Crawler Report for


  • ⛔ 1 page(s) with multiple <h1> headings.
  • ⛔ 2 page(s) without <h1> heading.
  • ⛔ Security - 636 pages(s) with critical finding(s).
  • ⚠️ Redirects - 9 redirects found.
  • ⚠️ Performance WARNING - 3 slow non-media URLs found (slowest than 3 seconds).
  • ⚠️ The description 'Interactive Svelte playground' exceeds the allowed 10% duplicity. 39% of pages have this same description.
  • ⚠️ The description 'Interactive example Svelte apps' exceeds the allowed 10% duplicity. 28% of pages have this same description.
  • ⚠️ 318 page(s) with large inline SVGs (> 5120 bytes).
  • ⚠️ 2 page(s) with skipped heading levels.
  • ⚠️ 317 page(s) without form labels.
  • ⚠️ 317 page(s) without aria labels.
  • ⚠️ 317 page(s) without role attributes.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 200, size 24 B and took 98 ms.
  • ⏩ Loaded robots.txt for domain '': status code 200, size 172 B and took 160 ms.
  • ⏩ 404 NOTICE - 1 non-existent page(s) found.
  • ⏩ DNS IPv6: domain does not support IPv6 (DNS server:
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate is valid until Oct 14 13:01:16 2024 GMT. Issued by C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11. Subject is CN =
  • ✅ SSL/TLS certificate issued by 'C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11'.
  • ✅ HTTP headers - found 21 unique headers.
  • ✅ All 307 unique title(s) are within the allowed 10% duplicity. Highest duplicity title has 2%.
  • ✅ All pages support Brotli compression.
  • ✅ 8 WebP image(s) found on the website.
  • ✅ 5 AVIF image(s) found on the website.
  • ✅ All pages have quoted attributes.
  • ✅ All pages have inline SVGs with less than 5 duplicates.
  • ✅ All pages have valid or none inline SVGs.
  • ✅ All pages have DOM depth less than 30.
  • ✅ All pages have clickable (interactive) phone numbers.
  • ✅ All pages have valid HTML.
  • ✅ All pages have image alt attributes.
  • ✅ All pages have lang attribute.
  • ✅ DNS IPv4 OK: domain resolved to (DNS server:
  • 📌 Text report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 1 ms.
  • 📌 JSON report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 7 ms.
  • 📌 HTML report saved to '%path%/siteone-crawler/tmp/' and took 85 ms.

Visited URLs

Found 516 row(s).
URLStatusTypeTime (s)SizeX-Vercel-CacheTitle
/200 HTML105 ms56 kBHITSvelte • Cybernetically enhanced web apps
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/docs/custom-elements-api200 HTML71 ms 93 kBHITCustom elements API • Docs • Svelte
/docs/v4-migration-guide200 HTML84 ms 124 kBHITSvelte 4 migration guide • Docs • Svelte
/faq308 Redirect61 ms 83 B
/docs/logic-blocks200 HTML79 ms 115 kBHITLogic blocks • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.jbH_KmF7.js200 JS76 ms 10 kBHIT
/examples301 Redirect64 ms 107 B
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/docs/element-directives200 HTML87 ms 492 kBHITElement directives • Docs • Svelte Redirect90 ms 131 B
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/_app/immutable/chunks/hover.XpqhCc7J.js200 JS118 ms13 kBHIT
/docs/special-tags200 HTML68 ms 65 kBHITSpecial tags • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.Mt1kmD7w.webp200 Image77 ms 76 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.Dw2RNV2I.png200 Image111 ms250 kBHIT
/docs/svelte-register200 HTML72 ms 52 kBHITsvelte/register • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/nodes/0.tsargd97.js200 JS68 ms 67 kBHIT
/docs/svelte-transition200 HTML76 ms 232 kBHITsvelte/transition • Docs • Svelte
/docs/basic-markup200 HTML73 ms 84 kBHITBasic markup • Docs • Svelte
/whos-using-svelte/les-echos.svg200 Image63 ms 3 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/root-scroll.sXY6SLLS.js200 JS69 ms 237 BHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/entry.U8Qt5uLt.js200 JS77 ms 27 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/control.pJ1mnnAb.js200 JS69 ms 336 BHIT
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/favicon.png200 Image290 ms1 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/10.MErjPYv9.js200 JS63 ms 1008 BHIT
/docs/faq200 HTML73 ms 74 kBHITFrequently asked questions • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.uQXtHMpL.webp200 Image112 ms120 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/assets/overpass-latin-300.ldBGjluk.woff2200 Font68 ms 19 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/nodes/3.zZAwWXnh.js200 JS65 ms 8 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/assets/15.6XhWBtbE.css200 CSS70 ms 751 BHIT
/manifest.json200 JSON84 ms 376 BHIT
/_app/immutable/entry/start.18_mRdOE.js200 JS76 ms 68 BHIT
/docs/svelte-compiler200 HTML76 ms 340 kBHITsvelte/compiler • Docs • Svelte
/whos-using-svelte/philips.svg200 Image130 ms1 kBHIT
/docs/client-side-component-api200 HTML94 ms 83 kBHITClient-side component API • Docs • Svelte
/repl301 Redirect212 ms101 BMISS
/_app/immutable/assets/21.Ex4rppNk.css200 CSS101 ms4 kBHIT
/icons/edit.svg200 Image96 ms 256 BHIT
/repl/hello-world?200 HTML307 ms31 kBMISSHello world • REPL • Svelte
/docs/svelte-easing200 HTML101 ms45 kBHITsvelte/easing • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.a4ew1mHK.avif200 Image74 ms 14 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/ScreenToggle.OuFEYc_7.js200 JS81 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/easing200 HTML85 ms 75 kBHITEase Visualiser • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/7guis-flight-booker.jpg200 Image105 ms4 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/dynamic-attributes.jpg200 Image87 ms 5 kBHIT
/examples/transition-events200 HTML364 ms68 kBHITTransition events • Svelte Examples
/examples/context-api200 HTML82 ms 69 kBHITsetContext and getContext • Svelte Examples
/examples/svelte-head200 HTML93 ms 67 kBHIT&lt;svelte:head> • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/bind-this.jpg200 Image181 ms7 kBHIT
/examples/if-blocks200 HTML94 ms 68 kBHITIf blocks • Svelte Examples
/examples/component-events200 HTML100 ms68 kBHITComponent events • Svelte Examples
/examples/group-inputs200 HTML79 ms 68 kBHITGroup inputs • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/reactive-assignments.jpg200 Image68 ms 2 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.HYukBprt.png200 Image146 ms1 MBHIT
/examples/svelte-body200 HTML102 ms68 kBHIT&lt;svelte:body> • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/adding-parameters-to-actions.jpg200 Image69 ms 4 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/assets/8.LDU04luO.css200 CSS84 ms 4 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/onmount.jpg200 Image74 ms 8 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/scatterplot.jpg200 Image73 ms 5 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/tick.jpg200 Image69 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/component-bindings.jpg200 Image138 ms4 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/class-shorthand.jpg200 Image67 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/7guis-crud200 HTML73 ms 69 kBHITCRUD • Svelte Examples
/examples/custom-stores200 HTML67 ms 68 kBHITCustom stores • Svelte Examples
/examples/dom-events200 HTML79 ms 68 kBHITDOM events • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/default-values.jpg200 Image65 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/svg-transitions.jpg200 Image70 ms 5 kBHIT
/examples/ondestroy200 HTML75 ms 68 kBHITonDestroy • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/custom-css-transitions.jpg200 Image71 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/slot-fallbacks.jpg200 Image1.1 s 3 kBHIT
/examples/actions-pannable200 HTML72 ms 70 kBHITA more complex action • Svelte Examples
/examples/conditional-slots200 HTML66 ms 68 kBHITConditional Slots • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/group-inputs.jpg200 Image98 ms 5 kBHIT
/examples/module-exports200 HTML68 ms 70 kBHITNamed exports • Svelte Examples
/examples/writable-stores200 HTML72 ms 68 kBHITWritable stores • Svelte Examples
/examples/adding-parameters-to-transitions200 HTML65 ms 68 kBHITAdding parameters • Svelte Examples
/repl/module-exports200 HTML246 ms34 kBMISSNamed exports • REPL • Svelte
/examples/svg-transitions200 HTML92 ms 70 kBHITSVG transitions • Svelte Examples
/examples/svelte-document200 HTML74 ms 68 kBHIT&lt;svelte:document> • Svelte Examples
/examples/html-tags200 HTML86 ms 67 kBHITHTML tags • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/7guis-counter.jpg200 Image67 ms 1 kBHIT
/examples/onmount200 HTML76 ms 68 kBHITonMount • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/immutable-data.jpg200 Image66 ms 6 kBHIT
/examples/else-blocks200 HTML72 ms 68 kBHITElse blocks • Svelte Examples
/examples/slot-fallbacks200 HTML81 ms 68 kBHITSlot fallbacks • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/numeric-inputs.jpg200 Image65 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/modal.jpg200 Image76 ms 10 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/nested-components.jpg200 Image66 ms 5 kBHIT
/repl/slot-fallbacks200 HTML201 ms32 kBMISSSlot fallbacks • REPL • Svelte
/repl/html-tags200 HTML716 ms31 kBMISSHTML tags • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/custom-stores.jpg200 Image75 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/svelte-head200 HTML375 ms32 kBMISS&lt;svelte:head> • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/readable-stores.jpg200 Image67 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/reactive-assignments200 HTML69 ms 67 kBHITReactive assignments • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/dom-events.jpg200 Image71 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/each-blocks.jpg200 Image75 ms 5 kBHIT
/repl/7guis-crud200 HTML461 ms34 kBMISSCRUD • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/select-bindings.jpg200 Image90 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/7guis-flight-booker200 HTML78 ms 69 kBHITFlight booker • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/dimensions.jpg200 Image109 ms5 kBHIT
/examples/named-slots200 HTML137 ms69 kBHITNamed slots • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/actions.jpg200 Image88 ms 810 BHIT
/examples/svelte-window200 HTML86 ms 68 kBHIT&lt;svelte:window> • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/each-block-bindings.jpg200 Image84 ms 6 kBHIT
/examples/modal200 HTML68 ms 70 kBHITModal • Svelte Examples
/examples/tweened200 HTML88 ms 68 kBHITTweened • Svelte Examples
/examples/deferred-transitions200 HTML87 ms 73 kBHITDeferred transitions • Svelte Examples
/examples/in-and-out200 HTML83 ms 68 kBHITIn and out • Svelte Examples
/examples/svelte-element200 HTML93 ms 68 kBHIT&lt;svelte:element> • Svelte Examples
/examples/custom-css-transitions200 HTML77 ms 68 kBHITCustom CSS transitions • Svelte Examples
/repl/in-and-out200 HTML229 ms32 kBMISSIn and out • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/event-forwarding.jpg200 Image76 ms 2 kBHIT
/repl/onmount200 HTML249 ms32 kBMISSonMount • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/deferred-transitions.jpg200 Image72 ms 9 kBHIT
/examples/immutable-data200 HTML124 ms70 kBHITImmutable data • Svelte Examples
/examples/spring200 HTML70 ms 68 kBHITSpring • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/reactive-statements.jpg200 Image71 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/media-elements.jpg200 Image92 ms 6 kBHIT
/examples/media-elements200 HTML77 ms 71 kBHITMedia elements • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/tweened.jpg200 Image75 ms 1 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/multiple-select-bindings.jpg200 Image74 ms 5 kBHIT
/repl/media-elements200 HTML241 ms35 kBMISSMedia elements • REPL • Svelte
/repl/named-slots200 HTML313 ms33 kBMISSNamed slots • REPL • Svelte
/examples/default-values200 HTML79 ms 68 kBHITDefault values • Svelte Examples
/repl/custom-stores200 HTML310 ms32 kBMISSCustom stores • REPL • Svelte
/examples/inline-handlers200 HTML80 ms 68 kBHITInline handlers • Svelte Examples
/examples/checkbox-inputs200 HTML74 ms 68 kBHITCheckbox inputs • Svelte Examples
/examples/actions200 HTML155 ms68 kBHITThe use directive • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/derived-stores.jpg200 Image75 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/checkbox-inputs200 HTML225 ms32 kBMISSCheckbox inputs • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/inline-handlers.jpg200 Image86 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/else-if-blocks200 HTML80 ms 67 kBHITElse-if blocks • Svelte Examples
/examples/each-block-bindings200 HTML89 ms 68 kBHITEach block bindings • Svelte Examples
/_app/immutable/assets/17.cz5qXsCq.css200 CSS78 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/textarea-inputs.jpg200 Image71 ms 2 kBHIT
/repl/else-if-blocks200 HTML308 ms32 kBMISSElse-if blocks • REPL • Svelte
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/examples/class-shorthand200 HTML68 ms 68 kBHITShorthand class directive • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/in-and-out.jpg200 Image75 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/easing200 HTML205 ms40 kBMISSEase Visualiser • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/update.jpg200 Image73 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/svelte-document200 HTML456 ms32 kBMISS&lt;svelte:document> • REPL • Svelte
/examples/slot-props200 HTML66 ms 69 kBHITSlot props • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/slot-props.jpg200 Image77 ms 2 kBHIT
/repl/group-inputs200 HTML412 ms33 kBMISSGroup inputs • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/7guis-circles.jpg200 Image63 ms 841 BHIT
/repl/svelte-window200 HTML228 ms32 kBMISS&lt;svelte:window> • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/writable-stores.jpg200 Image72 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/if-blocks200 HTML312 ms32 kBMISSIf blocks • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/module-exports.jpg200 Image70 ms 7 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/await-blocks.jpg200 Image76 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/html-tags.jpg200 Image71 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/7guis-temperature.jpg200 Image75 ms 1 kBHIT
/examples/styling200 HTML81 ms 67 kBHITStyling • Svelte Examples
/examples/area-chart200 HTML89 ms 71 kBHITArea chart • Svelte Examples
/repl/styling200 HTML392 ms31 kBMISSStyling • REPL • Svelte
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/examples/adding-parameters-to-actions200 HTML76 ms 68 kBHITAdding parameters • Svelte Examples
/repl/svelte-component200 HTML316 ms32 kBMISS&lt;svelte:component> • REPL • Svelte
/repl/immutable-data200 HTML328 ms34 kBMISSImmutable data • REPL • Svelte
/examples/7guis-temperature200 HTML73 ms 68 kBHITTemperature Converter • Svelte Examples
/examples/hacker-news200 HTML98 ms 72 kBHITHacker News • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/styling.jpg200 Image97 ms 5 kBHIT
/examples/event-forwarding200 HTML80 ms 68 kBHITEvent forwarding • Svelte Examples
/examples/nested-components200 HTML98 ms 68 kBHITNested components • Svelte Examples
/repl/default-values200 HTML338 ms32 kBMISSDefault values • REPL • Svelte
/repl/each-block-bindings200 HTML624 ms32 kBMISSEach block bindings • REPL • Svelte
/examples/7guis-timer200 HTML85 ms 68 kBHITTimer • Svelte Examples
/examples/update200 HTML87 ms 69 kBHITbeforeUpdate and afterUpdate • Svelte Examples
/examples/transition200 HTML80 ms 68 kBHITThe transition directive • Svelte Examples
/repl/7guis-timer200 HTML1.3 s 32 kBMISSTimer • REPL • Svelte
/repl/update200 HTML328 ms34 kBMISSbeforeUpdate and afterUpdate • REPL • Svelte
/repl/modal200 HTML314 ms34 kBMISSModal • REPL • Svelte
/examples/7guis-circles200 HTML73 ms 70 kBHITCircle Drawer • Svelte Examples
/repl/writable-stores200 HTML214 ms33 kBMISSWritable stores • REPL • Svelte
/examples/numeric-inputs200 HTML71 ms 68 kBHITNumeric inputs • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/actions-pannable.jpg200 Image76 ms 4 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/dom-event-forwarding.jpg200 Image91 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/derived-stores200 HTML74 ms 68 kBHITDerived stores • Svelte Examples
/examples/reactive-declarations200 HTML77 ms 68 kBHITReactive declarations • Svelte Examples
/repl/tweened200 HTML250 ms32 kBMISSTweened • REPL • Svelte
/repl/derived-stores200 HTML368 ms32 kBMISSDerived stores • REPL • Svelte
/examples/debug200 HTML89 ms 67 kBHITThe @debug tag • Svelte Examples
/examples/custom-js-transitions200 HTML76 ms 68 kBHITCustom JS transitions • Svelte Examples
/examples/text-inputs200 HTML73 ms 67 kBHITText inputs • Svelte Examples
/repl/debug200 HTML239 ms32 kBMISSThe @debug tag • REPL • Svelte
/repl/custom-js-transitions200 HTML241 ms32 kBMISSCustom JS transitions • REPL • Svelte
/repl/text-inputs200 HTML237 ms32 kBMISSText inputs • REPL • Svelte
/repl/adding-parameters-to-transitions200 HTML312 ms32 kBMISSAdding parameters • REPL • Svelte
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/examples/thumbnails/auto-subscriptions.jpg200 Image86 ms 3 kBHIT
/examples/thumbnails/debug.jpg200 Image89 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/svelte-window-bindings200 HTML246 ms69 kBHIT&lt;svelte:window> bindings • Svelte Examples
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/examples/thumbnails/reactive-declarations.jpg200 Image80 ms 4 kBHIT
/repl/7guis-temperature200 HTML312 ms32 kBMISSTemperature Converter • REPL • Svelte
/repl/svelte-body200 HTML436 ms32 kBMISS&lt;svelte:body> • REPL • Svelte
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/examples/thumbnails/7guis-timer.jpg200 Image79 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/bind-this200 HTML91 ms 68 kBHITbind:this={canvas} • Svelte Examples
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/examples/thumbnails/transition-events.jpg200 Image80 ms 5 kBHIT
/svelte-logo-mask.svg200 Image85 ms 1 kBHIT
/repl/bind-this200 HTML315 ms33 kBMISSbind:this={canvas} • REPL • Svelte
/examples/declaring-props200 HTML80 ms 67 kBHITDeclaring props • Svelte Examples
/repl/else-blocks200 HTML298 ms32 kBMISSElse blocks • REPL • Svelte
/examples/svelte-self200 HTML94 ms 70 kBHIT&lt;svelte:self> • Svelte Examples
/tutorial/icons/folder-open.svg200 Image104 ms242 BHIT
/examples/reactive-statements200 HTML87 ms 68 kBHITReactive statements • Svelte Examples
/examples/dom-event-forwarding200 HTML76 ms 68 kBHITDOM event forwarding • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/transition.jpg200 Image95 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/reactive-statements200 HTML295 ms32 kBMISSReactive statements • REPL • Svelte
/repl/dom-event-forwarding200 HTML336 ms32 kBMISSDOM event forwarding • REPL • Svelte
/examples/7guis-counter200 HTML88 ms 67 kBHITCounter • Svelte Examples
/repl/slot-props200 HTML222 ms33 kBMISSSlot props • REPL • Svelte
/repl/transition-events200 HTML221 ms32 kBMISSTransition events • REPL • Svelte
/examples/file-inputs200 HTML113 ms68 kBHITFile inputs • Svelte Examples
/repl/ondestroy200 HTML7.5 s 32 kBMISSonDestroy • REPL • Svelte
/examples/tick200 HTML7.2 s 68 kBHITtick • Svelte Examples
/repl/file-inputs200 HTML7.6 s 32 kBMISSFile inputs • REPL • Svelte
/repl/context-api200 HTML328 ms34 kBMISSsetContext and getContext • REPL • Svelte
/repl/tick200 HTML210 ms32 kBMISStick • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/keyed-each-blocks.jpg200 Image83 ms 4 kBHIT
/_app/immutable/chunks/theme.p5GWg4B9.js200 JS92 ms 1 kBHIT
/tutorial/icons/email.svg200 Image142 ms221 BHIT
/examples/textarea-inputs200 HTML100 ms68 kBHITTextarea inputs • Svelte Examples
/examples/await-blocks200 HTML89 ms 68 kBHITAwait blocks • Svelte Examples
/repl/textarea-inputs200 HTML298 ms32 kBMISSTextarea inputs • REPL • Svelte
/docs/svelte-action200 HTML83 ms 147 kBHITsvelte/action • Docs • Svelte
/_app/immutable/assets/svelte-machine-desktop.WgYNNdnG.avif200 Image98 ms 38 kBHIT
/repl/declaring-props200 HTML213 ms32 kBMISSDeclaring props • REPL • Svelte
/examples/thumbnails/ondestroy.jpg200 Image79 ms 2 kBHIT
/examples/keyed-each-blocks200 HTML170 ms69 kBHITKeyed each blocks • Svelte Examples
/repl/transition200 HTML225 ms32 kBMISSThe transition directive • REPL • Svelte
/repl/keyed-each-blocks200 HTML238 ms33 kBMISSKeyed each blocks • REPL • Svelte
/examples/dynamic-attributes200 HTML78 ms 67 kBHITDynamic attributes • Svelte Examples
/repl/actions-pannable200 HTML211 ms34 kBMISSA more complex action • REPL • Svelte
/repl/dynamic-attributes200 HTML313 ms32 kBMISSDynamic attributes • REPL • Svelte
/repl/actions200 HTML317 ms33 kBMISSThe use directive • REPL • Svelte
/examples/animate200 HTML78 ms 71 kBHITThe animate directive • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/easing.jpg200 Image77 ms 4 kBHIT
/docs/server-side-component-api200 HTML78 ms 59 kBHITServer-side component API • Docs • Svelte
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/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2024200 HTML73 ms 58 kBHITWhat's new in Svelte: May 2024
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/blog/the-zen-of-just-writing-css200 HTML68 ms 50 kBHITThe zen of Just Writing CSS
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/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2021200 HTML70 ms 54 kBHITWhat's new in Svelte: January 2021
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/examples/thumbnails/context-api.jpg200 Image86 ms 15 kBHIT
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/repl/component-bindings200 HTML192 ms33 kBMISSComponent bindings • REPL • Svelte
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/examples/classes200 HTML72 ms 68 kBHITThe class directive • Svelte Examples
/examples/thumbnails/file-inputs.jpg200 Image72 ms 3 kBHIT
/repl/classes200 HTML206 ms32 kBMISSThe class directive • REPL • Svelte Video1.1 s 21 MB
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Best practices

Found 11 row(s).
Analysis nameOKNoticeWarningCritical
Large inline SVGs (> 5120 B)2401 0
Invalid inline SVGs25000
Duplicate inline SVGs (> 5 and > 1024 B)25000
DOM depth (> 30)320000
Heading structure379128 2 1
Non-clickable phone numbers1000
Title uniqueness (> 10%)307000
Description uniqueness (> 10%)10002 0
Brotli support317000
WebP support8000
AVIF support5000
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Large inline SVGs

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning31810 kB Icon set:
URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

Duplicate inline SVGs

No problems found.

Invalid inline SVGs

No problems found.

Missing quotes on attributes

No problems found.

DOM depth

No problems found.

Heading structure

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical2No <h1> tag found in the HTML content.URL 1, URL 2
critical1Multiple <h1> headings found./blog/hacktoberfest
warning2Heading structure is skipping levels: found an <h2> without a previous higher heading.URL 1, URL 2
notice129No headings found in the HTML content.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

Non-clickable phone numbers

No problems found.

Title uniqueness

No problems found.

Description uniqueness

No problems found.


Analysis nameOKNoticeWarningCritical
Missing image alt attributes109000
Missing form labels00117 0
Missing aria labels1403975 121
Missing roles008 0
Missing html lang attribute1000

Valid HTML

No problems found.

Missing image alt attributes

No problems found.

Missing form labels

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning455<input class="svelte-1ja98dc" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning317<input name="q" class="svelte-15l0yne" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning124<input class="svelte-11k4z3i" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

Missing aria labels

Found 37 row(s).
SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical455<input class="svelte-1ja98dc" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical124<input class="svelte-11k4z3i" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical91<input id="dom-input" class="svelte-1s7ndru" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical91<input id="ssr-input" class="svelte-1s7ndru" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical91<input id="injected-input" class="svelte-1s7ndru" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical91<input id="external-input" class="svelte-1s7ndru" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical91<input id="none-input" class="svelte-1s7ndru" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning8190<a class="row svelte-3zxugc" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning6176<a ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning552<a class="page svelte-1os1f***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning525<a class="permalink" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning496<button class="icon svelte-11k4z3i" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning317<a class="svelte-1rscj***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning317<a class="home-link svelte-1wcjdtw" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning182<button class="svelte-1xtwuq***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning182<button class="panel-header svelte-fqifjb">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning124<button class="icon svelte-11k4z3i">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning94<button class="heading svelte-1wvrrw" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning91<a class="row svelte-3zxugc active" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning91<a class="repl-link svelte-3zxugc" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning91<button class="svelte-1xtwuq4 active" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning91<button class="svelte-ttquqz">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning72<a class="no-underline svelte-oqfmwu" ***>/blog
warning72<a class="svelte-78yxex" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning48<a class="supporter svelte-7fgbwb" ***>/
warning24<a class="page svelte-1os1f05 active" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning24<a class="edit svelte-1roxjm***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning14<a class="svelte-qh2e***" ***>/
warning8<a class="svelte-1dpq***" ***>/
warning3<button class="tab svelte-exaqqe">/
warning3<a class="no-underline svelte-1rdevq***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning2<a class="svelte-7fgbwb" ***>/
warning2<button class="show svelte-1rdevq***">URL 1, URL 2
warning1<a class="cta svelte-itgiw" ***>/
warning1<a class="cta basic svelte-itgiw" ***>/
warning1<a class="svelte-exaqqe" ***>/
warning1<button class="tab svelte-exaqqe selected">/
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Missing roles

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
warning317<nav class="svelte-1wcjdtw visible" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning317<main id="main" class="svelte-1sui5a***">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning70<aside class="on-this-page svelte-1wvrrw mobile" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning25<nav class="svelte-1os1f***" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning24<aside class="on-this-page svelte-1wvrrw" ***>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning12<aside>URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning3<nav class="svelte-l0vkpd">URL 1, URL 2, URL 3
warning1<footer class="svelte-1dpq***">/

Missing html lang attribute

No problems found.


Found 10 row(s).
X-XSS-Protection000318X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.
Content-Security-Policy000318Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin001920Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.
X-Frame-Options003180X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.
X-Content-Type-Options003180X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.
Referrer-Policy003180Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.
Feature-Policy003180Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.
Permissions-Policy003180Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.
Server031800Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Security headers

SeverityOccursDetailAffected URLs (max 5)
critical318X-XSS-Protection header is not set. It enables browser's built-in defenses against XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
critical318Content-Security-Policy header is not set. It restricts resources the page can load and prevents XSS attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning318X-Frame-Options header is not set. It prevents clickjacking attacks when set to 'deny' or 'sameorigin.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning318X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. It stops MIME type sniffing and mitigates content type attacks.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning318Referrer-Policy header is not set. It controls referrer header sharing and enhances privacy and security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning318Feature-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security. Not important if Permissions-Policy is set.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning318Permissions-Policy header is not set. It allows enabling/disabling browser APIs and features for security.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
warning192Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to '*' which allows any origin to access the resource. This can be a security risk.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5
notice318Server header is set to 'Vercel'. It is better not to reveal used technologies.URL 1, URL 2, URL 3, URL 4, URL 5

TOP non-unique titles

Count 🔽Title
7Hello world • REPL • Svelte
2Adding parameters • Svelte Examples
2Adding parameters • REPL • Svelte
2Style props break svg elements • REPL • Svelte
2svelte:component --style-props issue • REPL • Svelte

TOP non-unique descriptions

Count 🔽Description
124Interactive Svelte playground
91Interactive example Svelte apps

SEO metadata

Found 317 row(s).
URL 🔼IndexingTitleH1DescriptionKeywords
/AllowedSvelte • Cybernetically enhanced web appsSvelte
/appsAllowedYour apps • SvelteMissing H1
/blogAllowedBlog • SvelteBlog
/blog/accelerating-sveltes-developmentAllowedAccelerating Svelte's DevelopmentAccelerating Svelte's Development
/blog/announcing-sveltekit-1.0AllowedAnnouncing SvelteKit 1.0Announcing SvelteKit 1.0
/blog/frameworks-without-the-frameworkAllowedFrameworks without the framework: why didn't we think of this sooner?Frameworks without the framework: why didn't we think of this sooner?
/blog/hacktoberfestAllowedHacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKitHacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKit
/blog/runesAllowedIntroducing runesIntroducing runes
/blog/sapper-towards-the-ideal-web-app-frameworkAllowedSapper: Towards the ideal web app frameworkSapper: Towards the ideal web app framework
/blog/streaming-snapshots-sveltekitAllowedStreaming, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0Streaming, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0
/blog/svelte-3-rethinking-reactivityAllowedSvelte 3: Rethinking reactivitySvelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
/blog/svelte-4AllowedAnnouncing Svelte 4Announcing Svelte 4
/blog/svelte-5-release-candidateAllowedSvelte 5 Release CandidateSvelte 5 Release Candidate
/blog/svelte-and-typescriptAllowedSvelte <3 TypeScriptSvelte &lt;3 TypeScript
/blog/svelte-css-in-jsAllowedUsing CSS-in-JS with SvelteUsing CSS-in-JS with Svelte
/blog/ A complete A complete overhaul
/blog/svelte-for-new-developersAllowedSvelte for new developersSvelte for new developers
/blog/svelte-on-the-changelogAllowedSvelte on The ChangelogSvelte on The Changelog
/blog/sveltekit-2AllowedAnnouncing SvelteKit 2Announcing SvelteKit 2
/blog/sveltekit-betaAllowedSvelteKit is in public betaSvelteKit is in public beta
/blog/the-zen-of-just-writing-cssAllowedThe zen of Just Writing CSSThe zen of Just Writing CSS
/blog/version-2AllowedSvelte v2 is out!Svelte v2 is out!
/blog/view-transitionsAllowedUnlocking view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24Unlocking view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24
/blog/virtual-dom-is-pure-overheadAllowedVirtual DOM is pure overheadVirtual DOM is pure overhead
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: April 2021What's new in Svelte: April 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: April 2022What's new in Svelte: April 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: April 2023What's new in Svelte: April 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: April 2024What's new in Svelte: April 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: August 2021What's new in Svelte: August 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: August 2022What's new in Svelte: August 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: August 2023What's new in Svelte: August 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: August 2024What's new in Svelte: August 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2020AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: December 2020What's new in Svelte: December 2020
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: December 2021What's new in Svelte: December 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: December 2022What's new in Svelte: December 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: December 2023What's new in Svelte: December 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: February 2021What's new in Svelte: February 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: February 2022What's new in Svelte: February 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: February 2023What's new in Svelte: February 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: February 2024What's new in Svelte: February 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: January 2021What's new in Svelte: January 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: January 2022What's new in Svelte: January 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: January 2023What's new in Svelte: January 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: January 2024What's new in Svelte: January 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: July 2021What's new in Svelte: July 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: July 2022What's new in Svelte: July 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: July 2023What's new in Svelte: July 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: July 2024What's new in Svelte: July 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: June 2021What's new in Svelte: June 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: June 2022What's new in Svelte: June 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: June 2023What's new in Svelte: June 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: June 2024What's new in Svelte: June 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: March 2021What's new in Svelte: March 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: March 2022What's new in Svelte: March 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: March 2023What's new in Svelte: March 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: March 2024What's new in Svelte: March 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: May 2021What's new in Svelte: May 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: May 2022What's new in Svelte: May 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: May 2023What's new in Svelte: May 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2024AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: May 2024What's new in Svelte: May 2024
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: November 2020What's new in Svelte: November 2020
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: November 2021What's new in Svelte: November 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: November 2022What's new in Svelte: November 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: November 2023What's new in Svelte: November 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2020AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: October 2020What's new in Svelte: October 2020
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: October 2021What's new in Svelte: October 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: October 2022What's new in Svelte: October 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: October 2023What's new in Svelte: October 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2021AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: September 2021What's new in Svelte: September 2021
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2022AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: September 2022What's new in Svelte: September 2022
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2023AllowedWhat's new in Svelte: September 2023What's new in Svelte: September 2023
/blog/whats-the-deal-with-sveltekitAllowedWhat's the deal with SvelteKit?What's the deal with SvelteKit?
/blog/write-less-codeAllowedWrite less codeWrite less code
/blog/zero-config-type-safetyAllowedZero-effort type safetyZero-effort type safety
/docsAllowedMissing H1
/docs/accessibility-warningsAllowedAccessibility warnings • Docs • SvelteAccessibility warnings
/docs/basic-markupAllowedBasic markup • Docs • SvelteBasic markup
/docs/client-side-component-apiAllowedClient-side component API • Docs • SvelteClient-side component API
/docs/component-directivesAllowedComponent directives • Docs • SvelteComponent directives
/docs/custom-elements-apiAllowedCustom elements API • Docs • SvelteCustom elements API
/docs/element-directivesAllowedElement directives • Docs • SvelteElement directives
/docs/faqAllowedFrequently asked questions • Docs • SvelteFrequently asked questions
/docs/introductionAllowedIntroduction • Docs • SvelteIntroduction
/docs/logic-blocksAllowedLogic blocks • Docs • SvelteLogic blocks
/docs/server-side-component-apiAllowedServer-side component API • Docs • SvelteServer-side component API
/docs/special-elementsAllowedSpecial elements • Docs • SvelteSpecial elements
/docs/special-tagsAllowedSpecial tags • Docs • SvelteSpecial tags
/docs/svelteAllowedsvelte • Docs • Sveltesvelte
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/docs/svelte-transitionAllowedsvelte/transition • Docs • Sveltesvelte/transition
/docs/typescriptAllowedTypeScript • Docs • SvelteTypeScript
/docs/v4-migration-guideAllowedSvelte 4 migration guide • Docs • SvelteSvelte 4 migration guide
/examples/7guis-circlesAllowedCircle Drawer • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/7guis-counterAllowedCounter • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/7guis-crudAllowedCRUD • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/7guis-flight-bookerAllowedFlight booker • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/7guis-temperatureAllowedTemperature Converter • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/7guis-timerAllowedTimer • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/actionsAllowedThe use directive • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/actions-pannableAllowedA more complex action • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/adding-parameters-to-actionsAllowedAdding parameters • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/adding-parameters-to-transitionsAllowedAdding parameters • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/animateAllowedThe animate directive • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/area-chartAllowedArea chart • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/auto-subscriptionsAllowedAuto-subscriptions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/await-blocksAllowedAwait blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/bar-chartAllowedBar chart • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/bind-thisAllowedbind:this={canvas} • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/checkbox-inputsAllowedCheckbox inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/class-shorthandAllowedShorthand class directive • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/classesAllowedThe class directive • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/clockAllowedClock • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/component-bindingsAllowedComponent bindings • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/component-eventsAllowedComponent events • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/conditional-slotsAllowedConditional Slots • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/context-apiAllowedsetContext and getContext • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/custom-css-transitionsAllowedCustom CSS transitions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/custom-js-transitionsAllowedCustom JS transitions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/custom-storesAllowedCustom stores • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/debugAllowedThe @debug tag • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/declaring-propsAllowedDeclaring props • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/default-valuesAllowedDefault values • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/deferred-transitionsAllowedDeferred transitions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/derived-storesAllowedDerived stores • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/dimensionsAllowedDimensions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/dom-event-forwardingAllowedDOM event forwarding • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/dom-eventsAllowedDOM events • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/dynamic-attributesAllowedDynamic attributes • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/each-block-bindingsAllowedEach block bindings • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/each-blocksAllowedEach blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/easingAllowedEase Visualiser • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/else-blocksAllowedElse blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/else-if-blocksAllowedElse-if blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/event-forwardingAllowedEvent forwarding • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/event-modifiersAllowedEvent modifiers • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/file-inputsAllowedFile inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/group-inputsAllowedGroup inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/hacker-newsAllowedHacker News • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/hello-worldAllowedHello world • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/html-tagsAllowedHTML tags • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/if-blocksAllowedIf blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/immutable-dataAllowedImmutable data • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/in-and-outAllowedIn and out • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/inline-handlersAllowedInline handlers • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/keyed-each-blocksAllowedKeyed each blocks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/media-elementsAllowedMedia elements • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/modalAllowedModal • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/module-exportsAllowedNamed exports • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/multiple-select-bindingsAllowedSelect multiple • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/named-slotsAllowedNamed slots • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/nested-componentsAllowedNested components • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/numeric-inputsAllowedNumeric inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/ondestroyAllowedonDestroy • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/onmountAllowedonMount • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/reactive-assignmentsAllowedReactive assignments • Svelte ExamplesExamples
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/examples/readable-storesAllowedReadable stores • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/scatterplotAllowedScatterplot • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/select-bindingsAllowedSelect bindings • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/slot-fallbacksAllowedSlot fallbacks • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/slot-propsAllowedSlot props • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/slotsAllowedSlots • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/spread-propsAllowedSpread props • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/springAllowedSpring • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/stylingAllowedStyling • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-bodyAllowed<svelte:body> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-componentAllowed<svelte:component> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-documentAllowed<svelte:document> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-elementAllowed<svelte:element> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-headAllowed<svelte:head> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-selfAllowed<svelte:self> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-windowAllowed<svelte:window> • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svelte-window-bindingsAllowed<svelte:window> bindings • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/svg-transitionsAllowedSVG transitions • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/text-inputsAllowedText inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/textarea-inputsAllowedTextarea inputs • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/tickAllowedtick • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/transitionAllowedThe transition directive • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/transition-eventsAllowedTransition events • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/tweenedAllowedTweened • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/updateAllowedbeforeUpdate and afterUpdate • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/examples/writable-storesAllowedWritable stores • Svelte ExamplesExamples
/repl/01a14375951749dab9579cb6860eccde?version=3.32.0AllowedHello world • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/0ee7227e1b45465b9b47d7a5ae2d1252?version=3.33.0Allowed{#each} destructuring doesn't update references to destructured params for defaults • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/11f609d0d90746f08da6d3d90bba84fc?version=3.32.0AllowedConsole Log Styler • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/144f22d18c6943abb1fdd00f13e23fde?version=3.49.0AllowedCombobox • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/23d982fc6f4f4f06a6aa227860fa2d84?version=3.51.0Allowedsvelte:element ( • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/270e83f43e7a48918d8f2d497760904f?version=3.32.1AllowedAnalog SVG Clock: Exercises in Easing Fuctions • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/29959e70103f4868a6525c0734934936?version=3.29.3AllowedHello world • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/3a1b7fae13b242fe9cd4a4f7aa092fa4?version=3.31.2Allowedcss grid gallery • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/bind-thisAllowedbind:this={canvas} • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/classesAllowedThe class directive • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/component-bindingsAllowedComponent bindings • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/custom-storesAllowedCustom stores • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/de5223beb45540a5a11c9bd7b318304f?version=3.31.2AllowedHello world • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/debugAllowedThe @debug tag • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/declaring-propsAllowedDeclaring props • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/default-valuesAllowedDefault values • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/deferred-transitionsAllowedDeferred transitions • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/derived-storesAllowedDerived stores • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/dimensionsAllowedDimensions • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/dom-eventsAllowedDOM events • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/dynamic-attributesAllowedDynamic attributes • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/each-block-bindingsAllowedEach block bindings • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/each-blocksAllowedEach blocks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/easingAllowedEase Visualiser • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/else-blocksAllowedElse blocks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/else-if-blocksAllowedElse-if blocks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/event-forwardingAllowedEvent forwarding • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/event-modifiersAllowedEvent modifiers • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/file-inputsAllowedFile inputs • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/group-inputsAllowedGroup inputs • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/hacker-newsAllowedHacker News • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/hello-worldAllowedHello world • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/hello-world?AllowedHello world • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/html-tagsAllowedHTML tags • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/if-blocksAllowedIf blocks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/immutable-dataAllowedImmutable data • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/in-and-outAllowedIn and out • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/inline-handlersAllowedInline handlers • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/keyed-each-blocksAllowedKeyed each blocks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/media-elementsAllowedMedia elements • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/modalAllowedModal • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/module-exportsAllowedNamed exports • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/multiple-select-bindingsAllowedSelect multiple • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/named-slotsAllowedNamed slots • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/nested-componentsAllowedNested components • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/numeric-inputsAllowedNumeric inputs • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/ondestroyAllowedonDestroy • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/onmountAllowedonMount • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/reactive-assignmentsAllowedReactive assignments • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/reactive-declarationsAllowedReactive declarations • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/reactive-statementsAllowedReactive statements • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/readable-storesAllowedReadable stores • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/scatterplotAllowedScatterplot • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/select-bindingsAllowedSelect bindings • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/slot-fallbacksAllowedSlot fallbacks • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/slot-propsAllowedSlot props • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/slotsAllowedSlots • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/spread-propsAllowedSpread props • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/springAllowedSpring • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/stylingAllowedStyling • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/svelte-bodyAllowed<svelte:body> • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/svelte-componentAllowed<svelte:component> • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/svelte-elementAllowed<svelte:element> • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/svelte-headAllowed<svelte:head> • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
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/repl/svelte-windowAllowed<svelte:window> • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/svelte-window-bindingsAllowed<svelte:window> bindings • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/svg-transitionsAllowedSVG transitions • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/text-inputsAllowedText inputs • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/textarea-inputsAllowedTextarea inputs • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/tickAllowedtick • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/transitionAllowedThe transition directive • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/transition-eventsAllowedTransition events • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/tweenedAllowedTweened • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/updateAllowedbeforeUpdate and afterUpdate • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/repl/writable-storesAllowedWritable stores • REPL • SvelteMissing H1
/tutorial/basicsDENY (meta)Introduction / Basics • Svelte TutorialMissing H1
/tutorial/reactive-declarationsDENY (meta)Reactivity / Declarations • Svelte TutorialMissing H1
/tutorial/svelte-fragmentDENY (meta)Special elements / <svelte:fragment> • Svelte TutorialMissing H1
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URL 🔼OG TitleOG DescriptionOG ImageTwitter TitleTwitter DescriptionTwitter Image
/ enhanced web apps
/blog blogArticles about Svelte and UI development
/blog/accelerating-sveltes-development Svelte's DevelopmentScaling the team, building partnerships, and growing the community
/blog/announcing-sveltekit-1.0 SvelteKit 1.0Web development, streamlined
/blog/frameworks-without-the-framework without the framework: why didn't we think of this sooner?You can't write serious applications in vanilla JavaScript without hitting a complexity wall. But a compiler can do it for you.
/blog/hacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKitSvelteKit joins in the Hacktoberfest event in 2023
/blog/runes runesRethinking 'rethinking reactivity'
/blog/sapper-towards-the-ideal-web-app-framework Towards the ideal web app frameworkTaking the next-plus-one step
/blog/streaming-snapshots-sveltekit, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0Exciting improvements in the latest version of SvelteKit
/blog/svelte-3-rethinking-reactivity 3: Rethinking reactivityIt's finally here
/blog/svelte-4 Svelte 4Updated performance, developer experience, and site
/blog/svelte-5-release-candidate 5 Release CandidateWe're almost there
/blog/svelte-and-typescript <3 TypeScriptTypernetically enhanced web apps
/blog/svelte-css-in-js CSS-in-JS with SvelteYou don't need to, but you can
/blog/svelte-dev-overhaul A complete overhaulThe new site comes with accessibility fixes, new features and bottom navbar
/blog/svelte-for-new-developers for new developersNever used Node.js or the command line? No problem
/blog/svelte-on-the-changelog on The ChangelogListen to the interview here
/blog/sveltekit-2 SvelteKit 2A special SvelteKit anniversary release
/blog/sveltekit-beta is in public betaAnd we'd love to have your feedback
/blog/the-zen-of-just-writing-css zen of Just Writing CSSI would say this is the future, but we're already doing it.
/blog/version-2 v2 is out!Here's what you need to know
/blog/view-transitions view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24Streamlined page transitions with onNavigate
/blog/virtual-dom-is-pure-overhead DOM is pure overheadLet's retire the 'virtual DOM is fast' myth once and for all
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2021's new in Svelte: April 2021SvelteKit beta and new way to use slots
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2022's new in Svelte: April 2022Goodbye fallthrough routes, hello param validators!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2023's new in Svelte: April 2023Loads of new Svelte compiler features, plus Svelte Summit and SvelteHack
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-april-2024's new in Svelte: April 2024Svelte Summit Spring on April 27! Plus: reactive `Map`, `Date` and `Set`
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2021's new in Svelte: August 2021Shadow DOM, export and await - oh my!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2022's new in Svelte: August 2022Changes to SvelteKit's `load` before 1.0 plus support for Vite 3 and `vite.config.js`!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2023's new in Svelte: August 2023Extending Custom Element Classes and new +server exports
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2024's new in Svelte: August 2024Significant hydration improvements, customizable warnings, and a new API: `createRawSnippet`
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2020's new in Svelte: December 2020Better tooling, export maps and improvements to slots and context
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2021's new in Svelte: December 2021Svelte Summit Fall 2021 Recap, Rich Harris joins Vercel, and Kevin goes full-time on Svelte Society
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2022's new in Svelte: December 2022Rounding the corner to SvelteKit 1.0
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-december-2023's new in Svelte: December 2023Svelte 5 preview announced at Svelte Summit Fall 2023
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2021's new in Svelte: February 2021Integrations and improvements at lightning speed...
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2022's new in Svelte: February 2022Rapid-fire releases across Svelte, SvelteKit and the community
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2023's new in Svelte: February 2023Minor versions and major satisfaction
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-february-2024's new in Svelte: February 2024New in Kit: `reroute`, `emulate` and more!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2021's new in Svelte: January 2021A Svelte-packed showcase to kick-off the new year!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2022's new in Svelte: January 2022Faster builds with SvelteKit and a much anticipated REPL feature
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2023's new in Svelte: January 2023SvelteKit 1.0,, and type definitions for Svelte elements.
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-january-2024's new in Svelte: January 2024SvelteKit 2 and a much-improved $state rune
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2021's new in Svelte: July 2021Keeping cool with fixes, TypeScript tooling and tonnes of new features
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2022's new in Svelte: July 2022Faster SSR, language tools improvements and a new paid contributor!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2023's new in Svelte: July 2023Svelte 4.0, new website and a tour around the community
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2024's new in Svelte: July 2024svelte/events, simpler elements and more optional options
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2021's new in Svelte: June 2021Progress towards SvelteKit 1.0 and tighter TypeScript/Svelte integrations in language tools
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2022's new in Svelte: June 2022Cancellable dispatched events, deeper {@const} declarations and more!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2023's new in Svelte: June 2023SvelteHack winners, lots of new bindings, Svelte 4.0.0-next.0, and a bunch of new features in SvelteKit
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-june-2024's new in Svelte: June 2024Better `bind`s, migration tooling and a new comparison rune
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2021's new in Svelte: March 2021Call for Svelte Summit Speakers! Improved SSR, non-HTML5 compilation targets, and ESLint TypeScript support
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2022's new in Svelte: March 2022Svelte Summit Spring is coming... and page endpoints are here!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2023's new in Svelte: March 2023SvelteHack, post-1.0 SvelteKit improvements and a huge showcase
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-march-2024's new in Svelte: March 2024Nested CSS support and a much cleaner client-side API for Svelte 5
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2021's new in Svelte: May 2021Working toward SvelteKit 1.0 and a showcase full of SvelteKit sites!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2022's new in Svelte: May 2022Dynamically switch between HTML element types with `<svelte:element>`
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2023's new in Svelte: May 2023New Ambassadors, a new ESLint plugin and a whole bunch of SvelteHack submissions
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-may-2024's new in Svelte: May 2024Svelte 5 Release Candidate and all the other highlights from Svelte Summit Spring
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020's new in Svelte: November 2020Slot forwarding fixes, SvelteKit for faster local development, and more from Svelte Summit
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2021's new in Svelte: November 2021Over 5000 stars to light up the showcase
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2022's new in Svelte: November 2022Better forms, routes and inline styles across SvelteKit and Svelte
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-november-2023's new in Svelte: November 2023Svelte Summit on Nov 11 and better DevEx for all!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2020's new in Svelte: October 2020New object methods, in-depth learning resources and tons of integration examples!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2021's new in Svelte: October 2021A whole year of "What's new in Svelte
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2022's new in Svelte: October 2022Svelte Summit, `use:enhance`, and a SvelteKit Release Candidate!
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-october-2023's new in Svelte: October 2023Reactions to Runes and SvelteKit +server fallbacks
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2021's new in Svelte: September 2021StackOverflow's most loved web framework
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2022's new in Svelte: September 2022Migrating to SvelteKit's new filesystem-based router
/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2023's new in Svelte: September 2023New parameters in SvelteKit's redirect and an onNavigate lifecycle function come to life
/blog/whats-the-deal-with-sveltekit's the deal with SvelteKit?We're rethinking how to build Svelte apps. Here's what you need to know
/blog/write-less-code less codeThe most important metric you're not paying attention to
/blog/zero-config-type-safety type safetyMore convenience and correctness, less boilerplate
/docs/accessibility-warnings warnings • Docs • SvelteAccessibility warnings • Svelte documentation
/docs/basic-markup markup • Docs • SvelteBasic markup • Svelte documentation
/docs/client-side-component-api component API • Docs • SvelteClient-side component API • Svelte documentation
/docs/component-directives directives • Docs • SvelteComponent directives • Svelte documentation
/docs/custom-elements-api elements API • Docs • SvelteCustom elements API • Svelte documentation
/docs/element-directives directives • Docs • SvelteElement directives • Svelte documentation
/docs/faq asked questions • Docs • SvelteFrequently asked questions • Svelte documentation
/docs/introduction • Docs • SvelteIntroduction • Svelte documentation
/docs/logic-blocks blocks • Docs • SvelteLogic blocks • Svelte documentation
/docs/server-side-component-api component API • Docs • SvelteServer-side component API • Svelte documentation
/docs/special-elements elements • Docs • SvelteSpecial elements • Svelte documentation
/docs/special-tags tags • Docs • SvelteSpecial tags • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte • Docs • Sveltesvelte • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-action • Docs • Sveltesvelte/action • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-animate • Docs • Sveltesvelte/animate • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-compiler • Docs • Sveltesvelte/compiler • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-components components • Docs • SvelteSvelte components • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-easing • Docs • Sveltesvelte/easing • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-motion • Docs • Sveltesvelte/motion • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-register • Docs • Sveltesvelte/register • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-store • Docs • Sveltesvelte/store • Svelte documentation
/docs/svelte-transition • Docs • Sveltesvelte/transition • Svelte documentation
/docs/typescript • Docs • SvelteTypeScript • Svelte documentation
/docs/v4-migration-guide 4 migration guide • Docs • SvelteSvelte 4 migration guide • Svelte documentation
/examples/7guis-circles examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/7guis-counter examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/7guis-crud examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/7guis-flight-booker examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/7guis-temperature examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/7guis-timer examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/actions-pannable examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/animate examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/area-chart examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/auto-subscriptions examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/await-blocks examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/bar-chart examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/bind-this examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/checkbox-inputs examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/class-shorthand examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/classes examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/clock examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/component-bindings examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/component-events examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/conditional-slots examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/context-api examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/custom-js-transitions examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/default-values examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/deferred-transitions examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/dimensions examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/dom-events examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/dynamic-attributes examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/each-block-bindings examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/event-modifiers examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/group-inputs examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/hacker-news examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/hello-world examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/html-tags examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/if-blocks examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/immutable-data examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/inline-handlers examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/keyed-each-blocks examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/media-elements examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/modal examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/examples/multiple-select-bindings examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/named-slots examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/nested-components examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/numeric-inputs examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/ondestroy examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/onmount examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/reactive-assignments examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/reactive-declarations examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/reactive-statements examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/readable-stores examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/scatterplot examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/select-bindings examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/slot-fallbacks examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/slot-props examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/slots examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/spread-props examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/spring examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/styling examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-body examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-component examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-document examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-element examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-head examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-self examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-window examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svelte-window-bindings examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/svg-transitions examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/text-inputs examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/textarea-inputs examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/tick examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/transition examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/transition-events examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/tweened examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/update examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/examples/writable-stores examplesCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/01a14375951749dab9579cb6860eccde?version=3.32.0 world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/0ee7227e1b45465b9b47d7a5ae2d1252?version=3.33.0{#each} destructuring doesn't update references to destructured params for defaults • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/11f609d0d90746f08da6d3d90bba84fc?version=3.32.0 Log Styler • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/144f22d18c6943abb1fdd00f13e23fde?version=3.49.0 • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/23d982fc6f4f4f06a6aa227860fa2d84?version=3.51.0 ( • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/270e83f43e7a48918d8f2d497760904f?version=3.32.1 SVG Clock: Exercises in Easing Fuctions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/29959e70103f4868a6525c0734934936?version=3.29.3 world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/3a1b7fae13b242fe9cd4a4f7aa092fa4?version=3.31.2 grid gallery • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/3a33725c3adb4f57b46b597f9dade0c1?version=3.25.0 Menu • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/3fd4e2cecfa14d629961478f1dac2445?version=3.29.3 world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/48984f20503f4959b70f24f4130d164b?version=3.47.0 --style-props issue • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/48984f20503f4959b70f24f4130d164b?version=3.51.0 --style-props issue • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/49cef205e5da459594ef2eafcbd41593?version=3.29.5 with transition:slide - doesn't work • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/54148fd2af484f2c84977c94e523c7c5?version=3.38.0 global css example • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/58dfe87756ee4db897c281b52fdef7b7?version=3.31.0 Zoomable Flex Layouts • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/6182be0c3ada4a15b5046f7d0d031727?version=4.2.8 Scroller • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7b23ad9d2693424482cd411b0378b55b?version=3.24.1 • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7f68e148caf04b2787bb6f296208f870?version=3.29.7 Link Animation • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-circles Drawer • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-counter • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-crud • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-flight-booker booker • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-temperature Converter • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/7guis-timer • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/844c39e91d1248649fe54af839fab570?version=3.26.0 Separator • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/873988ce33db43f097c0ca69df57b3ac?version=3.46.4 grids • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/91ad9257d2d1430185a504a18cc60172?version=3.29.0 owl selector • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
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/repl/9630de41957a4c80a4fce264360a6bc7?version=3.26.0 • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/ab4c0c177d1f4fab92f46eb8539cea9a?version=3.26.0 Accordion • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/actions use directive • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/actions-pannable more complex action • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/ad8e6f39cd20403dacd1be84d71e498d?version=3.29.5 Slot Prop in Loop Bug • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/adding-parameters-to-actions parameters • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/adding-parameters-to-transitions parameters • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/animate animate directive • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/area-chart chart • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/auto-subscriptions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/await-blocks blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/b73224a0fd4248178e3eab41943d41a9?version=3.31.2 Ripple • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/b7a3f94255914044b35462234ccaea43?version=3.50.0 props break svg elements • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/b7a3f94255914044b35462234ccaea43?version=3.51.0 props break svg elements • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/bar-chart chart • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/bind-this{canvas} • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/c305722adb4a4545b27b198ea8ff9bde?version=3.27.0 use:obj.method as actions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/cc1eaa7c66964fedb5e70e3ecbbaa0e1?version=3.25.1 Tetris • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/checkbox-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/class-shorthand class directive • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/classes class directive • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/clock • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/component-bindings bindings • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/component-events events • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/conditional-slots Slots • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/context-api and getContext • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/custom-css-transitions CSS transitions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/custom-js-transitions JS transitions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/custom-stores stores • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/de5223beb45540a5a11c9bd7b318304f?version=3.31.2 world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/debug @debug tag • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/declaring-props props • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/default-values values • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/deferred-transitions transitions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/derived-stores stores • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/dimensions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/dom-event-forwarding event forwarding • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/dom-events events • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/dynamic-attributes attributes • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/each-block-bindings block bindings • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/each-blocks blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/easing Visualiser • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/else-blocks blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/else-if-blocks blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/event-forwarding forwarding • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/event-modifiers modifiers • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/fd5e3b2be7da42fe8afddf89661af7d7?version=3.49.0 Flicker • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/file-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/group-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/hacker-news News • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/hello-world world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/hello-world? world • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/html-tags tags • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/if-blocks blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/immutable-data data • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/in-and-out and out • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/inline-handlers handlers • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/keyed-each-blocks each blocks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/media-elements elements • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/modal • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/module-exports exports • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/multiple-select-bindings multiple • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/named-slots slots • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/nested-components components • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/numeric-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/ondestroy • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/onmount • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/reactive-assignments assignments • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/reactive-declarations declarations • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/reactive-statements statements • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/readable-stores stores • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/scatterplot • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/select-bindings bindings • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/slot-fallbacks fallbacks • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/slot-props props • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/slots • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/spread-props props • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/spring • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/styling • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-body<svelte:body> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-component<svelte:component> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-document<svelte:document> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-element<svelte:element> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-head<svelte:head> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-self<svelte:self> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-window<svelte:window> • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svelte-window-bindings<svelte:window> bindings • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/svg-transitions transitions • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/text-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/textarea-inputs inputs • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/tick • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/transition transition directive • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/transition-events events • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/tweened • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/update and afterUpdate • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/repl/writable-stores stores • REPL • SvelteCybernetically enhanced web apps
/tutorial/basics tutorialIntroduction / Basics
/tutorial/reactive-declarations tutorialReactivity / Declarations
/tutorial/svelte-fragment tutorialSpecial elements / <svelte:fragment>
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  • <h2> What is Svelte?permalink [#what-is-svelte]
  • <h2> How to use this tutorialpermalink [#how-to-use-this-tutorial]
  • <h2> Understanding componentspermalink [#understanding-components]
  • <h1> Hacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKit
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  • <h1> Sveltekit 🧡 Hacktoberfestpermalink [#sveltekit-hacktoberfest]
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  • <h1> Svelte
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  • <h1> Introduction
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    • <h2> Start a new projectpermalink [#start-a-new-project]
      • <h3> Alternatives to SvelteKitpermalink [#start-a-new-project-alternatives-to-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Editor toolingpermalink [#editor-tooling]
    • <h2> Getting helppermalink [#getting-help]
  • <h1> Custom elements API
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Component lifecyclepermalink [#component-lifecycle]
    • <h2> Component optionspermalink [#component-options]
    • <h2> Caveats and limitationspermalink [#caveats-and-limitations]
  • <h1> Svelte 4 migration guide
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Minimum version requirementspermalink [#minimum-version-requirements]
    • <h2> Browser conditions for bundlerspermalink [#browser-conditions-for-bundlers]
    • <h2> Removal of CJS related outputpermalink [#removal-of-cjs-related-output]
    • <h2> Stricter types for Svelte functionspermalink [#stricter-types-for-svelte-functions]
    • <h2> Custom Elements with Sveltepermalink [#custom-elements-with-svelte]
    • <h2> SvelteComponentTyped is deprecatedpermalink [#sveltecomponenttyped-is-deprecated]
    • <h2> Transitions are local by defaultpermalink [#transitions-are-local-by-default]
    • <h2> Default slot bindingspermalink [#default-slot-bindings]
    • <h2> Preprocessorspermalink [#preprocessors]
    • <h2> New eslint packagepermalink [#new-eslint-package]
    • <h2> Other breaking changespermalink [#other-breaking-changes]
  • <h1> Logic blocks
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> {#if ...}permalink [#if]
    • <h2> {#each ...}permalink [#each]
    • <h2> {#await ...}permalink [#await]
    • <h2> {#key ...}permalink [#key]
  • <h1> Accessibility warnings
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> a11y-accesskeypermalink [#a11y-accesskey]
    • <h2> a11y-aria-activedescendant-has-tabindexpermalink [#a11y-aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex]
    • <h2> a11y-aria-attributespermalink [#a11y-aria-attributes]
    • <h2> a11y-autofocuspermalink [#a11y-autofocus]
    • <h2> a11y-click-events-have-key-eventspermalink [#a11y-click-events-have-key-events]
    • <h2> a11y-distracting-elementspermalink [#a11y-distracting-elements]
    • <h2> a11y-hiddenpermalink [#a11y-hidden]
    • <h2> a11y-img-redundant-altpermalink [#a11y-img-redundant-alt]
    • <h2> a11y-incorrect-aria-attribute-typepermalink [#a11y-incorrect-aria-attribute-type]
    • <h2> a11y-invalid-attributepermalink [#a11y-invalid-attribute]
    • <h2> a11y-interactive-supports-focuspermalink [#a11y-interactive-supports-focus]
    • <h2> a11y-label-has-associated-controlpermalink [#a11y-label-has-associated-control]
    • <h2> a11y-media-has-captionpermalink [#a11y-media-has-caption]
    • <h2> a11y-misplaced-rolepermalink [#a11y-misplaced-role]
    • <h2> a11y-misplaced-scopepermalink [#a11y-misplaced-scope]
    • <h2> a11y-missing-attributepermalink [#a11y-missing-attribute]
    • <h2> a11y-missing-contentpermalink [#a11y-missing-content]
    • <h2> a11y-mouse-events-have-key-eventspermalink [#a11y-mouse-events-have-key-events]
    • <h2> a11y-no-redundant-rolespermalink [#a11y-no-redundant-roles]
    • <h2> a11y-no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-rolepermalink [#a11y-no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role]
      • <h3> a11y-no-noninteractive-element-interactionspermalink [#a11y-no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role-a11y-no-noninteractive-element-interactions]
      • <h3> a11y-no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-rolepermalink [#a11y-no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role-a11y-no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role]
    • <h2> a11y-no-noninteractive-tabindexpermalink [#a11y-no-noninteractive-tabindex]
    • <h2> a11y-no-static-element-interactionspermalink [#a11y-no-static-element-interactions]
    • <h2> a11y-positive-tabindexpermalink [#a11y-positive-tabindex]
    • <h2> a11y-role-has-required-aria-propspermalink [#a11y-role-has-required-aria-props]
    • <h2> a11y-role-supports-aria-propspermalink [#a11y-role-supports-aria-props]
    • <h2> a11y-structurepermalink [#a11y-structure]
    • <h2> a11y-unknown-aria-attributepermalink [#a11y-unknown-aria-attribute]
    • <h2> a11y-unknown-rolepermalink [#a11y-unknown-role]
  • <h1> Special elements
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> &lt;slot&gt;permalink [#slot]
      • <h3> &lt;slot name="name"&gt;permalink [#slot-slot-name-name]
      • <h3> $$slotspermalink [#slot-$$slots]
      • <h3> &lt;slot key={value}&gt;permalink [#slot-slot-key-value]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:self&gt;permalink [#svelte-self]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:component&gt;permalink [#svelte-component]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:element&gt;permalink [#svelte-element]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:window&gt;permalink [#svelte-window]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:document&gt;permalink [#svelte-document]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:body&gt;permalink [#svelte-body]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:head&gt;permalink [#svelte-head]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:options&gt;permalink [#svelte-options]
    • <h2> &lt;svelte:fragment&gt;permalink [#svelte-fragment]
  • <h1> Element directives
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> on:eventnamepermalink [#on-eventname]
    • <h2> bind:propertypermalink [#bind-property]
    • <h2> Binding &lt;select&gt; valuepermalink [#binding-select-value]
    • <h2> Media element bindingspermalink [#media-element-bindings]
    • <h2> Image element bindingspermalink [#image-element-bindings]
    • <h2> Block-level element bindingspermalink [#block-level-element-bindings]
    • <h2> bind:grouppermalink [#bind-group]
    • <h2> bind:thispermalink [#bind-this]
    • <h2> class:namepermalink [#class-name]
    • <h2> style:propertypermalink [#style-property]
    • <h2> use:actionpermalink [#use-action]
    • <h2> transition:fnpermalink [#transition-fn]
    • <h2> Transition parameterspermalink [#transition-parameters]
    • <h2> Custom transition functionspermalink [#custom-transition-functions]
    • <h2> Transition eventspermalink [#transition-events]
    • <h2> in:fn/out:fnpermalink [#in-fn-out-fn]
    • <h2> animate:fnpermalink [#animate-fn]
    • <h2> Animation Parameterspermalink [#animation-parameters]
    • <h2> Custom animation functionspermalink [#custom-animation-functions]
  • <h1> TypeScript
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Setuppermalink [#setup]
      • <h3> Using SvelteKit or Vitepermalink [#setup-using-sveltekit-or-vite]
      • <h3> Other build toolspermalink [#setup-other-build-tools]
    • <h2> &lt;script lang="ts"&gt;permalink [#script-lang-ts]
      • <h3> Propspermalink [#script-lang-ts-props]
      • <h3> Slotspermalink [#script-lang-ts-slots]
      • <h3> Eventspermalink [#script-lang-ts-events]
    • <h2> Enhancing built-in DOM typespermalink [#enhancing-built-in-dom-types]
    • <h2> Experimental advanced typingspermalink [#experimental-advanced-typings]
    • <h2> Limitationspermalink [#limitations]
      • <h3> No TS in markuppermalink [#limitations-no-ts-in-markup]
      • <h3> Reactive Declarationspermalink [#limitations-reactive-declarations]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> ComponentConstructorOptionspermalink [#types-componentconstructoroptions]
      • <h3> ComponentEventspermalink [#types-componentevents]
      • <h3> ComponentPropspermalink [#types-componentprops]
      • <h3> ComponentTypepermalink [#types-componenttype]
      • <h3> SvelteComponentpermalink [#types-sveltecomponent]
      • <h3> SvelteComponentTypedpermalink [#types-sveltecomponenttyped]
  • <h1> Special tags
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> {@html ...}permalink [#html]
    • <h2> {@debug ...}permalink [#debug]
    • <h2> {@const ...}permalink [#const]
  • <h1> svelte/register
    • <h2> On this page On this page
  • <h1> svelte/transition
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> fadepermalink [#fade]
    • <h2> blurpermalink [#blur]
    • <h2> flypermalink [#fly]
    • <h2> slidepermalink [#slide]
    • <h2> scalepermalink [#scale]
    • <h2> drawpermalink [#draw]
    • <h2> crossfadepermalink [#crossfade]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> BlurParamspermalink [#types-blurparams]
      • <h3> CrossfadeParamspermalink [#types-crossfadeparams]
      • <h3> DrawParamspermalink [#types-drawparams]
      • <h3> EasingFunctionpermalink [#types-easingfunction]
      • <h3> FadeParamspermalink [#types-fadeparams]
      • <h3> FlyParamspermalink [#types-flyparams]
      • <h3> ScaleParamspermalink [#types-scaleparams]
      • <h3> SlideParamspermalink [#types-slideparams]
      • <h3> TransitionConfigpermalink [#types-transitionconfig]
  • <h1> Basic markup
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Tagspermalink [#tags]
    • <h2> Attributes and propspermalink [#attributes-and-props]
    • <h2> Text expressionspermalink [#text-expressions]
    • <h2> Commentspermalink [#comments]
  • <h1> Frequently asked questions
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> I'm new to Svelte. Where should I start?permalink [#i-m-new-to-svelte-where-should-i-start]
    • <h2> Where can I get support?permalink [#where-can-i-get-support]
    • <h2> Are there any third-party resources?permalink [#are-there-any-third-party-resources]
    • <h2> How can I get VS Code to syntax-highlight my .svelte files?permalink [#how-can-i-get-vs-code-to-syntax-highlight-my-svelte-files]
    • <h2> Is there a tool to automatically format my .svelte files?permalink [#is-there-a-tool-to-automatically-format-my-svelte-files]
    • <h2> How do I document my components?permalink [#how-do-i-document-my-components]
    • <h2> Does Svelte scale?permalink [#does-svelte-scale]
    • <h2> Is there a UI component library?permalink [#is-there-a-ui-component-library]
    • <h2> How do I test Svelte apps?permalink [#how-do-i-test-svelte-apps]
    • <h2> Is there a router?permalink [#is-there-a-router]
    • <h2> Can I tell Svelte not to remove my unused styles?permalink [#can-i-tell-svelte-not-to-remove-my-unused-styles]
    • <h2> Is Svelte v2 still available?permalink [#is-svelte-v2-still-available]
    • <h2> How do I do hot module reloading?permalink [#how-do-i-do-hot-module-reloading]
  • <h1> svelte/compiler
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> compilepermalink [#compile]
    • <h2> parsepermalink [#parse]
    • <h2> preprocesspermalink [#preprocess]
    • <h2> walkpermalink [#walk]
    • <h2> VERSIONpermalink [#version]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> CompileOptionspermalink [#types-compileoptions]
      • <h3> CompileResultpermalink [#types-compileresult]
      • <h3> CssHashGetterpermalink [#types-csshashgetter]
      • <h3> EnableSourcemappermalink [#types-enablesourcemap]
      • <h3> MarkupPreprocessorpermalink [#types-markuppreprocessor]
      • <h3> Preprocessorpermalink [#types-preprocessor]
      • <h3> PreprocessorGrouppermalink [#types-preprocessorgroup]
      • <h3> Processedpermalink [#types-processed]
      • <h3> SveltePreprocessorpermalink [#types-sveltepreprocessor]
  • <h1> Client-side component API
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Creating a componentpermalink [#creating-a-component]
    • <h2> $setpermalink [#$set]
    • <h2> $onpermalink [#$on]
    • <h2> $destroypermalink [#$destroy]
    • <h2> Component propspermalink [#component-props]
  • <h1> svelte/easing
    • <h2> On this page On this page
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> svelte/action
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Attributespermalink [#attributes]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> Actionpermalink [#types-action]
      • <h3> ActionReturnpermalink [#types-actionreturn]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Server-side component API
    • <h2> On this page On this page
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Svelte components
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> &lt;script&gt;permalink [#script]
      • <h3> 1. export creates a component proppermalink [#script-1-export-creates-a-component-prop]
      • <h3> 2. Assignments are 'reactive'permalink [#script-2-assignments-are-reactive]
      • <h3> 3. $: marks a statement as reactivepermalink [#script-3-$-marks-a-statement-as-reactive]
      • <h3> 4. Prefix stores with $ to access their valuespermalink [#script-4-prefix-stores-with-$-to-access-their-values]
    • <h2> &lt;script context="module"&gt;permalink [#script-context-module]
    • <h2> &lt;style&gt;permalink [#style]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Component directives
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> on:eventnamepermalink [#on-eventname]
    • <h2> --style-propspermalink [#style-props]
    • <h2> bind:propertypermalink [#bind-property]
    • <h2> bind:thispermalink [#bind-this]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> svelte/store
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> writablepermalink [#writable]
    • <h2> readablepermalink [#readable]
    • <h2> derivedpermalink [#derived]
    • <h2> readonlypermalink [#readonly]
    • <h2> getpermalink [#get]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> Readablepermalink [#types-readable]
      • <h3> StartStopNotifierpermalink [#types-startstopnotifier]
      • <h3> Subscriberpermalink [#types-subscriber]
      • <h3> Unsubscriberpermalink [#types-unsubscriber]
      • <h3> Updaterpermalink [#types-updater]
      • <h3> Writablepermalink [#types-writable]
  • <h1> svelte
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> onMountpermalink [#onmount]
    • <h2> beforeUpdatepermalink [#beforeupdate]
    • <h2> afterUpdatepermalink [#afterupdate]
    • <h2> onDestroypermalink [#ondestroy]
    • <h2> tickpermalink [#tick]
    • <h2> setContextpermalink [#setcontext]
    • <h2> getContextpermalink [#getcontext]
    • <h2> hasContextpermalink [#hascontext]
    • <h2> getAllContextspermalink [#getallcontexts]
    • <h2> createEventDispatcherpermalink [#createeventdispatcher]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> ComponentConstructorOptionspermalink [#types-componentconstructoroptions]
      • <h3> ComponentEventspermalink [#types-componentevents]
      • <h3> ComponentPropspermalink [#types-componentprops]
      • <h3> ComponentTypepermalink [#types-componenttype]
      • <h3> SvelteComponentpermalink [#types-sveltecomponent]
      • <h3> SvelteComponentTypedpermalink [#types-sveltecomponenttyped]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Blog
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: August 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: July 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: June 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: May 2024
    • <h2> Svelte 5 Release Candidate
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: April 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: March 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: February 2024
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: January 2024
    • <h2> Announcing SvelteKit 2
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: December 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: November 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: October 2023
    • <h2> Hacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKit
    • <h2> Introducing runes
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: September 2023
    • <h2> Unlocking view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: August 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: July 2023
    • <h2> A complete overhaul
    • <h2> Announcing Svelte 4
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: June 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: May 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: April 2023
    • <h2> Zero-effort type safety
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: March 2023
    • <h2> Streaming, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: February 2023
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: January 2023
    • <h2> Announcing SvelteKit 1.0
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: December 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: November 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: October 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: September 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: August 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: July 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: June 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: May 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: April 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: March 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: February 2022
    • <h2> Accelerating Svelte's Development
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: January 2022
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: December 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: November 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: October 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: September 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: August 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: July 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: June 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: May 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: April 2021
    • <h2> SvelteKit is in public beta
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: March 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: February 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: January 2021
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: December 2020
    • <h2> What's the deal with SvelteKit?
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: November 2020
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte: October 2020
    • <h2> Svelte &lt;3 TypeScript
    • <h2> Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
    • <h2> Write less code
    • <h2> Svelte for new developers
    • <h2> Svelte on The Changelog
    • <h2> Virtual DOM is pure overhead
    • <h2> Using CSS-in-JS with Svelte
    • <h2> Svelte v2 is out!
    • <h2> Sapper: Towards the ideal web app framework
    • <h2> The zen of Just Writing CSS
    • <h2> The easiest way to get started with Svelte
    • <h2> Frameworks without the framework: why didn't we think of this sooner?
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: August 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: November 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New in Svelte and SvelteKitpermalink [#new-in-svelte-and-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: September 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: July 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> OpenCollective funding drives Svelte forwardpermalink [#opencollective-funding-drives-svelte-forward]
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: May 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Language Tools updatespermalink [#language-tools-updates]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Streaming, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Stream non-essential data in load functionspermalink [#stream-non-essential-data-in-load-functions]
    • <h2> How does it work?permalink [#how-does-it-work]
    • <h2> Snapshotspermalink [#snapshots]
    • <h2> Route-level deployment configurationpermalink [#route-level-deployment-configuration]
    • <h2> Incremental static regeneration on Vercelpermalink [#incremental-static-regeneration-on-vercel]
    • <h2> And much more...permalink [#and-much-more]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: November 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: March 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> This Week in Svelte:permalink [#this-week-in-svelte]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: January 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Other new bits from svelte/*permalink [#other-new-bits-from-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Svelte v2 is out!
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> tl;drpermalink [#tl-dr]
    • <h2> New template syntaxpermalink [#new-template-syntax]
    • <h2> Computed propertiespermalink [#computed-properties]
    • <h2> Sorry, IE11. It's not you, it's... well actually, yeah. It's youpermalink [#sorry-ie11-it-s-not-you-it-s-well-actually-yeah-it-s-you]
    • <h2> New lifecycle hookspermalink [#new-lifecycle-hooks]
    • <h2> component.observepermalink [#component-observe]
    • <h2> component.getpermalink [#component-get]
    • <h2> event_handler.destroypermalink [#event-handler-destroy]
    • <h2> No more type coercionpermalink [#no-more-type-coercion]
    • <h2> Compiler changespermalink [#compiler-changes]
    • <h2> My app is broken! Help!permalink [#my-app-is-broken-help]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: January 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKit (2.0 and more!)permalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit-2-0-and-more]
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Sapper: Towards the ideal web app framework
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> The compiler-as-framework paradigm shiftpermalink [#the-compiler-as-framework-paradigm-shift]
    • <h2> Introducing Sapperpermalink [#introducing-sapper]
    • <h2> Trade-offspermalink [#trade-offs]
    • <h2> Roadmappermalink [#roadmap]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: December 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What happened at Svelte Summit?permalink [#what-happened-at-svelte-summit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Announcing SvelteKit 2
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Shallow routingpermalink [#shallow-routing]
    • <h2> One year of SvelteKitpermalink [#one-year-of-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Upcomingpermalink [#upcoming]
  • <h1> Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What is Svelte?permalink [#what-is-svelte]
    • <h2> Moving reactivity into the languagepermalink [#moving-reactivity-into-the-language]
    • <h2> New lookpermalink [#new-look]
    • <h2> Upgrading from version 2permalink [#upgrading-from-version-2]
    • <h2> Still to comepermalink [#still-to-come]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: July 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New in SvelteKitpermalink [#new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Features &amp; bug fixes from around svelte/*permalink [#features-bug-fixes-from-around-svelte]
    • <h2> Coming soon to Sveltepermalink [#coming-soon-to-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: October 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New around Sveltepermalink [#new-around-svelte]
    • <h2> SvelteKit Updatespermalink [#sveltekit-updates]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> Before you go, answer the call for speakers!permalink [#before-you-go-answer-the-call-for-speakers]
      • <h3> More info on the sessionize sitepermalink [#before-you-go-answer-the-call-for-speakers-more-info-on-the-sessionize-site]
  • <h1> Using CSS-in-JS with Svelte
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> For examplepermalink [#for-example]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: November 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Svelte changespermalink [#svelte-changes]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: August 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New in Sveltepermalink [#new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> SvelteKit Updatespermalink [#sveltekit-updates]
    • <h2> Features &amp; bug fixes from around svelte/*permalink [#features-bug-fixes-from-around-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: August 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: September 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New in Sveltepermalink [#new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> SvelteKit Updatespermalink [#sveltekit-updates]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> Svelte for new developers
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> First things firstpermalink [#first-things-first]
    • <h2> Installing Node.jspermalink [#installing-node-js]
    • <h2> Installing a text editorpermalink [#installing-a-text-editor]
    • <h2> Creating a projectpermalink [#creating-a-project]
    • <h2> Building your apppermalink [#building-your-app]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: March 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in sveltejs/sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltejs-svelte]
    • <h2> New from sveltejs/language-toolspermalink [#new-from-sveltejs-language-tools]
    • <h2> Other changes from sveltejs/*permalink [#other-changes-from-sveltejs]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: January 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: July 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: July 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: November 2020
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New features &amp; impactful bug fixespermalink [#new-features-impactful-bug-fixes]
    • <h2> Svelte Summit was Svelte-tacular!permalink [#svelte-summit-was-svelte-tacular]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> Introducing runes
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Before we beginpermalink [#before-we-begin]
    • <h2> What are runes?permalink [#what-are-runes]
    • <h2> Beyond componentspermalink [#beyond-components]
    • <h2> Runtime reactivitypermalink [#runtime-reactivity]
    • <h2> Signal boostpermalink [#signal-boost]
    • <h2> Simpler times aheadpermalink [#simpler-times-ahead]
    • <h2> Try it!permalink [#try-it]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: August 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKit and beyondpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit-and-beyond]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: April 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New across the Svelte ecosystempermalink [#new-across-the-svelte-ecosystem]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Announcing Svelte 4
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's newpermalink [#what-s-new]
      • <h3> Performancepermalink [#what-s-new-performance]
      • <h3> Developer experiencepermalink [#what-s-new-developer-experience]
      • <h3> Updated site, docs, and tutorialpermalink [#what-s-new-updated-site-docs-and-tutorial]
    • <h2> Migratingpermalink [#migrating]
    • <h2> Svelte 5: the next generation of Sveltepermalink [#svelte-5-the-next-generation-of-svelte]
    • <h2> Changelogpermalink [#changelog]
    • <h2> Acknowledgementspermalink [#acknowledgements]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: December 2020
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New features &amp; impactful bug fixespermalink [#new-features-impactful-bug-fixes]
    • <h2> What's going on in Sapper?permalink [#what-s-going-on-in-sapper]
    • <h2> What's the deal with SvelteKit?permalink [#what-s-the-deal-with-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's the deal with SvelteKit?
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's Sapper?permalink [#what-s-sapper]
    • <h2> Why are we migrating to something new?permalink [#why-are-we-migrating-to-something-new]
    • <h2> How is this new thing different?permalink [#how-is-this-new-thing-different]
    • <h2> When can I start using it?permalink [#when-can-i-start-using-it]
    • <h2> What if I don't want to use SvelteKit?permalink [#what-if-i-don-t-want-to-use-sveltekit]
    • <h2> TypeScript?permalink [#typescript]
    • <h2> How can I migrate my existing Sapper apps?permalink [#how-can-i-migrate-my-existing-sapper-apps]
    • <h2> How can I contribute?permalink [#how-can-i-contribute]
    • <h2> Where can I learn more?permalink [#where-can-i-learn-more]
  • <h1> Frameworks without the framework: why didn't we think of this sooner?
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What problem do frameworks really solve?permalink [#what-problem-do-frameworks-really-solve]
    • <h2> Introducing Sveltepermalink [#introducing-svelte]
    • <h2> But that's not the important thingpermalink [#but-that-s-not-the-important-thing]
    • <h2> We're just getting startedpermalink [#we-re-just-getting-started]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: April 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Svelte on The Changelog
  • <h1> SvelteKit is in public beta
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Wait, what is SvelteKit?permalink [#wait-what-is-sveltekit]
    • <h2> From Snowpack to Vitepermalink [#from-snowpack-to-vite]
    • <h2> Dogfooding as extreme sportpermalink [#dogfooding-as-extreme-sport]
    • <h2> The road to 1.0permalink [#the-road-to-1-0]
  • <h1> Svelte 5 Release Candidate
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> I'm out of the loop. What's Svelte 5?permalink [#i-m-out-of-the-loop-what-s-svelte-5]
    • <h2> Will I need to rewrite everything?permalink [#will-i-need-to-rewrite-everything]
    • <h2> When is the stable release?permalink [#when-is-the-stable-release]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: April 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's up with SvelteKit?permalink [#what-s-up-with-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: June 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: May 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Highlights from Svelte Summit Spring 2024permalink [#highlights-from-svelte-summit-spring-2024]
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: February 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Write less code
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Readability is importantpermalink [#readability-is-important]
    • <h2> Yes, I'm talking about Sveltepermalink [#yes-i-m-talking-about-svelte]
      • <h3> Top-level elementspermalink [#yes-i-m-talking-about-svelte-top-level-elements]
      • <h3> Bindingspermalink [#yes-i-m-talking-about-svelte-bindings]
      • <h3> Statepermalink [#yes-i-m-talking-about-svelte-state]
    • <h2> Death to boilerplatepermalink [#death-to-boilerplate]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: October 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> A complete overhaul
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Multi-page docspermalink [#multi-page-docs]
    • <h2> Searchpermalink [#search]
    • <h2> Lights, TypeScript, Action!permalink [#lights-typescript-action]
    • <h2> Dark modepermalink [#dark-mode]
    • <h2> Updated REPLpermalink [#updated-repl]
    • <h2> Redesigned homepagepermalink [#redesigned-homepage]
    • <h2> Bottom navigation!permalink [#bottom-navigation]
    • <h2> Unification of Svelte websitespermalink [#unification-of-svelte-websites]
    • <h2> What's nextpermalink [#what-s-next]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: October 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What happened at Svelte Summit?permalink [#what-happened-at-svelte-summit]
    • <h2> More SvelteKit Updatespermalink [#more-sveltekit-updates]
    • <h2> Svelte Updatespermalink [#svelte-updates]
    • <h2> New in Language Toolspermalink [#new-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Ask Questions in the Svelte Discordpermalink [#ask-questions-in-the-svelte-discord]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: May 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New features in the Svelte Compilerpermalink [#new-features-in-the-svelte-compiler]
    • <h2> New in SvelteKitpermalink [#new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> Announcing SvelteKit 1.0
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What is SvelteKit?permalink [#what-is-sveltekit]
    • <h2> How is it different?permalink [#how-is-it-different]
    • <h2> What can I use with SvelteKit?permalink [#what-can-i-use-with-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Where can I deploy my apps?permalink [#where-can-i-deploy-my-apps]
    • <h2> Acknowledgementspermalink [#acknowledgements]
    • <h2> Migratingpermalink [#migrating]
    • <h2> What’s next?permalink [#what-s-next]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: March 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte and Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-and-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> The zen of Just Writing CSS
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> The biggest problem with CSSpermalink [#the-biggest-problem-with-css]
    • <h2> Single File Components change all thatpermalink [#single-file-components-change-all-that]
    • <h2> But we can add tools to do [x]!permalink [#but-we-can-add-tools-to-do-x]
    • <h2> We don't have all the answers — yetpermalink [#we-don-t-have-all-the-answers-yet]
  • <h1> Svelte &lt;3 TypeScript
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Try it nowpermalink [#try-it-now]
    • <h2> What does it mean to support TypeScript in Svelte?permalink [#what-does-it-mean-to-support-typescript-in-svelte]
      • <h3> How does it work?permalink [#what-does-it-mean-to-support-typescript-in-svelte-how-does-it-work]
      • <h3> *.svelte Introspectionpermalink [#what-does-it-mean-to-support-typescript-in-svelte-svelte-introspection]
    • <h2> Adding TypeScript to an existing projectpermalink [#adding-typescript-to-an-existing-project]
      • <h3> 1. Compiling TypeScriptpermalink [#adding-typescript-to-an-existing-project-1-compiling-typescript]
      • <h3> 2. Editor Supportpermalink [#adding-typescript-to-an-existing-project-2-editor-support]
      • <h3> 3. CI Checkspermalink [#adding-typescript-to-an-existing-project-3-ci-checks]
    • <h2> What about TypeScript in Sapper projects?permalink [#what-about-typescript-in-sapper-projects]
    • <h2> How can I contribute?permalink [#how-can-i-contribute]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: June 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: April 2024
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: January 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's changed in Svelte?permalink [#what-s-changed-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's going on in Sapper?permalink [#what-s-going-on-in-sapper]
    • <h2> Is SvelteKit ready yet?permalink [#is-sveltekit-ready-yet]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: October 2020
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New featurespermalink [#new-features]
    • <h2> Impactful bug fixespermalink [#impactful-bug-fixes]
    • <h2> Coming uppermalink [#coming-up]
    • <h2> Svelte Showcasepermalink [#svelte-showcase]
      • <h3> In-depth learning:permalink [#svelte-showcase-in-depth-learning]
      • <h3> Plug-and-play components:permalink [#svelte-showcase-plug-and-play-components]
      • <h3> Lots of examples of how use JS tech came out this month:permalink [#svelte-showcase-lots-of-examples-of-how-use-js-tech-came-out-this-month]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: May 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New Svelte Ambassadorspermalink [#new-svelte-ambassadors]
    • <h2> SvelteHack winners will be announced May 6thpermalink [#sveltehack-winners-will-be-announced-may-6th]
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Unlocking view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> How view transitions workpermalink [#how-view-transitions-work]
    • <h2> How onNavigate workspermalink [#how-onnavigate-works]
    • <h2> Getting started with view transitionspermalink [#getting-started-with-view-transitions]
    • <h2> Customizing the transition with CSSpermalink [#customizing-the-transition-with-css]
    • <h2> Transitioning individual elementspermalink [#transitioning-individual-elements]
    • <h2> Reduced motionpermalink [#reduced-motion]
    • <h2> What’s next?permalink [#what-s-next]
    • <h2> Resourcespermalink [#resources]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: June 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New in SvelteKitpermalink [#new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Notable bug fixes in SvelteKitpermalink [#notable-bug-fixes-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: March 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New in Language Toolspermalink [#new-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: February 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Highlights from the Svelte changelogpermalink [#highlights-from-the-svelte-changelog]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: December 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte (5.0 Preview!)permalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-5-0-preview]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: June 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Sveltepermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: September 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte &amp; Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-language-tools]
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: February 2021
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> New compiler featurespermalink [#new-compiler-features]
    • <h2> New bits in language-toolspermalink [#new-bits-in-language-tools]
    • <h2> Big improvements across the Svelte ecosystempermalink [#big-improvements-across-the-svelte-ecosystem]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
    • <h2> See you next month!permalink [#see-you-next-month]
  • <h1> Zero-effort type safety
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Generated typespermalink [#generated-types]
    • <h2> Virtual filespermalink [#virtual-files]
    • <h2> Type safety without typespermalink [#type-safety-without-types]
    • <h2> How does it work?permalink [#how-does-it-work]
    • <h2> What's nextpermalink [#what-s-next]
  • <h1> svelte/motion
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> tweenedpermalink [#tweened]
    • <h2> springpermalink [#spring]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> Springpermalink [#types-spring]
      • <h3> Tweenedpermalink [#types-tweened]
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: December 2022
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> New in Sveltepermalink [#new-in-svelte]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> What's new in Svelte: February 2023
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What's new in SvelteKitpermalink [#what-s-new-in-sveltekit]
    • <h2> What's new in Svelte and Language Toolspermalink [#what-s-new-in-svelte-and-language-tools]
    • <h2> Community Showcasepermalink [#community-showcase]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Accelerating Svelte's Development
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> Scaling the teampermalink [#scaling-the-team]
    • <h2> Partnershipspermalink [#partnerships]
    • <h2> A growing communitypermalink [#a-growing-community]
    • <h2> Things to watchpermalink [#things-to-watch]
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Examples
  • <h1> Virtual DOM is pure overhead
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> What is the virtual DOM?permalink [#what-is-the-virtual-dom]
    • <h2> How did the meme start?permalink [#how-did-the-meme-start]
    • <h2> So... is the virtual DOM slow?permalink [#so-is-the-virtual-dom-slow]
    • <h2> Where does the overhead come from?permalink [#where-does-the-overhead-come-from]
    • <h2> It's not just the diffing thoughpermalink [#it-s-not-just-the-diffing-though]
    • <h2> Why do frameworks use the virtual DOM then?permalink [#why-do-frameworks-use-the-virtual-dom-then]
  • <h1> svelte/animate
    • <h2> On this page On this page
    • <h2> flippermalink [#flip]
    • <h2> Typespermalink [#types]
      • <h3> AnimationConfigpermalink [#types-animationconfig]
      • <h3> FlipParamspermalink [#types-flipparams]
  • <h1> Examples
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Content types

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No rows found, please edit your search term.

Source domains

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DNS info

DNS resolving tree
DNS server:

SSL/TLS info

IssuerC = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
SubjectCN =
Valid fromJul 16 13:01:17 2024 GMT (VALID already 31.2 day(s))
Valid toOct 14 13:01:16 2024 GMT (VALID still for 58.8 day(s))
Supported protocolsTLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
RAW certificate outputCertificate:
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
            Not Before: Jul 16 13:01:17 2024 GMT
            Not After : Oct 14 13:01:16 2024 GMT
        Subject: CN =
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
            Authority Information Access: 
                OCSP - URI:
                CA Issuers - URI:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
            CT Precertificate SCTs: 
                Signed Certificate Timestamp:
                    Version   : v1 (0x0)
                    Log ID    : 48:B0:E3:6B:DA:A6:47:34:0F:E5:6A:02:FA:9D:30:EB:
                    Timestamp : Jul 16 14:01:17.230 2024 GMT
                    Extensions: none
                    Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256
                Signed Certificate Timestamp:
                    Version   : v1 (0x0)
                    Log ID    : 3F:17:4B:4F:D7:22:47:58:94:1D:65:1C:84:BE:0D:12:
                    Timestamp : Jul 16 14:01:17.238 2024 GMT
                    Extensions: none
                    Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:
RAW protocols outputdepth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:CN =
   i:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Jul 16 13:01:17 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Oct 14 13:01:16 2024 GMT
 1 s:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
   i:C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Mar 13 00:00:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Mar 12 23:59:59 2027 GMT
Server certificate
subject=CN =
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R11
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 3090 bytes and written 308 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived:
    Protocol  : TLSv1.3
    Cipher    : TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
    Session-ID: 14391EE01328AB2CAD1E9D0F30B5B8C83A1EFAA08331453C3EF43D86AB27892B
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    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 02 08 a8 21 a8 7b b0 5b-d7 f3 6d e2 c5 16 8b e6   ...!.{.[..m.....
    0010 - 52 bb 38 d6 e3 4c 86 69-cd 98 bb 19 72 45 f6 5e   R.8..L.i....rE.^
    0020 - 63 32 c6 35 b8 bf cb 53-7b 09 73 c0 d5 fd 99 a0   c2.5...S{.s.....
    0030 - 5a 35 a9 f7 b2 14 97 9b-12 59 52 9d 76 3f ad d7   Z5.......YR.v?..
    0040 - ee 38 a1 0b 81 15 1b b9-5a 48 59 1f 29 10 09 02   .8......ZHY.)...
    0050 - 35 bc c3 9d f7 97 3a 0e-06 e9 9b 26 9d 45 9b 25   5.....:....&.E.%
    0060 - bc e0 6a 0e 36 85 73 f1-23                        ..j.6.s.#

    Start Time: 1723834048
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

Crawler stats

Basic stats
Total execution time4.9 s
Total URLs516
Total size48 MB
Requests - total time99 s
Requests - avg time192 ms
Requests - min time55 ms
Requests - max time7.6 s
Requests by status200 : 506
301 : 4
302 : 3
308 : 2
404 : 1

Analysis stats

Found 20 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
Manager::parseDOMDocument509 ms 321
SslTlsAnalyzer::getTLSandSSLCertificateInfo423 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkInlineSvg117 ms 321
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingRoles103 ms 317
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkNonClickablePhoneNumbers90 ms 321
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMaxDOMDepth77 ms 321
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingAriaLabels72 ms 317
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkHeadingStructure52 ms 321
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLabels34 ms 317
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMissingQuotesOnAttributes18 ms 321
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkImageAltAttributes8 ms 317
AccessibilityAnalyzer::checkMissingLang1 ms 317
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeHeadings1 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeSeo1 ms 1
SeoAndOpenGraphAnalyzer::analyzeOpenGraph1 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkTitleUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkMetaDescriptionUniqueness0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkBrotliSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkWebpSupport0 ms 1
BestPracticeAnalyzer::checkAvifSupport0 ms 1
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Content processor stats

Found 12 row(s).
Class::methodExec time 🔽Exec count
HtmlProcessor::findUrls93 ms 325
AstroProcessor::findUrls16 ms 351
NextJsProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing3 ms 372
CssProcessor::findUrls2 ms 336
JavaScriptProcessor::findUrls2 ms 351
AstroProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 354
NextJsProcessor::findUrls0 ms 369
SvelteProcessor::findUrls0 ms 318
HtmlProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 330
CssProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 339
SvelteProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 321
JavaScriptProcessor::applyContentChangesBeforeUrlParsing0 ms 354
No rows found, please edit your search term.

Crawler info

Executed At 2024-08-16 18:47:24
Commandsrc/crawler.php \
  --workers=3 \
  --max-reqs-per-sec=20 \
  --upload \
  --upload-retention=forever \
  --max-visited-urls=1000 \
  --allowed-domain-for-external-files=* \
  --extra-columns=X-Vercel-Cache,Title(50) \
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 siteone-crawler/