Crawler Report for


  • ⛔ 1 page(s) with multiple <h1> headings.
  • ⛔ Security - 328 pages(s) with critical finding(s).
  • ⚠️ Redirects - 4 redirects found.
  • ⚠️ The description '' exceeds the allowed 10% duplicity. 99% of pages have this same description.
  • ⚠️ No AVIF image found on the website.
  • ⚠️ 165 page(s) with large inline SVGs (> 5120 bytes).
  • ⚠️ 119 page(s) with duplicated inline SVGs (> 5 duplicates).
  • ⚠️ 155 page(s) with skipped heading levels.
  • ⚠️ 1 page(s) with deep DOM (> 30 levels).
  • ⚠️ 3 page(s) without image alt attributes.
  • ⚠️ 163 page(s) without aria labels.
  • ⚠️ 163 page(s) without role attributes.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 200, size 24 B and took 86 ms.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 404, size 2 kB and took 55 ms.
  • ⏩ 404 NOTICE - 1 non-existent page(s) found.
  • ⏩ DNS IPv6: domain does not support IPv6 (DNS server:
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate is valid until Oct 19 06:00:51 2024 GMT. Issued by C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10. Subject is CN =
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate issued by 'C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10'.
  • ✅ Performance OK - all non-media URLs are faster than 3 seconds.
  • ✅ HTTP headers - found 23 unique headers.
  • ✅ All 163 unique title(s) are within the allowed 10% duplicity. Highest duplicity title has 0%.
  • ✅ All pages support Brotli compression.
  • ✅ 331 WebP image(s) found on the website.
  • ✅ All pages have quoted attributes.
  • ✅ All pages have valid or none inline SVGs.
  • ✅ All pages have <h1> heading.
  • ✅ All pages have clickable (interactive) phone numbers.
  • ✅ All pages have valid HTML.
  • ✅ All pages have form labels.
  • ✅ All pages have lang attribute.
  • ✅ DNS IPv4 OK: domain resolved to, (DNS server:
  • 📌 Text report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 1 ms.
  • 📌 JSON report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 10 ms.
  • 📌 HTML report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 139 ms.

Visited URLs

Found 626 row(s).
URLStatusTypeTime (s)SizeX-Vercel-CacheTitle
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warning92Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h3> after an <h1>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning51Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> after an <h3>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning30Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h4> after an <h2>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning15Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> after an <h2>.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h5> after an <h1>./learn/start-a-new-react-project

Non-clickable phone numbers

No problems found.

Title uniqueness

No problems found.

Description uniqueness

No problems found.


Analysis nameOKNoticeWarningCritical
Missing image alt attributes142032 0
Missing aria labels163604860 2
Missing roles004 0
Missing html lang attribute1000

Valid HTML

No problems found.

Missing image alt attributes

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning23<img class="h-8 w-8 border-2 shadow-md border-gray-70 object-cover rounded-full" ***>/
warning6<img class="text-primary" ***>/learn/state-as-a-snapshot
warning2<img class="max-w-[calc(min(700px,100%))]" ***>/learn/thinking-in-react
warning1<img class="w-full object-cover" ***>/

Missing form labels

No problems found.

Missing aria labels

Found 138 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical1<input id=":R1sq8q6:" class="flex ps-11 py-4 h-10 w-full text-start bg-secondary-button outline-none betterhover:hover:bg-opacity-80 pointer items-center text-primary rounded-full align-middle text-base" ***>/
critical1<input id=":R6sqaq6:" class="flex ps-11 py-4 h-10 w-full text-start bg-secondary-button outline-none betterhover:hover:bg-opacity-80 pointer items-center text-primary rounded-full align-middle text-base" ***>/
warning8787<a class="p-2 pe-2 w-full rounded-none lg:rounded-e-2xl text-start hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-80 relative flex items-center justify-between text-sm ps-6 ps-5 text-base text-secondary dark:text-secondary-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning5498<a class="inline text-link dark:text-link-dark border-b border-link border-opacity-0 hover:border-opacity-100 duration-100 ease-in transition leading-normal" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning2608<a class="border-b inline-block border-transparent text-sm text-primary dark:text-primary-dark hover:border-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1578<a class="p-2 pe-2 w-full rounded-none lg:rounded-e-2xl text-start hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-80 relative flex items-center justify-between ps-5 text-base font-bold text-primary dark:text-primary-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning1394<a class="text-secondary dark:text-secondary-dark block hover:text-link dark:hover:text-link-dark leading-normal py-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning811<button class=" sp-tab-button" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning492<a class="active:scale-95 transition-transform w-full text-center outline-link py-1.5 px-1.5 xs:px-3 sm:px-4 rounded-full capitalize whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-primary/5 hover:dark:bg-primary-dark/***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning489<a class="border-b inline-block border-transparent text-md text-secondary dark:text-secondary-dark my-2 font-bold hover:border-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning473<a class="text-sm text-primary dark:text-primary-dark inline-flex items-center hover:text-link duration-100 ease-in transition mx-1 ms-2 md:ms-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning473<button class="text-sm text-primary dark:text-primary-dark inline-flex items-center hover:text-link duration-100 ease-in transition mx-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning356<button class="sandpack-expand flex text-base justify-between dark:border-card-dark bg-wash dark:bg-card-dark items-center z-10 p-1 w-full order-2 xl:order-last border-b-1 relative top-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning278<a class="text-link dark:text-link-dark text-sm tracking-wide font-bold uppercase me-1 hover:underline" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<a ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<a class="active:scale-95 overflow-hidden transition-transform relative items-center text-primary dark:text-primary-dark p-1 whitespace-nowrap outline-link rounded-full 3xl:rounded-xl inline-flex text-lg font-normal gap-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<a class=" flex py-2 flex-column justify-center items-center text-gray-50 dark:text-gray-30 hover:text-link hover:dark:text-link-dark hover:underline text-sm ms-1 cursor-pointer" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<a class="ms-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<button class="flex 3xl:w-[56rem] 3xl:mx-0 relative ps-4 pe-1 py-1 h-10 bg-gray-30/20 dark:bg-gray-40/20 outline-none focus:outline-link betterhover:hover:bg-opacity-80 pointer items-center text-start w-full text-gray-30 rounded-full align-middle text-base" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning160<a class="active:scale-95 transition-transform w-full text-center outline-link py-1.5 px-1.5 xs:px-3 sm:px-4 rounded-full capitalize whitespace-nowrap bg-highlight dark:bg-highlight-dark text-link dark:text-link-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning150<a class="flex gap-x-4 md:gap-x-6 items-center w-full md:min-w-80 md:w-fit md:max-w-md px-4 md:px-5 py-6 border-2 border-transparent text-base leading-base text-link dark:text-link-dark rounded-lg group focus:text-link dark:focus:text-link-dark focus:bg-highlight focus:border-link dark:focus:bg-highlight-dark dark:focus:border-link-dark focus:border-opacity-100 focus:border-2 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-offset-4 focus:ring-blue-40 active:ring-0 active:ring-offset-0 hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-80 flex-row-reverse justify-self-end text-end" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning150<a class="flex gap-x-4 md:gap-x-6 items-center w-full md:min-w-80 md:w-fit md:max-w-md px-4 md:px-5 py-6 border-2 border-transparent text-base leading-base text-link dark:text-link-dark rounded-lg group focus:text-link dark:focus:text-link-dark focus:bg-highlight focus:border-link dark:focus:bg-highlight-dark dark:focus:border-link-dark focus:border-opacity-100 focus:border-2 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-offset-4 focus:ring-blue-40 active:ring-0 active:ring-offset-0 hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning147<a class="text-link dark:text-link-dark font-bold block hover:text-link dark:hover:text-link-dark leading-normal py-***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning124<a class="p-2 pe-2 w-full rounded-none lg:rounded-e-2xl text-start hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-80 relative flex items-center justify-between text-sm ps-6 ps-5 text-base text-link dark:text-link-dark bg-highlight dark:bg-highlight-dark border-blue-40 hover:bg-highlight hover:text-link dark:hover:bg-highlight-dark dark:hover:text-link-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning107<button class="py-2 me-4 text-base border-b-4 duration-100 ease-in transition whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning69<button class="bg-purple-50 border-purple-50 hover:bg-purple-40 focus:bg-purple-50 active:bg-purple-50 text-base leading-tight font-bold rounded-full py-2 px-4 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-link dark:focus:outline-link-dark inline-flex items-center my-1 bg-link border-link text-white hover:bg-link focus:bg-link active:bg-link">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning40<button class="me-2 text-base leading-tight font-bold rounded-full py-2 px-4 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-link dark:focus:outline-link-dark inline-flex items-center my-1 bg-transparent text-primary dark:text-primary-dark active:text-primary shadow-secondary-button-stroke dark:shadow-secondary-button-stroke-dark hover:bg-gray-40/5 active:bg-gray-40/10 hover:dark:bg-gray-60/5 active:dark:bg-gray-60/***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning33<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9imcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning31<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iicq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning31<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9ikcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning28<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-4 group flex flex-col flex-1 gap-0.***" ***>/
warning27<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iocq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<button class="py-2 me-4 text-base border-b-4 duration-100 ease-in transition whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis text-link border-link hover:text-link dark:text-link-dark dark:border-link-dark dark:hover:text-link-dark">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<button class="bg-link dark:bg-link-dark text-base leading-tight font-bold rounded-full py-2 px-4 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-link dark:focus:outline-link-dark inline-flex items-center my-1 bg-link border-link text-white hover:bg-link focus:bg-link active:bg-link">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning24<button class="py-2 me-4 text-base border-b-4 duration-100 ease-in transition whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis text-purple-50 border-purple-50 hover:text-purple-50 dark:text-purple-30 dark:border-purple-30 dark:hover:text-purple-***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning24<button class="bg-purple-50 border-purple-50 hover:bg-purple-50 focus:bg-purple-50 active:bg-purple-50 text-base leading-tight font-bold rounded-full py-2 px-4 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-link dark:focus:outline-link-dark inline-flex items-center my-1 bg-link border-link text-white hover:bg-link focus:bg-link active:bg-link">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning22<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iqcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning21<a class="p-2 pe-2 w-full rounded-none lg:rounded-e-2xl text-start hover:bg-gray-5 dark:hover:bg-gray-80 relative flex items-center justify-between ps-5 text-base font-bold text-base text-link dark:text-link-dark bg-highlight dark:bg-highlight-dark border-blue-40 hover:bg-highlight hover:text-link dark:hover:bg-highlight-dark dark:hover:text-link-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning19<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-2 aspect-video w-32 xs:w-36 select-none flex-col shadow-inner-border rounded-lg flex items-center overflow-hidden justify-center align-middle text-white/50 bg-cover bg-white bg-[conic-gradient(at_top_right,_var(--tw-gradient-stops))] from-gray-80 via-gray-95 to-gray-70 hover:opacity-95 transition-opacity" ***>/
warning19<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj58cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning19<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5acq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning19<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5ecq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning19<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pacq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning18<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pccq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning17<a class="block h-full w-full rounded-2xl outline-none focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-link focus:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:dark:focus:outline-link-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning17<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj52cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning17<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj54cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning17<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5ccq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning16<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj56cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning15<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5gcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning14<a class="text-link dark:text-link-dark" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning12<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5icq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning12<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iscq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning12<button class="w-full text-start text-primary-dark dark:text-primary-dark ">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning10<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5kcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning9<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pecq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning9<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R2cmcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning5<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-2 aspect-video w-32 xs:w-36 select-none flex-col shadow-inner-border rounded-lg flex items-center overflow-hidden justify-center align-middle text-white/50 bg-cover bg-white bg-[conic-gradient(at_top_right,_var(--tw-gradient-stops))] hover:opacity-95 transition-opacity" ***>/
warning5<a class="focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-link focus:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:dark:focus:outline-link-dark group cursor-pointer w-auto justify-center inline-flex font-bold items-center mt-10 outline-none hover:bg-gray-40/5 active:bg-gray-40/10 hover:dark:bg-gray-60/5 active:dark:bg-gray-60/10 leading-tight hover:bg-opacity-80 text-lg py-2.5 rounded-full px-4 sm:px-6 ease-in-out shadow-secondary-button-stroke dark:shadow-secondary-button-stroke-dark text-primary dark:text-primary-dark" ***>/
warning5<a class="text-sm text-primary dark:text-primary-dark inline-flex items-center hover:text-link duration-100 ease-in transition mx-1 ml-2 md:ml-***" ***>/learn/typescript
warning5<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd38cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning4<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5mcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning4<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iucq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4
warning3<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R2cmhkcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning3<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R2cmhmcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning3<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pf3acq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning3<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd34cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning3<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd3ccq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning2<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-2 aspect-video w-32 xs:w-36 select-none flex-col shadow-inner-border rounded-lg flex items-center overflow-hidden justify-center align-middle text-white/50 bg-cover bg-white bg-[conic-gradient(at_top_right,_var(--tw-gradient-stops))] from-yellow-50 via-blue-50 to-purple-***" ***>/
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iq6ocq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R2cmhicq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd3ecq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iq6mcq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd29cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning2<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pf38cq6:" ***>URL 1, URL 2
warning1<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-2 aspect-video w-32 xs:w-36 select-none flex-col shadow-inner-border rounded-lg flex items-center overflow-hidden justify-center align-middle text-white/50 bg-cover bg-white bg-[conic-gradient(at_top_right,_var(--tw-gradient-stops))] from-yellow-50 via-red-50 to-purple-***" ***>/
warning1<a class="outline-link dark:outline-link outline-offset-2 aspect-video w-32 xs:w-36 select-none flex-col shadow-inner-border rounded-lg flex items-center overflow-hidden justify-center align-middle text-white/50 bg-cover bg-white bg-[conic-gradient(at_top_right,_var(--tw-gradient-stops))] from-yellow-50 via-green-50 to-purple-***" ***>/
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9il89cq6:" ***>/learn/preserving-and-resetting-state
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9inadcq6:" ***>/learn/preserving-and-resetting-state
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pcvcq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/link
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pdfcq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/link
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pdtcq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/link
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pe9cq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/link
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iq6gcq6:" ***>/learn/conditional-rendering
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5ocq6:" ***>/learn/tutorial-tic-tac-toe
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5qcq6:" ***>/learn/tutorial-tic-tac-toe
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5scq6:" ***>/learn/tutorial-tic-tac-toe
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R2cn3cq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/style
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R16b8qcq6:" ***>/reference/react/useActionState
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R16bkp3cq6:" ***>/learn/extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducer
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9ip3ccq6:" ***>/learn/queueing-a-series-of-state-updates
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iq62cq6:" ***>/reference/react/useEffect
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9iq64cq6:" ***>/reference/react/useEffect
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5i6ccq6:" ***>/reference/react/useEffect
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd32cq6:" ***>/reference/react/useState
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pd36cq6:" ***>/reference/react/useState
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pbncq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/script
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R4pc7cq6:" ***>/reference/react-dom/components/script
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:R9inh5cq6:" ***>/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs
warning1<button class="absolute top-0 start-[2px]" id="headlessui-listbox-button-:Rj5599cq6:" ***>/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs
You have reached the limit of 100 rows as a protection against very large output or exhausted memory.
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Missing roles

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning163<nav class="duration-300 backdrop-filter backdrop-blur-lg backdrop-saturate-200 transition-shadow bg-opacity-90 items-center w-full flex justify-between bg-wash dark:bg-wash-dark dark:bg-opacity-95 px-1.5 lg:pe-5 lg:ps-4 z-***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<main class="min-w-0 isolate">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning163<footer class="text-secondary dark:text-secondary-dark">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning148<aside class="lg:grow flex-col w-full pb-8 lg:pb-0 lg:max-w-custom-xs z-10 hidden lg:block">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

Missing html lang attribute

No problems found.


Found 10 row(s).
X-XSS-Protection000164X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.
Content-Security-Policy000164Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin001640Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.
X-Frame-Options001640X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.
X-Content-Type-Options001640X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.
Referrer-Policy001640Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.
Feature-Policy001640Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.
Permissions-Policy001640Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.
Server016400Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Security headers

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical164X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical164Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning164Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
notice164Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

TOP non-unique titles

Nothing to report.

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/AllowedReactReactReact is the library for web and native user interfaces. Build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components written in JavaScript. React is designed to let you seamlessly combine components written by independent people, teams, and organizations.
/blogAllowedReact Blog – ReactReact Blog
/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-componentsAllowedIntroducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – ReactIntroducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components
/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18AllowedThe Plan for React 18 – ReactThe Plan for React 18
/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recapAllowedReact Conf 2021 Recap – ReactReact Conf 2021 Recap
/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guideAllowedHow to Upgrade to React 18 – ReactHow to Upgrade to React 18
/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18AllowedReact v18.0 – ReactReact v18.0
/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022AllowedReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022 – ReactReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022
/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-devAllowedIntroducing – ReactIntroducing
/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023AllowedReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023 – ReactReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023
/blog/2023/05/03/react-canariesAllowedReact Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta – ReactReact Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta
/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024AllowedReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024 – ReactReact Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024
/blog/2024/04/25/react-19AllowedReact 19 RC – ReactReact 19 RC
/blog/2024/04/25/react-19-upgrade-guideAllowedReact 19 RC Upgrade Guide – ReactReact 19 RC Upgrade Guide
/blog/2024/05/22/react-conf-2024-recapAllowedReact Conf 2024 Recap – ReactReact Conf 2024 Recap
/communityAllowedReact Community – ReactReact Community
/community/acknowledgementsAllowedAcknowledgements – ReactAcknowledgements
/community/conferencesAllowedReact Conferences – ReactReact Conferences
/community/docs-contributorsAllowedDocs Contributors – ReactDocs Contributors
/community/meetupsAllowedReact Meetups – ReactReact Meetups
/community/teamAllowedMeet the Team – ReactMeet the Team
/community/translationsAllowedTranslations – ReactTranslations
/community/versioning-policyAllowedVersioning Policy – ReactVersioning Policy
/community/videosAllowedReact Videos – ReactReact Videos
/learnAllowedQuick Start – ReactQuick Start
/learn/add-react-to-an-existing-projectAllowedAdd React to an Existing Project – ReactAdd React to an Existing Project
/learn/adding-interactivityAllowedAdding Interactivity – ReactAdding Interactivity
/learn/choosing-the-state-structureAllowedChoosing the State Structure – ReactChoosing the State Structure
/learn/conditional-renderingAllowedConditional Rendering – ReactConditional Rendering
/learn/describing-the-uiAllowedDescribing the UI – ReactDescribing the UI
/learn/editor-setupAllowedEditor Setup – ReactEditor Setup
/learn/escape-hatchesAllowedEscape Hatches – ReactEscape Hatches
/learn/extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducerAllowedExtracting State Logic into a Reducer – ReactExtracting State Logic into a Reducer
/learn/importing-and-exporting-componentsAllowedImporting and Exporting Components – ReactImporting and Exporting Components
/learn/installationAllowedInstallation – ReactInstallation
/learn/javascript-in-jsx-with-curly-bracesAllowedJavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces – ReactJavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
/learn/keeping-components-pureAllowedKeeping Components Pure – ReactKeeping Components Pure
/learn/lifecycle-of-reactive-effectsAllowedLifecycle of Reactive Effects – ReactLifecycle of Reactive Effects
/learn/managing-stateAllowedManaging State – ReactManaging State
/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refsAllowedManipulating the DOM with Refs – ReactManipulating the DOM with Refs
/learn/passing-data-deeply-with-contextAllowedPassing Data Deeply with Context – ReactPassing Data Deeply with Context
/learn/passing-props-to-a-componentAllowedPassing Props to a Component – ReactPassing Props to a Component
/learn/preserving-and-resetting-stateAllowedPreserving and Resetting State – ReactPreserving and Resetting State
/learn/queueing-a-series-of-state-updatesAllowedQueueing a Series of State Updates – ReactQueueing a Series of State Updates
/learn/react-compilerAllowedReact Compiler – ReactReact Compiler
/learn/react-developer-toolsAllowedReact Developer Tools – ReactReact Developer Tools
/learn/reacting-to-input-with-stateAllowedReacting to Input with State – ReactReacting to Input with State
/learn/referencing-values-with-refsAllowedReferencing Values with Refs – ReactReferencing Values with Refs
/learn/removing-effect-dependenciesAllowedRemoving Effect Dependencies – ReactRemoving Effect Dependencies
/learn/render-and-commitAllowedRender and Commit – ReactRender and Commit
/learn/rendering-listsAllowedRendering Lists – ReactRendering Lists
/learn/responding-to-eventsAllowedResponding to Events – ReactResponding to Events
/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooksAllowedReusing Logic with Custom Hooks – ReactReusing Logic with Custom Hooks
/learn/scaling-up-with-reducer-and-contextAllowedScaling Up with Reducer and Context – ReactScaling Up with Reducer and Context
/learn/separating-events-from-effectsAllowedSeparating Events from Effects – ReactSeparating Events from Effects
/learn/sharing-state-between-componentsAllowedSharing State Between Components – ReactSharing State Between Components
/learn/start-a-new-react-projectAllowedStart a New React Project – ReactStart a New React Project
/learn/state-a-components-memoryAllowedState: A Component's Memory – ReactState: A Component's Memory
/learn/state-as-a-snapshotAllowedState as a Snapshot – ReactState as a Snapshot
/learn/synchronizing-with-effectsAllowedSynchronizing with Effects – ReactSynchronizing with Effects
/learn/thinking-in-reactAllowedThinking in React – ReactThinking in React
/learn/tutorial-tic-tac-toeAllowedTutorial: Tic-Tac-Toe – ReactTutorial: Tic-Tac-Toe
/learn/typescriptAllowedUsing TypeScript – ReactUsing TypeScript
/learn/understanding-your-ui-as-a-treeAllowedUnderstanding Your UI as a Tree – ReactUnderstanding Your UI as a Tree
/learn/updating-arrays-in-stateAllowedUpdating Arrays in State – ReactUpdating Arrays in State
/learn/updating-objects-in-stateAllowedUpdating Objects in State – ReactUpdating Objects in State
/learn/writing-markup-with-jsxAllowedWriting Markup with JSX – ReactWriting Markup with JSX
/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effectAllowedYou Might Not Need an Effect – ReactYou Might Not Need an Effect
/learn/your-first-componentAllowedYour First Component – ReactYour First Component
/reference/reactAllowedReact Reference Overview – ReactReact Reference Overview
/reference/react-domAllowedReact DOM APIs – ReactReact DOM APIs
/reference/react-dom/clientAllowedClient React DOM APIs – ReactClient React DOM APIs
/reference/react-dom/client/createRootAllowedcreateRoot – ReactcreateRoot
/reference/react-dom/client/hydrateRootAllowedhydrateRoot – ReacthydrateRoot
/reference/react-dom/componentsAllowedReact DOM Components – ReactReact DOM Components
/reference/react-dom/components/commonAllowedCommon components (e.g. <div>) – ReactCommon components (e.g. &lt;div&gt;)
/reference/react-dom/components/formAllowed<form> – React&lt;form&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/components/inputAllowed<input> – React&lt;input&gt;
/reference/react-dom/components/linkAllowed<link> – React&lt;link&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/components/metaAllowed<meta> – React&lt;meta&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/components/optionAllowed<option> – React&lt;option&gt;
/reference/react-dom/components/progressAllowed<progress> – React&lt;progress&gt;
/reference/react-dom/components/scriptAllowed<script> – React&lt;script&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/components/selectAllowed<select> – React&lt;select&gt;
/reference/react-dom/components/styleAllowed<style> – React&lt;style&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/components/textareaAllowed<textarea> – React&lt;textarea&gt;
/reference/react-dom/components/titleAllowed<title> – React&lt;title&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/createPortalAllowedcreatePortal – ReactcreatePortal
/reference/react-dom/findDOMNodeAllowedfindDOMNode – ReactfindDOMNode
/reference/react-dom/flushSyncAllowedflushSync – ReactflushSync
/reference/react-dom/hooksAllowedBuilt-in React DOM Hooks – ReactBuilt-in React DOM Hooks
/reference/react-dom/hooks/useFormStatusAlloweduseFormStatus – ReactuseFormStatus - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/hydrateAllowedhydrate – Reacthydrate
/reference/react-dom/preconnectAllowedpreconnect – Reactpreconnect - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/prefetchDNSAllowedprefetchDNS – ReactprefetchDNS - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/preinitAllowedpreinit – Reactpreinit - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/preinitModuleAllowedpreinitModule – ReactpreinitModule - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/preloadAllowedpreload – Reactpreload - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/preloadModuleAllowedpreloadModule – ReactpreloadModule - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react-dom/renderAllowedrender – Reactrender
/reference/react-dom/serverAllowedServer React DOM APIs – ReactServer React DOM APIs
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToNodeStreamAllowedrenderToNodeStream – ReactrenderToNodeStream
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToPipeableStreamAllowedrenderToPipeableStream – ReactrenderToPipeableStream
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToReadableStreamAllowedrenderToReadableStream – ReactrenderToReadableStream
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStaticMarkupAllowedrenderToStaticMarkup – ReactrenderToStaticMarkup
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStaticNodeStreamAllowedrenderToStaticNodeStream – ReactrenderToStaticNodeStream
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStringAllowedrenderToString – ReactrenderToString
/reference/react-dom/unmountComponentAtNodeAllowedunmountComponentAtNode – ReactunmountComponentAtNode
/reference/react/ChildrenAllowedChildren – ReactChildren
/reference/react/ComponentAllowedComponent – ReactComponent
/reference/react/FragmentAllowed<Fragment> (<>...</>) – React&lt;Fragment&gt; (&lt;&gt;...&lt;/&gt;)
/reference/react/ProfilerAllowed<Profiler> – React&lt;Profiler&gt;
/reference/react/PureComponentAllowedPureComponent – ReactPureComponent
/reference/react/StrictModeAllowed<StrictMode> – React&lt;StrictMode&gt;
/reference/react/SuspenseAllowed<Suspense> – React&lt;Suspense&gt;
/reference/react/actAllowedact – Reactact
/reference/react/apisAllowedBuilt-in React APIs – ReactBuilt-in React APIs
/reference/react/cacheAllowedcache – Reactcache - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react/cloneElementAllowedcloneElement – ReactcloneElement
/reference/react/componentsAllowedBuilt-in React Components – ReactBuilt-in React Components
/reference/react/createContextAllowedcreateContext – ReactcreateContext
/reference/react/createElementAllowedcreateElement – ReactcreateElement
/reference/react/createFactoryAllowedcreateFactory – ReactcreateFactory
/reference/react/createRefAllowedcreateRef – ReactcreateRef
/reference/react/experimental_taintObjectReferenceAllowedexperimental_taintObjectReference – Reactexperimental_taintObjectReference
/reference/react/experimental_taintUniqueValueAllowedexperimental_taintUniqueValue – Reactexperimental_taintUniqueValue
/reference/react/experimental_useEffectEventAllowedexperimental_useEffectEvent – Reactexperimental_useEffectEvent
/reference/react/forwardRefAllowedforwardRef – ReactforwardRef
/reference/react/hooksAllowedBuilt-in React Hooks – ReactBuilt-in React Hooks
/reference/react/isValidElementAllowedisValidElement – ReactisValidElement
/reference/react/lazyAllowedlazy – Reactlazy
/reference/react/legacyAllowedLegacy React APIs – ReactLegacy React APIs
/reference/react/memoAllowedmemo – Reactmemo
/reference/react/startTransitionAllowedstartTransition – ReactstartTransition
/reference/react/useAlloweduse – Reactuse - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react/useActionStateAlloweduseActionState – ReactuseActionState - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react/useCallbackAlloweduseCallback – ReactuseCallback
/reference/react/useContextAlloweduseContext – ReactuseContext
/reference/react/useDebugValueAlloweduseDebugValue – ReactuseDebugValue
/reference/react/useDeferredValueAlloweduseDeferredValue – ReactuseDeferredValue
/reference/react/useEffectAlloweduseEffect – ReactuseEffect
/reference/react/useIdAlloweduseId – ReactuseId
/reference/react/useImperativeHandleAlloweduseImperativeHandle – ReactuseImperativeHandle
/reference/react/useInsertionEffectAlloweduseInsertionEffect – ReactuseInsertionEffect
/reference/react/useLayoutEffectAlloweduseLayoutEffect – ReactuseLayoutEffect
/reference/react/useMemoAlloweduseMemo – ReactuseMemo
/reference/react/useOptimisticAlloweduseOptimistic – ReactuseOptimistic - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/react/useReducerAlloweduseReducer – ReactuseReducer
/reference/react/useRefAlloweduseRef – ReactuseRef
/reference/react/useStateAlloweduseState – ReactuseState
/reference/react/useSyncExternalStoreAlloweduseSyncExternalStore – ReactuseSyncExternalStore
/reference/react/useTransitionAlloweduseTransition – ReactuseTransition
/reference/rsc/directivesAllowedDirectives – ReactDirectives - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/rsc/server-actionsAllowedServer Actions – ReactServer Actions - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/rsc/server-componentsAllowedReact Server Components – ReactReact Server Components - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/rsc/use-clientAllowed'use client' directive – React'use client' - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/rsc/use-serverAllowed'use server' directive – React'use server' - This feature is available in the latest Canary
/reference/rulesAllowedRules of React – ReactRules of React
/reference/rules/components-and-hooks-must-be-pureAllowedComponents and Hooks must be pure – ReactComponents and Hooks must be pure
/reference/rules/react-calls-components-and-hooksAllowedReact calls Components and Hooks – ReactReact calls Components and Hooks
/reference/rules/rules-of-hooksAllowedRules of Hooks – ReactRules of Hooks
/versionsAllowedReact Versions – ReactReact Versions
/warnings/react-dom-test-utilsAllowedreact-dom/test-utils Deprecation Warnings – Reactreact-dom/test-utils Deprecation Warnings
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/ReactReact is the library for web and native user interfaces. Build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components written in JavaScript. React is designed to let you seamlessly combine components written by independent people, teams, and organizations. is the library for web and native user interfaces. Build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components written in JavaScript. React is designed to let you seamlessly combine components written by independent people, teams, and organizations.
/blogReact Blog – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Blog – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-componentsIntroducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18The Plan for React 18 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Plan for React 18 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recapReact Conf 2021 Recap – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Conf 2021 Recap – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guideHow to Upgrade to React 18 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces to Upgrade to React 18 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18React v18.0 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces v18.0 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-devIntroducing – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023React Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2023/05/03/react-canariesReact Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024 – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2024/04/25/react-19React 19 RC – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces 19 RC – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2024/04/25/react-19-upgrade-guideReact 19 RC Upgrade Guide – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces 19 RC Upgrade Guide – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/blog/2024/05/22/react-conf-2024-recapReact Conf 2024 Recap – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Conf 2024 Recap – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/communityReact Community – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Community – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/acknowledgementsAcknowledgements – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/conferencesReact Conferences – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Conferences – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/docs-contributorsDocs Contributors – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Contributors – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/meetupsReact Meetups – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Meetups – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/teamMeet the Team – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces the Team – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/translationsTranslations – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/versioning-policyVersioning Policy – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Policy – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/community/videosReact Videos – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Videos – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learnQuick Start – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Start – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/add-react-to-an-existing-projectAdd React to an Existing Project – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React to an Existing Project – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/adding-interactivityAdding Interactivity – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Interactivity – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/choosing-the-state-structureChoosing the State Structure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces the State Structure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/conditional-renderingConditional Rendering – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Rendering – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/describing-the-uiDescribing the UI – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces the UI – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/editor-setupEditor Setup – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Setup – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/escape-hatchesEscape Hatches – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Hatches – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducerExtracting State Logic into a Reducer – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces State Logic into a Reducer – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/importing-and-exporting-componentsImporting and Exporting Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces and Exporting Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/installationInstallation – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/javascript-in-jsx-with-curly-bracesJavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces in JSX with Curly Braces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/keeping-components-pureKeeping Components Pure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Components Pure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/lifecycle-of-reactive-effectsLifecycle of Reactive Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces of Reactive Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/managing-stateManaging State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refsManipulating the DOM with Refs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces the DOM with Refs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/passing-data-deeply-with-contextPassing Data Deeply with Context – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Data Deeply with Context – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/passing-props-to-a-componentPassing Props to a Component – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Props to a Component – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/preserving-and-resetting-statePreserving and Resetting State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces and Resetting State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/queueing-a-series-of-state-updatesQueueing a Series of State Updates – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces a Series of State Updates – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/react-compilerReact Compiler – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Compiler – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/react-developer-toolsReact Developer Tools – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Developer Tools – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/reacting-to-input-with-stateReacting to Input with State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces to Input with State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/referencing-values-with-refsReferencing Values with Refs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Values with Refs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/removing-effect-dependenciesRemoving Effect Dependencies – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Effect Dependencies – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/render-and-commitRender and Commit – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces and Commit – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/rendering-listsRendering Lists – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Lists – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/responding-to-eventsResponding to Events – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces to Events – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooksReusing Logic with Custom Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Logic with Custom Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/scaling-up-with-reducer-and-contextScaling Up with Reducer and Context – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Up with Reducer and Context – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/separating-events-from-effectsSeparating Events from Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Events from Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/sharing-state-between-componentsSharing State Between Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces State Between Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/start-a-new-react-projectStart a New React Project – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces a New React Project – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/state-a-components-memoryState: A Component's Memory – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces A Component's Memory – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/state-as-a-snapshotState as a Snapshot – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces as a Snapshot – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/synchronizing-with-effectsSynchronizing with Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces with Effects – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/thinking-in-reactThinking in React – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces in React – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/tutorial-tic-tac-toeTutorial: Tic-Tac-Toe – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Tic-Tac-Toe – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/typescriptUsing TypeScript – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces TypeScript – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/understanding-your-ui-as-a-treeUnderstanding Your UI as a Tree – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Your UI as a Tree – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/updating-arrays-in-stateUpdating Arrays in State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Arrays in State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/updating-objects-in-stateUpdating Objects in State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Objects in State – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/writing-markup-with-jsxWriting Markup with JSX – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Markup with JSX – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effectYou Might Not Need an Effect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Might Not Need an Effect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/learn/your-first-componentYour First Component – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces First Component – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/reactReact Reference Overview – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Reference Overview – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-domReact DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/clientClient React DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/client/createRootcreateRoot – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/client/hydrateRoothydrateRoot – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/componentsReact DOM Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces DOM Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/commonCommon components (e.g. <div>) – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces components (e.g. div) – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/form<form> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/input<input> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/link<link> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/meta<meta> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/option<option> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/progress<progress> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/script<script> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/select<select> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/style<style> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/textarea<textarea> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/components/title<title> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/createPortalcreatePortal – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/findDOMNodefindDOMNode – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/flushSyncflushSync – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/hooksBuilt-in React DOM Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React DOM Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/hooks/useFormStatususeFormStatus – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/hydratehydrate – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/preconnectpreconnect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/prefetchDNSprefetchDNS – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/preinitpreinit – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/preinitModulepreinitModule – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/preloadpreload – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/preloadModulepreloadModule – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/renderrender – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/serverServer React DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React DOM APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToNodeStreamrenderToNodeStream – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToPipeableStreamrenderToPipeableStream – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToReadableStreamrenderToReadableStream – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStaticMarkuprenderToStaticMarkup – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStaticNodeStreamrenderToStaticNodeStream – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/server/renderToStringrenderToString – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react-dom/unmountComponentAtNodeunmountComponentAtNode – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/ChildrenChildren – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/ComponentComponent – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/Fragment<Fragment> (<>...</>) – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces (.../) – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/Profiler<Profiler> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/PureComponentPureComponent – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/StrictMode<StrictMode> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/Suspense<Suspense> – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/actact – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/apisBuilt-in React APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/cachecache – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/cloneElementcloneElement – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/componentsBuilt-in React Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/createContextcreateContext – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/createElementcreateElement – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/createFactorycreateFactory – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/createRefcreateRef – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/experimental_taintObjectReferenceexperimental_taintObjectReference – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/experimental_taintUniqueValueexperimental_taintUniqueValue – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/experimental_useEffectEventexperimental_useEffectEvent – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/forwardRefforwardRef – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/hooksBuilt-in React Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/isValidElementisValidElement – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/lazylazy – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/legacyLegacy React APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces React APIs – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/memomemo – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/startTransitionstartTransition – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useuse – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useActionStateuseActionState – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useCallbackuseCallback – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useContextuseContext – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useDebugValueuseDebugValue – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useDeferredValueuseDeferredValue – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useEffectuseEffect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useIduseId – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useImperativeHandleuseImperativeHandle – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useInsertionEffectuseInsertionEffect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useLayoutEffectuseLayoutEffect – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useMemouseMemo – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useOptimisticuseOptimistic – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useReduceruseReducer – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useRefuseRef – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useStateuseState – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useSyncExternalStoreuseSyncExternalStore – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/react/useTransitionuseTransition – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rsc/directivesDirectives – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rsc/server-actionsServer Actions – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Actions – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rsc/server-componentsReact Server Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Server Components – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rsc/use-client'use client' directive – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces'use client' directive – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rsc/use-server'use server' directive – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces'use server' directive – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rulesRules of React – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces of React – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rules/components-and-hooks-must-be-pureComponents and Hooks must be pure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces and Hooks must be pure – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rules/react-calls-components-and-hooksReact calls Components and Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces calls Components and Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/reference/rules/rules-of-hooksRules of Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces of Hooks – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/versionsReact Versions – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Versions – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
/warnings/react-dom-test-utilsreact-dom/test-utils Deprecation Warnings – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces Deprecation Warnings – ReactThe library for web and native user interfaces
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  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> React Server Components - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> Server Components without a Server [#server-components-without-a-server]
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> Server Components with a Server [#server-components-with-a-server]
    • <h3> Adding interactivity to Server Components [#adding-interactivity-to-server-components]
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> Async components with Server Components [#async-components-with-server-components]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Server Actions - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> Creating a Server Action from a Server Component [#creating-a-server-action-from-a-server-component]
    • <h3> Importing Server Actions from Client Components [#importing-server-actions-from-client-components]
    • <h3> Composing Server Actions with Actions [#composing-server-actions-with-actions]
    • <h3> Form Actions with Server Actions [#form-actions-with-server-actions]
    • <h3> Server Actions with useActionState [#server-actions-with-use-action-state]
    • <h3> Progressive enhancement with useActionState [#progressive-enhancement-with-useactionstate]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> React Compiler
    • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> What does the compiler do? [#what-does-the-compiler-do]
    • <h3> What does the compiler assume? [#what-does-the-compiler-assume]
    • <h3> Should I try out the compiler? [#should-i-try-out-the-compiler]
    • <h2> Getting Started [#getting-started]
      • <h3> Checking compatibility [#checking-compatibility]
      • <h3> Installing eslint-plugin-react-compiler [#installing-eslint-plugin-react-compiler]
      • <h3> Rolling out the compiler to your codebase [#using-the-compiler-effectively]
    • <h2> Usage [#installation]
      • <h3> Babel [#usage-with-babel]
      • <h3> Vite [#usage-with-vite]
      • <h3> Next.js [#usage-with-nextjs]
      • <h3> Remix [#usage-with-remix]
      • <h3> Webpack [#usage-with-webpack]
      • <h3> Expo [#usage-with-expo]
      • <h3> Metro (React Native) [#usage-with-react-native-metro]
      • <h3> Rspack [#usage-with-rspack]
      • <h3> Rsbuild [#usage-with-rsbuild]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> (0 , _c) is not a function error [#0--_c-is-not-a-function-error]
      • <h3> How do I know my components have been optimized? [#how-do-i-know-my-components-have-been-optimized]
      • <h3> Something is not working after compilation [#something-is-not-working-after-compilation]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Other issues [#other-issues]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> preinitModule - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> preinitModule(href, options) [#preinitmodule]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Preloading when rendering [#preloading-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Preloading in an event handler [#preloading-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useActionState - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useActionState(action, initialState, permalink?) [#useactionstate]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Using information returned by a form action [#using-information-returned-by-a-form-action]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My action can no longer read the submitted form data [#my-action-can-no-longer-read-the-submitted-form-data]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> preinit - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> preinit(href, options) [#preinit]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Preiniting when rendering [#preiniting-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Preiniting in an event handler [#preiniting-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> preload - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> preload(href, options) [#preload]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Preloading when rendering [#preloading-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Preloading in an event handler [#preloading-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Components and Hooks must be pure
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> Why does purity matter? [#why-does-purity-matter]
    • <h2> Components and Hooks must be idempotent [#components-and-hooks-must-be-idempotent]
    • <h2> Side effects must run outside of render [#side-effects-must-run-outside-of-render]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> When is it okay to have mutation? [#mutation]
    • <h2> Props and state are immutable [#props-and-state-are-immutable]
      • <h3> Don’t mutate Props [#props]
      • <h3> Don’t mutate State [#state]
    • <h2> Return values and arguments to Hooks are immutable [#return-values-and-arguments-to-hooks-are-immutable]
    • <h2> Values are immutable after being passed to JSX [#values-are-immutable-after-being-passed-to-jsx]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> preloadModule - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> preloadModule(href, options) [#preloadmodule]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Preloading when rendering [#preloading-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Preloading in an event handler [#preloading-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h3> REACT API
  • <h3> REACT DOM API
  • <h1> React Versions
    • <h2> Future versions [#future-versions]
    • <h2> Previous versions [#previous-versions]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Changelog [#changelog]
      • <h3> React 18 [#react-18]
      • <h3> React 17 [#react-17]
      • <h3> React 16 [#react-16]
      • <h3> React 15 [#react-15]
      • <h3> React 0.14 [#react-14]
      • <h3> React 0.13 [#react-13]
      • <h3> React 0.12 [#react-12]
      • <h3> React 0.11 [#react-11]
      • <h3> React 0.10 and below [#react-10-and-below]
      • <h3> Initial Commit [#initial-commit]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;link&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;link&gt; [#link]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Linking to related resources [#linking-to-related-resources]
      • <h3> Linking to a stylesheet [#linking-to-a-stylesheet]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Controlling stylesheet precedence [#controlling-stylesheet-precedence]
      • <h3> Deduplicated stylesheet rendering [#deduplicated-stylesheet-rendering]
      • <h3> Annotating specific items within the document with links [#annotating-specific-items-within-the-document-with-links]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> hydrate
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> hydrate(reactNode, domNode, callback?) [#hydrate]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Hydrating server-rendered HTML [#hydrating-server-rendered-html]
      • <h3> Suppressing unavoidable hydration mismatch errors [#suppressing-unavoidable-hydration-mismatch-errors]
      • <h3> Handling different client and server content [#handling-different-client-and-server-content]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> 'use client' - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> 'use client' [#use-client]
      • <h3> How 'use client' marks client code [#how-use-client-marks-client-code]
      • <h3> When to use 'use client' [#when-to-use-use-client]
      • <h3> Serializable types returned by Server Components [#serializable-types]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Building with interactivity and state [#building-with-interactivity-and-state]
      • <h3> Using client APIs [#using-client-apis]
      • <h3> Using third-party libraries [#using-third-party-libraries]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> 'use server' - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> 'use server' [#use-server]
      • <h3> Security considerations [#security]
      • <h3> Under Construction
      • <h3> Serializable arguments and return values [#serializable-parameters-and-return-values]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Server Actions in forms [#server-actions-in-forms]
      • <h3> Calling a Server Action outside of &lt;form&gt; [#calling-a-server-action-outside-of-form]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> cloneElement
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> cloneElement(element, props, ...children) [#cloneelement]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Overriding props of an element [#overriding-props-of-an-element]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Passing data with a render prop [#passing-data-with-a-render-prop]
      • <h3> Passing data through context [#passing-data-through-context]
      • <h3> Extracting logic into a custom Hook [#extracting-logic-into-a-custom-hook]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createRef
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createRef() [#createref]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Declaring a ref in a class component [#declaring-a-ref-in-a-class-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Migrating from a class with createRef to a function with useRef [#migrating-from-a-class-with-createref-to-a-function-with-useref]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> cache - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> cache(fn) [#cache]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Cache an expensive computation [#cache-expensive-computation]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Share a snapshot of data [#take-and-share-snapshot-of-data]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Preload data [#preload-data]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My memoized function still runs even though I’ve called it with the same arguments [#memoized-function-still-runs]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> preconnect - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> preconnect(href) [#preconnect]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Preconnecting when rendering [#preconnecting-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Preconnecting in an event handler [#preconnecting-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useInsertionEffect
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useInsertionEffect(setup, dependencies?) [#useinsertioneffect]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Injecting dynamic styles from CSS-in-JS libraries [#injecting-dynamic-styles-from-css-in-js-libraries]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> render
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> render(reactNode, domNode, callback?) [#render]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering the root component [#rendering-the-root-component]
      • <h3> Rendering multiple roots [#rendering-multiple-roots]
      • <h3> Updating the rendered tree [#updating-the-rendered-tree]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> PureComponent
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> PureComponent [#purecomponent]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Skipping unnecessary re-renders for class components [#skipping-unnecessary-re-renders-for-class-components]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Migrating from a PureComponent class component to a function [#migrating-from-a-purecomponent-class-component-to-a-function]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;style&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;style&gt; [#style]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering an inline CSS stylesheet [#rendering-an-inline-css-stylesheet]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Component
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> Component [#component]
      • <h3> context [#context]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> props [#props]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> refs [#refs]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> state [#state]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> constructor(props) [#constructor]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> componentDidCatch(error, info) [#componentdidcatch]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> componentDidMount() [#componentdidmount]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot?) [#componentdidupdate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> componentWillMount() [#componentwillmount]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) [#componentwillreceiveprops]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) [#componentwillupdate]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> componentWillUnmount() [#componentwillunmount]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> forceUpdate(callback?) [#forceupdate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> getChildContext() [#getchildcontext]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) [#getsnapshotbeforeupdate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> render() [#render]
      • <h3> setState(nextState, callback?) [#setstate]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) [#shouldcomponentupdate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> UNSAFE_componentWillMount() [#unsafe_componentwillmount]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextContext) [#unsafe_componentwillreceiveprops]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) [#unsafe_componentwillupdate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> static childContextTypes [#static-childcontexttypes]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> static contextTypes [#static-contexttypes]
      • <h3> Deprecated
      • <h3> static contextType [#static-contexttype]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> static defaultProps [#static-defaultprops]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> static propTypes [#static-proptypes]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> static getDerivedStateFromError(error) [#static-getderivedstatefromerror]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) [#static-getderivedstatefromprops]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Defining a class component [#defining-a-class-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Adding state to a class component [#adding-state-to-a-class-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Adding lifecycle methods to a class component [#adding-lifecycle-methods-to-a-class-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Catching rendering errors with an error boundary [#catching-rendering-errors-with-an-error-boundary]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Migrating a simple component from a class to a function [#migrating-a-simple-component-from-a-class-to-a-function]
      • <h3> Migrating a component with state from a class to a function [#migrating-a-component-with-state-from-a-class-to-a-function]
      • <h3> Migrating a component with lifecycle methods from a class to a function [#migrating-a-component-with-lifecycle-methods-from-a-class-to-a-function]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Migrating a component with context from a class to a function [#migrating-a-component-with-context-from-a-class-to-a-function]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createFactory
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createFactory(type) [#createfactory]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Creating React elements with a factory [#creating-react-elements-with-a-factory]
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Copying createFactory into your project [#copying-createfactory-into-your-project]
      • <h3> Replacing createFactory with createElement [#replacing-createfactory-with-createelement]
      • <h3> Replacing createFactory with JSX [#replacing-createfactory-with-jsx]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> experimental_useEffectEvent
    • <h3> Under Construction
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToPipeableStream
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToPipeableStream(reactNode, options?) [#rendertopipeablestream]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a React tree as HTML to a Node.js Stream [#rendering-a-react-tree-as-html-to-a-nodejs-stream]
      • <h3> Streaming more content as it loads [#streaming-more-content-as-it-loads]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Specifying what goes into the shell [#specifying-what-goes-into-the-shell]
      • <h3> Logging crashes on the server [#logging-crashes-on-the-server]
      • <h3> Recovering from errors inside the shell [#recovering-from-errors-inside-the-shell]
      • <h3> Recovering from errors outside the shell [#recovering-from-errors-outside-the-shell]
      • <h3> Setting the status code [#setting-the-status-code]
      • <h3> Handling different errors in different ways [#handling-different-errors-in-different-ways]
      • <h3> Waiting for all content to load for crawlers and static generation [#waiting-for-all-content-to-load-for-crawlers-and-static-generation]
      • <h3> Aborting server rendering [#aborting-server-rendering]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;script&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;script&gt; [#script]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering an external script [#rendering-an-external-script]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Rendering an inline script [#rendering-an-inline-script]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;form&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;form&gt; [#form]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Handle form submission on the client [#handle-form-submission-on-the-client]
      • <h3> Handle form submission with a Server Action [#handle-form-submission-with-a-server-action]
      • <h3> Display a pending state during form submission [#display-a-pending-state-during-form-submission]
      • <h3> Optimistically updating form data [#optimistically-updating-form-data]
      • <h3> Handling form submission errors [#handling-form-submission-errors]
      • <h3> Display a form submission error without JavaScript [#display-a-form-submission-error-without-javascript]
      • <h3> Handling multiple submission types [#handling-multiple-submission-types]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> prefetchDNS - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> prefetchDNS(href) [#prefetchdns]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Prefetching DNS when rendering [#prefetching-dns-when-rendering]
      • <h3> Prefetching DNS in an event handler [#prefetching-dns-in-an-event-handler]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;meta&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;meta&gt; [#meta]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Annotating the document with metadata [#annotating-the-document-with-metadata]
      • <h3> Annotating specific items within the document with metadata [#annotating-specific-items-within-the-document-with-metadata]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> experimental_taintUniqueValue
    • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> taintUniqueValue(message, lifetime, value) [#taintuniquevalue]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Prevent a token from being passed to Client Components [#prevent-a-token-from-being-passed-to-client-components]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> flushSync
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> flushSync(callback) [#flushsync]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Flushing updates for third-party integrations [#flushing-updates-for-third-party-integrations]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> use - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> use(resource) [#use]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Reading context with use [#reading-context-with-use]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Streaming data from the server to the client [#streaming-data-from-server-to-client]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Dealing with rejected Promises [#dealing-with-rejected-promises]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> “Suspense Exception: This is not a real error!” [#suspense-exception-error]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Directives - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Source code directives [#source-code-directives]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> unmountComponentAtNode
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> unmountComponentAtNode(domNode) [#unmountcomponentatnode]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Removing a React app from a DOM element [#removing-a-react-app-from-a-dom-element]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useFormStatus - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useFormStatus() [#use-form-status]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Display a pending state during form submission [#display-a-pending-state-during-form-submission]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Read the form data being submitted [#read-form-data-being-submitted]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> status.pending is never true [#pending-is-never-true]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Rules of React
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Components and Hooks must be pure [#components-and-hooks-must-be-pure]
    • <h2> React calls Components and Hooks [#react-calls-components-and-hooks]
    • <h2> Rules of Hooks [#rules-of-hooks]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> findDOMNode
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> findDOMNode(componentInstance) [#finddomnode]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Finding the root DOM node of a class component [#finding-the-root-dom-node-of-a-class-component]
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Reading component’s own DOM node from a ref [#reading-components-own-dom-node-from-a-ref]
      • <h3> Reading a child component’s DOM node from a forwarded ref [#reading-a-child-components-dom-node-from-a-forwarded-ref]
      • <h3> Adding a wrapper &lt;div&gt; element [#adding-a-wrapper-div-element]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> experimental_taintObjectReference
    • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> taintObjectReference(message, object) [#taintobjectreference]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Prevent user data from unintentionally reaching the client [#prevent-user-data-from-unintentionally-reaching-the-client]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useOptimistic - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useOptimistic(state, updateFn) [#use]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Optimistically updating forms [#optimistically-updating-with-forms]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToString
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToString(reactNode, options?) [#rendertostring]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a React tree as HTML to a string [#rendering-a-react-tree-as-html-to-a-string]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Migrating from renderToString to a streaming method on the server [#migrating-from-rendertostring-to-a-streaming-method-on-the-server]
      • <h3> Removing renderToString from the client code [#removing-rendertostring-from-the-client-code]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> When a component suspends, the HTML always contains a fallback [#when-a-component-suspends-the-html-always-contains-a-fallback]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h3> REACT API
  • <h3> REACT DOM API
  • <h1> react-dom/test-utils Deprecation Warnings
    • <h2> ReactDOMTestUtils.act() warning [#reactdomtestutilsact-warning]
    • <h2> Rest of ReactDOMTestUtils APIS [#rest-of-reactdomtestutils-apis]
      • <h3> ReactDOMTestUtils.renderIntoDocument [#reactdomtestutilsrenderintodocument]
      • <h3> ReactDOMTestUtils.Simulate [#reactdomtestutilssimulate]
      • <h3> List of all removed APIs [#list-of-all-removed-apis-list-of-all-removed-apis]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToReadableStream
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToReadableStream(reactNode, options?) [#rendertoreadablestream]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a React tree as HTML to a Readable Web Stream [#rendering-a-react-tree-as-html-to-a-readable-web-stream]
      • <h3> Streaming more content as it loads [#streaming-more-content-as-it-loads]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Specifying what goes into the shell [#specifying-what-goes-into-the-shell]
      • <h3> Logging crashes on the server [#logging-crashes-on-the-server]
      • <h3> Recovering from errors inside the shell [#recovering-from-errors-inside-the-shell]
      • <h3> Recovering from errors outside the shell [#recovering-from-errors-outside-the-shell]
      • <h3> Setting the status code [#setting-the-status-code]
      • <h3> Handling different errors in different ways [#handling-different-errors-in-different-ways]
      • <h3> Waiting for all content to load for crawlers and static generation [#waiting-for-all-content-to-load-for-crawlers-and-static-generation]
      • <h3> Aborting server rendering [#aborting-server-rendering]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> act
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> await act(async actFn) [#await-act-async-actfn]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering components in tests [#rendering-components-in-tests]
      • <h3> Dispatching events in tests [#dispatching-events-in-tests]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “The current testing environment is not configured to support act”(…)” [#error-the-current-testing-environment-is-not-configured-to-support-act]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToNodeStream
    • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToNodeStream(reactNode, options?) [#rendertonodestream]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a React tree as HTML to a Node.js Readable Stream [#rendering-a-react-tree-as-html-to-a-nodejs-readable-stream]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;title&gt; - This feature is available in the latest Canary
    • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;title&gt; [#title]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Set the document title [#set-the-document-title]
      • <h3> Use variables in the title [#use-variables-in-the-title]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Children
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> Children.count(children) [#children-count]
      • <h3> Children.forEach(children, fn, thisArg?) [#children-foreach]
      • <h3>, fn, thisArg?) [#children-map]
      • <h3> Children.only(children) [#children-only]
      • <h3> Children.toArray(children) [#children-toarray]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Transforming children [#transforming-children]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Running some code for each child [#running-some-code-for-each-child]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Counting children [#counting-children]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Converting children to an array [#converting-children-to-an-array]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Alternatives [#alternatives]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Exposing multiple components [#exposing-multiple-components]
      • <h3> Accepting an array of objects as a prop [#accepting-an-array-of-objects-as-a-prop]
      • <h3> Calling a render prop to customize rendering [#calling-a-render-prop-to-customize-rendering]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I pass a custom component, but the Children methods don’t show its render result [#i-pass-a-custom-component-but-the-children-methods-dont-show-its-render-result]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useLayoutEffect
    • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useLayoutEffect(setup, dependencies?) [#useinsertioneffect]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Measuring layout before the browser repaints the screen [#measuring-layout-before-the-browser-repaints-the-screen]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server” [#im-getting-an-error-uselayouteffect-does-nothing-on-the-server]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Built-in React Components
    • <h2> Built-in components [#built-in-components]
    • <h2> Your own components [#your-own-components]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;textarea&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;textarea&gt; [#textarea]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Displaying a text area [#displaying-a-text-area]
      • <h3> Providing a label for a text area [#providing-a-label-for-a-text-area]
      • <h3> Providing an initial value for a text area [#providing-an-initial-value-for-a-text-area]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Reading the text area value when submitting a form [#reading-the-text-area-value-when-submitting-a-form]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Controlling a text area with a state variable [#controlling-a-text-area-with-a-state-variable]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My text area doesn’t update when I type into it [#my-text-area-doesnt-update-when-i-type-into-it]
      • <h3> My text area caret jumps to the beginning on every keystroke [#my-text-area-caret-jumps-to-the-beginning-on-every-keystroke]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled” [#im-getting-an-error-a-component-is-changing-an-uncontrolled-input-to-be-controlled]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Common components (e.g. &lt;div&gt;)
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> Common components (e.g. &lt;div&gt;) [#common]
      • <h3> ref callback function [#ref-callback]
      • <h3> Canary
      • <h3> React event object [#react-event-object]
      • <h3> AnimationEvent handler function [#animationevent-handler]
      • <h3> ClipboardEvent handler function [#clipboadevent-handler]
      • <h3> CompositionEvent handler function [#compositionevent-handler]
      • <h3> DragEvent handler function [#dragevent-handler]
      • <h3> FocusEvent handler function [#focusevent-handler]
      • <h3> Event handler function [#event-handler]
      • <h3> InputEvent handler function [#inputevent-handler]
      • <h3> KeyboardEvent handler function [#keyboardevent-handler]
      • <h3> MouseEvent handler function [#mouseevent-handler]
      • <h3> PointerEvent handler function [#pointerevent-handler]
      • <h3> TouchEvent handler function [#touchevent-handler]
      • <h3> TransitionEvent handler function [#transitionevent-handler]
      • <h3> UIEvent handler function [#uievent-handler]
      • <h3> WheelEvent handler function [#wheelevent-handler]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Applying CSS styles [#applying-css-styles]
      • <h3> Manipulating a DOM node with a ref [#manipulating-a-dom-node-with-a-ref]
      • <h3> Dangerously setting the inner HTML [#dangerously-setting-the-inner-html]
      • <h3> Handling mouse events [#handling-mouse-events]
      • <h3> Handling pointer events [#handling-pointer-events]
      • <h3> Handling focus events [#handling-focus-events]
      • <h3> Handling keyboard events [#handling-keyboard-events]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useRef
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useRef(initialValue) [#useref]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Referencing a value with a ref [#referencing-a-value-with-a-ref]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Manipulating the DOM with a ref [#manipulating-the-dom-with-a-ref]
      • <h3> Avoiding recreating the ref contents [#avoiding-recreating-the-ref-contents]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I can’t get a ref to a custom component [#i-cant-get-a-ref-to-a-custom-component]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> React calls Components and Hooks
    • <h2> Never call component functions directly [#never-call-component-functions-directly]
    • <h2> Never pass around Hooks as regular values [#never-pass-around-hooks-as-regular-values]
      • <h3> Don’t dynamically mutate a Hook [#dont-dynamically-mutate-a-hook]
      • <h3> Don’t dynamically use Hooks [#dont-dynamically-use-hooks]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useReducer
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init?) [#usereducer]
      • <h3> dispatch function [#dispatch]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Adding a reducer to a component [#adding-a-reducer-to-a-component]
      • <h3> Writing the reducer function [#writing-the-reducer-function]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Avoiding recreating the initial state [#avoiding-recreating-the-initial-state]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’ve dispatched an action, but logging gives me the old state value [#ive-dispatched-an-action-but-logging-gives-me-the-old-state-value]
      • <h3> I’ve dispatched an action, but the screen doesn’t update [#ive-dispatched-an-action-but-the-screen-doesnt-update]
      • <h3> A part of my reducer state becomes undefined after dispatching [#a-part-of-my-reducer-state-becomes-undefined-after-dispatching]
      • <h3> My entire reducer state becomes undefined after dispatching [#my-entire-reducer-state-becomes-undefined-after-dispatching]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “Too many re-renders” [#im-getting-an-error-too-many-re-renders]
      • <h3> My reducer or initializer function runs twice [#my-reducer-or-initializer-function-runs-twice]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Legacy React APIs
    • <h2> Legacy APIs [#legacy-apis]
    • <h2> Deprecated APIs [#deprecated-apis]
      • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> memo
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> memo(Component, arePropsEqual?) [#memo]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Skipping re-rendering when props are unchanged [#skipping-re-rendering-when-props-are-unchanged]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Updating a memoized component using state [#updating-a-memoized-component-using-state]
      • <h3> Updating a memoized component using a context [#updating-a-memoized-component-using-a-context]
      • <h3> Minimizing props changes [#minimizing-props-changes]
      • <h3> Specifying a custom comparison function [#specifying-a-custom-comparison-function]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My component re-renders when a prop is an object, array, or function [#my-component-rerenders-when-a-prop-is-an-object-or-array]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useDebugValue
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useDebugValue(value, format?) [#usedebugvalue]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Adding a label to a custom Hook [#adding-a-label-to-a-custom-hook]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Deferring formatting of a debug value [#deferring-formatting-of-a-debug-value]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useEffect
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useEffect(setup, dependencies?) [#useeffect]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Connecting to an external system [#connecting-to-an-external-system]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Wrapping Effects in custom Hooks [#wrapping-effects-in-custom-hooks]
      • <h3> Controlling a non-React widget [#controlling-a-non-react-widget]
      • <h3> Fetching data with Effects [#fetching-data-with-effects]
      • <h3> Specifying reactive dependencies [#specifying-reactive-dependencies]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Updating state based on previous state from an Effect [#updating-state-based-on-previous-state-from-an-effect]
      • <h3> Removing unnecessary object dependencies [#removing-unnecessary-object-dependencies]
      • <h3> Removing unnecessary function dependencies [#removing-unnecessary-function-dependencies]
      • <h3> Reading the latest props and state from an Effect [#reading-the-latest-props-and-state-from-an-effect]
      • <h3> Under Construction
      • <h3> Displaying different content on the server and the client [#displaying-different-content-on-the-server-and-the-client]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My Effect runs twice when the component mounts [#my-effect-runs-twice-when-the-component-mounts]
      • <h3> My Effect runs after every re-render [#my-effect-runs-after-every-re-render]
      • <h3> My Effect keeps re-running in an infinite cycle [#my-effect-keeps-re-running-in-an-infinite-cycle]
      • <h3> My cleanup logic runs even though my component didn’t unmount [#my-cleanup-logic-runs-even-though-my-component-didnt-unmount]
      • <h3> My Effect does something visual, and I see a flicker before it runs [#my-effect-does-something-visual-and-i-see-a-flicker-before-it-runs]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;input&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;input&gt; [#input]
      • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Displaying inputs of different types [#displaying-inputs-of-different-types]
      • <h3> Providing a label for an input [#providing-a-label-for-an-input]
      • <h3> Providing an initial value for an input [#providing-an-initial-value-for-an-input]
      • <h3> Reading the input values when submitting a form [#reading-the-input-values-when-submitting-a-form]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Controlling an input with a state variable [#controlling-an-input-with-a-state-variable]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Optimizing re-rendering on every keystroke [#optimizing-re-rendering-on-every-keystroke]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My text input doesn’t update when I type into it [#my-text-input-doesnt-update-when-i-type-into-it]
      • <h3> My checkbox doesn’t update when I click on it [#my-checkbox-doesnt-update-when-i-click-on-it]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> My input caret jumps to the beginning on every keystroke [#my-input-caret-jumps-to-the-beginning-on-every-keystroke]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled” [#im-getting-an-error-a-component-is-changing-an-uncontrolled-input-to-be-controlled]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> React Reference Overview
    • <h2> React [#react]
    • <h2> React DOM [#react-dom]
    • <h2> Rules of React [#rules-of-react]
    • <h2> Legacy APIs [#legacy-apis]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useState
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useState(initialState) [#usestate]
      • <h3> set functions, like setSomething(nextState) [#setstate]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Adding state to a component [#adding-state-to-a-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Updating state based on the previous state [#updating-state-based-on-the-previous-state]
      • <h3> Updating objects and arrays in state [#updating-objects-and-arrays-in-state]
      • <h3> Avoiding recreating the initial state [#avoiding-recreating-the-initial-state]
      • <h3> Resetting state with a key [#resetting-state-with-a-key]
      • <h3> Storing information from previous renders [#storing-information-from-previous-renders]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’ve updated the state, but logging gives me the old value [#ive-updated-the-state-but-logging-gives-me-the-old-value]
      • <h3> I’ve updated the state, but the screen doesn’t update [#ive-updated-the-state-but-the-screen-doesnt-update]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “Too many re-renders” [#im-getting-an-error-too-many-re-renders]
      • <h3> My initializer or updater function runs twice [#my-initializer-or-updater-function-runs-twice]
      • <h3> I’m trying to set state to a function, but it gets called instead [#im-trying-to-set-state-to-a-function-but-it-gets-called-instead]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> isValidElement
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> isValidElement(value) [#isvalidelement]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Checking if something is a React element [#checking-if-something-is-a-react-element]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useSyncExternalStore
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot?) [#usesyncexternalstore]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Subscribing to an external store [#subscribing-to-an-external-store]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Subscribing to a browser API [#subscribing-to-a-browser-api]
      • <h3> Extracting the logic to a custom Hook [#extracting-the-logic-to-a-custom-hook]
      • <h3> Adding support for server rendering [#adding-support-for-server-rendering]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “The result of getSnapshot should be cached” [#im-getting-an-error-the-result-of-getsnapshot-should-be-cached]
      • <h3> My subscribe function gets called after every re-render [#my-subscribe-function-gets-called-after-every-re-render]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useId
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useId() [#useid]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Generating unique IDs for accessibility attributes [#generating-unique-ids-for-accessibility-attributes]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Generating IDs for several related elements [#generating-ids-for-several-related-elements]
      • <h3> Specifying a shared prefix for all generated IDs [#specifying-a-shared-prefix-for-all-generated-ids]
      • <h3> Using the same ID prefix on the client and the server [#using-the-same-id-prefix-on-the-client-and-the-server]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createPortal
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createPortal(children, domNode, key?) [#createportal]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering to a different part of the DOM [#rendering-to-a-different-part-of-the-dom]
      • <h3> Rendering a modal dialog with a portal [#rendering-a-modal-dialog-with-a-portal]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Rendering React components into non-React server markup [#rendering-react-components-into-non-react-server-markup]
      • <h3> Rendering React components into non-React DOM nodes [#rendering-react-components-into-non-react-dom-nodes]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;select&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;select&gt; [#select]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Displaying a select box with options [#displaying-a-select-box-with-options]
      • <h3> Providing a label for a select box [#providing-a-label-for-a-select-box]
      • <h3> Providing an initially selected option [#providing-an-initially-selected-option]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Enabling multiple selection [#enabling-multiple-selection]
      • <h3> Reading the select box value when submitting a form [#reading-the-select-box-value-when-submitting-a-form]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Controlling a select box with a state variable [#controlling-a-select-box-with-a-state-variable]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> startTransition
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> startTransition(scope) [#starttransitionscope]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Marking a state update as a non-blocking Transition [#marking-a-state-update-as-a-non-blocking-transition]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;Profiler&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;Profiler&gt; [#profiler]
      • <h3> onRender callback [#onrender-callback]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Measuring rendering performance programmatically [#measuring-rendering-performance-programmatically]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Measuring different parts of the application [#measuring-different-parts-of-the-application]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;StrictMode&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;StrictMode&gt; [#strictmode]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Enabling Strict Mode for entire app [#enabling-strict-mode-for-entire-app]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Enabling Strict Mode for a part of the app [#enabling-strict-mode-for-a-part-of-the-app]
      • <h3> Fixing bugs found by double rendering in development [#fixing-bugs-found-by-double-rendering-in-development]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Fixing bugs found by re-running Effects in development [#fixing-bugs-found-by-re-running-effects-in-development]
      • <h3> Fixing deprecation warnings enabled by Strict Mode [#fixing-deprecation-warnings-enabled-by-strict-mode]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Built-in React APIs
    • <h2> Resource APIs [#resource-apis]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> forwardRef
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> forwardRef(render) [#forwardref]
      • <h3> render function [#render-function]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Exposing a DOM node to the parent component [#exposing-a-dom-node-to-the-parent-component]
      • <h3> Forwarding a ref through multiple components [#forwarding-a-ref-through-multiple-components]
      • <h3> Exposing an imperative handle instead of a DOM node [#exposing-an-imperative-handle-instead-of-a-dom-node]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My component is wrapped in forwardRef, but the ref to it is always null [#my-component-is-wrapped-in-forwardref-but-the-ref-to-it-is-always-null]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;option&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;option&gt; [#option]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Displaying a select box with options [#displaying-a-select-box-with-options]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToStaticNodeStream
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToStaticNodeStream(reactNode, options?) [#rendertostaticnodestream]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a React tree as static HTML to a Node.js Readable Stream [#rendering-a-react-tree-as-static-html-to-a-nodejs-readable-stream]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useImperativeHandle
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useImperativeHandle(ref, createHandle, dependencies?) [#useimperativehandle]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Exposing a custom ref handle to the parent component [#exposing-a-custom-ref-handle-to-the-parent-component]
      • <h3> Exposing your own imperative methods [#exposing-your-own-imperative-methods]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> renderToStaticMarkup
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> renderToStaticMarkup(reactNode, options?) [#rendertostaticmarkup]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering a non-interactive React tree as HTML to a string [#rendering-a-non-interactive-react-tree-as-html-to-a-string]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;progress&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;progress&gt; [#progress]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Controlling a progress indicator [#controlling-a-progress-indicator]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useMemo
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useMemo(calculateValue, dependencies) [#usememo]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Skipping expensive recalculations [#skipping-expensive-recalculations]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Skipping re-rendering of components [#skipping-re-rendering-of-components]
      • <h3> Memoizing a dependency of another Hook [#memoizing-a-dependency-of-another-hook]
      • <h3> Memoizing a function [#memoizing-a-function]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My calculation runs twice on every re-render [#my-calculation-runs-twice-on-every-re-render]
      • <h3> My useMemo call is supposed to return an object, but returns undefined [#my-usememo-call-is-supposed-to-return-an-object-but-returns-undefined]
      • <h3> Every time my component renders, the calculation in useMemo re-runs [#every-time-my-component-renders-the-calculation-in-usememo-re-runs]
      • <h3> I need to call useMemo for each list item in a loop, but it’s not allowed [#i-need-to-call-usememo-for-each-list-item-in-a-loop-but-its-not-allowed]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> React DOM Components
    • <h2> Common components [#common-components]
    • <h2> Form components [#form-components]
    • <h2> Resource and Metadata Components [#resource-and-metadata-components]
    • <h2> All HTML components [#all-html-components]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Custom HTML elements [#custom-html-elements]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> All SVG components [#all-svg-components]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useTransition
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useTransition() [#usetransition]
      • <h3> startTransition function [#starttransition]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Marking a state update as a non-blocking Transition [#marking-a-state-update-as-a-non-blocking-transition]
      • <h3> Updating the parent component in a Transition [#updating-the-parent-component-in-a-transition]
      • <h3> Displaying a pending visual state during the Transition [#displaying-a-pending-visual-state-during-the-transition]
      • <h3> Preventing unwanted loading indicators [#preventing-unwanted-loading-indicators]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Building a Suspense-enabled router [#building-a-suspense-enabled-router]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Displaying an error to users with an error boundary [#displaying-an-error-to-users-with-error-boundary]
      • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> Updating an input in a Transition doesn’t work [#updating-an-input-in-a-transition-doesnt-work]
      • <h3> React doesn’t treat my state update as a Transition [#react-doesnt-treat-my-state-update-as-a-transition]
      • <h3> I want to call useTransition from outside a component [#i-want-to-call-usetransition-from-outside-a-component]
      • <h3> The function I pass to startTransition executes immediately [#the-function-i-pass-to-starttransition-executes-immediately]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;Fragment&gt; (&lt;&gt;...&lt;/&gt;)
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;Fragment&gt; [#fragment]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Returning multiple elements [#returning-multiple-elements]
      • <h3> Assigning multiple elements to a variable [#assigning-multiple-elements-to-a-variable]
      • <h3> Grouping elements with text [#grouping-elements-with-text]
      • <h3> Rendering a list of Fragments [#rendering-a-list-of-fragments]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> &lt;Suspense&gt;
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> &lt;Suspense&gt; [#suspense]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Displaying a fallback while content is loading [#displaying-a-fallback-while-content-is-loading]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Revealing content together at once [#revealing-content-together-at-once]
      • <h3> Revealing nested content as it loads [#revealing-nested-content-as-it-loads]
      • <h3> Showing stale content while fresh content is loading [#showing-stale-content-while-fresh-content-is-loading]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Preventing already revealed content from hiding [#preventing-already-revealed-content-from-hiding]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Indicating that a Transition is happening [#indicating-that-a-transition-is-happening]
      • <h3> Resetting Suspense boundaries on navigation [#resetting-suspense-boundaries-on-navigation]
      • <h3> Providing a fallback for server errors and client-only content [#providing-a-fallback-for-server-errors-and-client-only-content]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> How do I prevent the UI from being replaced by a fallback during an update? [#preventing-unwanted-fallbacks]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Server React DOM APIs
    • <h2> Server APIs for Node.js Streams [#server-apis-for-nodejs-streams]
    • <h2> Server APIs for Web Streams [#server-apis-for-web-streams]
    • <h2> Server APIs for non-streaming environments [#server-apis-for-non-streaming-environments]
    • <h2> Deprecated server APIs [#deprecated-server-apis]
      • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Rules of Hooks
    • <h2> Only call Hooks at the top level [#only-call-hooks-at-the-top-level]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Only call Hooks from React functions [#only-call-hooks-from-react-functions]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> lazy
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> lazy(load) [#lazy]
      • <h3> load function [#load]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Lazy-loading components with Suspense [#suspense-for-code-splitting]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My lazy component’s state gets reset unexpectedly [#my-lazy-components-state-gets-reset-unexpectedly]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useCallback
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useCallback(fn, dependencies) [#usecallback]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Skipping re-rendering of components [#skipping-re-rendering-of-components]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Updating state from a memoized callback [#updating-state-from-a-memoized-callback]
      • <h3> Preventing an Effect from firing too often [#preventing-an-effect-from-firing-too-often]
      • <h3> Optimizing a custom Hook [#optimizing-a-custom-hook]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> Every time my component renders, useCallback returns a different function [#every-time-my-component-renders-usecallback-returns-a-different-function]
      • <h3> I need to call useCallback for each list item in a loop, but it’s not allowed [#i-need-to-call-usememo-for-each-list-item-in-a-loop-but-its-not-allowed]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Built-in React Hooks
    • <h2> State Hooks [#state-hooks]
    • <h2> Context Hooks [#context-hooks]
    • <h2> Ref Hooks [#ref-hooks]
    • <h2> Effect Hooks [#effect-hooks]
    • <h2> Performance Hooks [#performance-hooks]
    • <h2> Other Hooks [#other-hooks]
    • <h2> Your own Hooks [#your-own-hooks]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useContext
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useContext(SomeContext) [#usecontext]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Passing data deeply into the tree [#passing-data-deeply-into-the-tree]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Updating data passed via context [#updating-data-passed-via-context]
      • <h3> Specifying a fallback default value [#specifying-a-fallback-default-value]
      • <h3> Overriding context for a part of the tree [#overriding-context-for-a-part-of-the-tree]
      • <h3> Optimizing re-renders when passing objects and functions [#optimizing-re-renders-when-passing-objects-and-functions]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> My component doesn’t see the value from my provider [#my-component-doesnt-see-the-value-from-my-provider]
      • <h3> I am always getting undefined from my context although the default value is different [#i-am-always-getting-undefined-from-my-context-although-the-default-value-is-different]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> hydrateRoot
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> hydrateRoot(domNode, reactNode, options?) [#hydrateroot]
      • <h3> root.render(reactNode) [#root-render]
      • <h3> root.unmount() [#root-unmount]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Hydrating server-rendered HTML [#hydrating-server-rendered-html]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Hydrating an entire document [#hydrating-an-entire-document]
      • <h3> Suppressing unavoidable hydration mismatch errors [#suppressing-unavoidable-hydration-mismatch-errors]
      • <h3> Handling different client and server content [#handling-different-client-and-server-content]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Updating a hydrated root component [#updating-a-hydrated-root-component]
      • <h3> Show a dialog for uncaught errors [#show-a-dialog-for-uncaught-errors]
      • <h3> Canary
      • <h3> Displaying Error Boundary errors [#displaying-error-boundary-errors]
      • <h3> Canary
      • <h3> Show a dialog for recoverable hydration mismatch errors [#show-a-dialog-for-recoverable-hydration-mismatch-errors]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “You passed a second argument to root.render” [#im-getting-an-error-you-passed-a-second-argument-to-root-render]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> React DOM APIs
    • <h2> APIs [#apis]
    • <h2> Resource Preloading APIs [#resource-preloading-apis]
    • <h2> Entry points [#entry-points]
    • <h2> Deprecated APIs [#deprecated-apis]
      • <h3> Deprecated
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createRoot
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createRoot(domNode, options?) [#createroot]
      • <h3> root.render(reactNode) [#root-render]
      • <h3> root.unmount() [#root-unmount]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Rendering an app fully built with React [#rendering-an-app-fully-built-with-react]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Rendering a page partially built with React [#rendering-a-page-partially-built-with-react]
      • <h3> Updating a root component [#updating-a-root-component]
      • <h3> Show a dialog for uncaught errors [#show-a-dialog-for-uncaught-errors]
      • <h3> Canary
      • <h3> Displaying Error Boundary errors [#displaying-error-boundary-errors]
      • <h3> Canary
      • <h3> Displaying a dialog for recoverable errors [#displaying-a-dialog-for-recoverable-errors]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I’ve created a root, but nothing is displayed [#ive-created-a-root-but-nothing-is-displayed]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “You passed a second argument to root.render” [#im-getting-an-error-you-passed-a-second-argument-to-root-render]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “Target container is not a DOM element” [#im-getting-an-error-target-container-is-not-a-dom-element]
      • <h3> I’m getting an error: “Functions are not valid as a React child.” [#im-getting-an-error-functions-are-not-valid-as-a-react-child]
      • <h3> My server-rendered HTML gets re-created from scratch [#my-server-rendered-html-gets-re-created-from-scratch]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Client React DOM APIs
    • <h2> Client APIs [#client-apis]
    • <h2> Browser support [#browser-support]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> Built-in React DOM Hooks
    • <h2> Form Hooks [#form-hooks]
      • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createElement
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createElement(type, props, ...children) [#createelement]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Creating an element without JSX [#creating-an-element-without-jsx]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> createContext
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> createContext(defaultValue) [#createcontext]
      • <h3> SomeContext.Provider [#provider]
      • <h3> SomeContext.Consumer [#consumer]
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Creating context [#creating-context]
      • <h3> Importing and exporting context from a file [#importing-and-exporting-context-from-a-file]
    • <h2> Troubleshooting [#troubleshooting]
      • <h3> I can’t find a way to change the context value [#i-cant-find-a-way-to-change-the-context-value]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> react@18.3.1
  • <h3> react-dom@18.3.1
  • <h3> Rules of React
  • <h3> React Server Components
  • <h3> Legacy APIs
  • <h1> useDeferredValue
    • <h2> Reference [#reference]
      • <h3> useDeferredValue(value, initialValue?) [#usedeferredvalue]
      • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Usage [#usage]
      • <h3> Showing stale content while fresh content is loading [#showing-stale-content-while-fresh-content-is-loading]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Indicating that the content is stale [#indicating-that-the-content-is-stale]
      • <h3> Deferring re-rendering for a part of the UI [#deferring-re-rendering-for-a-part-of-the-ui]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Tutorial: Tic-Tac-Toe
    • <h3> Note
    • <h3> What are you building? [#what-are-you-building]
    • <h2> Setup for the tutorial [#setup-for-the-tutorial]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Overview [#overview]
      • <h3> Inspecting the starter code [#inspecting-the-starter-code]
      • <h3> Building the board [#building-the-board]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Passing data through props [#passing-data-through-props]
      • <h3> Making an interactive component [#making-an-interactive-component]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> React Developer Tools [#react-developer-tools]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Completing the game [#completing-the-game]
      • <h3> Lifting state up [#lifting-state-up]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Why immutability is important [#why-immutability-is-important]
      • <h3> Taking turns [#taking-turns]
      • <h3> Declaring a winner [#declaring-a-winner]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Adding time travel [#adding-time-travel]
      • <h3> Storing a history of moves [#storing-a-history-of-moves]
      • <h3> Lifting state up, again [#lifting-state-up-again]
      • <h3> Showing the past moves [#showing-the-past-moves]
      • <h3> Picking a key [#picking-a-key]
      • <h3> Implementing time travel [#implementing-time-travel]
      • <h3> Final cleanup [#final-cleanup]
      • <h3> Wrapping up [#wrapping-up]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Quick Start
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Creating and nesting components [#components]
    • <h2> Writing markup with JSX [#writing-markup-with-jsx]
    • <h2> Adding styles [#adding-styles]
    • <h2> Displaying data [#displaying-data]
    • <h2> Conditional rendering [#conditional-rendering]
    • <h2> Rendering lists [#rendering-lists]
    • <h2> Responding to events [#responding-to-events]
    • <h2> Updating the screen [#updating-the-screen]
    • <h2> Using Hooks [#using-hooks]
    • <h2> Sharing data between components [#sharing-data-between-components]
    • <h2> Next Steps [#next-steps]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Render and Commit
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Step 1: Trigger a render [#step-1-trigger-a-render]
      • <h3> Initial render [#initial-render]
      • <h3> Re-renders when state updates [#re-renders-when-state-updates]
    • <h2> Step 2: React renders your components [#step-2-react-renders-your-components]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Step 3: React commits changes to the DOM [#step-3-react-commits-changes-to-the-dom]
    • <h2> Epilogue: Browser paint [#epilogue-browser-paint]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Preserving and Resetting State
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> State is tied to a position in the render tree [#state-is-tied-to-a-position-in-the-tree]
    • <h2> Same component at the same position preserves state [#same-component-at-the-same-position-preserves-state]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Different components at the same position reset state [#different-components-at-the-same-position-reset-state]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Resetting state at the same position [#resetting-state-at-the-same-position]
      • <h3> Option 1: Rendering a component in different positions [#option-1-rendering-a-component-in-different-positions]
      • <h3> Option 2: Resetting state with a key [#option-2-resetting-state-with-a-key]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Resetting a form with a key [#resetting-a-form-with-a-key]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Conditional Rendering
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Conditionally returning JSX [#conditionally-returning-jsx]
      • <h3> Conditionally returning nothing with null [#conditionally-returning-nothing-with-null]
    • <h2> Conditionally including JSX [#conditionally-including-jsx]
      • <h3> Conditional (ternary) operator (? :) [#conditional-ternary-operator--]
      • <h3> Logical AND operator (&amp;&amp;) [#logical-and-operator-]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Conditionally assigning JSX to a variable [#conditionally-assigning-jsx-to-a-variable]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Using TypeScript
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Installation [#installation]
      • <h3> Adding TypeScript to an existing React project [#adding-typescript-to-an-existing-react-project]
    • <h2> TypeScript with React Components [#typescript-with-react-components]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Example Hooks [#example-hooks]
      • <h3> useState [#typing-usestate]
      • <h3> useReducer [#typing-usereducer]
      • <h3> useContext [#typing-usecontext]
      • <h3> useMemo [#typing-usememo]
      • <h3> useCallback [#typing-usecallback]
    • <h2> Useful Types [#useful-types]
      • <h3> DOM Events [#typing-dom-events]
      • <h3> Children [#typing-children]
      • <h3> Style Props [#typing-style-props]
    • <h2> Further learning [#further-learning]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Referencing Values with Refs
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Adding a ref to your component [#adding-a-ref-to-your-component]
    • <h2> Example: building a stopwatch [#example-building-a-stopwatch]
    • <h2> Differences between refs and state [#differences-between-refs-and-state]
    • <h2> When to use refs [#when-to-use-refs]
    • <h2> Best practices for refs [#best-practices-for-refs]
    • <h2> Refs and the DOM [#refs-and-the-dom]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Add React to an Existing Project
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Using React for an entire subroute of your existing website [#using-react-for-an-entire-subroute-of-your-existing-website]
    • <h2> Using React for a part of your existing page [#using-react-for-a-part-of-your-existing-page]
      • <h3> Step 1: Set up a modular JavaScript environment [#step-1-set-up-a-modular-javascript-environment]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Step 2: Render React components anywhere on the page [#step-2-render-react-components-anywhere-on-the-page]
    • <h2> Using React Native in an existing native mobile app [#using-react-native-in-an-existing-native-mobile-app]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Consolidate state logic with a reducer [#consolidate-state-logic-with-a-reducer]
      • <h3> Step 1: Move from setting state to dispatching actions [#step-1-move-from-setting-state-to-dispatching-actions]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Step 2: Write a reducer function [#step-2-write-a-reducer-function]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Step 3: Use the reducer from your component [#step-3-use-the-reducer-from-your-component]
    • <h2> Comparing useState and useReducer [#comparing-usestate-and-usereducer]
    • <h2> Writing reducers well [#writing-reducers-well]
    • <h2> Writing concise reducers with Immer [#writing-concise-reducers-with-immer]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Sharing State Between Components
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Lifting state up by example [#lifting-state-up-by-example]
      • <h3> Step 1: Remove state from the child components [#step-1-remove-state-from-the-child-components]
      • <h3> Step 2: Pass hardcoded data from the common parent [#step-2-pass-hardcoded-data-from-the-common-parent]
      • <h3> Step 3: Add state to the common parent [#step-3-add-state-to-the-common-parent]
    • <h2> A single source of truth for each state [#a-single-source-of-truth-for-each-state]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Editor Setup
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Your editor [#your-editor]
    • <h2> Recommended text editor features [#recommended-text-editor-features]
      • <h3> Linting [#linting]
      • <h3> Formatting [#formatting]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Managing State
    • <h3> In this chapter
    • <h2> Reacting to input with state [#reacting-to-input-with-state]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Choosing the state structure [#choosing-the-state-structure]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Sharing state between components [#sharing-state-between-components]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Preserving and resetting state [#preserving-and-resetting-state]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Extracting state logic into a reducer [#extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducer]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Passing data deeply with context [#passing-data-deeply-with-context]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Scaling up with reducer and context [#scaling-up-with-reducer-and-context]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> What’s next? [#whats-next]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Queueing a Series of State Updates
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> React batches state updates [#react-batches-state-updates]
    • <h2> Updating the same state multiple times before the next render [#updating-the-same-state-multiple-times-before-the-next-render]
      • <h3> What happens if you update state after replacing it [#what-happens-if-you-update-state-after-replacing-it]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> What happens if you replace state after updating it [#what-happens-if-you-replace-state-after-updating-it]
      • <h3> Naming conventions [#naming-conventions]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Combining a reducer with context [#combining-a-reducer-with-context]
      • <h3> Step 1: Create the context [#step-1-create-the-context]
      • <h3> Step 2: Put state and dispatch into context [#step-2-put-state-and-dispatch-into-context]
      • <h3> Step 3: Use context anywhere in the tree [#step-3-use-context-anywhere-in-the-tree]
    • <h2> Moving all wiring into a single file [#moving-all-wiring-into-a-single-file]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Lifecycle of Reactive Effects
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> The lifecycle of an Effect [#the-lifecycle-of-an-effect]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Why synchronization may need to happen more than once [#why-synchronization-may-need-to-happen-more-than-once]
      • <h3> How React re-synchronizes your Effect [#how-react-re-synchronizes-your-effect]
      • <h3> Thinking from the Effect’s perspective [#thinking-from-the-effects-perspective]
      • <h3> How React verifies that your Effect can re-synchronize [#how-react-verifies-that-your-effect-can-re-synchronize]
      • <h3> How React knows that it needs to re-synchronize the Effect [#how-react-knows-that-it-needs-to-re-synchronize-the-effect]
      • <h3> Each Effect represents a separate synchronization process [#each-effect-represents-a-separate-synchronization-process]
    • <h2> Effects “react” to reactive values [#effects-react-to-reactive-values]
      • <h3> What an Effect with empty dependencies means [#what-an-effect-with-empty-dependencies-means]
      • <h3> All variables declared in the component body are reactive [#all-variables-declared-in-the-component-body-are-reactive]
      • <h3> React verifies that you specified every reactive value as a dependency [#react-verifies-that-you-specified-every-reactive-value-as-a-dependency]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> What to do when you don’t want to re-synchronize [#what-to-do-when-you-dont-want-to-re-synchronize]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Updating Arrays in State
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Updating arrays without mutation [#updating-arrays-without-mutation]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Adding to an array [#adding-to-an-array]
      • <h3> Removing from an array [#removing-from-an-array]
      • <h3> Transforming an array [#transforming-an-array]
      • <h3> Replacing items in an array [#replacing-items-in-an-array]
      • <h3> Inserting into an array [#inserting-into-an-array]
      • <h3> Making other changes to an array [#making-other-changes-to-an-array]
    • <h2> Updating objects inside arrays [#updating-objects-inside-arrays]
      • <h3> Write concise update logic with Immer [#write-concise-update-logic-with-immer]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Responding to Events
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Adding event handlers [#adding-event-handlers]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Reading props in event handlers [#reading-props-in-event-handlers]
      • <h3> Passing event handlers as props [#passing-event-handlers-as-props]
      • <h3> Naming event handler props [#naming-event-handler-props]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Event propagation [#event-propagation]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Stopping propagation [#stopping-propagation]
      • <h3> Passing handlers as alternative to propagation [#passing-handlers-as-alternative-to-propagation]
      • <h3> Preventing default behavior [#preventing-default-behavior]
    • <h2> Can event handlers have side effects? [#can-event-handlers-have-side-effects]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Manipulating the DOM with Refs
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Getting a ref to the node [#getting-a-ref-to-the-node]
      • <h3> Example: Focusing a text input [#example-focusing-a-text-input]
      • <h3> Example: Scrolling to an element [#example-scrolling-to-an-element]
      • <h3> Canary
    • <h2> Accessing another component’s DOM nodes [#accessing-another-components-dom-nodes]
    • <h2> When React attaches the refs [#when-react-attaches-the-refs]
    • <h2> Best practices for DOM manipulation with refs [#best-practices-for-dom-manipulation-with-refs]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Describing the UI
    • <h3> In this chapter
    • <h2> Your first component [#your-first-component]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Importing and exporting components [#importing-and-exporting-components]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Writing markup with JSX [#writing-markup-with-jsx]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> JavaScript in JSX with curly braces [#javascript-in-jsx-with-curly-braces]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Passing props to a component [#passing-props-to-a-component]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Conditional rendering [#conditional-rendering]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Rendering lists [#rendering-lists]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Keeping components pure [#keeping-components-pure]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Your UI as a tree [#your-ui-as-a-tree]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> What’s next? [#whats-next]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Escape Hatches
    • <h3> In this chapter
    • <h2> Referencing values with refs [#referencing-values-with-refs]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Manipulating the DOM with refs [#manipulating-the-dom-with-refs]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Synchronizing with Effects [#synchronizing-with-effects]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> You Might Not Need An Effect [#you-might-not-need-an-effect]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Lifecycle of reactive effects [#lifecycle-of-reactive-effects]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Separating events from Effects [#separating-events-from-effects]
      • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Removing Effect dependencies [#removing-effect-dependencies]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Reusing logic with custom Hooks [#reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> What’s next? [#whats-next]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> State as a Snapshot
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Setting state triggers renders [#setting-state-triggers-renders]
    • <h2> Rendering takes a snapshot in time [#rendering-takes-a-snapshot-in-time]
    • <h2> State over time [#state-over-time]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Passing Data Deeply with Context
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> The problem with passing props [#the-problem-with-passing-props]
    • <h2> Context: an alternative to passing props [#context-an-alternative-to-passing-props]
      • <h3> Step 1: Create the context [#step-1-create-the-context]
      • <h3> Step 2: Use the context [#step-2-use-the-context]
      • <h3> Step 3: Provide the context [#step-3-provide-the-context]
    • <h2> Using and providing context from the same component [#using-and-providing-context-from-the-same-component]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Context passes through intermediate components [#context-passes-through-intermediate-components]
    • <h2> Before you use context [#before-you-use-context]
    • <h2> Use cases for context [#use-cases-for-context]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Passing Props to a Component
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Familiar props [#familiar-props]
    • <h2> Passing props to a component [#passing-props-to-a-component]
      • <h3> Step 1: Pass props to the child component [#step-1-pass-props-to-the-child-component]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Step 2: Read props inside the child component [#step-2-read-props-inside-the-child-component]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Specifying a default value for a prop [#specifying-a-default-value-for-a-prop]
    • <h2> Forwarding props with the JSX spread syntax [#forwarding-props-with-the-jsx-spread-syntax]
    • <h2> Passing JSX as children [#passing-jsx-as-children]
    • <h2> How props change over time [#how-props-change-over-time]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> State: A Component's Memory
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> When a regular variable isn’t enough [#when-a-regular-variable-isnt-enough]
    • <h2> Adding a state variable [#adding-a-state-variable]
      • <h3> Meet your first Hook [#meet-your-first-hook]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Anatomy of useState [#anatomy-of-usestate]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Giving a component multiple state variables [#giving-a-component-multiple-state-variables]
    • <h2> State is isolated and private [#state-is-isolated-and-private]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Keeping Components Pure
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Purity: Components as formulas [#purity-components-as-formulas]
    • <h2> Side Effects: (un)intended consequences [#side-effects-unintended-consequences]
      • <h3> Local mutation: Your component’s little secret [#local-mutation-your-components-little-secret]
    • <h2> Where you can cause side effects [#where-you-_can_-cause-side-effects]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Synchronizing with Effects
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> What are Effects and how are they different from events? [#what-are-effects-and-how-are-they-different-from-events]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> You might not need an Effect [#you-might-not-need-an-effect]
    • <h2> How to write an Effect [#how-to-write-an-effect]
      • <h3> Step 1: Declare an Effect [#step-1-declare-an-effect]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Step 2: Specify the Effect dependencies [#step-2-specify-the-effect-dependencies]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Step 3: Add cleanup if needed [#step-3-add-cleanup-if-needed]
    • <h2> How to handle the Effect firing twice in development? [#how-to-handle-the-effect-firing-twice-in-development]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Controlling non-React widgets [#controlling-non-react-widgets]
      • <h3> Subscribing to events [#subscribing-to-events]
      • <h3> Triggering animations [#triggering-animations]
      • <h3> Fetching data [#fetching-data]
      • <h3> Sending analytics [#sending-analytics]
      • <h3> Not an Effect: Initializing the application [#not-an-effect-initializing-the-application]
      • <h3> Not an Effect: Buying a product [#not-an-effect-buying-a-product]
    • <h2> Putting it all together [#putting-it-all-together]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Removing Effect Dependencies
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Dependencies should match the code [#dependencies-should-match-the-code]
      • <h3> To remove a dependency, prove that it’s not a dependency [#to-remove-a-dependency-prove-that-its-not-a-dependency]
      • <h3> To change the dependencies, change the code [#to-change-the-dependencies-change-the-code]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Removing unnecessary dependencies [#removing-unnecessary-dependencies]
      • <h3> Should this code move to an event handler? [#should-this-code-move-to-an-event-handler]
      • <h3> Is your Effect doing several unrelated things? [#is-your-effect-doing-several-unrelated-things]
      • <h3> Are you reading some state to calculate the next state? [#are-you-reading-some-state-to-calculate-the-next-state]
      • <h3> Do you want to read a value without “reacting” to its changes? [#do-you-want-to-read-a-value-without-reacting-to-its-changes]
      • <h3> Under Construction
      • <h3> Does some reactive value change unintentionally? [#does-some-reactive-value-change-unintentionally]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Updating Objects in State
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> What’s a mutation? [#whats-a-mutation]
    • <h2> Treat state as read-only [#treat-state-as-read-only]
    • <h2> Copying objects with the spread syntax [#copying-objects-with-the-spread-syntax]
    • <h2> Updating a nested object [#updating-a-nested-object]
      • <h3> Write concise update logic with Immer [#write-concise-update-logic-with-immer]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Installation
    • <h3> In this chapter
    • <h2> Try React [#try-react]
      • <h3> Try React locally [#try-react-locally]
    • <h2> Start a new React project [#start-a-new-react-project]
    • <h2> Add React to an existing project [#add-react-to-an-existing-project]
    • <h2> Next steps [#next-steps]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Writing Markup with JSX
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> JSX: Putting markup into JavaScript [#jsx-putting-markup-into-javascript]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Converting HTML to JSX [#converting-html-to-jsx]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> The Rules of JSX [#the-rules-of-jsx]
      • <h3> 1. Return a single root element [#1-return-a-single-root-element]
      • <h3> 2. Close all the tags [#2-close-all-the-tags]
      • <h3> 3. camelCase all most of the things! [#3-camelcase-salls-most-of-the-things]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Pro-tip: Use a JSX Converter [#pro-tip-use-a-jsx-converter]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Passing strings with quotes [#passing-strings-with-quotes]
    • <h2> Using curly braces: A window into the JavaScript world [#using-curly-braces-a-window-into-the-javascript-world]
      • <h3> Where to use curly braces [#where-to-use-curly-braces]
    • <h2> Using “double curlies”: CSS and other objects in JSX [#using-double-curlies-css-and-other-objects-in-jsx]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> More fun with JavaScript objects and curly braces [#more-fun-with-javascript-objects-and-curly-braces]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Understanding Your UI as a Tree
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Your UI as a tree [#your-ui-as-a-tree]
    • <h2> The Render Tree [#the-render-tree]
    • <h2> The Module Dependency Tree [#the-module-dependency-tree]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Separating Events from Effects
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Choosing between event handlers and Effects [#choosing-between-event-handlers-and-effects]
      • <h3> Event handlers run in response to specific interactions [#event-handlers-run-in-response-to-specific-interactions]
      • <h3> Effects run whenever synchronization is needed [#effects-run-whenever-synchronization-is-needed]
    • <h2> Reactive values and reactive logic [#reactive-values-and-reactive-logic]
      • <h3> Logic inside event handlers is not reactive [#logic-inside-event-handlers-is-not-reactive]
      • <h3> Logic inside Effects is reactive [#logic-inside-effects-is-reactive]
    • <h2> Extracting non-reactive logic out of Effects [#extracting-non-reactive-logic-out-of-effects]
      • <h3> Declaring an Effect Event [#declaring-an-effect-event]
      • <h3> Under Construction
      • <h3> Reading latest props and state with Effect Events [#reading-latest-props-and-state-with-effect-events]
      • <h3> Under Construction
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Limitations of Effect Events [#limitations-of-effect-events]
      • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Adding Interactivity
    • <h3> In this chapter
    • <h2> Responding to events [#responding-to-events]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> State: a component’s memory [#state-a-components-memory]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Render and commit [#render-and-commit]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> State as a snapshot [#state-as-a-snapshot]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Queueing a series of state updates [#queueing-a-series-of-state-updates]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Updating objects in state [#updating-objects-in-state]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> Updating arrays in state [#updating-arrays-in-state]
    • <h2> Ready to learn this topic?
    • <h2> What’s next? [#whats-next]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Custom Hooks: Sharing logic between components [#custom-hooks-sharing-logic-between-components]
      • <h3> Extracting your own custom Hook from a component [#extracting-your-own-custom-hook-from-a-component]
      • <h3> Hook names always start with use [#hook-names-always-start-with-use]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Custom Hooks let you share stateful logic, not state itself [#custom-hooks-let-you-share-stateful-logic-not-state-itself]
    • <h2> Passing reactive values between Hooks [#passing-reactive-values-between-hooks]
      • <h3> Passing event handlers to custom Hooks [#passing-event-handlers-to-custom-hooks]
      • <h3> Under Construction
    • <h2> When to use custom Hooks [#when-to-use-custom-hooks]
      • <h3> Custom Hooks help you migrate to better patterns [#custom-hooks-help-you-migrate-to-better-patterns]
      • <h3> There is more than one way to do it [#there-is-more-than-one-way-to-do-it]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Rendering Lists
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Rendering data from arrays [#rendering-data-from-arrays]
    • <h2> Filtering arrays of items [#filtering-arrays-of-items]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Keeping list items in order with key [#keeping-list-items-in-order-with-key]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Where to get your key [#where-to-get-your-key]
      • <h3> Rules of keys [#rules-of-keys]
      • <h3> Why does React need keys? [#why-does-react-need-keys]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Importing and Exporting Components
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> The root component file [#the-root-component-file]
    • <h2> Exporting and importing a component [#exporting-and-importing-a-component]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Exporting and importing multiple components from the same file [#exporting-and-importing-multiple-components-from-the-same-file]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> You Might Not Need an Effect
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> How to remove unnecessary Effects [#how-to-remove-unnecessary-effects]
      • <h3> Updating state based on props or state [#updating-state-based-on-props-or-state]
      • <h3> Caching expensive calculations [#caching-expensive-calculations]
      • <h3> Resetting all state when a prop changes [#resetting-all-state-when-a-prop-changes]
      • <h3> Adjusting some state when a prop changes [#adjusting-some-state-when-a-prop-changes]
      • <h3> Sharing logic between event handlers [#sharing-logic-between-event-handlers]
      • <h3> Sending a POST request [#sending-a-post-request]
      • <h3> Chains of computations [#chains-of-computations]
      • <h3> Initializing the application [#initializing-the-application]
      • <h3> Notifying parent components about state changes [#notifying-parent-components-about-state-changes]
      • <h3> Passing data to the parent [#passing-data-to-the-parent]
      • <h3> Subscribing to an external store [#subscribing-to-an-external-store]
      • <h3> Fetching data [#fetching-data]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Choosing the State Structure
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Principles for structuring state [#principles-for-structuring-state]
    • <h2> Group related state [#group-related-state]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Avoid contradictions in state [#avoid-contradictions-in-state]
    • <h2> Avoid redundant state [#avoid-redundant-state]
    • <h2> Avoid duplication in state [#avoid-duplication-in-state]
    • <h2> Avoid deeply nested state [#avoid-deeply-nested-state]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> React Developer Tools
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Browser extension [#browser-extension]
      • <h3> Safari and other browsers [#safari-and-other-browsers]
    • <h2> Mobile (React Native) [#mobile-react-native]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Reacting to Input with State
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> How declarative UI compares to imperative [#how-declarative-ui-compares-to-imperative]
    • <h2> Thinking about UI declaratively [#thinking-about-ui-declaratively]
      • <h3> Step 1: Identify your component’s different visual states [#step-1-identify-your-components-different-visual-states]
      • <h3> Step 2: Determine what triggers those state changes [#step-2-determine-what-triggers-those-state-changes]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Step 3: Represent the state in memory with useState [#step-3-represent-the-state-in-memory-with-usestate]
      • <h3> Step 4: Remove any non-essential state variables [#step-4-remove-any-non-essential-state-variables]
      • <h3> Step 5: Connect the event handlers to set state [#step-5-connect-the-event-handlers-to-set-state]
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Your First Component
    • <h3> You will learn
    • <h2> Components: UI building blocks [#components-ui-building-blocks]
    • <h2> Defining a component [#defining-a-component]
      • <h3> Step 1: Export the component [#step-1-export-the-component]
      • <h3> Step 2: Define the function [#step-2-define-the-function]
      • <h3> Pitfall
      • <h3> Step 3: Add markup [#step-3-add-markup]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Using a component [#using-a-component]
      • <h3> What the browser sees [#what-the-browser-sees]
      • <h3> Nesting and organizing components [#nesting-and-organizing-components]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Recap [#recap]
    • <h2> Try out some challenges [#challenges]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React
    • <h2> Create user interfaces from components
      • <h3> Video.js
      • <h3> My video
    • <h2> Write components with code and markup
      • <h3> VideoList.js
    • <h2> 3 Videos
      • <h3> First video
      • <h3> Second video
      • <h3> Third video
    • <h2> Add interactivity wherever you need it
      • <h3> SearchableVideoList.js
  • <h1> React Videos
    • <h2> 5 Videos
      • <h3> React: The Documentary
      • <h3> Rethinking Best Practices
      • <h3> Introducing React Native
      • <h3> Introducing React Hooks
      • <h3> Introducing Server Components
    • <h2> Go full-stack with a framework
      • <h3> confs/[slug].js
    • <h2> 19 Videos
      • <h3> React 18 Keynote
      • <h3> React 18 for App Developers
      • <h3> Streaming Server Rendering with Suspense
      • <h3> The First React Working Group
      • <h3> React Developer Tooling
      • <h3> React without memo
      • <h3> React Docs Keynote
      • <h3> Things I Learnt from the New React Docs
      • <h3> Learning in the Browser
      • <h3> The ROI of Designing with React
      • <h3> Interactive Playgrounds with React
      • <h3> Re-introducing Relay
      • <h3> React Native Desktop
      • <h3> On-device Machine Learning for React Native
      • <h3> React 18 for External Store Libraries
      • <h3> Building Accessible Components with React 18
      • <h3> Accessible Japanese Form Components with React
      • <h3> UI Tools for Artists
      • <h3> Hydrogen + React 18
    • <h2> Use the best from every platform
    • <h2> Upgrade when the future is ready
    • <h2> React Conf 2024 Recap
    • <h2> React 19 RC
    • <h2> React 19 RC Upgrade Guide
    • <h2> React Labs: February 2024
    • <h2> Join a community of millions
    • <h2> Welcome to the React community
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Thinking in React
    • <h2> Start with the mockup [#start-with-the-mockup]
    • <h2> Step 1: Break the UI into a component hierarchy [#step-1-break-the-ui-into-a-component-hierarchy]
    • <h2> Step 2: Build a static version in React [#step-2-build-a-static-version-in-react]
      • <h3> Pitfall
    • <h2> Step 3: Find the minimal but complete representation of UI state [#step-3-find-the-minimal-but-complete-representation-of-ui-state]
    • <h2> Step 4: Identify where your state should live [#step-4-identify-where-your-state-should-live]
    • <h2> Step 5: Add inverse data flow [#step-5-add-inverse-data-flow]
    • <h2> Where to go from here [#where-to-go-from-here]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h3> GET STARTED
  • <h3> LEARN REACT
  • <h1> Start a New React Project
    • <h2> Production-grade React frameworks [#production-grade-react-frameworks]
      • <h3> Next.js [#nextjs-pages-router]
      • <h3> Remix [#remix]
      • <h3> Gatsby [#gatsby]
      • <h3> Expo (for native apps) [#expo]
    • <h2> Bleeding-edge React frameworks [#bleeding-edge-react-frameworks]
      • <h3> Next.js (App Router) [#nextjs-app-router]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React Community
    • <h2> Code of Conduct [#code-of-conduct]
    • <h2> Stack Overflow [#stack-overflow]
    • <h2> Popular Discussion Forums [#popular-discussion-forums]
    • <h2> News [#news]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> Translations
    • <h2> Source site [#main-site]
    • <h2> Full translations [#full-translations]
    • <h2> In-progress translations [#in-progress-translations]
    • <h2> How to contribute [#how-to-contribute]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React Meetups
    • <h2> Albania [#albania]
    • <h2> Argentina [#argentina]
    • <h2> Australia [#australia]
    • <h2> Austria [#austria]
    • <h2> Belgium [#belgium]
    • <h2> Brazil [#brazil]
    • <h2> Bolivia [#bolivia]
    • <h2> Canada [#canada]
    • <h2> Chile [#chile]
    • <h2> China [#china]
    • <h2> Colombia [#colombia]
    • <h2> Denmark [#denmark]
    • <h2> Egypt [#egypt]
    • <h2> England (UK) [#england-uk]
    • <h2> France [#france]
    • <h2> Germany [#germany]
    • <h2> Greece [#greece]
    • <h2> Hungary [#hungary]
    • <h2> India [#india]
    • <h2> Indonesia [#indonesia]
    • <h2> Ireland [#ireland]
    • <h2> Israel [#israel]
    • <h2> Italy [#italy]
    • <h2> Kenya [#kenya]
    • <h2> Malaysia [#malaysia]
    • <h2> Netherlands [#netherlands]
    • <h2> New Zealand [#new-zealand]
    • <h2> Norway [#norway]
    • <h2> Pakistan [#pakistan]
    • <h2> Panama [#panama]
    • <h2> Peru [#peru]
    • <h2> Philippines [#philippines]
    • <h2> Poland [#poland]
    • <h2> Portugal [#portugal]
    • <h2> Scotland (UK) [#scotland-uk]
    • <h2> Spain [#spain]
    • <h2> Sweden [#sweden]
    • <h2> Switzerland [#switzerland]
    • <h2> Turkey [#turkey]
    • <h2> Ukraine [#ukraine]
    • <h2> US [#us]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React Videos
    • <h2> React Conf 2021 [#react-conf-2021]
      • <h3> React 18 Keynote [#react-18-keynote]
      • <h3> React 18 for Application Developers [#react-18-for-application-developers]
      • <h3> Streaming Server Rendering with Suspense [#streaming-server-rendering-with-suspense]
      • <h3> The first React working group [#the-first-react-working-group]
      • <h3> React Developer Tooling [#react-developer-tooling]
      • <h3> React without memo [#react-without-memo]
      • <h3> React docs keynote [#react-docs-keynote]
      • <h3> And more… [#and-more]
    • <h2> Older videos [#older-videos]
      • <h3> React Conf 2019 [#react-conf-2019]
      • <h3> React Conf 2018 [#react-conf-2018]
      • <h3> React.js Conf 2017 [#reactjs-conf-2017]
      • <h3> React.js Conf 2016 [#reactjs-conf-2016]
      • <h3> React.js Conf 2015 [#reactjs-conf-2015]
      • <h3> Rethinking Best Practices [#rethinking-best-practices]
      • <h3> Introduction to React [#introduction-to-react]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> Docs Contributors
    • <h2> Content [#content]
    • <h2> Design [#design]
    • <h2> Development [#development]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> Versioning Policy
    • <h2> Stable releases [#stable-releases]
      • <h3> Breaking Changes [#breaking-changes]
      • <h3> Commitment to stability [#commitment-to-stability]
      • <h3> Gradual upgrades via warnings [#gradual-upgrades-via-warnings]
      • <h3> What counts as a breaking change? [#what-counts-as-a-breaking-change]
      • <h3> If a minor release includes no new features, why isn’t it a patch? [#if-a-minor-release-includes-no-new-features-why-isnt-it-a-patch]
    • <h2> All release channels [#all-release-channels]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Latest channel [#latest-channel]
      • <h3> Canary channel [#canary-channel]
      • <h3> Experimental channel [#experimental-channel]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> React Compiler [#react-compiler]
    • <h2> Actions [#actions]
    • <h2> New Features in React Canary [#new-features-in-react-canary]
    • <h2> The Next Major Version of React [#the-next-major-version-of-react]
    • <h2> Offscreen (renamed to Activity). [#offscreen-renamed-to-activity]
  • <h1> Acknowledgements
    • <h2> Past contributors [#past-contributors]
    • <h2> Additional Thanks [#additional-thanks]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> How to Upgrade to React 18
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Installing [#installing]
    • <h2> Updates to Client Rendering APIs [#updates-to-client-rendering-apis]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Updates to Server Rendering APIs [#updates-to-server-rendering-apis]
    • <h2> Updates to TypeScript definitions [#updates-to-typescript-definitions]
    • <h2> Automatic Batching [#automatic-batching]
    • <h2> New APIs for Libraries [#new-apis-for-libraries]
    • <h2> Updates to Strict Mode [#updates-to-strict-mode]
    • <h2> Configuring Your Testing Environment [#configuring-your-testing-environment]
    • <h2> Dropping Support for Internet Explorer [#dropping-support-for-internet-explorer]
    • <h2> Deprecations [#deprecations]
    • <h2> Other Breaking Changes [#other-breaking-changes]
    • <h2> Other Notable Changes [#other-notable-changes]
      • <h3> React [#react]
      • <h3> React DOM Server [#react-dom-server]
    • <h2> Changelog [#changelog]
  • <h1> React 19 RC Upgrade Guide
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Installing [#installing]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Codemods [#codemods]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Breaking changes [#breaking-changes]
      • <h3> Errors in render are not re-thrown [#errors-in-render-are-not-re-thrown]
      • <h3> Removed deprecated React APIs [#removed-deprecated-react-apis]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Removed deprecated React DOM APIs [#removed-deprecated-react-dom-apis]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> New deprecations [#new-deprecations]
      • <h3> Deprecated: element.ref [#deprecated-element-ref]
      • <h3> Deprecated: react-test-renderer [#deprecated-react-test-renderer]
    • <h2> Notable changes [#notable-changes]
      • <h3> StrictMode changes [#strict-mode-improvements]
      • <h3> UMD builds removed [#umd-builds-removed]
      • <h3> Libraries depending on React internals may block upgrades [#libraries-depending-on-react-internals-may-block-upgrades]
    • <h2> TypeScript changes [#typescript-changes]
      • <h3> Removed deprecated TypeScript types [#removed-deprecated-typescript-types]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> ref cleanups required [#ref-cleanup-required]
      • <h3> useRef requires an argument [#useref-requires-argument]
      • <h3> Changes to the ReactElement TypeScript type [#changes-to-the-reactelement-typescript-type]
      • <h3> The JSX namespace in TypeScript [#the-jsx-namespace-in-typescript]
      • <h3> Better useReducer typings [#better-usereducer-typings]
    • <h2> Changelog [#changelog]
      • <h3> Other breaking changes [#other-breaking-changes]
      • <h3> Other notable changes [#other-notable-changes]
  • <h1> Meet the Team
    • <h2> React Core [#react-core]
      • <h3> Andrew Clark [#andrew-clark]
      • <h3> Dan Abramov [#dan-abramov]
      • <h3> Eli White [#eli-white]
      • <h3> Jack Pope [#jack-pope]
      • <h3> Jason Bonta [#jason-bonta]
      • <h3> Joe Savona [#joe-savona]
      • <h3> Josh Story [#josh-story]
      • <h3> Lauren Tan [#lauren-tan]
      • <h3> Luna Wei [#luna-wei]
      • <h3> Matt Carroll [#matt-carroll]
      • <h3> Mofei Zhang [#mofei-zhang]
      • <h3> Noah Lemen [#noah-lemen]
      • <h3> Rick Hanlon [#rick-hanlon]
      • <h3> Ruslan Lesiutin [#ruslan-lesiutin]
      • <h3> Sathya Gunasekaran [#sathya-gunasekaran]
      • <h3> Sebastian Markbåge [#sebastian-markbåge]
      • <h3> Sebastian Silbermann [#sebastian-silbermann]
      • <h3> Seth Webster [#seth-webster]
      • <h3> Sophie Alpert [#sophie-alpert]
      • <h3> Tianyu Yao [#tianyu-yao]
      • <h3> Yuzhi Zheng [#yuzhi-zheng]
    • <h2> Past contributors [#past-contributors]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> React v18.0
    • <h3> Note
    • <h2> What is Concurrent React? [#what-is-concurrent-react]
    • <h2> Gradually Adopting Concurrent Features [#gradually-adopting-concurrent-features]
    • <h2> Suspense in Data Frameworks [#suspense-in-data-frameworks]
    • <h2> Server Components is Still in Development [#server-components-is-still-in-development]
    • <h2> What’s New in React 18 [#whats-new-in-react-18]
      • <h3> New Feature: Automatic Batching [#new-feature-automatic-batching]
      • <h3> New Feature: Transitions [#new-feature-transitions]
      • <h3> New Suspense Features [#new-suspense-features]
      • <h3> New Client and Server Rendering APIs [#new-client-and-server-rendering-apis]
      • <h3> New Strict Mode Behaviors [#new-strict-mode-behaviors]
      • <h3> New Hooks [#new-hooks]
    • <h2> How to Upgrade [#how-to-upgrade]
    • <h2> Changelog [#changelog]
      • <h3> React [#react]
      • <h3> React DOM [#react-dom]
      • <h3> React DOM Server [#react-dom-server-1]
      • <h3> React DOM Test Utils [#react-dom-test-utils]
      • <h3> React Refresh [#react-refresh]
      • <h3> Server Components (Experimental) [#server-components-experimental]
  • <h1> React Conferences
    • <h2> Upcoming Conferences [#upcoming-conferences]
      • <h3> React Nexus 2024 [#react-nexus-2024]
      • <h3> Chain React 2024 [#chain-react-2024]
      • <h3> The Geek Conf 2024 [#the-geek-conf-2024]
      • <h3> React Rally 2024 🐙 [#react-rally-2024]
      • <h3> React Universe Conf 2024 [#react-universe-conf-2024]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2024 [#react-alicante-2024]
      • <h3> RenderCon Kenya 2024 [#rendercon-kenya-2024]
      • <h3> React India 2024 [#react-india-2024]
      • <h3> React Brussels 2024 [#react-brussels-2024]
      • <h3> React Africa 2024 [#react-africa-2024]
    • <h2> Past Conferences [#past-conferences]
      • <h3> React Summit 2024 [#react-summit-2024]
      • <h3> React Norway 2024 [#react-norway-2024]
      • <h3> Render(ATL) 2024 🍑 [#renderatl-2024-]
      • <h3> Frontend Nation 2024 [#frontend-nation-2024]
      • <h3> App.js Conf 2024 [#appjs-conf-2024]
      • <h3> React Conf 2024 [#react-conf-2024]
      • <h3> React Native Connection 2024 [#react-native-connection-2024]
      • <h3> React Miami 2024 [#react-miami-2024]
      • <h3> Epic Web Conf 2024 [#epic-web-2024]
      • <h3> React Paris 2024 [#react-paris-2024]
      • <h3> React Day Berlin 2023 [#react-day-berlin-2023]
      • <h3> React Summit US 2023 [#react-summit-us-2023]
      • <h3> reactjsday 2023 [#reactjsday-2023]
      • <h3> React Advanced 2023 [#react-advanced-2023]
      • <h3> React Brussels 2023 [#react-brussels-2023]
      • <h3> React India 2023 [#react-india-2023]
      • <h3> RenderCon Kenya 2023 [#rendercon-kenya-2023]
      • <h3> React Live 2023 [#react-live-2023]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2023 [#react-alicante-2023]
      • <h3> RedwoodJS Conference 2023 [#redwoodjs-conference-2023]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2023 [#react-native-eu-2023]
      • <h3> React Rally 2023 🐙 [#react-rally-2023]
      • <h3> React Nexus 2023 [#react-nexus-2023]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2023 [#reactnext-2023]
      • <h3> React Norway 2023 [#react-norway-2023]
      • <h3> React Summit 2023 [#react-summit-2023]
      • <h3> Render(ATL) 2023 🍑 [#renderatl-2023-]
      • <h3> Chain React 2023 [#chain-react-2023]
      • <h3> App.js Conf 2023 [#appjs-conf-2023]
      • <h3> RemixConf 2023 [#remixconf-2023]
      • <h3> Reactathon 2023 [#reactathon-2023]
      • <h3> React Miami 2023 [#react-miami-2023]
      • <h3> React Day Berlin 2022 [#react-day-berlin-2022]
      • <h3> React Global Online Summit 22.2 by Geekle [#react-global-online-summit-222-by-geekle]
      • <h3> Remix Conf Europe 2022 [#remix-conf-europe-2022]
      • <h3> React Advanced 2022 [#react-advanced-2022]
      • <h3> ReactJS Day 2022 [#reactjs-day-2022]
      • <h3> React Brussels 2022 [#react-brussels-2022]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2022 [#react-alicante-2022]
      • <h3> React India 2022 [#react-india-2022]
      • <h3> React Finland 2022 [#react-finland-2022]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2022: Powered by callstack [#react-native-eu-2022-powered-by-callstack]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2022 [#reactnext-2022]
      • <h3> React Norway 2022 [#react-norway-2022]
      • <h3> React Summit 2022 [#react-summit-2022]
      • <h3> App.js Conf 2022 [#appjs-conf-2022]
      • <h3> React Day Bangalore 2022 [#react-day-bangalore-2022]
      • <h3> render(ATL) 2022 🍑 [#renderatl-2022-]
      • <h3> RemixConf 2022 [#remixconf-2022]
      • <h3> Reactathon 2022 [#reactathon-2022]
      • <h3> React Global Online Summit 2022 by Geekle [#react-global-online-summit-2022-by-geekle]
      • <h3> React Miami 2022 🌴 [#react-miami-2022-]
      • <h3> React Live 2022 [#react-live-2022]
      • <h3> AgentConf 2022 [#agentconf-2022]
      • <h3> React Conf 2021 [#react-conf-2021]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2021 [#reacteurope-2021]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2021 [#reactnext-2021]
      • <h3> React India 2021 [#react-india-2021]
      • <h3> React Global by Geekle [#react-global-by-geekle]
      • <h3> React Advanced 2021 [#react-advanced-2021]
      • <h3> React Conf Brasil 2021 [#react-conf-brasil-2021]
      • <h3> React Brussels 2021 [#react-brussels-2021]
      • <h3> render(ATL) 2021 [#renderatl-2021]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2021 [#react-native-eu-2021]
      • <h3> React Finland 2021 [#react-finland-2021]
      • <h3> React Case Study Festival 2021 [#react-case-study-festival-2021]
      • <h3> React Summit - Remote Edition 2021 [#react-summit---remote-edition-2021]
      • <h3> React fwdays’21 [#react-fwdays21]
      • <h3> React Next 2020 [#react-next-2020]
      • <h3> React Conf Brasil 2020 [#react-conf-brasil-2020]
      • <h3> React Summit 2020 [#react-summit-2020]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2020 [#react-native-eu-2020]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2020 [#reacteurope-2020]
      • <h3> Byteconf React 2020 [#byteconf-react-2020]
      • <h3> React Summit - Remote Edition 2020 [#react-summit---remote-edition-2020]
      • <h3> Reactathon 2020 [#reactathon-2020]
      • <h3> ReactConf AU 2020 [#reactconf-au-2020]
      • <h3> React Barcamp Cologne 2020 [#react-barcamp-cologne-2020]
      • <h3> React Day Berlin 2019 [#react-day-berlin-2019]
      • <h3> React Summit 2019 [#react-summit-2019]
      • <h3> React Conf Brasil 2019 [#react-conf-brasil-2019]
      • <h3> React Advanced 2019 [#react-advanced-2019]
      • <h3> React Conf 2019 [#react-conf-2019]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2019 [#react-alicante-2019]
      • <h3> React India 2019 [#react-india-2019]
      • <h3> React Boston 2019 [#react-boston-2019]
      • <h3> React Live 2019 [#react-live-2019]
      • <h3> React New York 2019 [#react-new-york-2019]
      • <h3> ComponentsConf 2019 [#componentsconf-2019]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2019 [#react-native-eu-2019]
      • <h3> React Conf Iran 2019 [#react-conf-iran-2019]
      • <h3> React Rally 2019 [#react-rally-2019]
      • <h3> Chain React 2019 [#chain-react-2019]
      • <h3> React Loop 2019 [#react-loop-2019]
      • <h3> React Norway 2019 [#react-norway-2019]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2019 [#reactnext-2019]
      • <h3> React Conf Armenia 2019 [#react-conf-armenia-2019]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2019 [#reacteurope-2019]
      • <h3> React.NotAConf 2019 [#reactnotaconf-2019]
      • <h3> ReactJS Girls Conference [#reactjs-girls-conference]
      • <h3> React Finland 2019 [#react-finland-2019]
      • <h3> React Amsterdam 2019 [#react-amsterdam-2019]
      • <h3> App.js Conf 2019 [#appjs-conf-2019]
      • <h3> Reactathon 2019 [#reactathon-2019]
      • <h3> React Iran 2019 [#react-iran-2019]
      • <h3> React Day Berlin 2018 [#react-day-berlin-2018]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2018 [#reactnext-2018]
      • <h3> React Conf 2018 [#react-conf-2018]
      • <h3> React Conf Brasil 2018 [#react-conf-brasil-2018]
      • <h3> ReactJS Day 2018 [#reactjs-day-2018]
      • <h3> React Boston 2018 [#react-boston-2018]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2018 [#react-alicante-2018]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2018 [#react-native-eu-2018]
      • <h3> Byteconf React 2018 [#byteconf-react-2018]
      • <h3> ReactFoo Delhi [#reactfoo-delhi]
      • <h3> React DEV Conf China [#react-dev-conf-china]
      • <h3> React Rally 2018 [#react-rally-2018]
      • <h3> Chain React 2018 [#chain-react-2018]
      • <h3> ReactFoo Mumbai [#reactfoo-mumbai]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2018 [#reacteurope-2018]
      • <h3> React.NotAConf 2018 [#reactnotaconf-2018]
      • <h3> React Finland 2018 [#react-finland-2018]
      • <h3> React Amsterdam 2018 [#react-amsterdam-2018]
      • <h3> React Native Camp UA 2018 [#react-native-camp-ua-2018]
      • <h3> Reactathon 2018 [#reactathon-2018]
      • <h3> ReactFest 2018 [#reactfest-2018]
      • <h3> AgentConf 2018 [#agentconf-2018]
      • <h3> ReactFoo Pune [#reactfoo-pune]
      • <h3> React Day Berlin 2017 [#react-day-berlin-2017]
      • <h3> React Seoul 2017 [#react-seoul-2017]
      • <h3> ReactiveConf 2017 [#reactiveconf-2017]
      • <h3> React Summit 2017 [#react-summit-2017]
      • <h3> State.js Conference 2017 [#statejs-conference-2017]
      • <h3> React Conf Brasil 2017 [#react-conf-brasil-2017]
      • <h3> ReactJS Day 2017 [#reactjs-day-2017]
      • <h3> React Alicante 2017 [#react-alicante-2017]
      • <h3> React Boston 2017 [#react-boston-2017]
      • <h3> ReactFoo 2017 [#reactfoo-2017]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2017 [#reactnext-2017]
      • <h3> React Native EU 2017 [#react-native-eu-2017]
      • <h3> React Rally 2017 [#react-rally-2017]
      • <h3> Chain React 2017 [#chain-react-2017]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2017 [#reacteurope-2017]
      • <h3> React Amsterdam 2017 [#react-amsterdam-2017]
      • <h3> React London 2017 [#react-london-2017]
      • <h3> React Conf 2017 [#react-conf-2017]
      • <h3> Agent Conference 2017 [#agent-conference-2017]
      • <h3> React Remote Conf 2016 [#react-remote-conf-2016]
      • <h3> Reactive 2016 [#reactive-2016]
      • <h3> ReactNL 2016 [#reactnl-2016]
      • <h3> ReactNext 2016 [#reactnext-2016]
      • <h3> ReactRally 2016 [#reactrally-2016]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2016 [#reacteurope-2016]
      • <h3> React Amsterdam 2016 [#react-amsterdam-2016]
      • <h3> React.js Conf 2016 [#reactjs-conf-2016]
      • <h3> Reactive 2015 [#reactive-2015]
      • <h3> ReactEurope 2015 [#reacteurope-2015]
      • <h3> React.js Conf 2015 [#reactjs-conf-2015]
    • <h2> On this page
  • <h1> The Plan for React 18
    • <h2> What’s coming in React 18 [#whats-coming-in-react-18]
    • <h2> A gradual adoption strategy [#a-gradual-adoption-strategy]
    • <h2> Working with the community [#working-with-the-community]
    • <h2> Accessing the React 18 Working Group [#accessing-the-react-18-working-group]
    • <h2> How to try React 18 Alpha today [#how-to-try-react-18-alpha-today]
    • <h2> Projected React 18 release timeline [#projected-react-18-release-timeline]
  • <h1> React Conf 2024 Recap
    • <h2> Day 1 [#day-1]
    • <h2> Day 2 [#day-2]
    • <h2> Q&amp;A [#q-and-a]
    • <h2> And more… [#and-more]
    • <h2> Thank you [#thank-you]
  • <h1> React Blog
    • <h2> React Conf 2024 Recap
    • <h2> React 19 RC
    • <h2> React 19 RC Upgrade Guide
    • <h2> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024
    • <h2> React Canaries: Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta
    • <h2> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023
    • <h2> Introducing
    • <h2> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022
    • <h2> React v18.0
    • <h2> How to Upgrade to React 18
    • <h2> React Conf 2021 Recap
    • <h2> The Plan for React 18
    • <h2> Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components
      • <h3> All release notes [#all-release-notes]
      • <h3> Older posts [#older-posts]
  • <h1> Introducing
    • <h2> tl;dr [#tldr]
    • <h2> New site, new domain, new homepage [#new-site-new-domain-new-homepage]
    • <h2> Going all-in on modern React with Hooks [#going-all-in-on-modern-react-with-hooks]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Quick start [#quick-start]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Learn React step by step [#learn-react-step-by-step]
      • <h3> Check your understanding with challenges [#check-your-understanding-with-challenges]
      • <h3> Build an intuition with diagrams and illustrations [#build-an-intuition-with-diagrams-and-illustrations]
    • <h2> A new, detailed API Reference [#a-new-detailed-api-reference]
    • <h2> What’s next? [#whats-next]
    • <h2> Who worked on this? [#who-worked-on-this]
  • <h1> React Conf 2021 Recap
    • <h2> React 18 and concurrent features [#react-18-and-concurrent-features]
    • <h2> React 18 for Application Developers [#react-18-for-application-developers]
    • <h2> Streaming Server Rendering with Suspense [#streaming-server-rendering-with-suspense]
    • <h2> The first React working group [#the-first-react-working-group]
    • <h2> React Developer Tooling [#react-developer-tooling]
    • <h2> React without memo [#react-without-memo]
    • <h2> React docs keynote [#react-docs-keynote]
    • <h2> And more… [#and-more]
    • <h2> Thank you [#thank-you]
  • <h1> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023
    • <h2> React Server Components [#react-server-components]
    • <h2> Asset Loading [#asset-loading]
    • <h2> Document Metadata [#document-metadata]
    • <h2> React Optimizing Compiler [#react-optimizing-compiler]
    • <h2> Offscreen Rendering [#offscreen-rendering]
    • <h2> Transition Tracing [#transition-tracing]
  • <h1> Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components
  • <h1> React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022
    • <h2> Server Components [#server-components]
    • <h2> Asset Loading [#asset-loading]
    • <h2> Static Server Rendering Optimizations [#static-server-rendering-optimizations]
    • <h2> React Optimizing Compiler [#react-compiler]
    • <h2> Offscreen [#offscreen]
    • <h2> Transition Tracing [#transition-tracing]
    • <h2> New React Docs [#new-react-docs]
  • <h1> React Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta
    • <h2> tl;dr [#tldr]
    • <h2> How React features are usually developed [#how-react-features-are-usually-developed]
    • <h2> Can we just do more minor releases? [#can-we-just-do-more-minor-releases]
    • <h2> Why not use experimental releases instead? [#why-not-use-experimental-releases-instead]
    • <h2> Announcing breaking changes and new features early [#announcing-breaking-changes-and-new-features-early]
    • <h2> Canaries must be pinned [#canaries-must-be-pinned]
    • <h2> Example: React Server Components [#example-react-server-components]
    • <h2> Testing libraries against both Stable and Canary versions [#testing-libraries-against-both-stable-and-canary-versions]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Stable releases work like before [#stable-releases-work-like-before]
  • <h1> React 19 RC
    • <h2> What’s new in React 19 [#whats-new-in-react-19]
      • <h3> Actions [#actions]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> New hook: useActionState [#new-hook-useactionstate]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> React DOM: &lt;form&gt; Actions [#form-actions]
      • <h3> React DOM: New hook: useFormStatus [#new-hook-useformstatus]
      • <h3> New hook: useOptimistic [#new-hook-optimistic-updates]
      • <h3> New API: use [#new-feature-use]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> React Server Components [#react-server-components]
      • <h3> Server Components [#server-components]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Server Actions [#server-actions]
      • <h3> Note
    • <h2> Improvements in React 19 [#improvements-in-react-19]
      • <h3> ref as a prop [#ref-as-a-prop]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Diffs for hydration errors [#diffs-for-hydration-errors]
      • <h3> &lt;Context&gt; as a provider [#context-as-a-provider]
      • <h3> Cleanup functions for refs [#cleanup-functions-for-refs]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> useDeferredValue initial value [#use-deferred-value-initial-value]
      • <h3> Support for Document Metadata [#support-for-metadata-tags]
      • <h3> Note
      • <h3> Support for stylesheets [#support-for-stylesheets]
      • <h3> Support for async scripts [#support-for-async-scripts]
      • <h3> Support for preloading resources [#support-for-preloading-resources]
      • <h3> Compatibility with third-party scripts and extensions [#compatibility-with-third-party-scripts-and-extensions]
      • <h3> Better error reporting [#error-handling]
      • <h3> Support for Custom Elements [#support-for-custom-elements]
No rows found, please edit your search term.

404 URLs

StatusURL 404 🔼Found at URL
404 /TODO/blog/2024/04/25/react-19-upgrade-guide

Content types

Content typeURLs 🔽Total sizeTotal timeAvg timeStatus 20xStatus 30xStatus 40x
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Content types (MIME types)

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text/css; charset=utf-81108 kB53 ms53 ms 1 00
application/javascript; charset=UTF-81263 kB129 ms129 ms 1 00
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Source domains

react.dev624 / 61MB / 92s164 / 44MB / 14s407 / 15MB / 74s11 / 702kB / 703ms1 / 108kB / 53ms37 / 1MB / 2.7s4 / 656B / 163ms
www.googletagmanager.com1 / 263kB / 129ms1 / 263kB / 129ms
legacy.reactjs.org1 / 126kB / 100ms1 / 126kB / 100ms

HTTP headers

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No rows found, please edit your search term.

HTTP header values

Found 89 row(s).
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No rows found, please edit your search term.

DNS info

DNS resolving tree
DNS server:

SSL/TLS info

IssuerC = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10
SubjectCN =
Valid fromJul 21 06:00:52 2024 GMT (VALID already 26.5 day(s))
Valid toOct 19 06:00:51 2024 GMT (VALID still for 63.5 day(s))
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        Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10
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            Not After : Oct 19 06:00:51 2024 GMT
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                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
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RAW protocols outputdepth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:CN =
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   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Jul 21 06:00:52 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Oct 19 06:00:51 2024 GMT
 1 s:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10
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   v:NotBefore: Mar 13 00:00:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Mar 12 23:59:59 2027 GMT
Server certificate
subject=CN =
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R10
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 3087 bytes and written 307 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived:
    Protocol  : TLSv1.3
    Cipher    : TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
    Session-ID: 1FC33D61CBA3D69CFAEDB4D719412D49CA1174D816E1797905A57753418130B8
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    PSK identity hint: None
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    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 82 8f f7 53 06 93 10 e7-fe 1d 4e 82 95 56 e9 d2   ...S......N..V..
    0010 - 84 29 aa 7c 7f 4b 3b d0-58 24 9a 5d 24 41 64 33   .).|.K;.X$.]$Ad3
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    0030 - d9 56 a6 2e 2b 5d d9 9c-2b d6 bc 7c 54 e9 ec a9   .V..+]..+..|T...
    0040 - 9f bf a4 11 bd a4 5f 21-bf e0 02 9c e6 1b 1e 37   ......_!.......7
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    0060 - c4 db 58 d8 0d b5 df e0-b4                        ..X......

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    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
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    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

Crawler stats

Basic stats
Total execution time7.7 s
Total URLs626
Total size61 MB
Requests - total time92 s
Requests - avg time147 ms
Requests - min time39 ms
Requests - max time1.2 s
Requests by status200 : 621
307 : 2
308 : 2
404 : 1

Analysis stats

Found 20 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
Manager::parseDOMDocument1.1 s 165
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingRoles469 ms 163
SslTlsAnalyzer::getTLSandSSLCertificateInfo403 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkInlineSvg307 ms 165
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkNonClickablePhoneNumbers242 ms 165
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingAriaLabels216 ms 163
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkHeadingStructure211 ms 165
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMaxDOMDepth179 ms 165
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMissingQuotesOnAttributes60 ms 165
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLabels26 ms 163
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkImageAltAttributes4 ms 163
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLang1 ms 163
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeSeo1 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeHeadings0 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeOpenGraph0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkTitleUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMetaDescriptionUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkWebpSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkBrotliSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkAvifSupport0 ms 1
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Content processor stats

Found 12 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
HtmlProcessor::findUrls106 ms 168
NextJsProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing24 ms 178
AstroProcessor::findUrls24 ms 176
CssProcessor::findUrls4 ms 165
JavaScriptProcessor::findUrls3 ms 176
AstroProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 177
NextJsProcessor::findUrls0 ms 177
SvelteProcessor::findUrls0 ms 164
HtmlProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 169
JavaScriptProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 177
CssProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 166
SvelteProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 165
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Crawler info

Executed At 2024-08-16 18:48:02
Commandsrc/crawler.php \
  --workers=3 \
  --max-reqs-per-sec=20 \
  --upload \
  --upload-retention=forever \
  --max-visited-urls=1000 \
  --allowed-domain-for-external-files=* \
  --extra-columns=X-Vercel-Cache,Title(50) \
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 siteone-crawler/