
    • <h3> Edge Runtime
  • <h1> API Reference
    • <h3> Components
    • <h3> Functions
    • <h3> next.config.js Options
    • <h3> Edge Runtime
    • <h3> CLI
  • <h1> sitemap.xml
    • <h3> Sitemap files (.xml) [#sitemap-files-xml]
    • <h3> Generating a sitemap using code (.js, .ts) [#generating-a-sitemap-using-code-js-ts]
    • <h3> Image Sitemaps [#image-sitemaps]
    • <h3> Generate a localized Sitemap [#generate-a-localized-sitemap]
    • <h3> Generating multiple sitemaps [#generating-multiple-sitemaps]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> generateSitemaps
  • <h1> Metadata Files API Reference
    • <h3> favicon, icon, and apple-icon
    • <h3> manifest.json
    • <h3> opengraph-image and twitter-image
    • <h3> robots.txt
    • <h3> sitemap.xml
  • <h1> Components
    • <h3> Font
    • <h3> &lt;Form&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Image&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Link&gt;
    • <h3> &lt;Script&gt;
  • <h1> Architecture
    • <h3> Accessibility
    • <h3> Fast Refresh
    • <h3> Next.js Compiler
    • <h3> Supported Browsers
    • <h3> Turbopack
  • <h1> Styling
    • <h3> CSS Modules
    • <h3> Tailwind CSS
    • <h3> CSS-in-JS
    • <h3> Sass
  • <h1> Styling
    • <h3> CSS
    • <h3> Tailwind CSS
    • <h3> Sass
    • <h3> CSS-in-JS
  • <h1> Static Site Generation (SSG)
    • <h3> Static Generation without data [#static-generation-without-data]
    • <h3> Static Generation with data [#static-generation-with-data]
    • <h3> When should I use Static Generation? [#when-should-i-use-static-generation]
  • <h1> Data Fetching
    • <h3> Fetching
    • <h3> Caching and Revalidating
    • <h3> Server Actions and Mutations
  • <h1> React Foundations
    • <h3> Prerequisite knowledge [#prerequisite-knowledge]
    • <h3> System requirements [#system-requirements]
    • <h3> Join the conversation [#join-the-conversation]
    • <h2> Ready to get started?
  • <h1> basePath
    • <h3> Links [#links]
    • <h3> Images [#images]
  • <h1> CLI
    • <h3> CLI
    • <h3> next CLI
  • <h1> Version 12
    • <h3> Upgrading to 12.2 [#upgrading-to-122]
    • <h3> Upgrading to 12.0 [#upgrading-to-120]
  • <h1> CLI
    • <h3> create-next-app
    • <h3> next CLI
  • <h1> Sass
    • <h3> Customizing Sass Options [#customizing-sass-options]
    • <h3> Sass Variables [#sass-variables]
  • <h1> basePath
    • <h3> Links [#links]
    • <h3> Images [#images]
  • <h1> Improving Accessibility
    • <h2> What is accessibility? [#what-is-accessibility]
    • <h2> Using the ESLint accessibility plugin in Next.js [#using-the-eslint-accessibility-plugin-in-nextjs]
    • <h2> Improving form accessibility [#improving-form-accessibility]
    • <h2> Form validation [#form-validation]
      • <h3> Client-Side validation [#client-side-validation]
      • <h3> Server-Side validation [#server-side-validation]
  • <h1> Practice: Adding aria labels [#practice-adding-aria-labels]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 14
  • <h1> Next.js 9.1
    • <h3> src directory support [#src-directory-support]
    • <h3> public directory support [#public-directory-support]
    • <h2> Coming Soon [#coming-soon]
      • <h3> Built-in CSS Support [#built-in-css-support]
      • <h3> Static Error Pages [#static-error-pages]
    • <h2> Google Chrome Collaboration [#google-chrome-collaboration]
      • <h3> Module / Nomodule [#module--nomodule]
      • <h3> Improved Bundle Splitting [#improved-bundle-splitting]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Sass
    • <h3> Customizing Sass Options [#customizing-sass-options]
    • <h3> Sass Variables [#sass-variables]
  • <h1> About React and Next.js
    • <h3> Building blocks of a web application [#building-blocks-of-a-web-application]
    • <h3> What is React? [#what-is-react]
    • <h2> What is Next.js? [#what-is-nextjs]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 1
  • <h1> Pages Router
    • <h3> Building Your Application
    • <h3> API Reference
  • <h1> Static and Dynamic Rendering
    • <h3> What is Static Rendering? [#what-is-static-rendering]
    • <h2> What is Dynamic Rendering? [#what-is-dynamic-rendering]
    • <h2> Simulating a Slow Data Fetch [#simulating-a-slow-data-fetch]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 8
  • <h1> staleTimes
    • <h3> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Rendering User Interfaces (UI)
    • <h3> What is the DOM? [#what-is-the-dom]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 2
  • <h1> CSS-in-JS
    • <h3> Disabling JavaScript [#disabling-javascript]
  • <h1> The React Framework for the Web
    • <h2> What's in Next.js?
    • <h2> Built on a foundation of fast, production-grade tooling
    • <h2> Get started in seconds
    • <h2> The framework of choice when it matters
    • <h2> Customer Testimonials
      • <h3> “With Next.js at the helm of our headless tech stack, our developers can create features with velocity and speed, ultimately enabling users to create whatever, whenever they want to.”
      • <h3> “My favorite UX feedback from customers is: "How is the app so fast?" Because we’ve built on Next.js and Vercel since day one, our pages load in an instant, which is important when it comes to mission-critical software.”
      • <h3> “Next.js has been a game-changer for our agency work and team collaboration. Its powerful features have allowed us to build high-performance websites quickly and efficiently like never before.”
  • <h1> Middleware
    • <h2> Use Cases [#use-cases]
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Matching Paths [#matching-paths]
      • <h3> Matcher [#matcher]
      • <h3> Conditional Statements [#conditional-statements]
    • <h2> NextResponse [#nextresponse]
    • <h2> Using Cookies [#using-cookies]
    • <h2> Setting Headers [#setting-headers]
      • <h3> CORS [#cors]
    • <h2> Producing a Response [#producing-a-response]
      • <h3> waitUntil and NextFetchEvent [#waituntil-and-nextfetchevent]
    • <h2> Advanced Middleware Flags [#advanced-middleware-flags]
    • <h2> Runtime [#runtime]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Start building with Next.js
    • <h2> How does the course work?
    • <h2> What will I learn?
  • <h1> Draft Mode
    • <h2> Step 1: Create and access the API route [#step-1-create-and-access-the-api-route]
      • <h3> Securely accessing it from your Headless CMS [#securely-accessing-it-from-your-headless-cms]
    • <h2> Step 2: Update getStaticProps [#step-2-update-getstaticprops]
      • <h3> Fetch draft data [#fetch-draft-data]
    • <h2> More Details [#more-details]
      • <h3> Clear the Draft Mode cookie [#clear-the-draft-mode-cookie]
      • <h3> Works with getServerSideProps [#works-with-getserversideprops]
      • <h3> Works with API Routes [#works-with-api-routes]
      • <h3> Unique per next build [#unique-per-next-build]
  • <h1> AMP
    • <h2> Enabling AMP [#enabling-amp]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Adding AMP Components [#adding-amp-components]
    • <h2> AMP Validation [#amp-validation]
      • <h3> Custom Validators [#custom-validators]
      • <h3> Skip AMP Validation [#skip-amp-validation]
      • <h3> AMP in Static HTML Export [#amp-in-static-html-export]
    • <h2> TypeScript [#typescript]
  • <h1> Accessibility
    • <h2> Route Announcements [#route-announcements]
    • <h2> Linting [#linting]
    • <h2> Accessibility Resources [#accessibility-resources]
  • <h1> onDemandEntries
  • <h1> Instrumentation
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Importing files with side effects [#importing-files-with-side-effects]
      • <h3> Importing runtime-specific code [#importing-runtime-specific-code]
  • <h1> poweredByHeader
  • <h1> favicon, icon, and apple-icon
    • <h2> Image files (.ico, .jpg, .png) [#image-files-ico-jpg-png]
      • <h3> favicon [#favicon]
      • <h3> icon [#icon]
      • <h3> apple-icon [#apple-icon]
    • <h2> Generate icons using code (.js, .ts, .tsx) [#generate-icons-using-code-js-ts-tsx]
      • <h3> Props [#props]
      • <h3> Returns [#returns]
      • <h3> Config exports [#config-exports]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> src Directory
  • <h1> unstable_noStore
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Optimizing Bundling
    • <h2> Analyzing JavaScript bundles [#analyzing-javascript-bundles]
      • <h3> Installation [#installation]
      • <h3> Generating a report [#generating-a-report]
    • <h2> Optimizing package imports [#optimizing-package-imports]
    • <h2> Bundling specific packages [#bundling-specific-packages]
    • <h2> Bundling all packages [#bundling-all-packages]
    • <h2> Opting specific packages out of bundling [#opting-specific-packages-out-of-bundling]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Production Checklist
  • <h1> Adding Metadata
    • <h2> What is metadata? [#what-is-metadata]
    • <h2> Why is metadata important? [#why-is-metadata-important]
    • <h2> Types of metadata [#types-of-metadata]
    • <h2> Adding metadata [#adding-metadata]
      • <h3> Favicon and Open Graph image [#favicon-and-open-graph-image]
      • <h3> Page title and descriptions [#page-title-and-descriptions]
    • <h2> Practice: Adding metadata [#practice-adding-metadata]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 16
  • <h1> Testing
    • <h2> Types of tests [#types-of-tests]
    • <h2> Guides [#guides]
      • <h3> Vitest
      • <h3> Jest
      • <h3> Playwright
      • <h3> Cypress
  • <h1> &lt;Image&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
    • <h2> Required Props [#required-props]
      • <h3> src [#src]
      • <h3> width [#width]
      • <h3> height [#height]
      • <h3> alt [#alt]
    • <h2> Optional Props [#optional-props]
      • <h3> loader [#loader]
      • <h3> fill [#fill]
      • <h3> sizes [#sizes]
      • <h3> quality [#quality]
      • <h3> priority [#priority]
      • <h3> placeholder [#placeholder]
    • <h2> Advanced Props [#advanced-props]
      • <h3> style [#style]
      • <h3> onLoadingComplete [#onloadingcomplete]
      • <h3> onLoad [#onload]
      • <h3> onError [#onerror]
      • <h3> loading [#loading]
      • <h3> blurDataURL [#blurdataurl]
      • <h3> unoptimized [#unoptimized]
      • <h3> overrideSrc [#overridesrc]
      • <h3> Other Props [#other-props]
    • <h2> Configuration Options [#configuration-options]
      • <h3> remotePatterns [#remotepatterns]
      • <h3> domains [#domains]
      • <h3> loaderFile [#loaderfile]
    • <h2> Advanced [#advanced]
      • <h3> deviceSizes [#devicesizes]
      • <h3> imageSizes [#imagesizes]
      • <h3> formats [#formats]
    • <h2> Caching Behavior [#caching-behavior]
      • <h3> minimumCacheTTL [#minimumcachettl]
      • <h3> disableStaticImages [#disablestaticimages]
      • <h3> dangerouslyAllowSVG [#dangerouslyallowsvg]
      • <h3> contentDispositionType [#contentdispositiontype]
    • <h2> Animated Images [#animated-images]
    • <h2> Responsive Images [#responsive-images]
      • <h3> Responsive image using a static import [#responsive-image-using-a-static-import]
      • <h3> Responsive image with aspect ratio [#responsive-image-with-aspect-ratio]
      • <h3> Responsive image with fill [#responsive-image-with-fill]
    • <h2> Theme Detection CSS [#theme-detection-css]
    • <h2> getImageProps [#getimageprops]
      • <h3> Theme Detection Picture [#theme-detection-picture]
      • <h3> Art Direction [#art-direction]
      • <h3> Background CSS [#background-css]
    • <h2> Known Browser Bugs [#known-browser-bugs]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Supported Browsers
    • <h2> Browserslist [#browserslist]
    • <h2> Polyfills [#polyfills]
      • <h3> Custom Polyfills [#custom-polyfills]
    • <h2> JavaScript Language Features [#javascript-language-features]
      • <h3> TypeScript Features [#typescript-features]
      • <h3> Customizing Babel Config (Advanced) [#customizing-babel-config-advanced]
  • <h1> serverExternalPackages
  • <h1> Handling Errors
    • <h2> Adding try/catch to Server Actions [#adding-trycatch-to-server-actions]
    • <h2> Handling all errors with error.tsx [#handling-all-errors-with-errortsx]
    • <h2> Handling 404 errors with the notFound function [#handling-404-errors-with-the-notfound-function]
    • <h2> Further reading [#further-reading]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 13
  • <h1> Deploying
    • <h2> Production Builds [#production-builds]
    • <h2> Managed Next.js with Vercel [#managed-nextjs-with-vercel]
    • <h2> Self-Hosting [#self-hosting]
      • <h3> Node.js Server [#nodejs-server]
      • <h3> Docker Image [#docker-image]
      • <h3> Static HTML Export [#static-html-export]
    • <h2> Features [#features]
      • <h3> Image Optimization [#image-optimization]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Environment Variables [#environment-variables]
      • <h3> Caching and ISR [#caching-and-isr]
      • <h3> Build Cache [#build-cache]
      • <h3> Version Skew [#version-skew]
    • <h2> Manual Graceful Shutdowns [#manual-graceful-shutdowns]
      • <h3> Production Checklist
      • <h3> Static Exports
      • <h3> Multi-Zones
      • <h3> Continuous Integration (CI) Build Caching
  • <h1> revalidatePath
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Revalidating A Specific URL [#revalidating-a-specific-url]
      • <h3> Revalidating A Page Path [#revalidating-a-page-path]
      • <h3> Revalidating A Layout Path [#revalidating-a-layout-path]
      • <h3> Revalidating All Data [#revalidating-all-data]
      • <h3> Server Action [#server-action]
      • <h3> Route Handler [#route-handler]
  • <h1> Setting up Vitest with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual Setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Vitest Unit Test [#creating-your-first-vitest-unit-test]
    • <h2> Running your tests [#running-your-tests]
    • <h2> Additional Resources [#additional-resources]
  • <h1> TypeScript
    • <h2> New Projects [#new-projects]
    • <h2> Existing Projects [#existing-projects]
    • <h2> Minimum TypeScript Version [#minimum-typescript-version]
    • <h2> Type checking in Next.js Configuration [#type-checking-in-nextjs-configuration]
      • <h3> Type checking next.config.js [#type-checking-nextconfigjs]
      • <h3> Type checking next.config.ts [#type-checking-nextconfigts]
    • <h2> Static Generation and Server-side Rendering [#static-generation-and-server-side-rendering]
    • <h2> API Routes [#api-routes]
    • <h2> Custom App [#custom-app]
    • <h2> Path aliases and baseUrl [#path-aliases-and-baseurl]
    • <h2> Incremental type checking [#incremental-type-checking]
    • <h2> Ignoring TypeScript Errors [#ignoring-typescript-errors]
    • <h2> Custom Type Declarations [#custom-type-declarations]
    • <h2> Version Changes [#version-changes]
  • <h1> getServerSideProps
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> When should I use getServerSideProps? [#when-should-i-use-getserversideprops]
    • <h2> Behavior [#behavior]
    • <h2> Error Handling [#error-handling]
    • <h2> Edge Cases [#edge-cases]
      • <h3> Caching with Server-Side Rendering (SSR) [#caching-with-server-side-rendering-ssr]
  • <h1> Continuous Integration (CI) Build Caching
    • <h2> Vercel [#vercel]
    • <h2> CircleCI [#circleci]
    • <h2> Travis CI [#travis-ci]
    • <h2> GitLab CI [#gitlab-ci]
    • <h2> Netlify CI [#netlify-ci]
    • <h2> AWS CodeBuild [#aws-codebuild]
    • <h2> GitHub Actions [#github-actions]
    • <h2> Bitbucket Pipelines [#bitbucket-pipelines]
    • <h2> Heroku [#heroku]
    • <h2> Azure Pipelines [#azure-pipelines]
    • <h2> Jenkins (Pipeline) [#jenkins-pipeline]
  • <h1> No Cache Detected
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> Codemods
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
    • <h2> Next.js Codemods [#nextjs-codemods]
      • <h3> 14.0 [#140]
      • <h3> 13.2 [#132]
      • <h3> 13.0 [#130]
      • <h3> 11 [#11]
      • <h3> 10 [#10]
      • <h3> 9 [#9]
      • <h3> 8 [#8]
      • <h3> 6 [#6]
  • <h1> logging
  • <h1> redirects
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
      • <h3> Redirects with basePath support [#redirects-with-basepath-support]
      • <h3> Redirects with i18n support [#redirects-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Other Redirects [#other-redirects]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> crossOrigin
    • <h2> Options [#options]
  • <h1> Setting up Jest with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Optional: Handling Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases [#optional-handling-absolute-imports-and-module-path-aliases]
    • <h2> Optional: Extend Jest with custom matchers [#optional-extend-jest-with-custom-matchers]
    • <h2> Add a test script to package.json: [#add-a-test-script-to-packagejson]
      • <h3> Creating your first test: [#creating-your-first-test]
    • <h2> Running your tests [#running-your-tests]
    • <h2> Additional Resources [#additional-resources]
  • <h1> Custom App
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
    • <h2> getInitialProps with App [#getinitialprops-with-app]
  • <h1> Next.js Project Structure
    • <h2> Top-level folders [#top-level-folders]
    • <h2> Top-level files [#top-level-files]
    • <h2> app Routing Conventions [#app-routing-conventions]
      • <h3> Routing Files [#routing-files]
      • <h3> Nested Routes [#nested-routes]
      • <h3> Dynamic Routes [#dynamic-routes]
      • <h3> Route Groups and Private Folders [#route-groups-and-private-folders]
      • <h3> Parallel and Intercepted Routes [#parallel-and-intercepted-routes]
      • <h3> Metadata File Conventions [#metadata-file-conventions]
    • <h2> pages Routing Conventions [#pages-routing-conventions]
      • <h3> Special Files [#special-files]
      • <h3> Routes [#routes]
      • <h3> Dynamic Routes [#dynamic-routes-1]
  • <h1> Setting up Playwright with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Playwright E2E test [#creating-your-first-playwright-e2e-test]
      • <h3> Running your Playwright tests [#running-your-playwright-tests]
      • <h3> Running Playwright on Continuous Integration (CI) [#running-playwright-on-continuous-integration-ci]
  • <h1> Runtimes
    • <h2> Use Cases [#use-cases]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Edge Runtime
  • <h1> Authentication
    • <h2> Authentication [#authentication]
      • <h3> Sign-up and login functionality [#sign-up-and-login-functionality]
    • <h2> Session Management [#session-management]
      • <h3> Stateless Sessions [#stateless-sessions]
      • <h3> Database Sessions [#database-sessions]
    • <h2> Authorization [#authorization]
      • <h3> Optimistic checks with Middleware (Optional) [#optimistic-checks-with-middleware-optional]
      • <h3> Creating a Data Access Layer (DAL) [#creating-a-data-access-layer-dal]
      • <h3> Using Data Transfer Objects (DTO) [#using-data-transfer-objects-dto]
      • <h3> Server Components [#server-components]
      • <h3> Layouts and auth checks [#layouts-and-auth-checks]
      • <h3> Server Actions [#server-actions]
      • <h3> Route Handlers [#route-handlers]
    • <h2> Context Providers [#context-providers]
    • <h2> Resources [#resources]
      • <h3> Auth Libraries [#auth-libraries]
      • <h3> Session Management Libraries [#session-management-libraries]
    • <h2> Further Reading [#further-reading]
  • <h1> Migrating from Create React App
    • <h2> Why Switch? [#why-switch]
      • <h3> Slow initial page loading time [#slow-initial-page-loading-time]
      • <h3> No automatic code splitting [#no-automatic-code-splitting]
      • <h3> Network waterfalls [#network-waterfalls]
      • <h3> Fast and intentional loading states [#fast-and-intentional-loading-states]
      • <h3> Choose the data fetching strategy [#choose-the-data-fetching-strategy]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Built-in Optimizations [#built-in-optimizations]
    • <h2> Migration Steps [#migration-steps]
      • <h3> Step 1: Install the Next.js Dependency [#step-1-install-the-nextjs-dependency]
      • <h3> Step 2: Create the Next.js Configuration File [#step-2-create-the-nextjs-configuration-file]
      • <h3> Step 3: Create the Root Layout [#step-3-create-the-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 4: Metadata [#step-4-metadata]
      • <h3> Step 5: Styles [#step-5-styles]
      • <h3> Step 6: Create the Entrypoint Page [#step-6-create-the-entrypoint-page]
      • <h3> Step 7: Update Static Image Imports [#step-7-update-static-image-imports]
      • <h3> Step 8: Migrate the Environment Variables [#step-8-migrate-the-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Step 9: Update Scripts in package.json [#step-9-update-scripts-in-packagejson]
      • <h3> Step 10: Clean Up [#step-10-clean-up]
    • <h2> Bundler Compatibility [#bundler-compatibility]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
  • <h1> Analytics
    • <h2> Build Your Own [#build-your-own]
    • <h2> Web Vitals [#web-vitals]
    • <h2> Custom Metrics [#custom-metrics]
    • <h2> Sending results to external systems [#sending-results-to-external-systems]
  • <h1> fetch
    • <h2> fetch(url, options) [#fetchurl-options]
      • <h3> options.cache [#optionscache]
      • <h3> [#optionsnextrevalidate]
      • <h3> [#optionsnexttags]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> Fetch cache: 'no-store' not showing fresh data in development [#fetch-cache-no-store-not-showing-fresh-data-in-development]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> &lt;Script&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
    • <h2> Required Props [#required-props]
      • <h3> src [#src]
    • <h2> Optional Props [#optional-props]
      • <h3> strategy [#strategy]
      • <h3> beforeInteractive [#beforeinteractive]
      • <h3> afterInteractive [#afterinteractive]
      • <h3> lazyOnload [#lazyonload]
      • <h3> worker [#worker]
      • <h3> onLoad [#onload]
      • <h3> onReady [#onready]
      • <h3> onError [#onerror]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Forms and Mutations
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Server-only form [#server-only-form]
    • <h2> Form validation [#form-validation]
      • <h3> Error handling [#error-handling]
    • <h2> Displaying loading state [#displaying-loading-state]
      • <h3> Redirecting [#redirecting]
      • <h3> Setting cookies [#setting-cookies]
      • <h3> Reading cookies [#reading-cookies]
      • <h3> Deleting cookies [#deleting-cookies]
  • <h1> Font Optimization
    • <h2> Google Fonts [#google-fonts]
      • <h3> Specifying a subset [#specifying-a-subset]
      • <h3> Using Multiple Fonts [#using-multiple-fonts]
    • <h2> Local Fonts [#local-fonts]
    • <h2> With Tailwind CSS [#with-tailwind-css]
    • <h2> Preloading [#preloading]
    • <h2> Reusing fonts [#reusing-fonts]
    • <h2> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> Font
  • <h1> instrumentation.js
    • <h2> Enabling Instrumentation [#enabling-instrumentation]
    • <h2> Exports [#exports]
      • <h3> register (required) [#register-required]
      • <h3> onRequestError (optional) [#onrequesterror-optional]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> userAgent
    • <h2> isBot [#isbot]
    • <h2> browser [#browser]
    • <h2> device [#device]
    • <h2> engine [#engine]
    • <h2> os [#os]
    • <h2> cpu [#cpu]
  • <h1> usePathname
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Do something in response to a route change [#do-something-in-response-to-a-route-change]
  • <h1> default.js
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> params (optional) [#params-optional]
    • <h2> Learn more about Parallel Routes [#learn-more-about-parallel-routes]
      • <h3> Parallel Routes
  • <h1> getStaticProps
    • <h2> When should I use getStaticProps? [#when-should-i-use-getstaticprops]
    • <h2> When does getStaticProps run [#when-does-getstaticprops-run]
    • <h2> Using getStaticProps to fetch data from a CMS [#using-getstaticprops-to-fetch-data-from-a-cms]
    • <h2> Write server-side code directly [#write-server-side-code-directly]
    • <h2> Statically generates both HTML and JSON [#statically-generates-both-html-and-json]
    • <h2> Where can I use getStaticProps [#where-can-i-use-getstaticprops]
    • <h2> Runs on every request in development [#runs-on-every-request-in-development]
    • <h2> Preview Mode [#preview-mode]
  • <h1> Markdown and MDX
    • <h2> Install dependencies [#install-dependencies]
    • <h2> Configure next.config.mjs [#configure-nextconfigmjs]
    • <h2> Add an mdx-components.tsx file [#add-an-mdx-componentstsx-file]
    • <h2> Rendering MDX [#rendering-mdx]
      • <h3> Using file based routing [#using-file-based-routing]
      • <h3> Using imports [#using-imports]
    • <h2> Using custom styles and components [#using-custom-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Global styles and components [#global-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Local styles and components [#local-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Shared layouts [#shared-layouts]
      • <h3> Using Tailwind typography plugin [#using-tailwind-typography-plugin]
    • <h2> Frontmatter [#frontmatter]
    • <h2> Remark and Rehype Plugins [#remark-and-rehype-plugins]
    • <h2> Remote MDX [#remote-mdx]
    • <h2> Deep Dive: How do you transform markdown into HTML? [#deep-dive-how-do-you-transform-markdown-into-html]
    • <h2> Using the Rust-based MDX compiler (experimental) [#using-the-rust-based-mdx-compiler-experimental]
    • <h2> Helpful Links [#helpful-links]
  • <h1> route.js
    • <h2> HTTP Methods [#http-methods]
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
      • <h3> request (optional) [#request-optional]
      • <h3> context (optional) [#context-optional]
    • <h2> NextResponse [#nextresponse]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Fast Refresh
    • <h2> How It Works [#how-it-works]
    • <h2> Error Resilience [#error-resilience]
      • <h3> Syntax Errors [#syntax-errors]
      • <h3> Runtime Errors [#runtime-errors]
    • <h2> Limitations [#limitations]
    • <h2> Tips [#tips]
    • <h2> Fast Refresh and Hooks [#fast-refresh-and-hooks]
  • <h1> Preview Mode
    • <h2> Step 1: Create and access a preview API route [#step-1-create-and-access-a-preview-api-route]
      • <h3> Securely accessing it from your Headless CMS [#securely-accessing-it-from-your-headless-cms]
    • <h2> Step 2: Update getStaticProps [#step-2-update-getstaticprops]
      • <h3> Fetch preview data [#fetch-preview-data]
    • <h2> More Details [#more-details]
      • <h3> Specify the Preview Mode duration [#specify-the-preview-mode-duration]
      • <h3> Clear the Preview Mode cookies [#clear-the-preview-mode-cookies]
      • <h3> previewData size limits [#previewdata-size-limits]
      • <h3> Works with getServerSideProps [#works-with-getserversideprops]
      • <h3> Works with API Routes [#works-with-api-routes]
      • <h3> Unique per next build [#unique-per-next-build]
  • <h1> transpilePackages
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> &lt;Link&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> href (required) [#href-required]
      • <h3> replace [#replace]
      • <h3> scroll [#scroll]
      • <h3> prefetch [#prefetch]
    • <h2> Other Props [#other-props]
      • <h3> legacyBehavior [#legacybehavior]
      • <h3> passHref [#passhref]
      • <h3> scroll [#scroll-1]
      • <h3> shallow [#shallow]
      • <h3> locale [#locale]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Linking to Dynamic Routes [#linking-to-dynamic-routes]
      • <h3> If the child is a custom component that wraps an &lt;a&gt; tag [#if-the-child-is-a-custom-component-that-wraps-an-a-tag]
      • <h3> If the child is a functional component [#if-the-child-is-a-functional-component]
      • <h3> With URL Object [#with-url-object]
      • <h3> Replace the URL instead of push [#replace-the-url-instead-of-push]
      • <h3> Disable scrolling to the top of the page [#disable-scrolling-to-the-top-of-the-page]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Testing
    • <h2> Types of tests [#types-of-tests]
    • <h2> Async Server Components [#async-server-components]
    • <h2> Guides [#guides]
      • <h3> Vitest
      • <h3> Jest
      • <h3> Playwright
      • <h3> Cypress
  • <h1> useRouter
    • <h2> useRouter() [#userouter]
      • <h3> Migrating from next/router [#migrating-from-nextrouter]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Router events [#router-events]
      • <h3> Disabling scroll restoration [#disabling-scroll-restoration]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> trailingSlash
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> useRouter
    • <h2> router object [#router-object]
      • <h3> router.push [#routerpush]
      • <h3> router.replace [#routerreplace]
      • <h3> router.prefetch [#routerprefetch]
      • <h3> router.beforePopState [#routerbeforepopstate]
      • <h3> router.back [#routerback]
      • <h3> router.reload [#routerreload]
      • <h3> [#routerevents]
    • <h2> Potential ESLint errors [#potential-eslint-errors]
      • <h3> Potential solutions [#potential-solutions]
    • <h2> withRouter [#withrouter]
      • <h3> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> TypeScript [#typescript]
  • <h1> generateEtags
  • <h1> turbo
    • <h2> webpack loaders [#webpack-loaders]
      • <h3> Supported loaders [#supported-loaders]
    • <h2> Resolve aliases [#resolve-aliases]
    • <h2> Resolve extensions [#resolve-extensions]
  • <h1> cookies
    • <h2> cookies().get(name) [#cookiesgetname]
    • <h2> cookies().getAll() [#cookiesgetall]
    • <h2> cookies().has(name) [#cookieshasname]
    • <h2> cookies().set(name, value, options) [#cookiessetname-value-options]
    • <h2> Deleting cookies [#deleting-cookies]
      • <h3> cookies().delete(name) [#cookiesdeletename]
      • <h3> cookies().set(name, '') [#cookiessetname-]
      • <h3> cookies().set(name, value, { maxAge: 0 }) [#cookiessetname-value--maxage-0-]
      • <h3> cookies().set(name, value, { expires: timestamp }) [#cookiessetname-value--expires-timestamp-]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Server Actions and Mutations
  • <h1> Edge Runtime
    • <h2> Network APIs [#network-apis]
    • <h2> Encoding APIs [#encoding-apis]
    • <h2> Stream APIs [#stream-apis]
    • <h2> Crypto APIs [#crypto-apis]
    • <h2> Web Standard APIs [#web-standard-apis]
    • <h2> Next.js Specific Polyfills [#nextjs-specific-polyfills]
    • <h2> Environment Variables [#environment-variables]
    • <h2> Unsupported APIs [#unsupported-apis]
  • <h1> Next.js Compiler
    • <h2> Why SWC? [#why-swc]
    • <h2> Supported Features [#supported-features]
      • <h3> Styled Components [#styled-components]
      • <h3> Jest [#jest]
      • <h3> Relay [#relay]
      • <h3> Remove React Properties [#remove-react-properties]
      • <h3> Remove Console [#remove-console]
      • <h3> Legacy Decorators [#legacy-decorators]
      • <h3> importSource [#importsource]
      • <h3> Emotion [#emotion]
      • <h3> Minification [#minification]
      • <h3> Module Transpilation [#module-transpilation]
      • <h3> Modularize Imports [#modularize-imports]
    • <h2> Experimental Features [#experimental-features]
      • <h3> SWC Trace profiling [#swc-trace-profiling]
      • <h3> SWC Plugins (experimental) [#swc-plugins-experimental]
    • <h2> Unsupported Features [#unsupported-features]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Next.js 12.3
    • <h2> Next.js Conf [#nextjs-conf]
    • <h2> TypeScript Auto-Install [#typescript-auto-install]
    • <h2> Improved Fast Refresh [#improved-fast-refresh]
    • <h2> Image Component [#image-component]
      • <h3> next/future/image component (Stable) [#nextfutureimage-component-stable]
      • <h3> Remote Patterns (Stable) [#remote-patterns-stable]
      • <h3> Disable Image Optimization (Stable) [#disable-image-optimization-stable]
    • <h2> SWC Minifier (Stable) [#swc-minifier-stable]
    • <h2> New Router and Layouts Update [#new-router-and-layouts-update]
    • <h2> Other Improvements [#other-improvements]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Custom Next.js Cache Handler
    • <h2> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> get() [#get]
      • <h3> set() [#set]
      • <h3> revalidateTag() [#revalidatetag]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> useSearchParams
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
      • <h3> Static Rendering [#static-rendering]
    • <h2> Behavior [#behavior]
      • <h3> Dynamic Rendering [#dynamic-rendering]
      • <h3> Server Components [#server-components]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Updating searchParams [#updating-searchparams]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> assetPrefix
    • <h2> Set up a CDN [#set-up-a-cdn]
  • <h1> Edge and Node.js Runtimes
    • <h2> Use Cases [#use-cases]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
  • <h1> env
  • <h1> Next.js 14
    • <h2> Next.js Compiler: Turbocharged [#nextjs-compiler-turbocharged]
    • <h2> Forms and Mutations [#forms-and-mutations]
      • <h3> Server Actions (Stable) [#server-actions-stable]
      • <h3> Caching, Revalidating, Redirecting, and more [#caching-revalidating-redirecting-and-more]
    • <h2> Partial Prerendering (Preview) [#partial-prerendering-preview]
      • <h3> Motivation [#motivation]
      • <h3> Built on React Suspense [#built-on-react-suspense]
      • <h3> Coming soon [#coming-soon]
    • <h2> Metadata Improvements [#metadata-improvements]
    • <h2> Next.js Learn Course [#nextjs-learn-course]
    • <h2> Other Changes [#other-changes]
    • <h2> Contributors [#contributors]
  • <h1> webVitalsAttribution
  • <h1> loading.js
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Data Fetching
    • <h2> Should I fetch data on the server or the client? [#should-i-fetch-data-on-the-server-or-the-client]
    • <h2> fetch API [#fetch-api]
      • <h3> Request Memoization [#request-memoization]
    • <h2> ORMs and Database Clients [#orms-and-database-clients]
    • <h2> Data Fetching Libraries [#data-fetching-libraries]
    • <h2> Route Handlers [#route-handlers]
    • <h2> Patterns [#patterns]
      • <h3> Parallel and sequential data fetching [#parallel-and-sequential-data-fetching]
      • <h3> Preloading Data [#preloading-data]
      • <h3> Preventing sensitive data from being exposed to the client [#preventing-sensitive-data-from-being-exposed-to-the-client]
  • <h1> pageExtensions
  • <h1> Production Checklist
    • <h2> Automatic optimizations [#automatic-optimizations]
    • <h2> During development [#during-development]
      • <h3> Routing and rendering [#routing-and-rendering]
      • <h3> Data fetching and caching [#data-fetching-and-caching]
      • <h3> UI and accessibility [#ui-and-accessibility]
      • <h3> Security [#security]
      • <h3> Metadata and SEO [#metadata-and-seo]
      • <h3> Type safety [#type-safety]
    • <h2> Before going to production [#before-going-to-production]
      • <h3> Core Web Vitals [#core-web-vitals]
      • <h3> Analyzing bundles [#analyzing-bundles]
    • <h2> After deployment [#after-deployment]
  • <h1> turbo
    • <h2> webpack loaders [#webpack-loaders]
      • <h3> Supported loaders [#supported-loaders]
    • <h2> Resolve aliases [#resolve-aliases]
    • <h2> Resolve extensions [#resolve-extensions]
  • <h1> Video Optimization
    • <h2> Using &lt;video&gt; and &lt;iframe&gt; [#using-video-and-iframe]
      • <h3> &lt;video&gt; [#video]
      • <h3> Common &lt;video&gt; tag attributes [#common-video-tag-attributes]
      • <h3> Video best practices [#video-best-practices]
      • <h3> &lt;iframe&gt; [#iframe]
      • <h3> Common &lt;iframe&gt; tag attributes [#common-iframe-tag-attributes]
      • <h3> Choosing a video embedding method [#choosing-a-video-embedding-method]
      • <h3> Embedding externally hosted videos [#embedding-externally-hosted-videos]
    • <h2> Self-hosted videos [#self-hosted-videos]
      • <h3> Using Vercel Blob for video hosting [#using-vercel-blob-for-video-hosting]
      • <h3> Adding subtitles to your video [#adding-subtitles-to-your-video]
    • <h2> Resources [#resources]
      • <h3> Open source next-video component [#open-source-next-video-component]
      • <h3> Cloudinary Integration [#cloudinary-integration]
      • <h3> Mux Video API [#mux-video-api]
      • <h3> Fastly [#fastly]
  • <h1> &lt;Script&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
    • <h2> Required Props [#required-props]
      • <h3> src [#src]
    • <h2> Optional Props [#optional-props]
      • <h3> strategy [#strategy]
      • <h3> beforeInteractive [#beforeinteractive]
      • <h3> afterInteractive [#afterinteractive]
      • <h3> lazyOnload [#lazyonload]
      • <h3> worker [#worker]
      • <h3> onLoad [#onload]
      • <h3> onReady [#onready]
      • <h3> onError [#onerror]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> CSS-in-JS
    • <h2> Configuring CSS-in-JS in app [#configuring-css-in-js-in-app]
      • <h3> styled-jsx [#styled-jsx]
      • <h3> Styled Components [#styled-components]
  • <h1> pageExtensions
    • <h2> Including non-page files in the pages directory [#including-non-page-files-in-the-pages-directory]
  • <h1> &lt;Head&gt;
    • <h2> Avoid duplicated tags [#avoid-duplicated-tags]
    • <h2> Use minimal nesting [#use-minimal-nesting]
    • <h2> Use next/script for scripts [#use-nextscript-for-scripts]
    • <h2> No html or body tags [#no-html-or-body-tags]
  • <h1> getServerSideProps
    • <h2> Context parameter [#context-parameter]
    • <h2> getServerSideProps return values [#getserversideprops-return-values]
      • <h3> props [#props]
      • <h3> notFound [#notfound]
      • <h3> redirect [#redirect]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> &lt;Form&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> action (string) Props [#action-string-props]
      • <h3> action (function) Props [#action-function-props]
      • <h3> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Search form that leads to a search result page [#search-form-that-leads-to-a-search-result-page]
      • <h3> Mutations with Server Actions [#mutations-with-server-actions]
  • <h1> Webpack 5 Adoption
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> next CLI
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> Commands [#commands]
      • <h3> next dev options [#next-dev-options]
      • <h3> next build options [#next-build-options]
      • <h3> next start options [#next-start-options]
      • <h3> next info options [#next-info-options]
      • <h3> next lint options [#next-lint-options]
      • <h3> next telemetry options [#next-telemetry-options]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Changing the default port [#changing-the-default-port]
      • <h3> Using HTTPS during development [#using-https-during-development]
      • <h3> Configuring a timeout for downstream proxies [#configuring-a-timeout-for-downstream-proxies]
      • <h3> Passing Node.js arguments [#passing-nodejs-arguments]
  • <h1> Server-side Rendering (SSR)
  • <h1> serverActions
    • <h2> allowedOrigins [#allowedorigins]
    • <h2> bodySizeLimit [#bodysizelimit]
    • <h2> Enabling Server Actions (v13) [#enabling-server-actions-v13]
  • <h1> Metadata
    • <h2> Static Metadata [#static-metadata]
    • <h2> Dynamic Metadata [#dynamic-metadata]
    • <h2> File-based metadata [#file-based-metadata]
    • <h2> Behavior [#behavior]
      • <h3> Default Fields [#default-fields]
      • <h3> Ordering [#ordering]
      • <h3> Merging [#merging]
    • <h2> Dynamic Image Generation [#dynamic-image-generation]
    • <h2> JSON-LD [#json-ld]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> generateMetadata
      • <h3> Metadata Files
      • <h3> generateViewport
  • <h1> Next.js 12
    • <h2> Faster builds and Fast Refresh with Rust compiler [#faster-builds-and-fast-refresh-with-rust-compiler]
    • <h2> Introducing Middleware [#introducing-middleware]
    • <h2> Preparing for React 18 [#preparing-for-react-18]
      • <h3> Server-Side Streaming [#server-side-streaming]
      • <h3> React Server Components [#react-server-components]
    • <h2> ES Modules Support and URL Imports [#es-modules-support-and-url-imports]
    • <h2> URL Imports [#url-imports]
    • <h2> Bot-Aware ISR Fallback [#bot-aware-isr-fallback]
    • <h2> Smaller images using AVIF [#smaller-images-using-avif]
    • <h2> Output File Tracing [#output-file-tracing]
    • <h2> Other Improvements [#other-improvements]
    • <h2> Breaking Changes [#breaking-changes]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Getting Started
    • <h2> Creating a new project [#creating-a-new-project]
    • <h2> Exploring the project [#exploring-the-project]
      • <h3> Folder structure [#folder-structure]
      • <h3> Placeholder data [#placeholder-data]
      • <h3> TypeScript [#typescript]
    • <h2> Running the development server [#running-the-development-server]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 1
  • <h1> useParams
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Analytics
    • <h2> Build Your Own [#build-your-own]
    • <h2> Web Vitals [#web-vitals]
    • <h2> Sending results to external systems [#sending-results-to-external-systems]
  • <h1> Error Handling
    • <h2> Handling Expected Errors [#handling-expected-errors]
      • <h3> Handling Expected Errors from Server Actions [#handling-expected-errors-from-server-actions]
      • <h3> Handling Expected Errors from Server Components [#handling-expected-errors-from-server-components]
    • <h2> Uncaught Exceptions [#uncaught-exceptions]
      • <h3> Using Error Boundaries [#using-error-boundaries]
      • <h3> Handling Errors in Nested Routes [#handling-errors-in-nested-routes]
      • <h3> Handling Global Errors [#handling-global-errors]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> error.js
  • <h1> serverComponentsHmrCache
  • <h1> Setting up Jest with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Setting up Jest (with Babel) [#setting-up-jest-with-babel]
      • <h3> Handling stylesheets and image imports [#handling-stylesheets-and-image-imports]
    • <h2> Handling Fonts [#handling-fonts]
    • <h2> Optional: Handling Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases [#optional-handling-absolute-imports-and-module-path-aliases]
    • <h2> Optional: Extend Jest with custom matchers [#optional-extend-jest-with-custom-matchers]
    • <h2> Add a test script to package.json: [#add-a-test-script-to-packagejson]
      • <h3> Creating your first test: [#creating-your-first-test]
    • <h2> Running your tests [#running-your-tests]
    • <h2> Additional Resources [#additional-resources]
  • <h1> Babel
    • <h2> Adding Presets and Plugins [#adding-presets-and-plugins]
    • <h2> Customizing Presets and Plugins [#customizing-presets-and-plugins]
  • <h1> layout.js
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> children (required) [#children-required]
      • <h3> params (optional) [#params-optional]
    • <h2> Good to know [#good-to-know]
      • <h3> Root Layouts [#root-layouts]
      • <h3> Layouts do not receive searchParams [#layouts-do-not-receive-searchparams]
      • <h3> Layouts cannot access pathname [#layouts-cannot-access-pathname]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> images
    • <h2> Example Loader Configuration [#example-loader-configuration]
      • <h3> Akamai [#akamai]
      • <h3> AWS CloudFront [#aws-cloudfront]
      • <h3> Cloudinary [#cloudinary]
      • <h3> Cloudflare [#cloudflare]
      • <h3> Contentful [#contentful]
      • <h3> Fastly [#fastly]
      • <h3> Gumlet [#gumlet]
      • <h3> ImageEngine [#imageengine]
      • <h3> Imgix [#imgix]
      • <h3> PixelBin [#pixelbin]
      • <h3> Sanity [#sanity]
      • <h3> Sirv [#sirv]
      • <h3> Supabase [#supabase]
      • <h3> Thumbor [#thumbor]
  • <h1> Route Groups
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Organize routes without affecting the URL path [#organize-routes-without-affecting-the-url-path]
      • <h3> Opting specific segments into a layout [#opting-specific-segments-into-a-layout]
      • <h3> Creating multiple root layouts [#creating-multiple-root-layouts]
  • <h1> Deploying
    • <h2> Production Builds [#production-builds]
    • <h2> Managed Next.js with Vercel [#managed-nextjs-with-vercel]
    • <h2> Self-Hosting [#self-hosting]
      • <h3> Node.js Server [#nodejs-server]
      • <h3> Docker Image [#docker-image]
      • <h3> Static HTML Export [#static-html-export]
    • <h2> Features [#features]
      • <h3> Image Optimization [#image-optimization]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Environment Variables [#environment-variables]
      • <h3> Caching and ISR [#caching-and-isr]
      • <h3> Build Cache [#build-cache]
      • <h3> Version Skew [#version-skew]
      • <h3> Streaming and Suspense [#streaming-and-suspense]
      • <h3> Partial Prerendering [#partial-prerendering]
      • <h3> Usage with CDNs [#usage-with-cdns]
      • <h3> Production Checklist
      • <h3> Static Exports
      • <h3> Multi-Zones
  • <h1> Instrumentation
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Importing files with side effects [#importing-files-with-side-effects]
      • <h3> Importing runtime-specific code [#importing-runtime-specific-code]
    • <h2> Learn more about Instrumentation [#learn-more-about-instrumentation]
      • <h3> instrumentation.js
      • <h3> instrumentationHook
  • <h1> optimizePackageImports
  • <h1> next CLI
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> Commands [#commands]
      • <h3> next dev options [#next-dev-options]
      • <h3> next build options [#next-build-options]
      • <h3> next start options [#next-start-options]
      • <h3> next info options [#next-info-options]
      • <h3> next lint options [#next-lint-options]
      • <h3> next telemetry options [#next-telemetry-options]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Changing the default port [#changing-the-default-port]
      • <h3> Using HTTPS during development [#using-https-during-development]
      • <h3> Configuring a timeout for downstream proxies [#configuring-a-timeout-for-downstream-proxies]
      • <h3> Passing Node.js arguments [#passing-nodejs-arguments]
  • <h1> PostCSS
    • <h2> Default Behavior [#default-behavior]
    • <h2> Customizing Target Browsers [#customizing-target-browsers]
    • <h2> CSS Modules [#css-modules]
    • <h2> Customizing Plugins [#customizing-plugins]
  • <h1> Client-side Fetching
    • <h2> Client-side data fetching with useEffect [#client-side-data-fetching-with-useeffect]
    • <h2> Client-side data fetching with SWR [#client-side-data-fetching-with-swr]
  • <h1> Lazy Loading
    • <h2> next/dynamic [#nextdynamic]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> With named exports [#with-named-exports]
    • <h2> With no SSR [#with-no-ssr]
    • <h2> With external libraries [#with-external-libraries]
  • <h1> Streaming
    • <h2> What is streaming? [#what-is-streaming]
    • <h2> Streaming a whole page with loading.tsx [#streaming-a-whole-page-with-loadingtsx]
      • <h3> Adding loading skeletons [#adding-loading-skeletons]
      • <h3> Fixing the loading skeleton bug with route groups [#fixing-the-loading-skeleton-bug-with-route-groups]
      • <h3> Streaming a component [#streaming-a-component]
      • <h3> Practice: Streaming &lt;LatestInvoices&gt; [#practice-streaming-latestinvoices]
    • <h2> Grouping components [#grouping-components]
    • <h2> Deciding where to place your Suspense boundaries [#deciding-where-to-place-your-suspense-boundaries]
    • <h2> Looking ahead [#looking-ahead]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 9
  • <h1> Setting Up Your Database
    • <h2> Create a GitHub repository [#create-a-github-repository]
    • <h2> Create a Vercel account [#create-a-vercel-account]
    • <h2> Connect and deploy your project [#connect-and-deploy-your-project]
    • <h2> Create a Postgres database [#create-a-postgres-database]
    • <h2> Seed your database [#seed-your-database]
    • <h2> Exploring your database [#exploring-your-database]
    • <h2> Executing queries [#executing-queries]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 6
  • <h1> reactStrictMode
  • <h1> productionBrowserSourceMaps
  • <h1> urlImports
    • <h2> Security Model [#security-model]
    • <h2> Lockfile [#lockfile]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Skypack [#skypack]
      • <h3> Static Image Imports [#static-image-imports]
      • <h3> URLs in CSS [#urls-in-css]
      • <h3> Asset Imports [#asset-imports]
  • <h1> page.js
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> params (optional) [#params-optional]
      • <h3> searchParams (optional) [#searchparams-optional]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> devIndicators
    • <h2> appIsrStatus (Static Indicator) [#appisrstatus-static-indicator]
    • <h2> buildActivity (Compilation Indicator) [#buildactivity-compilation-indicator]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> Static route not showing the indicator [#static-route-not-showing-the-indicator]
  • <h1> Mutating Data
    • <h2> What are Server Actions? [#what-are-server-actions]
    • <h2> Using forms with Server Actions [#using-forms-with-server-actions]
    • <h2> Next.js with Server Actions [#nextjs-with-server-actions]
    • <h2> Creating an invoice [#creating-an-invoice]
      • <h3> 1. Create a new route and form [#1-create-a-new-route-and-form]
      • <h3> 2. Create a Server Action [#2-create-a-server-action]
      • <h3> 3. Extract the data from formData [#3-extract-the-data-from-formdata]
      • <h3> 4. Validate and prepare the data [#4-validate-and-prepare-the-data]
      • <h3> 5. Inserting the data into your database [#5-inserting-the-data-into-your-database]
      • <h3> 6. Revalidate and redirect [#6-revalidate-and-redirect]
    • <h2> Updating an invoice [#updating-an-invoice]
      • <h3> 1. Create a Dynamic Route Segment with the invoice id [#1-create-a-dynamic-route-segment-with-the-invoice-id]
      • <h3> 2. Read the invoice id from page params [#2-read-the-invoice-id-from-page-params]
      • <h3> 3. Fetch the specific invoice [#3-fetch-the-specific-invoice]
      • <h3> 4. Pass the id to the Server Action [#4-pass-the-id-to-the-server-action]
    • <h2> Deleting an invoice [#deleting-an-invoice]
    • <h2> Further reading [#further-reading]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 12
  • <h1> NextRequest
    • <h2> cookies [#cookies]
      • <h3> set(name, value) [#setname-value]
      • <h3> get(name) [#getname]
      • <h3> getAll() [#getall]
      • <h3> delete(name) [#deletename]
      • <h3> has(name) [#hasname]
      • <h3> clear() [#clear]
    • <h2> nextUrl [#nexturl]
    • <h2> ip [#ip]
    • <h2> geo [#geo]
  • <h1> Setting up Cypress with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Cypress E2E test [#creating-your-first-cypress-e2e-test]
      • <h3> Running E2E Tests [#running-e2e-tests]
    • <h2> Creating your first Cypress component test [#creating-your-first-cypress-component-test]
      • <h3> Running Component Tests [#running-component-tests]
    • <h2> Continuous Integration (CI) [#continuous-integration-ci]
  • <h1> env
  • <h1> NextResponse
    • <h2> cookies [#cookies]
      • <h3> set(name, value) [#setname-value]
      • <h3> get(name) [#getname]
      • <h3> getAll() [#getall]
      • <h3> delete(name) [#deletename]
    • <h2> json() [#json]
    • <h2> redirect() [#redirect]
    • <h2> rewrite() [#rewrite]
    • <h2> next() [#next]
  • <h1> API Routes
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> HTTP Methods [#http-methods]
    • <h2> Request Helpers [#request-helpers]
      • <h3> Custom config [#custom-config]
    • <h2> Response Helpers [#response-helpers]
      • <h3> Setting the status code of a response [#setting-the-status-code-of-a-response]
      • <h3> Sending a JSON response [#sending-a-json-response]
      • <h3> Sending a HTTP response [#sending-a-http-response]
      • <h3> Redirects to a specified path or URL [#redirects-to-a-specified-path-or-url]
      • <h3> Adding TypeScript types [#adding-typescript-types]
    • <h2> Dynamic API Routes [#dynamic-api-routes]
      • <h3> Catch all API routes [#catch-all-api-routes]
      • <h3> Optional catch all API routes [#optional-catch-all-api-routes]
      • <h3> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Edge API Routes [#edge-api-routes]
  • <h1> Next.js 11
    • <h2> Conformance [#conformance]
    • <h2> Improved Performance [#improved-performance]
    • <h2> Script Optimization [#script-optimization]
    • <h2> Image Improvements [#image-improvements]
      • <h3> Automatic Size Detection (Local Images) [#automatic-size-detection-local-images]
      • <h3> Image Placeholders [#image-placeholders]
    • <h2> Webpack 5 [#webpack-5]
    • <h2> CRA Migration [#cra-migration]
    • <h2> Next.js Live (Preview Release) [#nextjs-live-preview-release]
    • <h2> Upgrade Guide [#upgrade-guide]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Caching and Revalidating
    • <h2> Caching [#caching]
      • <h3> fetch requests [#fetch-requests]
      • <h3> Data fetching libraries and ORMs [#data-fetching-libraries-and-orms]
    • <h2> Revalidating data [#revalidating-data]
      • <h3> Time-based revalidation [#time-based-revalidation]
      • <h3> On-demand revalidation [#on-demand-revalidation]
      • <h3> Error handling and revalidation [#error-handling-and-revalidation]
  • <h1> generateEtags
  • <h1> getStaticProps
    • <h2> Context parameter [#context-parameter]
    • <h2> getStaticProps return values [#getstaticprops-return-values]
      • <h3> props [#props]
      • <h3> revalidate [#revalidate]
      • <h3> notFound [#notfound]
      • <h3> redirect [#redirect]
    • <h2> Reading files: Use process.cwd() [#reading-files-use-processcwd]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases
    • <h2> Absolute Imports [#absolute-imports]
    • <h2> Module Aliases [#module-aliases]
  • <h1> Tailwind CSS
    • <h2> Installing Tailwind [#installing-tailwind]
    • <h2> Configuring Tailwind [#configuring-tailwind]
    • <h2> Importing Styles [#importing-styles]
    • <h2> Using Classes [#using-classes]
    • <h2> Usage with Turbopack [#usage-with-turbopack]
  • <h1> reactCompiler
  • <h1> Next.js 10.2
    • <h2> Webpack 5 [#webpack-5]
    • <h2> Improved Startup Performance [#improved-startup-performance]
    • <h2> Accessibility Improvements [#accessibility-improvements]
    • <h2> Routing based on Headers and Query String Parameters [#routing-based-on-headers-and-query-string-parameters]
    • <h2> Automatic Webfont Optimization [#automatic-webfont-optimization]
    • <h2> Growing the Team [#growing-the-team]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> crossOrigin
    • <h2> Options [#options]
  • <h1> Route Segment Config
    • <h2> Options [#options]
      • <h3> experimental_ppr [#experimental_ppr]
      • <h3> dynamic [#dynamic]
      • <h3> dynamicParams [#dynamicparams]
      • <h3> revalidate [#revalidate]
      • <h3> fetchCache [#fetchcache]
      • <h3> runtime [#runtime]
      • <h3> preferredRegion [#preferredregion]
      • <h3> maxDuration [#maxduration]
      • <h3> generateStaticParams [#generatestaticparams]
  • <h1> serverExternalPackages
  • <h1> Pages
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Layouts and Templates
      • <h3> Linking and Navigating
  • <h1> Content Security Policy
    • <h2> Nonces [#nonces]
      • <h3> Why use a nonce? [#why-use-a-nonce]
      • <h3> Adding a nonce with Middleware [#adding-a-nonce-with-middleware]
      • <h3> Reading the nonce [#reading-the-nonce]
    • <h2> Without Nonces [#without-nonces]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Middleware
      • <h3> headers
  • <h1> distDir
  • <h1> Dynamic Routes
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Catch-all Segments [#catch-all-segments]
    • <h2> Optional Catch-all Segments [#optional-catch-all-segments]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Linking and Navigating
      • <h3> useRouter
  • <h1> eslint
  • <h1> Optimizations
    • <h2> Built-in Components [#built-in-components]
    • <h2> Metadata [#metadata]
    • <h2> Static Assets [#static-assets]
    • <h2> Analytics and Monitoring [#analytics-and-monitoring]
      • <h3> Images
      • <h3> Fonts
      • <h3> Scripts
      • <h3> Static Assets
      • <h3> Bundling
      • <h3> Analytics
      • <h3> Lazy Loading
      • <h3> Instrumentation
      • <h3> OpenTelemetry
      • <h3> Third Party Libraries
  • <h1> generateBuildId
  • <h1> Custom Errors
    • <h2> 404 Page [#404-page]
      • <h3> Customizing The 404 Page [#customizing-the-404-page]
    • <h2> 500 Page [#500-page]
      • <h3> Customizing The 500 Page [#customizing-the-500-page]
      • <h3> More Advanced Error Page Customizing [#more-advanced-error-page-customizing]
      • <h3> Reusing the built-in error page [#reusing-the-built-in-error-page]
      • <h3> Caveats [#caveats]
  • <h1> reactStrictMode
  • <h1> Internationalization (i18n) Routing
    • <h2> Getting started [#getting-started]
    • <h2> Locale Strategies [#locale-strategies]
      • <h3> Sub-path Routing [#sub-path-routing]
      • <h3> Domain Routing [#domain-routing]
    • <h2> Automatic Locale Detection [#automatic-locale-detection]
      • <h3> Prefixing the Default Locale [#prefixing-the-default-locale]
      • <h3> Disabling Automatic Locale Detection [#disabling-automatic-locale-detection]
    • <h2> Accessing the locale information [#accessing-the-locale-information]
    • <h2> Transition between locales [#transition-between-locales]
    • <h2> Leveraging the NEXT_LOCALE cookie [#leveraging-the-next_locale-cookie]
    • <h2> Search Engine Optimization [#search-engine-optimization]
    • <h2> How does this work with Static Generation? [#how-does-this-work-with-static-generation]
      • <h3> Dynamic Routes and getStaticProps Pages [#dynamic-routes-and-getstaticprops-pages]
      • <h3> Automatically Statically Optimized Pages [#automatically-statically-optimized-pages]
      • <h3> Non-dynamic getStaticProps Pages [#non-dynamic-getstaticprops-pages]
    • <h2> Limits for the i18n config [#limits-for-the-i18n-config]
  • <h1> poweredByHeader
  • <h1> redirects
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
      • <h3> Redirects with basePath support [#redirects-with-basepath-support]
      • <h3> Redirects with i18n support [#redirects-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Other Redirects [#other-redirects]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Image Optimization
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Local Images [#local-images]
      • <h3> Remote Images [#remote-images]
      • <h3> Domains [#domains]
      • <h3> Loaders [#loaders]
    • <h2> Priority [#priority]
    • <h2> Image Sizing [#image-sizing]
    • <h2> Styling [#styling]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Responsive [#responsive]
      • <h3> Fill Container [#fill-container]
      • <h3> Background Image [#background-image]
    • <h2> Other Properties [#other-properties]
    • <h2> Configuration [#configuration]
    • <h2> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> &lt;Image&gt;
  • <h1> robots.txt
    • <h2> Static robots.txt [#static-robotstxt]
    • <h2> Generate a Robots file [#generate-a-robots-file]
      • <h3> Customizing specific user agents [#customizing-specific-user-agents]
      • <h3> Robots object [#robots-object]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> webVitalsAttribution
  • <h1> devIndicators
  • <h1> generateMetadata
    • <h2> The metadata object [#the-metadata-object]
    • <h2> generateMetadata function [#generatemetadata-function]
      • <h3> Parameters [#parameters]
      • <h3> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Metadata Fields [#metadata-fields]
      • <h3> title [#title]
      • <h3> description [#description]
      • <h3> Basic Fields [#basic-fields]
      • <h3> metadataBase [#metadatabase]
      • <h3> openGraph [#opengraph]
      • <h3> robots [#robots]
      • <h3> icons [#icons]
      • <h3> themeColor [#themecolor]
      • <h3> manifest [#manifest]
      • <h3> twitter [#twitter]
      • <h3> viewport [#viewport]
      • <h3> verification [#verification]
      • <h3> appleWebApp [#applewebapp]
      • <h3> alternates [#alternates]
      • <h3> appLinks [#applinks]
      • <h3> archives [#archives]
      • <h3> assets [#assets]
      • <h3> bookmarks [#bookmarks]
      • <h3> category [#category]
      • <h3> facebook [#facebook]
      • <h3> other [#other]
    • <h2> Unsupported Metadata [#unsupported-metadata]
      • <h3> Resource hints [#resource-hints]
    • <h2> Types [#types]
      • <h3> metadata object [#metadata-object]
      • <h3> generateMetadata function [#generatemetadata-function-1]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Metadata Files
      • <h3> generateViewport
      • <h3> Metadata
  • <h1> swrDelta
  • <h1> Fetching Data
    • <h2> Choosing how to fetch data [#choosing-how-to-fetch-data]
      • <h3> API layer [#api-layer]
      • <h3> Database queries [#database-queries]
      • <h3> Using Server Components to fetch data [#using-server-components-to-fetch-data]
      • <h3> Using SQL [#using-sql]
    • <h2> Fetching data for the dashboard overview page [#fetching-data-for-the-dashboard-overview-page]
    • <h2> Fetching data for &lt;RevenueChart/&gt; [#fetching-data-for-revenuechart]
    • <h2> Fetching data for &lt;LatestInvoices/&gt; [#fetching-data-for-latestinvoices]
    • <h2> Practice: Fetch data for the &lt;Card&gt; components [#practice-fetch-data-for-the-card-components]
    • <h2> What are request waterfalls? [#what-are-request-waterfalls]
    • <h2> Parallel data fetching [#parallel-data-fetching]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 7
  • <h1> CSS Styling
    • <h2> Global styles [#global-styles]
    • <h2> Tailwind [#tailwind]
    • <h2> CSS Modules [#css-modules]
    • <h2> Using the clsx library to toggle class names [#using-the-clsx-library-to-toggle-class-names]
    • <h2> Other styling solutions [#other-styling-solutions]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 2
  • <h1> Adding Authentication
    • <h2> What is authentication? [#what-is-authentication]
      • <h3> Authentication vs. Authorization [#authentication-vs-authorization]
    • <h2> Creating the login route [#creating-the-login-route]
    • <h2> NextAuth.js [#nextauthjs]
    • <h2> Setting up NextAuth.js [#setting-up-nextauthjs]
      • <h3> Adding the pages option [#adding-the-pages-option]
    • <h2> Protecting your routes with Next.js Middleware [#protecting-your-routes-with-nextjs-middleware]
      • <h3> Password hashing [#password-hashing]
      • <h3> Adding the Credentials provider [#adding-the-credentials-provider]
      • <h3> Adding the sign in functionality [#adding-the-sign-in-functionality]
      • <h3> Updating the login form [#updating-the-login-form]
    • <h2> Adding the logout functionality [#adding-the-logout-functionality]
    • <h2> Try it out [#try-it-out]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 15
  • <h1> Next.js Community
    • <h2> Contributing [#contributing]
    • <h2> Discussions [#discussions]
    • <h2> Social Media [#social-media]
    • <h2> Code of Conduct [#code-of-conduct]
      • <h3> Contribution Guide
  • <h1> headers
    • <h2> Header Overriding Behavior [#header-overriding-behavior]
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
    • <h2> Headers with basePath support [#headers-with-basepath-support]
    • <h2> Headers with i18n support [#headers-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Cache-Control [#cache-control]
    • <h2> Options [#options]
      • <h3> CORS [#cors]
      • <h3> X-DNS-Prefetch-Control [#x-dns-prefetch-control]
      • <h3> Strict-Transport-Security [#strict-transport-security]
      • <h3> X-Frame-Options [#x-frame-options]
      • <h3> Permissions-Policy [#permissions-policy]
      • <h3> X-Content-Type-Options [#x-content-type-options]
      • <h3> Referrer-Policy [#referrer-policy]
      • <h3> Content-Security-Policy [#content-security-policy]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> generateImageMetadata
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
      • <h3> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Metadata Files
      • <h3> Metadata
  • <h1> typedRoutes
  • <h1> Debugging
    • <h2> Debugging with VS Code [#debugging-with-vs-code]
    • <h2> Using the Debugger in Jetbrains WebStorm [#using-the-debugger-in-jetbrains-webstorm]
    • <h2> Debugging with Chrome DevTools [#debugging-with-chrome-devtools]
      • <h3> Client-side code [#client-side-code]
      • <h3> Server-side code [#server-side-code]
      • <h3> Debugging on Windows [#debugging-on-windows]
    • <h2> More information [#more-information]
  • <h1> Dynamic Routes
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Generating Static Params [#generating-static-params]
    • <h2> Catch-all Segments [#catch-all-segments]
    • <h2> Optional Catch-all Segments [#optional-catch-all-segments]
    • <h2> TypeScript [#typescript]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Linking and Navigating
      • <h3> generateStaticParams
  • <h1> Lazy Loading
    • <h2> next/dynamic [#nextdynamic]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Importing Client Components [#importing-client-components]
      • <h3> Skipping SSR [#skipping-ssr]
      • <h3> Importing Server Components [#importing-server-components]
      • <h3> Loading External Libraries [#loading-external-libraries]
      • <h3> Adding a custom loading component [#adding-a-custom-loading-component]
      • <h3> Importing Named Exports [#importing-named-exports]
  • <h1> src Directory
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Project Organization
  • <h1> Next.js 9.4
    • <h2> Fast Refresh [#fast-refresh]
    • <h2> Incremental Static Regeneration (beta) [#incremental-static-regeneration-beta]
    • <h2> CMS Examples [#cms-examples]
    • <h2> New Environment Variables Support [#new-environment-variables-support]
    • <h2> Improved Built-in Fetch Support [#improved-built-in-fetch-support]
    • <h2> Integrated Web Vitals Reporting [#integrated-web-vitals-reporting]
    • <h2> Absolute Imports and Aliases [#absolute-imports-and-aliases]
    • <h2> Configurable Sass Support [#configurable-sass-support]
    • <h2> Improved Log Output [#improved-log-output]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Turbopack
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
    • <h2> Supported features [#supported-features]
    • <h2> Unsupported features [#unsupported-features]
    • <h2> Generating Trace Files [#generating-trace-files]
  • <h1> opengraph-image and twitter-image
    • <h2> Image files (.jpg, .png, .gif) [#image-files-jpg-png-gif]
      • <h3> opengraph-image [#opengraph-image]
      • <h3> twitter-image [#twitter-image]
      • <h3> opengraph-image.alt.txt [#opengraph-imagealttxt]
      • <h3> twitter-image.alt.txt [#twitter-imagealttxt]
    • <h2> Generate images using code (.js, .ts, .tsx) [#generate-images-using-code-js-ts-tsx]
      • <h3> Props [#props]
      • <h3> Returns [#returns]
      • <h3> Config exports [#config-exports]
      • <h3> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> App Router
    • <h2> Frequently Asked Questions [#frequently-asked-questions]
      • <h3> How can I access the request object in a layout? [#how-can-i-access-the-request-object-in-a-layout]
      • <h3> How can I access the URL on a page? [#how-can-i-access-the-url-on-a-page]
      • <h3> How can I redirect from a Server Component? [#how-can-i-redirect-from-a-server-component]
      • <h3> How can I handle authentication with the App Router? [#how-can-i-handle-authentication-with-the-app-router]
      • <h3> How can I set cookies? [#how-can-i-set-cookies]
      • <h3> How can I build multi-tenant apps? [#how-can-i-build-multi-tenant-apps]
      • <h3> How can I invalidate the App Router cache? [#how-can-i-invalidate-the-app-router-cache]
      • <h3> Are there any comprehensive, open-source applications built on the App Router? [#are-there-any-comprehensive-open-source-applications-built-on-the-app-router]
    • <h2> Learn More [#learn-more]
      • <h3> Building Your Application
      • <h3> API Reference
  • <h1> Rendering
    • <h2> Fundamentals [#fundamentals]
      • <h3> Rendering Environments [#rendering-environments]
      • <h3> Request-Response Lifecycle [#request-response-lifecycle]
      • <h3> Network Boundary [#network-boundary]
    • <h2> Building Hybrid Applications [#building-hybrid-applications]
      • <h3> Server Components
      • <h3> Client Components
      • <h3> Composition Patterns
      • <h3> Partial Prerendering
      • <h3> Runtimes
  • <h1> Codemods
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
    • <h2> Next.js Codemods [#nextjs-codemods]
      • <h3> 14.0 [#140]
      • <h3> 13.2 [#132]
      • <h3> 13.0 [#130]
      • <h3> 11 [#11]
      • <h3> 10 [#10]
      • <h3> 9 [#9]
      • <h3> 8 [#8]
      • <h3> 6 [#6]
  • <h1> useAmp
    • <h2> AMP First Page [#amp-first-page]
    • <h2> Hybrid AMP Page [#hybrid-amp-page]
  • <h1> Partial Prerendering
    • <h2> Background [#background]
    • <h2> Using Partial Prerendering [#using-partial-prerendering]
      • <h3> Incremental Adoption (Version 15) [#incremental-adoption-version-15]
      • <h3> Enabling PPR (Version 14) [#enabling-ppr-version-14]
    • <h2> Dynamic Components [#dynamic-components]
  • <h1> ESLint
    • <h2> ESLint Config [#eslint-config]
    • <h2> ESLint Plugin [#eslint-plugin]
      • <h3> Custom Settings [#custom-settings]
    • <h2> Linting Custom Directories and Files [#linting-custom-directories-and-files]
    • <h2> Caching [#caching]
    • <h2> Disabling Rules [#disabling-rules]
      • <h3> Core Web Vitals [#core-web-vitals]
      • <h3> TypeScript [#typescript]
    • <h2> Usage With Other Tools [#usage-with-other-tools]
      • <h3> Prettier [#prettier]
      • <h3> lint-staged [#lint-staged]
    • <h2> Migrating Existing Config [#migrating-existing-config]
      • <h3> Recommended Plugin Ruleset [#recommended-plugin-ruleset]
      • <h3> Additional Configurations [#additional-configurations]
  • <h1> Google Font Display
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
      • <h3> When Not To Use It [#when-not-to-use-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Using Google Analytics with Next.js (through `next/script`)
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> No Script Component in Head
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Inline script id
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Google Font Preconnect
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> No Document Import in Page
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> No assign module variable
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> No Unwanted
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> rewrites
    • <h2> Rewrite parameters [#rewrite-parameters]
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
    • <h2> Rewriting to an external URL [#rewriting-to-an-external-url]
      • <h3> Incremental adoption of Next.js [#incremental-adoption-of-nextjs]
      • <h3> Rewrites with basePath support [#rewrites-with-basepath-support]
      • <h3> Rewrites with i18n support [#rewrites-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> No Head Element
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> &lt;Image&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
    • <h2> Required Props [#required-props]
      • <h3> src [#src]
      • <h3> width [#width]
      • <h3> height [#height]
      • <h3> alt [#alt]
    • <h2> Optional Props [#optional-props]
      • <h3> loader [#loader]
      • <h3> fill [#fill]
      • <h3> sizes [#sizes]
      • <h3> quality [#quality]
      • <h3> priority [#priority]
      • <h3> placeholder [#placeholder]
    • <h2> Advanced Props [#advanced-props]
      • <h3> style [#style]
      • <h3> onLoadingComplete [#onloadingcomplete]
      • <h3> onLoad [#onload]
      • <h3> onError [#onerror]
      • <h3> loading [#loading]
      • <h3> blurDataURL [#blurdataurl]
      • <h3> unoptimized [#unoptimized]
      • <h3> overrideSrc [#overridesrc]
      • <h3> Other Props [#other-props]
    • <h2> Configuration Options [#configuration-options]
      • <h3> remotePatterns [#remotepatterns]
      • <h3> domains [#domains]
      • <h3> loaderFile [#loaderfile]
    • <h2> Advanced [#advanced]
      • <h3> deviceSizes [#devicesizes]
      • <h3> imageSizes [#imagesizes]
      • <h3> formats [#formats]
    • <h2> Caching Behavior [#caching-behavior]
      • <h3> minimumCacheTTL [#minimumcachettl]
      • <h3> disableStaticImages [#disablestaticimages]
      • <h3> dangerouslyAllowSVG [#dangerouslyallowsvg]
      • <h3> contentDispositionType [#contentdispositiontype]
    • <h2> Animated Images [#animated-images]
    • <h2> Responsive Images [#responsive-images]
      • <h3> Responsive image using a static import [#responsive-image-using-a-static-import]
      • <h3> Responsive image with aspect ratio [#responsive-image-with-aspect-ratio]
      • <h3> Responsive image with fill [#responsive-image-with-fill]
    • <h2> Theme Detection CSS [#theme-detection-css]
    • <h2> getImageProps [#getimageprops]
      • <h3> Theme Detection Picture [#theme-detection-picture]
      • <h3> Art Direction [#art-direction]
      • <h3> Background CSS [#background-css]
    • <h2> Known Browser Bugs [#known-browser-bugs]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Content Security Policy
    • <h2> Nonces [#nonces]
      • <h3> Why use a nonce? [#why-use-a-nonce]
      • <h3> Adding a nonce with Middleware [#adding-a-nonce-with-middleware]
      • <h3> Reading the nonce [#reading-the-nonce]
    • <h2> Without Nonces [#without-nonces]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> No Duplicate Head
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> cssChunking
    • <h2> Options [#options]
  • <h1> NextRequest
    • <h2> cookies [#cookies]
      • <h3> set(name, value) [#setname-value]
      • <h3> get(name) [#getname]
      • <h3> getAll() [#getall]
      • <h3> delete(name) [#deletename]
      • <h3> has(name) [#hasname]
      • <h3> clear() [#clear]
    • <h2> nextUrl [#nexturl]
    • <h2> ip [#ip]
    • <h2> geo [#geo]
  • <h1> OpenTelemetry
    • <h2> Getting Started [#getting-started]
      • <h3> Using @vercel/otel [#using-vercelotel]
      • <h3> Manual OpenTelemetry configuration [#manual-opentelemetry-configuration]
    • <h2> Testing your instrumentation [#testing-your-instrumentation]
    • <h2> Deployment [#deployment]
      • <h3> Using OpenTelemetry Collector [#using-opentelemetry-collector]
      • <h3> Custom Exporters [#custom-exporters]
    • <h2> Custom Spans [#custom-spans]
    • <h2> Default Spans in Next.js [#default-spans-in-nextjs]
      • <h3> [http.method] [next.route] [#httpmethod-nextroute]
      • <h3> render route (app) [next.route] [#render-route-app-nextroute]
      • <h3> fetch [http.method] [http.url] [#fetch-httpmethod-httpurl]
      • <h3> executing api route (app) [next.route] [#executing-api-route-app-nextroute]
      • <h3> getServerSideProps [next.route] [#getserversideprops-nextroute]
      • <h3> getStaticProps [next.route] [#getstaticprops-nextroute]
      • <h3> render route (pages) [next.route] [#render-route-pages-nextroute]
      • <h3> generateMetadata [] [#generatemetadata-nextpage]
      • <h3> resolve page components [#resolve-page-components]
      • <h3> resolve segment modules [#resolve-segment-modules]
      • <h3> start response [#start-response]
  • <h1> Addressing "App Container Deprecated" Error in Next.js
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> revalidateTag
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Server Action [#server-action]
      • <h3> Route Handler [#route-handler]
  • <h1> Migrating from Vite
    • <h2> Why Switch? [#why-switch]
      • <h3> Slow initial page loading time [#slow-initial-page-loading-time]
      • <h3> No automatic code splitting [#no-automatic-code-splitting]
      • <h3> Network waterfalls [#network-waterfalls]
      • <h3> Fast and intentional loading states [#fast-and-intentional-loading-states]
      • <h3> Choose the data fetching strategy [#choose-the-data-fetching-strategy]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Built-in Optimizations [#built-in-optimizations]
    • <h2> Migration Steps [#migration-steps]
      • <h3> Step 1: Install the Next.js Dependency [#step-1-install-the-nextjs-dependency]
      • <h3> Step 2: Create the Next.js Configuration File [#step-2-create-the-nextjs-configuration-file]
      • <h3> Step 3: Update TypeScript Configuration [#step-3-update-typescript-configuration]
      • <h3> Step 4: Create the Root Layout [#step-4-create-the-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 5: Create the Entrypoint Page [#step-5-create-the-entrypoint-page]
      • <h3> Step 6: Update Static Image Imports [#step-6-update-static-image-imports]
      • <h3> Step 7: Migrate the Environment Variables [#step-7-migrate-the-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Step 8: Update Scripts in package.json [#step-8-update-scripts-in-packagejson]
      • <h3> Step 9: Clean Up [#step-9-clean-up]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
  • <h1> Introduction
    • <h2> What is Next.js? [#what-is-nextjs]
    • <h2> Main Features [#main-features]
    • <h2> How to Use These Docs [#how-to-use-these-docs]
    • <h2> App Router vs Pages Router [#app-router-vs-pages-router]
    • <h2> Pre-Requisite Knowledge [#pre-requisite-knowledge]
    • <h2> Accessibility [#accessibility]
    • <h2> Join our Community [#join-our-community]
      • <h3> Getting Started
      • <h3> App Router
      • <h3> Pages Router
      • <h3> Architecture
      • <h3> Community
  • <h1> Project Organization and File Colocation
    • <h2> Safe colocation by default [#safe-colocation-by-default]
    • <h2> Project organization features [#project-organization-features]
      • <h3> Private Folders [#private-folders]
      • <h3> Route Groups [#route-groups]
      • <h3> src Directory [#src-directory]
      • <h3> Module Path Aliases [#module-path-aliases]
    • <h2> Project organization strategies [#project-organization-strategies]
      • <h3> Store project files outside of app [#store-project-files-outside-of-app]
      • <h3> Store project files in top-level folders inside of app [#store-project-files-in-top-level-folders-inside-of-app]
      • <h3> Split project files by feature or route [#split-project-files-by-feature-or-route]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Defining Routes
      • <h3> Route Groups
      • <h3> src Directory
      • <h3> Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases
  • <h1> Version 15
    • <h2> Upgrading from 14 to 15 [#upgrading-from-14-to-15]
    • <h2> Minimum React version [#minimum-react-version]
    • <h2> fetch requests [#fetch-requests]
    • <h2> Route Handlers [#route-handlers]
    • <h2> Client-side Router Cache [#client-side-router-cache]
    • <h2> next/font [#nextfont]
    • <h2> bundlePagesRouterDependencies [#bundlepagesrouterdependencies]
    • <h2> serverExternalPackages [#serverexternalpackages]
    • <h2> Speed Insights [#speed-insights]
  • <h1> Automatic Static Optimization
    • <h2> How it works [#how-it-works]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
  • <h1> useLightningcss
  • <h1> httpAgentOptions
  • <h1> assetPrefix
    • <h2> Set up a CDN [#set-up-a-cdn]
  • <h1> Server Actions and Mutations
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
      • <h3> Server Components [#server-components]
      • <h3> Client Components [#client-components]
      • <h3> Passing actions as props [#passing-actions-as-props]
    • <h2> Behavior [#behavior]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Forms [#forms]
      • <h3> Passing additional arguments [#passing-additional-arguments]
      • <h3> Nested form elements [#nested-form-elements]
      • <h3> Programmatic form submission [#programmatic-form-submission]
      • <h3> Server-side form validation [#server-side-form-validation]
      • <h3> Pending states [#pending-states]
      • <h3> Optimistic updates [#optimistic-updates]
      • <h3> Event handlers [#event-handlers]
      • <h3> useEffect [#useeffect]
      • <h3> Error Handling [#error-handling]
      • <h3> Revalidating data [#revalidating-data]
      • <h3> Redirecting [#redirecting]
      • <h3> Cookies [#cookies]
    • <h2> Security [#security]
      • <h3> Authentication and authorization [#authentication-and-authorization]
      • <h3> Closures and encryption [#closures-and-encryption]
      • <h3> Overwriting encryption keys (advanced) [#overwriting-encryption-keys-advanced]
      • <h3> Allowed origins (advanced) [#allowed-origins-advanced]
    • <h2> Additional resources [#additional-resources]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> serverActions
  • <h1> getInitialProps
    • <h2> Context Object [#context-object]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
  • <h1> Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
    • <h2> On-Demand Revalidation [#on-demand-revalidation]
      • <h3> Using On-Demand Revalidation [#using-on-demand-revalidation]
      • <h3> Testing on-Demand ISR during development [#testing-on-demand-isr-during-development]
    • <h2> Error handling and revalidation [#error-handling-and-revalidation]
    • <h2> Self-hosting ISR [#self-hosting-isr]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> getStaticPaths
    • <h2> getStaticPaths return values [#getstaticpaths-return-values]
      • <h3> paths [#paths]
      • <h3> fallback: false [#fallback-false]
      • <h3> fallback: true [#fallback-true]
      • <h3> fallback: 'blocking' [#fallback-blocking]
      • <h3> Fallback pages [#fallback-pages]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Custom Webpack Config
  • <h1> eslint
  • <h1> Version 10
  • <h1> Next.js Conf 2023.
    • <h2> Event has begun.
  • <h1> Linking and Navigating
    • <h2> Linking to dynamic paths [#linking-to-dynamic-paths]
    • <h2> Injecting the router [#injecting-the-router]
    • <h2> Imperative Routing [#imperative-routing]
    • <h2> Shallow Routing [#shallow-routing]
      • <h3> Caveats [#caveats]
  • <h1> Parallel Routes
    • <h2> Slots [#slots]
    • <h2> Active state and navigation [#active-state-and-navigation]
      • <h3> default.js [#defaultjs]
      • <h3> useSelectedLayoutSegment(s) [#useselectedlayoutsegments]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Conditional Routes [#conditional-routes]
      • <h3> Tab Groups [#tab-groups]
      • <h3> Modals [#modals]
      • <h3> Loading and Error UI [#loading-and-error-ui]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> default.js
  • <h1> onDemandEntries
  • <h1> manifest.json
    • <h2> Static Manifest file [#static-manifest-file]
    • <h2> Generate a Manifest file [#generate-a-manifest-file]
      • <h3> Manifest Object [#manifest-object]
  • <h1> Middleware
    • <h2> Use Cases [#use-cases]
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Matching Paths [#matching-paths]
      • <h3> Matcher [#matcher]
      • <h3> Conditional Statements [#conditional-statements]
    • <h2> NextResponse [#nextresponse]
    • <h2> Using Cookies [#using-cookies]
    • <h2> Setting Headers [#setting-headers]
      • <h3> CORS [#cors]
    • <h2> Producing a Response [#producing-a-response]
      • <h3> waitUntil and NextFetchEvent [#waituntil-and-nextfetchevent]
    • <h2> Advanced Middleware Flags [#advanced-middleware-flags]
    • <h2> Runtime [#runtime]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Server Components
    • <h2> Benefits of Server Rendering [#benefits-of-server-rendering]
    • <h2> Using Server Components in Next.js [#using-server-components-in-nextjs]
    • <h2> How are Server Components rendered? [#how-are-server-components-rendered]
    • <h2> Server Rendering Strategies [#server-rendering-strategies]
      • <h3> Static Rendering (Default) [#static-rendering-default]
      • <h3> Dynamic Rendering [#dynamic-rendering]
      • <h3> Streaming [#streaming]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Caching
  • <h1> Third Party Libraries
    • <h2> Getting Started [#getting-started]
    • <h2> Google Third-Parties [#google-third-parties]
      • <h3> Google Tag Manager [#google-tag-manager]
      • <h3> Google Analytics [#google-analytics]
      • <h3> Google Maps Embed [#google-maps-embed]
      • <h3> YouTube Embed [#youtube-embed]
  • <h1> Defining Routes
    • <h2> Creating Routes [#creating-routes]
    • <h2> Creating UI [#creating-ui]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Pages
  • <h1> Route Handlers
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
      • <h3> Supported HTTP Methods [#supported-http-methods]
      • <h3> Extended NextRequest and NextResponse APIs [#extended-nextrequest-and-nextresponse-apis]
    • <h2> Behavior [#behavior]
      • <h3> Caching [#caching]
      • <h3> Special Route Handlers [#special-route-handlers]
      • <h3> Route Resolution [#route-resolution]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Revalidating Cached Data [#revalidating-cached-data]
      • <h3> Dynamic Functions [#dynamic-functions]
      • <h3> Redirects [#redirects]
      • <h3> Dynamic Route Segments [#dynamic-route-segments]
      • <h3> URL Query Parameters [#url-query-parameters]
      • <h3> Streaming [#streaming]
      • <h3> Request Body [#request-body]
      • <h3> Request Body FormData [#request-body-formdata]
      • <h3> CORS [#cors]
      • <h3> Webhooks [#webhooks]
      • <h3> Non-UI Responses [#non-ui-responses]
      • <h3> Segment Config Options [#segment-config-options]
    • <h2> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> route.js
  • <h1> rewrites
    • <h2> Rewrite parameters [#rewrite-parameters]
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
    • <h2> Rewriting to an external URL [#rewriting-to-an-external-url]
      • <h3> Incremental adoption of Next.js [#incremental-adoption-of-nextjs]
      • <h3> Rewrites with basePath support [#rewrites-with-basepath-support]
      • <h3> Rewrites with i18n support [#rewrites-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> useSelectedLayoutSegments
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> create-next-app
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> With the default template [#with-the-default-template]
    • <h2> With an official Next.js example [#with-an-official-nextjs-example]
    • <h2> With any public Github example [#with-any-public-github-example]
  • <h1> template.js
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> children (required) [#children-required]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Image Optimization
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Local Images [#local-images]
      • <h3> Remote Images [#remote-images]
      • <h3> Domains [#domains]
      • <h3> Loaders [#loaders]
    • <h2> Priority [#priority]
    • <h2> Image Sizing [#image-sizing]
    • <h2> Styling [#styling]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Responsive [#responsive]
      • <h3> Fill Container [#fill-container]
      • <h3> Background Image [#background-image]
    • <h2> Other Properties [#other-properties]
    • <h2> Configuration [#configuration]
  • <h1> Multi-Zones
    • <h2> How to define a zone [#how-to-define-a-zone]
    • <h2> How to route requests to the right zone [#how-to-route-requests-to-the-right-zone]
    • <h2> Linking between zones [#linking-between-zones]
    • <h2> Sharing code [#sharing-code]
  • <h1> TypeScript
    • <h2> New Projects [#new-projects]
    • <h2> Existing Projects [#existing-projects]
    • <h2> TypeScript Plugin [#typescript-plugin]
      • <h3> Plugin Features [#plugin-features]
    • <h2> Minimum TypeScript Version [#minimum-typescript-version]
    • <h2> Type checking in Next.js Configuration [#type-checking-in-nextjs-configuration]
      • <h3> Type checking next.config.js [#type-checking-nextconfigjs]
      • <h3> Type checking next.config.ts [#type-checking-nextconfigts]
    • <h2> Statically Typed Links [#statically-typed-links]
    • <h2> End-to-End Type Safety [#end-to-end-type-safety]
    • <h2> Async Server Component TypeScript Error [#async-server-component-typescript-error]
    • <h2> Passing Data Between Server &amp; Client Components [#passing-data-between-server--client-components]
    • <h2> Path aliases and baseUrl [#path-aliases-and-baseurl]
    • <h2> Incremental type checking [#incremental-type-checking]
    • <h2> Ignoring TypeScript Errors [#ignoring-typescript-errors]
    • <h2> Custom Type Declarations [#custom-type-declarations]
    • <h2> Version Changes [#version-changes]
  • <h1> Learn Next.js
    • <h2> What we'll be building [#what-well-be-building]
    • <h2> Overview [#overview]
    • <h2> Prerequisite knowledge [#prerequisite-knowledge]
    • <h2> System requirements [#system-requirements]
    • <h2> Join the conversation [#join-the-conversation]
    • <h2> Ready to get started?
  • <h1> next.config.js Options
    • <h2> ECMAScript Modules [#ecmascript-modules]
    • <h2> Configuration as a Function [#configuration-as-a-function]
      • <h3> Async Configuration [#async-configuration]
      • <h3> Phase [#phase]
    • <h2> TypeScript [#typescript]
      • <h3> appDir
      • <h3> assetPrefix
      • <h3> basePath
      • <h3> compress
      • <h3> crossOrigin
      • <h3> cssChunking
      • <h3> devIndicators
      • <h3> distDir
      • <h3> env
      • <h3> eslint
      • <h3> exportPathMap
      • <h3> generateBuildId
      • <h3> generateEtags
      • <h3> headers
      • <h3> httpAgentOptions
      • <h3> images
      • <h3> cacheHandler
      • <h3> instrumentationHook
      • <h3> logging
      • <h3> mdxRs
      • <h3> onDemandEntries
      • <h3> optimizePackageImports
      • <h3> output
      • <h3> pageExtensions
      • <h3> poweredByHeader
      • <h3> ppr
      • <h3> productionBrowserSourceMaps
      • <h3> reactCompiler
      • <h3> reactMaxHeadersLength
      • <h3> reactStrictMode
      • <h3> redirects
      • <h3> rewrites
      • <h3> serverActions
      • <h3> serverComponentsHmrCache
      • <h3> serverExternalPackages
      • <h3> staleTimes
      • <h3> swrDelta
      • <h3> trailingSlash
      • <h3> transpilePackages
      • <h3> turbo
      • <h3> typedRoutes
      • <h3> typescript
      • <h3> urlImports
      • <h3> useLightningcss
      • <h3> webpack
      • <h3> webVitalsAttribution
  • <h1> Setting up Playwright with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Playwright E2E test [#creating-your-first-playwright-e2e-test]
      • <h3> Running your Playwright tests [#running-your-playwright-tests]
      • <h3> Running Playwright on Continuous Integration (CI) [#running-playwright-on-continuous-integration-ci]
  • <h1> Pages and Layouts
    • <h2> Index routes [#index-routes]
    • <h2> Nested routes [#nested-routes]
    • <h2> Pages with Dynamic Routes [#pages-with-dynamic-routes]
    • <h2> Layout Pattern [#layout-pattern]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Single Shared Layout with Custom App [#single-shared-layout-with-custom-app]
      • <h3> Per-Page Layouts [#per-page-layouts]
      • <h3> With TypeScript [#with-typescript]
      • <h3> Data Fetching [#data-fetching]
  • <h1> The React Framework for the Web
    • <h2> What's in Next.js?
    • <h2> Built on a foundation of fast, production-grade tooling
    • <h2> Get started in seconds
    • <h2> The framework of choice when it matters
    • <h2> Customer Testimonials
      • <h3> “With Next.js at the helm of our headless tech stack, our developers can create features with velocity and speed, ultimately enabling users to create whatever, whenever they want to.”
      • <h3> “My favorite UX feedback from customers is: "How is the app so fast?" Because we’ve built on Next.js and Vercel since day one, our pages load in an instant, which is important when it comes to mission-critical software.”
      • <h3> “Next.js has been a game-changer for our agency work and team collaboration. Its powerful features have allowed us to build high-performance websites quickly and efficiently like never before.”
  • <h1> generateStaticParams
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Single Dynamic Segment [#single-dynamic-segment]
    • <h2> Multiple Dynamic Segments [#multiple-dynamic-segments]
    • <h2> Catch-all Dynamic Segment [#catch-all-dynamic-segment]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Static Rendering [#static-rendering]
      • <h3> Disable rendering for unspecified paths [#disable-rendering-for-unspecified-paths]
      • <h3> Multiple Dynamic Segments in a Route [#multiple-dynamic-segments-in-a-route]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> images
    • <h2> Example Loader Configuration [#example-loader-configuration]
      • <h3> Akamai [#akamai]
      • <h3> AWS CloudFront [#aws-cloudfront]
      • <h3> Cloudinary [#cloudinary]
      • <h3> Cloudflare [#cloudflare]
      • <h3> Contentful [#contentful]
      • <h3> Fastly [#fastly]
      • <h3> Gumlet [#gumlet]
      • <h3> ImageEngine [#imageengine]
      • <h3> Imgix [#imgix]
      • <h3> PixelBin [#pixelbin]
      • <h3> Sanity [#sanity]
      • <h3> Sirv [#sirv]
      • <h3> Supabase [#supabase]
      • <h3> Thumbor [#thumbor]
  • <h1> productionBrowserSourceMaps
  • <h1> ESLint
    • <h2> ESLint Config [#eslint-config]
    • <h2> ESLint Plugin [#eslint-plugin]
      • <h3> Custom Settings [#custom-settings]
    • <h2> Linting Custom Directories and Files [#linting-custom-directories-and-files]
    • <h2> Caching [#caching]
    • <h2> Disabling Rules [#disabling-rules]
      • <h3> Core Web Vitals [#core-web-vitals]
      • <h3> TypeScript [#typescript]
    • <h2> Usage With Other Tools [#usage-with-other-tools]
      • <h3> Prettier [#prettier]
      • <h3> lint-staged [#lint-staged]
    • <h2> Migrating Existing Config [#migrating-existing-config]
      • <h3> Recommended Plugin Ruleset [#recommended-plugin-ruleset]
      • <h3> Additional Configurations [#additional-configurations]
  • <h1> From React to Next.js
    • <h2> From React to Next.js [#from-react-to-nextjs]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 8
  • <h1> Creating Layouts and Pages
    • <h2> Nested routing [#nested-routing]
    • <h2> Creating the dashboard page [#creating-the-dashboard-page]
    • <h2> Practice: Creating the dashboard pages [#practice-creating-the-dashboard-pages]
    • <h2> Creating the dashboard layout [#creating-the-dashboard-layout]
    • <h2> Root layout [#root-layout]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 4
  • <h1> Installing Next.js
    • <h2> Creating your first page [#creating-your-first-page]
    • <h2> Running the development server [#running-the-development-server]
    • <h2> Summary [#summary]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 9
  • <h1> Routing Fundamentals
    • <h2> Terminology [#terminology]
    • <h2> The app Router [#the-app-router]
    • <h2> Roles of Folders and Files [#roles-of-folders-and-files]
    • <h2> Route Segments [#route-segments]
    • <h2> Nested Routes [#nested-routes]
    • <h2> File Conventions [#file-conventions]
    • <h2> Component Hierarchy [#component-hierarchy]
    • <h2> Colocation [#colocation]
    • <h2> Advanced Routing Patterns [#advanced-routing-patterns]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Defining Routes
      • <h3> Pages
      • <h3> Layouts and Templates
      • <h3> Linking and Navigating
      • <h3> Error Handling
      • <h3> Loading UI and Streaming
      • <h3> Redirecting
      • <h3> Route Groups
      • <h3> Project Organization
      • <h3> Dynamic Routes
      • <h3> Parallel Routes
      • <h3> Intercepting Routes
      • <h3> Route Handlers
      • <h3> Middleware
      • <h3> Internationalization
  • <h1> Server and Client Components
    • <h2> Server and Client Environments [#server-and-client-environments]
    • <h2> Network Boundary [#network-boundary]
    • <h2> Using Client Components [#using-client-components]
    • <h2> Summary [#summary]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 10
  • <h1> Next Steps
    • <h2> What's next? [#whats-next]
      • <h3> Continue learning React [#continue-learning-react]
      • <h3> Learn Next.js by building a dashboard app [#learn-nextjs-by-building-a-dashboard-app]
    • <h2> You‘ve Completed the Course!
  • <h1> not-found.js
    • <h2> Props [#props]
    • <h2> Data Fetching [#data-fetching]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> mdxRs
  • <h1> Migrating from Vite
    • <h2> Why Switch? [#why-switch]
      • <h3> Slow initial page loading time [#slow-initial-page-loading-time]
      • <h3> No automatic code splitting [#no-automatic-code-splitting]
      • <h3> Network waterfalls [#network-waterfalls]
      • <h3> Fast and intentional loading states [#fast-and-intentional-loading-states]
      • <h3> Choose the data fetching strategy [#choose-the-data-fetching-strategy]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Built-in Optimizations [#built-in-optimizations]
    • <h2> Migration Steps [#migration-steps]
      • <h3> Step 1: Install the Next.js Dependency [#step-1-install-the-nextjs-dependency]
      • <h3> Step 2: Create the Next.js Configuration File [#step-2-create-the-nextjs-configuration-file]
      • <h3> Step 3: Update TypeScript Configuration [#step-3-update-typescript-configuration]
      • <h3> Step 4: Create the Root Layout [#step-4-create-the-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 5: Create the Entrypoint Page [#step-5-create-the-entrypoint-page]
      • <h3> Step 6: Update Static Image Imports [#step-6-update-static-image-imports]
      • <h3> Step 7: Migrate the Environment Variables [#step-7-migrate-the-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Step 8: Update Scripts in package.json [#step-8-update-scripts-in-packagejson]
      • <h3> Step 9: Clean Up [#step-9-clean-up]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
  • <h1> typescript
  • <h1> Upgrading to Version 9
    • <h2> Production Deployment on Vercel [#production-deployment-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Check your Custom App File (pages/_app.js) [#check-your-custom-app-file-pages_appjs]
    • <h2> Breaking Changes [#breaking-changes]
      • <h3> @zeit/next-typescript is no longer necessary [#zeitnext-typescript-is-no-longer-necessary]
      • <h3> The config key is now an export on a page [#the-config-key-is-now-an-export-on-a-page]
      • <h3> next/dynamic no longer renders "loading..." by default while loading [#nextdynamic-no-longer-renders-loading-by-default-while-loading]
      • <h3> withAmp has been removed in favor of an exported configuration object [#withamp-has-been-removed-in-favor-of-an-exported-configuration-object]
      • <h3> next export no longer exports pages as index.html [#next-export-no-longer-exports-pages-as-indexhtml]
      • <h3> pages/api/ is treated differently [#pagesapi-is-treated-differently]
    • <h2> Deprecated Features [#deprecated-features]
      • <h3> next/dynamic has deprecated loading multiple modules at once [#nextdynamic-has-deprecated-loading-multiple-modules-at-once]
  • <h1> Static Assets
    • <h2> Caching [#caching]
    • <h2> Robots, Favicons, and others [#robots-favicons-and-others]
  • <h1> notFound
    • <h2> notFound() [#notfound]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Memory Usage
    • <h2> Reduce number of dependencies [#reduce-number-of-dependencies]
    • <h2> Try experimental.webpackMemoryOptimizations [#try-experimentalwebpackmemoryoptimizations]
    • <h2> Run next build with --experimental-debug-memory-usage [#run-next-build-with---experimental-debug-memory-usage]
    • <h2> Record a heap profile [#record-a-heap-profile]
    • <h2> Analyze a snapshot of the heap [#analyze-a-snapshot-of-the-heap]
    • <h2> Webpack build worker [#webpack-build-worker]
    • <h2> Disable Webpack cache [#disable-webpack-cache]
    • <h2> Disable source maps [#disable-source-maps]
    • <h2> Edge memory issues [#edge-memory-issues]
  • <h1> Redirecting
    • <h2> redirect function [#redirect-function]
    • <h2> permanentRedirect function [#permanentredirect-function]
    • <h2> useRouter() hook [#userouter-hook]
    • <h2> redirects in next.config.js [#redirects-in-nextconfigjs]
    • <h2> NextResponse.redirect in Middleware [#nextresponseredirect-in-middleware]
    • <h2> Managing redirects at scale (advanced) [#managing-redirects-at-scale-advanced]
      • <h3> 1. Creating and storing a redirect map [#1-creating-and-storing-a-redirect-map]
      • <h3> 2. Optimizing data lookup performance [#2-optimizing-data-lookup-performance]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> redirect
      • <h3> permanentRedirect
      • <h3> Middleware
      • <h3> redirects
  • <h1> How to Think About Security in Next.js
    • <h2> Choosing Your Data Handling Model [#choosing-your-data-handling-model]
      • <h3> HTTP APIs [#http-apis]
      • <h3> Data Access Layer [#data-access-layer]
      • <h3> Component Level Data Access [#component-level-data-access]
    • <h2> Server Only [#server-only]
    • <h2> SSR vs RSC [#ssr-vs-rsc]
    • <h2> Read [#read]
    • <h2> Write [#write]
      • <h3> Closures [#closures]
      • <h3> CSRF [#csrf]
    • <h2> Error Handling [#error-handling]
    • <h2> Custom Routes and Middleware [#custom-routes-and-middleware]
    • <h2> Audit [#audit]
  • <h1> No HTML link for pages
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
      • <h3> Options [#options]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Intercepting Routes
    • <h2> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Modals [#modals]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Parallel Routes
  • <h1> From Pages to App
    • <h2> Upgrading [#upgrading]
      • <h3> Node.js Version [#nodejs-version]
      • <h3> Next.js Version [#nextjs-version]
      • <h3> ESLint Version [#eslint-version]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
    • <h2> Upgrading New Features [#upgrading-new-features]
      • <h3> &lt;Image/&gt; Component [#image-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Link&gt; Component [#link-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Script&gt; Component [#script-component]
      • <h3> Font Optimization [#font-optimization]
    • <h2> Migrating from pages to app [#migrating-from-pages-to-app]
      • <h3> Step 1: Creating the app directory [#step-1-creating-the-app-directory]
      • <h3> Step 2: Creating a Root Layout [#step-2-creating-a-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 3: Migrating next/head [#step-3-migrating-nexthead]
      • <h3> Step 4: Migrating Pages [#step-4-migrating-pages]
      • <h3> Step 5: Migrating Routing Hooks [#step-5-migrating-routing-hooks]
      • <h3> Step 6: Migrating Data Fetching Methods [#step-6-migrating-data-fetching-methods]
      • <h3> Step 7: Styling [#step-7-styling]
    • <h2> Codemods [#codemods]
  • <h1> Conflicting Public File and Page File
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Next.js 12.2
    • <h2> Middleware (Stable) [#middleware-stable]
    • <h2> On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration (Stable) [#on-demand-incremental-static-regeneration-stable]
    • <h2> Edge API Routes (Experimental) [#edge-api-routes-experimental]
    • <h2> Edge Server-Rendering (Experimental) [#edge-server-rendering-experimental]
    • <h2> Improvements to next/image [#improvements-to-nextimage]
      • <h3> next/future/image component (Experimental) [#nextfutureimage-component-experimental]
      • <h3> Remote Patterns (Experimental) [#remote-patterns-experimental]
      • <h3> Disable Image Optimization [#disable-image-optimization]
    • <h2> SWC Plugins (Experimental) [#swc-plugins-experimental]
    • <h2> React 18 Support Improvements [#react-18-support-improvements]
    • <h2> Other Improvements [#other-improvements]
    • <h2> Layouts RFC &amp; Advanced Routing Support [#layouts-rfc--advanced-routing-support]
    • <h2> Thank you, contributors [#thank-you-contributors]
  • <h1> Navigating Between Pages
    • <h2> Why optimize navigation? [#why-optimize-navigation]
    • <h2> The &lt;Link&gt; component [#the-link-component]
      • <h3> Automatic code-splitting and prefetching [#automatic-code-splitting-and-prefetching]
    • <h2> Pattern: Showing active links [#pattern-showing-active-links]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 5
  • <h1> `next/dynamic` has deprecated loading multiple modules at once
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> Internationalization
    • <h2> Terminology [#terminology]
    • <h2> Routing Overview [#routing-overview]
    • <h2> Localization [#localization]
    • <h2> Static Generation [#static-generation]
    • <h2> Resources [#resources]
  • <h1> transpilePackages
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Adding Search and Pagination
    • <h2> Starting code [#starting-code]
    • <h2> Why use URL search params? [#why-use-url-search-params]
    • <h2> Adding the search functionality [#adding-the-search-functionality]
      • <h3> 1. Capture the user's input [#1-capture-the-users-input]
      • <h3> 2. Update the URL with the search params [#2-update-the-url-with-the-search-params]
      • <h3> 3. Keeping the URL and input in sync [#3-keeping-the-url-and-input-in-sync]
      • <h3> 4. Updating the table [#4-updating-the-table]
      • <h3> Best practice: Debouncing [#best-practice-debouncing]
    • <h2> Adding pagination [#adding-pagination]
    • <h2> Summary [#summary]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 11
  • <h1> Middleware Upgrade Guide
    • <h2> Using Next.js Middleware on Vercel [#using-nextjs-middleware-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Breaking changes [#breaking-changes]
    • <h2> No Nested Middleware [#no-nested-middleware]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation]
      • <h3> How to upgrade [#how-to-upgrade]
    • <h2> No Response Body [#no-response-body]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes-1]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation-1]
      • <h3> How to upgrade [#how-to-upgrade-1]
    • <h2> Cookies API Revamped [#cookies-api-revamped]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes-2]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation-2]
      • <h3> How to upgrade [#how-to-upgrade-2]
    • <h2> New User-Agent Helper [#new-user-agent-helper]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes-3]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation-3]
      • <h3> How to upgrade [#how-to-upgrade-3]
    • <h2> No More Page Match Data [#no-more-page-match-data]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes-4]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation-4]
      • <h3> How to upgrade [#how-to-upgrade-4]
    • <h2> Executing Middleware on Internal Next.js Requests [#executing-middleware-on-internal-nextjs-requests]
      • <h3> Summary of changes [#summary-of-changes-5]
      • <h3> Explanation [#explanation-5]
  • <h1> trailingSlash
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> generateSitemaps
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> URLs [#urls]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> sitemap.xml
  • <h1> appDir
  • <h1> No img element
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> headers
    • <h2> Header Overriding Behavior [#header-overriding-behavior]
    • <h2> Path Matching [#path-matching]
      • <h3> Wildcard Path Matching [#wildcard-path-matching]
      • <h3> Regex Path Matching [#regex-path-matching]
    • <h2> Header, Cookie, and Query Matching [#header-cookie-and-query-matching]
    • <h2> Headers with basePath support [#headers-with-basepath-support]
    • <h2> Headers with i18n support [#headers-with-i18n-support]
    • <h2> Cache-Control [#cache-control]
    • <h2> Options [#options]
      • <h3> CORS [#cors]
      • <h3> X-DNS-Prefetch-Control [#x-dns-prefetch-control]
      • <h3> Strict-Transport-Security [#strict-transport-security]
      • <h3> X-Frame-Options [#x-frame-options]
      • <h3> Permissions-Policy [#permissions-policy]
      • <h3> X-Content-Type-Options [#x-content-type-options]
      • <h3> Referrer-Policy [#referrer-policy]
      • <h3> Content-Security-Policy [#content-security-policy]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Loading UI and Streaming
    • <h2> Instant Loading States [#instant-loading-states]
    • <h2> Streaming with Suspense [#streaming-with-suspense]
      • <h3> What is Streaming? [#what-is-streaming]
      • <h3> Example [#example]
      • <h3> SEO [#seo]
      • <h3> Status Codes [#status-codes]
  • <h1> headers
    • <h2> headers() [#headers]
      • <h3> API Reference [#api-reference]
      • <h3> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> compress
    • <h2> Disabling compression [#disabling-compression]
    • <h2> Changing the compression algorithm [#changing-the-compression-algorithm]
  • <h1> Environment Variables
    • <h2> Loading Environment Variables [#loading-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Loading Environment Variables with @next/env [#loading-environment-variables-with-nextenv]
      • <h3> Referencing Other Variables [#referencing-other-variables]
    • <h2> Bundling Environment Variables for the Browser [#bundling-environment-variables-for-the-browser]
      • <h3> Runtime Environment Variables [#runtime-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Default Environment Variables [#default-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Environment Variables on Vercel [#environment-variables-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Test Environment Variables [#test-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Environment Variable Load Order [#environment-variable-load-order]
    • <h2> Good to know [#good-to-know]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Edge Runtime
    • <h2> Network APIs [#network-apis]
    • <h2> Encoding APIs [#encoding-apis]
    • <h2> Stream APIs [#stream-apis]
    • <h2> Crypto APIs [#crypto-apis]
    • <h2> Web Standard APIs [#web-standard-apis]
    • <h2> Next.js Specific Polyfills [#nextjs-specific-polyfills]
    • <h2> Environment Variables [#environment-variables]
    • <h2> Unsupported APIs [#unsupported-apis]
  • <h1> unstable_after
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
    • <h2> Serverless function duration [#serverless-function-duration]
  • <h1> Client Components
    • <h2> Benefits of Client Rendering [#benefits-of-client-rendering]
    • <h2> Using Client Components in Next.js [#using-client-components-in-nextjs]
    • <h2> How are Client Components Rendered? [#how-are-client-components-rendered]
      • <h3> Full page load [#full-page-load]
      • <h3> Subsequent Navigations [#subsequent-navigations]
    • <h2> Going back to the Server Environment [#going-back-to-the-server-environment]
  • <h1> useLightningcss
  • <h1> Version 13
    • <h2> Upgrading from 12 to 13 [#upgrading-from-12-to-13]
      • <h3> v13 Summary [#v13-summary]
    • <h2> Migrating shared features [#migrating-shared-features]
      • <h3> &lt;Image/&gt; Component [#image-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Link&gt; Component [#link-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Script&gt; Component [#script-component]
      • <h3> Font Optimization [#font-optimization]
  • <h1> App Router Incremental Adoption Guide
    • <h2> Upgrading [#upgrading]
      • <h3> Node.js Version [#nodejs-version]
      • <h3> Next.js Version [#nextjs-version]
      • <h3> ESLint Version [#eslint-version]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
    • <h2> Upgrading New Features [#upgrading-new-features]
      • <h3> &lt;Image/&gt; Component [#image-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Link&gt; Component [#link-component]
      • <h3> &lt;Script&gt; Component [#script-component]
      • <h3> Font Optimization [#font-optimization]
    • <h2> Migrating from pages to app [#migrating-from-pages-to-app]
      • <h3> Step 1: Creating the app directory [#step-1-creating-the-app-directory]
      • <h3> Step 2: Creating a Root Layout [#step-2-creating-a-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 3: Migrating next/head [#step-3-migrating-nexthead]
      • <h3> Step 4: Migrating Pages [#step-4-migrating-pages]
      • <h3> Step 5: Migrating Routing Hooks [#step-5-migrating-routing-hooks]
      • <h3> Step 6: Migrating Data Fetching Methods [#step-6-migrating-data-fetching-methods]
      • <h3> Step 7: Styling [#step-7-styling]
    • <h2> Codemods [#codemods]
  • <h1> Linking and Navigating
    • <h2> &lt;Link&gt; Component [#link-component]
      • <h3> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> useRouter() hook [#userouter-hook]
    • <h2> redirect function [#redirect-function]
    • <h2> Using the native History API [#using-the-native-history-api]
      • <h3> window.history.pushState [#windowhistorypushstate]
      • <h3> window.history.replaceState [#windowhistoryreplacestate]
    • <h2> How Routing and Navigation Works [#how-routing-and-navigation-works]
      • <h3> 1. Code Splitting [#1-code-splitting]
      • <h3> 2. Prefetching [#2-prefetching]
      • <h3> 3. Caching [#3-caching]
      • <h3> 4. Partial Rendering [#4-partial-rendering]
      • <h3> 5. Soft Navigation [#5-soft-navigation]
      • <h3> 6. Back and Forward Navigation [#6-back-and-forward-navigation]
      • <h3> 7. Routing between pages/ and app/ [#7-routing-between-pages-and-app]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Caching
      • <h3> TypeScript
  • <h1> Third Party Libraries
    • <h2> Getting Started [#getting-started]
    • <h2> Google Third-Parties [#google-third-parties]
      • <h3> Google Tag Manager [#google-tag-manager]
      • <h3> Google Analytics [#google-analytics]
      • <h3> Google Maps Embed [#google-maps-embed]
      • <h3> YouTube Embed [#youtube-embed]
  • <h1> No Sync Scripts
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Setting up Cypress with Next.js
    • <h2> Manual setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Cypress E2E test [#creating-your-first-cypress-e2e-test]
      • <h3> Running E2E Tests [#running-e2e-tests]
    • <h2> Creating your first Cypress component test [#creating-your-first-cypress-component-test]
      • <h3> Running Component Tests [#running-component-tests]
    • <h2> Continuous Integration (CI) [#continuous-integration-ci]
  • <h1> Client-side Rendering (CSR)
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Server-side Rendering (SSR)
      • <h3> Static Site Generation (SSG)
      • <h3> Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
      • <h3> Loading UI and Streaming
  • <h1> urlImports
    • <h2> Security Model [#security-model]
    • <h2> Lockfile [#lockfile]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Skypack [#skypack]
      • <h3> Static Image Imports [#static-image-imports]
      • <h3> URLs in CSS [#urls-in-css]
      • <h3> Asset Imports [#asset-imports]
  • <h1> Next.js 10.1
    • <h2> 3x Faster Refresh [#3x-faster-refresh]
    • <h2> Improved Installation Time [#improved-installation-time]
    • <h2> next/image Improvements [#nextimage-improvements]
      • <h3> Apple Silicon Support [#apple-silicon-support]
    • <h2> Next.js Commerce Shopify Integration [#nextjs-commerce-shopify-integration]
    • <h2> Custom 500 Page [#custom-500-page]
    • <h2> Strict PostCSS Configuration Loading [#strict-postcss-configuration-loading]
    • <h2> Support for extends in tsconfig.json [#support-for-extends-in-tsconfigjson]
    • <h2> Detect When Preview Mode Is Enabled [#detect-when-preview-mode-is-enabled]
    • <h2> Router Methods Scroll to Top [#router-methods-scroll-to-top]
    • <h2> Documentation Improvements [#documentation-improvements]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
      • <h3> Credits [#credits]
  • <h1> ppr
    • <h2> Using Partial Prerendering [#using-partial-prerendering]
      • <h3> Incremental Adoption (Version 15) [#incremental-adoption-version-15]
      • <h3> Enabling PPR (Version 14) [#enabling-ppr-version-14]
    • <h2> Learn more about Partial Prerendering [#learn-more-about-partial-prerendering]
      • <h3> Partial Prerendering
  • <h1> Migrating from Create React App
    • <h2> Why Switch? [#why-switch]
      • <h3> Slow initial page loading time [#slow-initial-page-loading-time]
      • <h3> No automatic code splitting [#no-automatic-code-splitting]
      • <h3> Network waterfalls [#network-waterfalls]
      • <h3> Fast and intentional loading states [#fast-and-intentional-loading-states]
      • <h3> Choose the data fetching strategy [#choose-the-data-fetching-strategy]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
      • <h3> Built-in Optimizations [#built-in-optimizations]
    • <h2> Migration Steps [#migration-steps]
      • <h3> Step 1: Install the Next.js Dependency [#step-1-install-the-nextjs-dependency]
      • <h3> Step 2: Create the Next.js Configuration File [#step-2-create-the-nextjs-configuration-file]
      • <h3> Step 3: Create the Root Layout [#step-3-create-the-root-layout]
      • <h3> Step 4: Metadata [#step-4-metadata]
      • <h3> Step 5: Styles [#step-5-styles]
      • <h3> Step 6: Create the Entrypoint Page [#step-6-create-the-entrypoint-page]
      • <h3> Step 7: Update Static Image Imports [#step-7-update-static-image-imports]
      • <h3> Step 8: Migrate the Environment Variables [#step-8-migrate-the-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Step 9: Update Scripts in package.json [#step-9-update-scripts-in-packagejson]
      • <h3> Step 10: Clean Up [#step-10-clean-up]
    • <h2> Bundler Compatibility [#bundler-compatibility]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
  • <h1> Version 14
    • <h2> Upgrading from 13 to 14 [#upgrading-from-13-to-14]
      • <h3> v14 Summary [#v14-summary]
  • <h1> instrumentationHook
    • <h2> Learn more about Instrumentation [#learn-more-about-instrumentation]
      • <h3> instrumentation.js
      • <h3> Instrumentation
  • <h1> Layouts RFC
    • <h2> Table of Contents [#table-of-contents]
    • <h2> Motivation [#motivation]
    • <h2> Terminology [#terminology]
    • <h2> How Routing Currently Works [#how-routing-currently-works]
    • <h2> Introducing the app Directory [#introducing-the-app-directory]
    • <h2> Defining Routes [#defining-routes]
      • <h3> Route Segments [#route-segments]
    • <h2> Layouts [#layouts]
      • <h3> Root Layout [#root-layout]
      • <h3> Regular Layouts [#regular-layouts]
      • <h3> Nesting Layouts [#nesting-layouts]
    • <h2> Pages [#pages]
      • <h3> Layout and Page Behavior [#layout-and-page-behavior]
    • <h2> React Server Components [#react-server-components]
      • <h3> Server Components as the Default [#server-components-as-the-default]
      • <h3> Client and Server Components Convention [#client-and-server-components-convention]
      • <h3> Hooks [#hooks]
      • <h3> Rendering Environments [#rendering-environments]
      • <h3> Interleaving Client and Server Components in a Route [#interleaving-client-and-server-components-in-a-route]
    • <h2> Data fetching [#data-fetching]
      • <h3> Data fetching in Layouts [#data-fetching-in-layouts]
      • <h3> Multiple data fetching methods in a route [#multiple-data-fetching-methods-in-a-route]
      • <h3> Behavior and priority [#behavior-and-priority]
      • <h3> Data fetching with React Server Components [#data-fetching-with-react-server-components]
      • <h3> Parallel data fetching [#parallel-data-fetching]
      • <h3> Partial Fetching and Rendering [#partial-fetching-and-rendering]
    • <h2> Route Groups [#route-groups]
      • <h3> Convention [#convention]
    • <h2> Server-Centric Routing [#server-centric-routing]
    • <h2> Instant Loading States [#instant-loading-states]
      • <h3> Default loading skeletons [#default-loading-skeletons]
    • <h2> Error Handling [#error-handling]
      • <h3> Convention [#convention-1]
    • <h2> Templates [#templates]
      • <h3> Convention [#convention-2]
      • <h3> Example [#example]
      • <h3> Behavior [#behavior]
    • <h2> Advanced Routing Patterns [#advanced-routing-patterns]
      • <h3> Intercepting Routes [#intercepting-routes]
      • <h3> Dynamic Parallel Routes [#dynamic-parallel-routes]
    • <h2> Combining Intercepting and Parallel Routes [#combining-intercepting-and-parallel-routes]
    • <h2> Conditional Routes [#conditional-routes]
    • <h2> Conclusion [#conclusion]
  • <h1> instrumentationHook
  • <h1> draftMode
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Speakers
    • <h2> Guillermo Rauch [#rauchg]
    • <h2> Jared Palmer [#jared-palmer]
    • <h2> Lydia Hallie [#lydia-hallie]
    • <h2> Houssein Djirdeh [#houssein-djirdeh]
    • <h2> Michelle Bakels [#michelle-bakels]
    • <h2> Darius Cepulis [#darius-cepulis]
    • <h2> Katie Hoesley [#katie-hoelsey]
    • <h2> Mahmoud Abdelwahab [#mahmoud-abdelwahab]
    • <h2> Sandeep Panda [#sandeep-panda]
    • <h2> Theo [#theo]
    • <h2> Elizabet Oliveira [#elizabet-oliveira]
    • <h2> Pauline P. Narvas [#pauline]
    • <h2> Ariel Shulman [#ariel-shulman]
    • <h2> Cory Miller [#cory-miller]
    • <h2> Tejas Kumar [#tejas]
    • <h2> Joel Hooks [#Joel-Hooks]
    • <h2> Sam Selikoff [#sam-selikoff]
    • <h2> Alec Chernicki [#alec-chernicki]
    • <h2> Kenneth DuMez [#Kenneth-DuMez]
    • <h2> Mel Stubbings [#mel-stubbings]
    • <h2> Hosna Qasmei [#hosna-qasmei]
    • <h2> Raunak Chowdhuri [#raunak-chowdhuri]
    • <h2> Edgar John [#edgar-john]
    • <h2> Adhithi Ravichandran [#adhithi-ravichandran]
    • <h2> James Mikrut [#james-mikrut]
    • <h2> Jon Meyers [#jon-meyers]
    • <h2> Sophia Andren [#sophia-andren]
    • <h2> Dev Agrawal [#dev-agrawal]
    • <h2> Ahmad Awais [#ahmad-awais]
    • <h2> Kapehe [#kapehe]
    • <h2> Chris Bautista [#chris-bautista]
    • <h2> TJ Kohli [#tj-kohli]
    • <h2> Sylwia Vargas [#sylwia-vargas]
    • <h2> Grant Sander [#grant-sander]
    • <h2> Matt Volk [#matt-volk]
    • <h2> ThePrimegen [#ThePrimegen]
    • <h2> Madison Kanna [#madison-kanna]
    • <h2> Jonathan Lemon [#jonathan-lemon]
    • <h2> Ricky Doar [#ricky-doar]
  • <h1> Redirecting
    • <h2> useRouter() hook [#userouter-hook]
    • <h2> redirects in next.config.js [#redirects-in-nextconfigjs]
    • <h2> NextResponse.redirect in Middleware [#nextresponseredirect-in-middleware]
    • <h2> Managing redirects at scale (advanced) [#managing-redirects-at-scale-advanced]
      • <h3> 1. Creating and storing a redirect map [#1-creating-and-storing-a-redirect-map]
      • <h3> 2. Optimizing data lookup performance [#2-optimizing-data-lookup-performance]
  • <h1> &lt;Image&gt; (Legacy)
    • <h2> Comparison [#comparison]
    • <h2> Required Props [#required-props]
      • <h3> src [#src]
      • <h3> width [#width]
      • <h3> height [#height]
    • <h2> Optional Props [#optional-props]
      • <h3> layout [#layout]
      • <h3> loader [#loader]
      • <h3> sizes [#sizes]
      • <h3> quality [#quality]
      • <h3> priority [#priority]
      • <h3> placeholder [#placeholder]
    • <h2> Advanced Props [#advanced-props]
      • <h3> style [#style]
      • <h3> objectFit [#objectfit]
      • <h3> objectPosition [#objectposition]
      • <h3> onLoadingComplete [#onloadingcomplete]
      • <h3> loading [#loading]
      • <h3> blurDataURL [#blurdataurl]
      • <h3> lazyBoundary [#lazyboundary]
      • <h3> lazyRoot [#lazyroot]
      • <h3> unoptimized [#unoptimized]
    • <h2> Other Props [#other-props]
    • <h2> Configuration Options [#configuration-options]
      • <h3> Remote Patterns [#remote-patterns]
      • <h3> Domains [#domains]
      • <h3> Loader Configuration [#loader-configuration]
      • <h3> Built-in Loaders [#built-in-loaders]
    • <h2> Advanced [#advanced]
      • <h3> Device Sizes [#device-sizes]
      • <h3> Image Sizes [#image-sizes]
      • <h3> Acceptable Formats [#acceptable-formats]
    • <h2> Caching Behavior [#caching-behavior]
      • <h3> Minimum Cache TTL [#minimum-cache-ttl]
      • <h3> Disable Static Imports [#disable-static-imports]
      • <h3> Dangerously Allow SVG [#dangerously-allow-svg]
      • <h3> contentDispositionType [#contentdispositiontype]
      • <h3> Animated Images [#animated-images]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> httpAgentOptions
  • <h1> unstable_cache
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> No Page Custom Font
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
      • <h3> When Not To Use It [#when-not-to-use-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Tailwind CSS
    • <h2> Installing Tailwind [#installing-tailwind]
    • <h2> Configuring Tailwind [#configuring-tailwind]
    • <h2> Importing Styles [#importing-styles-1]
    • <h2> Using Classes [#using-classes-1]
    • <h2> Usage with Turbopack [#usage-with-turbopack]
  • <h1> No Before Interactive Script Outside Document
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
      • <h3> App Router [#app-router]
      • <h3> Pages Router [#pages-router]
  • <h1> Runtime Config
  • <h1> bundlePagesRouterDependencies
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> The latest Next.js news
  • <h1> Authentication
    • <h2> Authentication [#authentication]
    • <h2> Session Management [#session-management]
      • <h3> Stateless Sessions [#stateless-sessions]
      • <h3> Database Sessions [#database-sessions]
    • <h2> Authorization [#authorization]
      • <h3> Optimistic checks with Middleware (Optional) [#optimistic-checks-with-middleware-optional]
      • <h3> Creating a Data Access Layer (DAL) [#creating-a-data-access-layer-dal-1]
    • <h2> Resources [#resources]
      • <h3> Auth Libraries [#auth-libraries]
      • <h3> Session Management Libraries [#session-management-libraries]
    • <h2> Further Reading [#further-reading]
  • <h1> CSS
    • <h2> CSS Modules [#css-modules]
      • <h3> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Global Styles [#global-styles]
    • <h2> External Stylesheets [#external-stylesheets]
    • <h2> Ordering and Merging [#ordering-and-merging]
    • <h2> Additional Features [#additional-features]
  • <h1> Caching in Next.js
    • <h2> Overview [#overview]
    • <h2> Request Memoization [#request-memoization]
      • <h3> Duration [#duration]
      • <h3> Revalidating [#revalidating]
      • <h3> Opting out [#opting-out]
    • <h2> Data Cache [#data-cache]
      • <h3> Duration [#duration-1]
      • <h3> Revalidating [#revalidating-1]
      • <h3> Opting out [#opting-out-1]
    • <h2> Full Route Cache [#full-route-cache]
      • <h3> 1. React Rendering on the Server [#1-react-rendering-on-the-server]
      • <h3> 2. Next.js Caching on the Server (Full Route Cache) [#2-nextjs-caching-on-the-server-full-route-cache]
      • <h3> 3. React Hydration and Reconciliation on the Client [#3-react-hydration-and-reconciliation-on-the-client]
      • <h3> 4. Next.js Caching on the Client (Router Cache) [#4-nextjs-caching-on-the-client-router-cache]
      • <h3> 5. Subsequent Navigations [#5-subsequent-navigations]
      • <h3> Static and Dynamic Rendering [#static-and-dynamic-rendering]
      • <h3> Duration [#duration-2]
      • <h3> Invalidation [#invalidation]
      • <h3> Opting out [#opting-out-2]
    • <h2> Client-side Router Cache [#client-side-router-cache]
      • <h3> Duration [#duration-3]
      • <h3> Invalidation [#invalidation-1]
      • <h3> Opting out [#opting-out-3]
    • <h2> Cache Interactions [#cache-interactions]
      • <h3> Data Cache and Full Route Cache [#data-cache-and-full-route-cache]
      • <h3> Data Cache and Client-side Router cache [#data-cache-and-client-side-router-cache]
    • <h2> APIs [#apis]
      • <h3> &lt;Link&gt; [#link]
      • <h3> router.prefetch [#routerprefetch]
      • <h3> router.refresh [#routerrefresh]
      • <h3> fetch [#fetch]
      • <h3> fetch options.cache [#fetch-optionscache]
      • <h3> fetch [#fetch-optionsnextrevalidate]
      • <h3> fetch and revalidateTag [#fetch-optionsnexttags-and-revalidatetag]
      • <h3> revalidatePath [#revalidatepath]
      • <h3> Dynamic Functions [#dynamic-functions]
      • <h3> Segment Config Options [#segment-config-options]
      • <h3> generateStaticParams [#generatestaticparams]
      • <h3> React cache function [#react-cache-function]
  • <h1> Font Optimization
    • <h2> Google Fonts [#google-fonts]
      • <h3> Apply the font in &lt;head&gt; [#apply-the-font-in-head]
      • <h3> Single page usage [#single-page-usage]
      • <h3> Specifying a subset [#specifying-a-subset]
      • <h3> Using Multiple Fonts [#using-multiple-fonts]
    • <h2> Local Fonts [#local-fonts]
    • <h2> With Tailwind CSS [#with-tailwind-css]
    • <h2> Preloading [#preloading]
    • <h2> Reusing fonts [#reusing-fonts]
  • <h1> Installation
    • <h2> Automatic Installation [#automatic-installation]
    • <h2> Manual Installation [#manual-installation]
      • <h3> Creating directories [#creating-directories]
    • <h2> Run the Development Server [#run-the-development-server]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Project Structure
  • <h1> Optimizations
    • <h2> Built-in Components [#built-in-components]
    • <h2> Metadata [#metadata]
    • <h2> Static Assets [#static-assets]
    • <h2> Analytics and Monitoring [#analytics-and-monitoring]
      • <h3> Images
      • <h3> Videos
      • <h3> Fonts
      • <h3> Metadata
      • <h3> Scripts
      • <h3> Package Bundling
      • <h3> Lazy Loading
      • <h3> Analytics
      • <h3> Instrumentation
      • <h3> OpenTelemetry
      • <h3> Static Assets
      • <h3> Third Party Libraries
      • <h3> Memory Usage
  • <h1> Setting up Vitest with Next.js
    • <h2> Quickstart [#quickstart]
    • <h2> Manual Setup [#manual-setup]
    • <h2> Creating your first Vitest Unit Test [#creating-your-first-vitest-unit-test]
    • <h2> Running your tests [#running-your-tests]
    • <h2> Additional Resources [#additional-resources]
  • <h1> Custom Document
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Customizing renderPage [#customizing-renderpage]
  • <h1> generateBuildId
  • <h1> permanentRedirect
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> redirect
  • <h1> Layouts and Templates
    • <h2> Layouts [#layouts]
      • <h3> Root Layout (Required) [#root-layout-required]
      • <h3> Nesting Layouts [#nesting-layouts]
    • <h2> Templates [#templates]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Metadata [#metadata]
      • <h3> Active Nav Links [#active-nav-links]
  • <h1> Partners 2023
    • <h2> Titanium Partners
    • <h2> Gold Partners
    • <h2> Silver Partners
  • <h1> Governance
    • <h2> Teams [#teams]
    • <h2> Roadmap and RFC Process [#roadmap-and-rfc-process]
    • <h2> Stability and Release Phases [#stability-and-release-phases]
    • <h2> Next.js Support [#nextjs-support]
    • <h2> Additional Resources [#additional-resources]
  • <h1> Data Fetching
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> getStaticProps
      • <h3> getStaticPaths
      • <h3> Forms and Mutations
      • <h3> getServerSideProps
      • <h3> Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
      • <h3> Client-side Fetching
  • <h1> output
    • <h2> How it Works [#how-it-works]
    • <h2> Automatically Copying Traced Files [#automatically-copying-traced-files]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Experimental turbotrace [#experimental-turbotrace]
  • <h1> Next.js 9
    • <h2> Built-In Zero-Config TypeScript Support [#built-in-zero-config-typescript-support]
    • <h2> Dynamic Route Segments [#dynamic-route-segments]
    • <h2> Automatic Static Optimization [#automatic-static-optimization]
    • <h2> API Routes [#api-routes]
    • <h2> Production Optimizations [#production-optimizations]
    • <h2> Developer Experience Improvements [#developer-experience-improvements]
    • <h2> Build Output Statistics [#build-output-statistics]
    • <h2> Per-Page Configuration Object [#per-page-configuration-object]
    • <h2> Codebase Improvements [#codebase-improvements]
    • <h2> Google Chrome Collaboration [#google-chrome-collaboration]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> CLI
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
    • <h2> With the default template [#with-the-default-template]
    • <h2> With an official Next.js example [#with-an-official-nextjs-example]
    • <h2> With any public Github example [#with-any-public-github-example]
  • <h1> NextResponse
    • <h2> cookies [#cookies]
      • <h3> set(name, value) [#setname-value]
      • <h3> get(name) [#getname]
      • <h3> getAll() [#getall]
      • <h3> delete(name) [#deletename]
    • <h2> json() [#json]
    • <h2> redirect() [#redirect]
    • <h2> rewrite() [#rewrite]
    • <h2> next() [#next]
  • <h1> ImageResponse
    • <h2> Supported CSS Properties [#supported-css-properties]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> exportPathMap (Deprecated)
    • <h2> Adding a trailing slash [#adding-a-trailing-slash]
    • <h2> Customizing the output directory [#customizing-the-output-directory]
  • <h1> Optimizing Fonts and Images
    • <h2> Why optimize fonts? [#why-optimize-fonts]
    • <h2> Adding a primary font [#adding-a-primary-font]
    • <h2> Practice: Adding a secondary font [#practice-adding-a-secondary-font]
    • <h2> Why optimize images? [#why-optimize-images]
    • <h2> The &lt;Image&gt; component [#the-image-component]
    • <h2> Adding the desktop hero image [#adding-the-desktop-hero-image]
    • <h2> Practice: Adding the mobile hero image [#practice-adding-the-mobile-hero-image]
    • <h2> Recommended reading [#recommended-reading]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 3
  • <h1> Custom Webpack Config
  • <h1> redirect
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Example [#example]
      • <h3> Server Component [#server-component]
      • <h3> Client Component [#client-component]
    • <h2> FAQ [#faq]
      • <h3> Why does redirect use 307 and 308? [#why-does-redirect-use-307-and-308]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> permanentRedirect
  • <h1> &lt;Link&gt;
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> href (required) [#href-required]
      • <h3> replace [#replace]
      • <h3> scroll [#scroll]
      • <h3> prefetch [#prefetch]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Linking to Dynamic Routes [#linking-to-dynamic-routes]
      • <h3> If the child is a custom component that wraps an &lt;a&gt; tag [#if-the-child-is-a-custom-component-that-wraps-an-a-tag]
      • <h3> If the child is a functional component [#if-the-child-is-a-functional-component]
      • <h3> Replace the URL instead of push [#replace-the-url-instead-of-push]
      • <h3> Disable scrolling to the top of the page [#disable-scrolling-to-the-top-of-the-page]
      • <h3> Middleware [#middleware]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> output
    • <h2> How it Works [#how-it-works]
    • <h2> Automatically Copying Traced Files [#automatically-copying-traced-files]
    • <h2> Caveats [#caveats]
    • <h2> Experimental turbotrace [#experimental-turbotrace]
  • <h1> useReportWebVitals
    • <h2> useReportWebVitals [#usereportwebvitals]
    • <h2> Web Vitals [#web-vitals]
    • <h2> Custom Metrics [#custom-metrics]
    • <h2> Usage on Vercel [#usage-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Sending results to external systems [#sending-results-to-external-systems]
  • <h1> userAgent
    • <h2> isBot [#isbot]
    • <h2> browser [#browser]
    • <h2> device [#device]
    • <h2> engine [#engine]
    • <h2> os [#os]
    • <h2> cpu [#cpu]
  • <h1> The web framework for when it matters
    • <h2> Meet thousands of beautiful websites built with Next.js by Vercel
    • <h2> Build like the Best
    • <h2> A powerful framework for building high-performance, server rendered web applications
      • <h3> Superior Developer Experience
      • <h3> Battle-tested in Production
      • <h3> Performance-obsessed stack
  • <h1> unstable_rethrow
  • <h1> Next.js 9.3
    • <h2> Next-gen Static Site Generation (SSG) Support [#next-gen-static-site-generation-ssg-support]
      • <h3> getStaticProps [#getstaticprops]
      • <h3> When should I use getStaticProps? [#when-should-i-use-getstaticprops]
      • <h3> getStaticPaths [#getstaticpaths]
      • <h3> The paths key (required) [#the-paths-key-required]
      • <h3> The fallback key (required) [#the-fallback-key-required]
      • <h3> Fallback: false [#fallback-false]
      • <h3> Fallback: true [#fallback-true]
      • <h3> getServerSideProps [#getserversideprops]
    • <h2> Preview Mode [#preview-mode]
    • <h2> Collaboration with CMS providers [#collaboration-with-cms-providers]
    • <h2> Built-in Sass Support for Global Stylesheets [#built-in-sass-support-for-global-stylesheets]
    • <h2> Built-in Sass CSS Module Support for Component-Level Styles [#built-in-sass-css-module-support-for-component-level-styles]
    • <h2> Automatic Static Optimization for 404 [#automatic-static-optimization-for-404]
      • <h3> Static 404 page by default [#static-404-page-by-default]
      • <h3> Custom 404 page using pages/404.js [#custom-404-page-using-pages404js]
    • <h2> 32+ kB Smaller Runtime (15 kB+ Gzip) [#32-kb-smaller-runtime-15-kb-gzip]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Next.js 13.1
    • <h2> Improved reliability and support for app directory [#improved-reliability-and-support-for-app-directory]
    • <h2> Built-in module transpilation (stable) [#built-in-module-transpilation-stable]
    • <h2> Import resolution for smaller bundles [#import-resolution-for-smaller-bundles]
    • <h2> A light Node.js runtime for the edge, now stable for API routes [#a-light-nodejs-runtime-for-the-edge-now-stable-for-api-routes]
    • <h2> Turbopack improvements [#turbopack-improvements]
    • <h2> Next.js advanced Middleware [#nextjs-advanced-middleware]
    • <h2> Other improvements [#other-improvements]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
  • <h1> Optimizing Package Bundling
    • <h2> Analyzing JavaScript bundles [#analyzing-javascript-bundles]
      • <h3> Installation [#installation]
      • <h3> Generating a report [#generating-a-report]
    • <h2> Optimizing package imports [#optimizing-package-imports]
    • <h2> Opting specific packages out of bundling [#opting-specific-packages-out-of-bundling-1]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Production Checklist
  • <h1> Multi-Zones
    • <h2> How to define a zone [#how-to-define-a-zone]
    • <h2> How to route requests to the right zone [#how-to-route-requests-to-the-right-zone]
    • <h2> Linking between zones [#linking-between-zones]
    • <h2> Sharing code [#sharing-code]
  • <h1> CSS Modules
    • <h2> CSS Modules [#css-modules]
      • <h3> Example [#example]
    • <h2> Global Styles [#global-styles]
    • <h2> External Stylesheets [#external-stylesheets]
      • <h3> Import styles from node_modules [#import-styles-from-node_modules]
    • <h2> Additional Features [#additional-features]
  • <h1> mdx-components.js
    • <h2> Exports [#exports]
      • <h3> useMDXComponents function [#usemdxcomponents-function]
    • <h2> Params [#params]
      • <h3> components [#components]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Learn more about MDX Components [#learn-more-about-mdx-components]
      • <h3> MDX
  • <h1> Custom Server
    • <h2> Disabling file-system routing [#disabling-file-system-routing]
  • <h1> No `styled-jsx` in `_document`
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Server and Client Composition Patterns
    • <h2> When to use Server and Client Components? [#when-to-use-server-and-client-components]
    • <h2> Server Component Patterns [#server-component-patterns]
      • <h3> Sharing data between components [#sharing-data-between-components]
      • <h3> Keeping Server-only Code out of the Client Environment [#keeping-server-only-code-out-of-the-client-environment]
      • <h3> Using Third-party Packages and Providers [#using-third-party-packages-and-providers]
    • <h2> Client Components [#client-components]
      • <h3> Moving Client Components Down the Tree [#moving-client-components-down-the-tree]
      • <h3> Passing props from Server to Client Components (Serialization) [#passing-props-from-server-to-client-components-serialization]
    • <h2> Interleaving Server and Client Components [#interleaving-server-and-client-components]
      • <h3> Unsupported Pattern: Importing Server Components into Client Components [#unsupported-pattern-importing-server-components-into-client-components]
      • <h3> Supported Pattern: Passing Server Components to Client Components as Props [#supported-pattern-passing-server-components-to-client-components-as-props]
  • <h1> next.config.js Options
    • <h2> ECMAScript Modules [#ecmascript-modules]
    • <h2> Configuration as a Function [#configuration-as-a-function]
      • <h3> Async Configuration [#async-configuration]
      • <h3> Phase [#phase]
    • <h2> TypeScript [#typescript]
      • <h3> assetPrefix
      • <h3> basePath
      • <h3> bundlePagesRouterDependencies
      • <h3> compress
      • <h3> crossOrigin
      • <h3> devIndicators
      • <h3> distDir
      • <h3> env
      • <h3> eslint
      • <h3> exportPathMap
      • <h3> generateBuildId
      • <h3> generateEtags
      • <h3> headers
      • <h3> httpAgentOptions
      • <h3> images
      • <h3> instrumentationHook
      • <h3> onDemandEntries
      • <h3> optimizePackageImports
      • <h3> output
      • <h3> pageExtensions
      • <h3> poweredByHeader
      • <h3> productionBrowserSourceMaps
      • <h3> reactStrictMode
      • <h3> redirects
      • <h3> rewrites
      • <h3> Runtime Config
      • <h3> serverExternalPackages
      • <h3> trailingSlash
      • <h3> transpilePackages
      • <h3> turbo
      • <h3> typescript
      • <h3> urlImports
      • <h3> useLightningcss
      • <h3> webpack
      • <h3> webVitalsAttribution
  • <h1> error.js
    • <h2> How error.js Works [#how-errorjs-works]
    • <h2> Props [#props]
      • <h3> error [#error]
      • <h3> reset [#reset]
    • <h2> global-error.js [#global-errorjs]
    • <h2> not-found.js [#not-foundjs]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Learn more about error handling [#learn-more-about-error-handling]
      • <h3> Error Handling
  • <h1> Markdown and MDX
    • <h2> Install dependencies [#install-dependencies]
    • <h2> Configure next.config.mjs [#configure-nextconfigmjs]
    • <h2> Add an mdx-components.tsx file [#add-an-mdx-componentstsx-file]
    • <h2> Rendering MDX [#rendering-mdx]
      • <h3> Using file based routing [#using-file-based-routing]
      • <h3> Using imports [#using-imports]
    • <h2> Using custom styles and components [#using-custom-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Global styles and components [#global-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Local styles and components [#local-styles-and-components]
      • <h3> Shared layouts [#shared-layouts]
      • <h3> Using Tailwind typography plugin [#using-tailwind-typography-plugin]
    • <h2> Frontmatter [#frontmatter]
    • <h2> Remark and Rehype Plugins [#remark-and-rehype-plugins]
    • <h2> Remote MDX [#remote-mdx]
    • <h2> Deep Dive: How do you transform markdown into HTML? [#deep-dive-how-do-you-transform-markdown-into-html]
    • <h2> Using the Rust-based MDX compiler (experimental) [#using-the-rust-based-mdx-compiler-experimental]
    • <h2> Helpful Links [#helpful-links]
  • <h1> instrumentation.js
    • <h2> Enabling Instrumentation [#enabling-instrumentation]
    • <h2> Exports [#exports]
      • <h3> register (required) [#register-required]
      • <h3> onRequestError (optional) [#onrequesterror-optional]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Learn more about Instrumentation [#learn-more-about-instrumentation]
      • <h3> Instrumentation
  • <h1> generateViewport
    • <h2> The viewport object [#the-viewport-object]
    • <h2> generateViewport function [#generateviewport-function]
    • <h2> Viewport Fields [#viewport-fields]
      • <h3> themeColor [#themecolor]
      • <h3> width, initialScale, maximumScale and userScalable [#width-initialscale-maximumscale-and-userscalable]
      • <h3> colorScheme [#colorscheme]
    • <h2> Types [#types]
      • <h3> viewport object [#viewport-object]
      • <h3> generateViewport function [#generateviewport-function-1]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
      • <h3> Metadata Files
      • <h3> Metadata
  • <h1> Error Handling
    • <h2> Handling Errors in Development [#handling-errors-in-development]
    • <h2> Handling Server Errors [#handling-server-errors]
    • <h2> Handling Client Errors [#handling-client-errors]
      • <h3> Reporting Errors [#reporting-errors]
  • <h1> Environment Variables
    • <h2> Loading Environment Variables [#loading-environment-variables]
      • <h3> Loading Environment Variables with @next/env [#loading-environment-variables-with-nextenv]
      • <h3> Referencing Other Variables [#referencing-other-variables]
    • <h2> Bundling Environment Variables for the Browser [#bundling-environment-variables-for-the-browser]
      • <h3> Runtime Environment Variables [#runtime-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Default Environment Variables [#default-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Environment Variables on Vercel [#environment-variables-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Test Environment Variables [#test-environment-variables]
    • <h2> Environment Variable Load Order [#environment-variable-load-order]
    • <h2> Good to know [#good-to-know]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Docs Contribution Guide
    • <h2> Why Contribute? [#why-contribute]
    • <h2> How to Contribute [#how-to-contribute]
      • <h3> GitHub Workflow [#github-workflow]
      • <h3> Writing MDX [#writing-mdx]
      • <h3> VSCode [#vscode]
      • <h3> Review Process [#review-process]
    • <h2> File Structure [#file-structure]
    • <h2> Metadata [#metadata]
      • <h3> Required Fields [#required-fields]
      • <h3> Optional Fields [#optional-fields]
    • <h2> App and Pages Docs [#app-and-pages-docs]
      • <h3> Shared Pages [#shared-pages]
      • <h3> Shared Content [#shared-content]
    • <h2> Code Blocks [#code-blocks]
      • <h3> Language and Filename [#language-and-filename]
      • <h3> TS and JS Switcher [#ts-and-js-switcher]
      • <h3> Line Highlighting [#line-highlighting]
    • <h2> Icons [#icons]
    • <h2> Notes [#notes]
    • <h2> Related Links [#related-links]
      • <h3> Nested Fields [#nested-fields]
    • <h2> Diagrams [#diagrams]
    • <h2> Custom Components and HTML [#custom-components-and-html]
    • <h2> Style Guide [#style-guide]
      • <h3> Page Templates [#page-templates]
      • <h3> Page Types [#page-types]
      • <h3> Voice [#voice]
  • <h1> useSelectedLayoutSegment
    • <h2> Parameters [#parameters]
    • <h2> Returns [#returns]
    • <h2> Examples [#examples]
      • <h3> Creating an active link component [#creating-an-active-link-component]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases
    • <h2> Absolute Imports [#absolute-imports]
    • <h2> Module Aliases [#module-aliases]
  • <h1> typescript
  • <h1> getStaticPaths
    • <h2> When should I use getStaticPaths? [#when-should-i-use-getstaticpaths]
    • <h2> When does getStaticPaths run [#when-does-getstaticpaths-run]
      • <h3> How does getStaticProps run with regards to getStaticPaths [#how-does-getstaticprops-run-with-regards-to-getstaticpaths]
    • <h2> Where can I use getStaticPaths [#where-can-i-use-getstaticpaths]
    • <h2> Runs on every request in development [#runs-on-every-request-in-development]
    • <h2> Generating paths on-demand [#generating-paths-on-demand]
  • <h1> `url` is deprecated
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> No Head Import in Document
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> Partial Prerendering
    • <h2> Static vs. Dynamic Routes [#static-vs-dynamic-routes]
    • <h2> What is Partial Prerendering? [#what-is-partial-prerendering]
    • <h2> How does Partial Prerendering work? [#how-does-partial-prerendering-work]
    • <h2> Implementing Partial Prerendering [#implementing-partial-prerendering]
    • <h2> Summary [#summary]
    • <h2> You've Completed Chapter 10
  • <h1> compress
    • <h2> Disabling compression [#disabling-compression]
    • <h2> Changing the compression algorithm [#changing-the-compression-algorithm]
  • <h1> middleware.js
    • <h2> Exports [#exports]
      • <h3> Middleware function [#middleware-function]
      • <h3> Config object (optional) [#config-object-optional]
    • <h2> Params [#params]
      • <h3> request [#request]
    • <h2> NextResponse [#nextresponse]
    • <h2> Runtime [#runtime]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
    • <h2> Learn more about Middleware [#learn-more-about-middleware]
      • <h3> Middleware
  • <h1> useReportWebVitals
    • <h2> useReportWebVitals [#usereportwebvitals]
    • <h2> Web Vitals [#web-vitals]
    • <h2> Usage on Vercel [#usage-on-vercel]
    • <h2> Sending results to external systems [#sending-results-to-external-systems]
  • <h1> optimizePackageImports
  • <h1> No CSS Tags
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> Static Exports
    • <h2> Configuration [#configuration]
    • <h2> Supported Features [#supported-features]
      • <h3> Server Components [#server-components]
      • <h3> Client Components [#client-components]
      • <h3> Image Optimization [#image-optimization]
      • <h3> Route Handlers [#route-handlers]
      • <h3> Browser APIs [#browser-apis]
    • <h2> Unsupported Features [#unsupported-features]
    • <h2> Deploying [#deploying]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Static Assets in `public`
    • <h2> Caching [#caching]
    • <h2> Robots, Favicons, and others [#robots-favicons-and-others]
  • <h1> Draft Mode
    • <h2> Step 1: Create and access the Route Handler [#step-1-create-and-access-the-route-handler]
      • <h3> Securely accessing it from your Headless CMS [#securely-accessing-it-from-your-headless-cms]
    • <h2> Step 2: Update page [#step-2-update-page]
    • <h2> More Details [#more-details]
      • <h3> Clear the Draft Mode cookie [#clear-the-draft-mode-cookie]
      • <h3> Unique per next build [#unique-per-next-build]
  • <h1> No Title in Document Head
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
    • <h2> Useful Links [#useful-links]
  • <h1> OpenTelemetry
    • <h2> Getting Started [#getting-started]
      • <h3> Using @vercel/otel [#using-vercelotel]
      • <h3> Manual OpenTelemetry configuration [#manual-opentelemetry-configuration]
    • <h2> Testing your instrumentation [#testing-your-instrumentation]
    • <h2> Deployment [#deployment]
      • <h3> Using OpenTelemetry Collector [#using-opentelemetry-collector]
      • <h3> Custom Exporters [#custom-exporters]
    • <h2> Custom Spans [#custom-spans]
    • <h2> Default Spans in Next.js [#default-spans-in-nextjs]
      • <h3> [http.method] [next.route] [#httpmethod-nextroute]
      • <h3> render route (app) [next.route] [#render-route-app-nextroute]
      • <h3> fetch [http.method] [http.url] [#fetch-httpmethod-httpurl]
      • <h3> executing api route (app) [next.route] [#executing-api-route-app-nextroute]
      • <h3> getServerSideProps [next.route] [#getserversideprops-nextroute]
      • <h3> getStaticProps [next.route] [#getstaticprops-nextroute]
      • <h3> render route (pages) [next.route] [#render-route-pages-nextroute]
      • <h3> generateMetadata [] [#generatemetadata-nextpage]
      • <h3> resolve page components [#resolve-page-components]
      • <h3> resolve segment modules [#resolve-segment-modules]
      • <h3> start response [#start-response]
  • <h1> Telemetry
    • <h2> Why is telemetry collected? [#why-is-telemetry-collected]
    • <h2> What is being collected? [#what-is-being-collected]
    • <h2> What about sensitive data (e.g. secrets)? [#what-about-sensitive-data-eg-secrets]
    • <h2> Will this data be shared? [#will-this-data-be-shared]
    • <h2> How do I opt-out? [#how-do-i-opt-out]
  • <h1> No async client component
    • <h2> Why This Error Occurred [#why-this-error-occurred]
    • <h2> Possible Ways to Fix It [#possible-ways-to-fix-it]
  • <h1> Production Checklist
    • <h2> Automatic optimizations [#automatic-optimizations]
    • <h2> During development [#during-development]
      • <h3> Routing and rendering [#routing-and-rendering]
      • <h3> Data fetching and caching [#data-fetching-and-caching]
      • <h3> UI and accessibility [#ui-and-accessibility]
      • <h3> Security [#security]
      • <h3> Metadata and SEO [#metadata-and-seo]
      • <h3> Type safety [#type-safety]
    • <h2> Before going to production [#before-going-to-production]
      • <h3> Core Web Vitals [#core-web-vitals]
      • <h3> Analyzing bundles [#analyzing-bundles]
    • <h2> After deployment [#after-deployment]
  • <h1> Custom Server
  • <h1> Version 14
    • <h2> Upgrading from 13 to 14 [#upgrading-from-13-to-14]
      • <h3> v14 Summary [#v14-summary]
  • <h1> distDir
  • <h1> Next Steps
    • <h2> Share your Next.js app [#share-your-nextjs-app]
    • <h2> You‘ve Completed the Course!
  • <h1> exportPathMap
    • <h2> Adding a trailing slash [#adding-a-trailing-slash]
    • <h2> Customizing the output directory [#customizing-the-output-directory]
  • <h1> Static Exports
    • <h2> Configuration [#configuration]
    • <h2> Supported Features [#supported-features-1]
      • <h3> Image Optimization [#image-optimization]
    • <h2> Unsupported Features [#unsupported-features]
    • <h2> Deploying [#deploying]
    • <h2> Version History [#version-history]
  • <h1> Start building with Next.js
    • <h2> How does the course work?
    • <h2> What will I learn?
  • <h1> reactMaxHeadersLength
  • <h1> Next.js 11.1
    • <h2> Security Patch [#security-patch]
    • <h2> ES Modules Support [#es-modules-support]
    • <h2> Adopting Rust-based SWC [#adopting-rust-based-swc]
    • <h2> Improved Performance [#improved-performance]
      • <h3> Builds &amp; Data Fetching [#builds--data-fetching]
      • <h3> Source Maps [#source-maps]
    • <h2> ESLint Improvements [#eslint-improvements]
      • <h3> Default Accessibility Rules [#default-accessibility-rules]
      • <h3> Common Typos [#common-typos]
    • <h2> next/image Improvements [#nextimage-improvements]
      • <h3> Image Optimization [#image-optimization]
      • <h3> Lazy Generation of Blur Up Placeholders in Development [#lazy-generation-of-blur-up-placeholders-in-development]
      • <h3> Other Image Improvements [#other-image-improvements]
    • <h2> Community [#community]
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Redirected URLs

Found 22 row(s).
StatusRedirected URL 🔼Target URLFound at URL
307 /api/conf/2023/auth/login?next=/conf/registration?s=1…%2Fconf%2F2023%2Fauth%2Fcallback/conf/registration
308 /commerce
308 /discord
308 /docs/accessibility/docs/architecture/accessibility/blog/next-12-3
308 /docs/app/api-reference/create-next-app/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-app/learn/dashboard-app/getting-started
308 /docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/fetching-caching-and-revalidating/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/caching-and-revalidating/learn/dashboard-app/static-and-dynamic-rendering
308 /docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/forms-and-mutations/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/server-actions-and-mutations/
308 /docs/app/building-your-application/routing/pages-and-layouts/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/pages/learn/dashboard-app/css-styling
308 /docs/app/building-your-application/routing/router-handlers/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-handlers/
308 /docs/basic-features/built-in-css-support/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling/learn/dashboard-app/css-styling
307 /docs/getting-started/docs/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/middleware
308 /docs/getting-started/react-essentials/docs/app/building-your-application/rendering/
308 /docs/migrating/from-create-react-app/docs/blog/next-11
308 /docs/migrating/incremental-adoption/docs/blog/next-11
308 /learn/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlers/learn-pages-router/seo/introduction-to-seo/webcrawlers/blog/next-12
308 /learn/seo/web-performance/cls/learn-pages-router/seo/web-performance/cls/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/images
308 /learn/seo/web-performance/lcp/learn-pages-router/seo/web-performance/lcp/docs/app/api-reference/components/image
308 /live
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Content types

Content typeURLs 🔽Total sizeTotal timeAvg timeStatus 20xStatus 30xStatus 40x
Image4568 MB60 s132 ms 456 00
HTML427149 MB132 s308 ms 419 08
JS602 MB7.3 s122 ms 60 00
CSS22337 kB2.3 s105 ms 22 00
Redirect223 kB2.9 s133 ms 022 0
Font6181 kB453 ms75 ms 6 00
Video528 MB3.9 s783 ms 5 00
Other115 kB21 ms21 ms 1 00

Content types (MIME types)

Found 11 row(s).
Content typeURLs 🔽Total sizeTotal timeAvg timeStatus 20xStatus 30xStatus 40x
image/avif4468 MB58 s131 ms 446 00
text/html; charset=utf-8427149 MB132 s308 ms 419 08
application/javascript; charset=utf-8602 MB7.3 s122 ms 60 00
text/css; charset=utf-822337 kB2.3 s105 ms 22 00
text/html223 kB2.9 s133 ms 022 0
image/svg+xml931 kB1.7 s189 ms 9 00
font/woff26181 kB453 ms75 ms 6 00
video/mp432 MB1.2 s409 ms 3 00
video/mp4;codecs=avc1226 MB2.7 s1.3 s 2 00
image/x-icon115 kB108 ms108 ms 1 00
application/octet-stream115 kB21 ms21 ms 1 00
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Source domains

nextjs.org983 / 161MB / 204s425 / 149MB / 131s456 / 8MB / 60s57 / 2MB / 7s22 / 337kB / 2.3s2 / 112kB / 149ms3 / 2MB / 1.2s18 / 3kB / 2s
fonts.gstatic.com4 / 68kB / 304ms4 / 68kB / 304ms
vercel.com4 / 194kB / 1.1s1 / 193kB / 293ms3 / 557B / 792ms
assets.vercel.com3 / 26MB / 2.7s2 / 26MB / 2.7s1 / 15kB / 21ms
platform.twitter.com1 / 27kB / 147ms1 / 27kB / 147ms
merj-research-beacon-server.vercel.app1 / 1kB / 97ms1 / 1kB / 97ms
github.com1 / 445kB / 527ms1 / 445kB / 527ms
discord.gg1 / 139B / 114ms1 / 139B / 114ms
va.vercel-scripts.com1 / 3kB / 62ms1 / 3kB / 62ms

HTTP headers

Found 31 row(s).
Header 🔼OccursUniqueValues previewMin valueMax value
Age962-[ignored generic values]0 sec(s)83.2 day(s)
Cache-Control9835[see values below]
Content-Disposition951-[ignored generic values]
Content-Length462-[ignored generic values]41 B1 MB
Content-Security-Policy4461script-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; sandbox;
Content-Type9839[see values below]
Date983-[ignored generic values]2024-06-012024-08-23
Etag513-[ignored generic values]
Last-Modified446-[ignored generic values]2023-02-232024-08-23
Link61; rel=preload; as="font"; crossoriont"; crossorigin=""; type="font/woff2"
Location1816[see values below]
Refresh1615[see values below]
Set-Cookie1-[ignored generic values]
Strict-Transport-Security9832max-age=63072000 (981) / max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload (2)
Vary8702Accept (446) / RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch (424)
X-Matched-Path94620+[see values below]
X-Vercel-Cache9662HIT (959) / MISS (7)
X-Vercel-Id98320+[see values below]
X-Vercel-Imgsrc44620+[see values below]
No rows found, please edit your search term.

HTTP header values

Found 125 row(s).
Cache-Control860public, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Cache-Control18public, max-age=31536000, must-revalidate
Cache-Control3private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Cache-Control2public, max-age=600
Content-Security-Policy446script-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; sandbox;
Content-Type425text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type57application/javascript; charset=utf-8
Content-Type22text/css; charset=utf-8
Link6</_next/static/media/66f30814ff6d7cdf.p.woff2>; rel=preload; as="font"; crossorigin=""; type="font/woff2", </_next/static/media/e11418ac562b8ac1.p.woff2>; rel=preload; as="font"; crossorigin=""; type="font/woff2"
Strict-Transport-Security2max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
Vary424RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch
No rows found, please edit your search term.

DNS info

DNS resolving tree
DNS server:

SSL/TLS info

IssuerC = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
SubjectCN = *
Valid fromJun 29 12:40:35 2024 GMT (VALID already 55.4 day(s))
Valid toSep 27 12:40:34 2024 GMT (VALID still for 34.6 day(s))
Supported protocolsTLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
RAW certificate outputCertificate:
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
            Not Before: Jun 29 12:40:35 2024 GMT
            Not After : Sep 27 12:40:34 2024 GMT
        Subject: CN = *
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
            Authority Information Access: 
                OCSP - URI:
                CA Issuers - URI:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
            CT Precertificate SCTs: 
                Signed Certificate Timestamp:
                    Version   : v1 (0x0)
                    Log ID    : 19:98:10:71:09:F0:D6:52:2E:30:80:D2:9E:3F:64:BB:
                    Timestamp : Jun 29 13:40:35.381 2024 GMT
                    Extensions: none
                    Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256
                Signed Certificate Timestamp:
                    Version   : v1 (0x0)
                    Log ID    : 76:FF:88:3F:0A:B6:FB:95:51:C2:61:CC:F5:87:BA:34:
                    Timestamp : Jun 29 13:40:35.416 2024 GMT
                    Extensions: none
                    Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:
RAW protocols outputdepth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:CN = *
   i:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Jun 29 12:40:35 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Sep 27 12:40:34 2024 GMT
 1 s:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
   i:C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Mar 13 00:00:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Mar 12 23:59:59 2027 GMT
Server certificate
subject=CN = *
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 3108 bytes and written 308 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived:
    Protocol  : TLSv1.3
    Cipher    : TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
    Session-ID: 1235BAA697D80267C0223BF2A24A4E9B74F100FCE2586D38A38D7295F21BE261
    Resumption PSK: 95FED98A07C44E6A5522D06ACE742D3870FC3008B007CF355E20BECE42DFB663
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - d2 8d cd b7 10 ff 86 ad-88 8b 10 73 7c 63 0f ed   ...........s|c..
    0010 - ee 0b 45 b0 ad 23 af c8-90 8e 56 03 a1 ba ca de   ..E..#....V.....
    0020 - 78 e4 c4 c8 f8 80 6f 09-e1 06 28 bf 6e 01 cc 87   x.....o...(.n...
    0030 - ff 46 d9 f0 36 25 42 42-33 dd 95 16 63 7a 65 5c   .F..6%BB3...cze\
    0040 - 9f 6e 06 48 d0 b2 6a 3f-85 6d 29 c8 e9 52 ff a7   .n.H..j?.m)..R..
    0050 - a4 41 3e 10 50 bd f5 12-ef 83 0e b2 e5 61 d7 e4   .A>.P........a..
    0060 - 38 4a 6d ed c0 cf 47 e7-2d                        8Jm...G.-

    Start Time: 1724451791
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

Crawler stats

Basic stats
Total execution time58 s
Total URLs1000
Total size188 MB
Requests - total time209 s
Requests - avg time209 ms
Requests - min time21 ms
Requests - max time1.8 s
Requests by status-1:CON: 1
200 : 969
301 : 2
307 : 3
308 : 17
404 : 8

Analysis stats

Found 20 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
Manager::parseDOMDocument5 s 427
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingRoles1.6 s 417
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingAriaLabels864 ms 417
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkInlineSvg732 ms 427
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkNonClickablePhoneNumbers557 ms 427
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkHeadingStructure467 ms 427
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMaxDOMDepth457 ms 427
SslTlsAnalyzer::getTLSandSSLCertificateInfo391 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMissingQuotesOnAttributes127 ms 427
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLabels78 ms 417
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkImageAltAttributes15 ms 417
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLang3 ms 417
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeSeo1 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeOpenGraph1 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeHeadings1 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkTitleUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMetaDescriptionUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkBrotliSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkWebpSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkAvifSupport0 ms 1
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Content processor stats

Found 12 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
HtmlProcessor::findUrls497 ms 443
NextJsProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing101 ms 509
AstroProcessor::findUrls82 ms 485
CssProcessor::findUrls15 ms 447
JavaScriptProcessor::findUrls11 ms 485
AstroProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing1 ms 487
NextJsProcessor::findUrls1 ms 507
SvelteProcessor::findUrls0 ms 425
HtmlProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 449
JavaScriptProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 487
SvelteProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 427
CssProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 449
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Crawler info

Executed At 2024-08-23 22:22:18
Command./crawler \
  --url= \
  --max-visited-urls=1000 \
  --max-url-length=2000 \
  --allowed-domain-for-external-files=* \
  --upload \
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 siteone-crawler/